There are just things I'm curious about. In this "Quantum Tangle" survey, I couldn't find any literature or papers that shouted "I don't know!" "Mysterious!" like my column.
After all, there was only the phrase "a phenomenon like this is called "entanglement"", and there is no essential reaction to this phenomenon. It is an
"At present, this "non-locality of quantum" called "quantum entanglement" is a physical phenomenon that can only be considered as "insane" from the viewpoint of classical mechanics based on observations."
In a "cheap" success example (computer simulation in a convenient setting with limited experimental conditions, etc.), the researchers and engineers who mass-produce papers,
Despite the name "imaginary", imaginary space is a space that exists in reality (orthogonal space), but is only in a dead angle (orthogonal) from real space.
As opposed to "Really fulfillment", so-called "RE-life"
the "rent-a-girlfriend/boyfriend" is a new value in the orthogonal space,
package main
import (
// Item representation
type Item struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// Global, static list of items
var itemList = []Item{
Item{Title: "Item A", Description: "The first item"},
Item{Title: "Item B", Description: "The second item"},
Item{Title: "Item C", Description: "The third item"},
// Controller for the / route (home)
func homePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "This is the home page. Welcome!")
// Contoller for the /items route
func returnAllItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
respondWithJson(w, http.StatusOK, itemList)
// Controller for the /items/{id} route
func returnSingleItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get query parameters using Mux
vars := mux.Vars(r)
// Convert {id} parameter from string to int
key, err := strconv.Atoi(vars["id"])
// If {id} parameter is not valid in
if err != nil {
respondWithError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid reqest payload")
// If item with ID of {id} does not exist
if key >= len(itemList) {
respondWithError(w, http.StatusNotFound, "Item does not exist")
respondWithJson(w, http.StatusOK, itemList[key])
func respondWithError(w http.ResponseWriter, code int, msg string) {
respondWithJson(w, code, map[string]string{"error": msg})
func respondWithJson(w http.ResponseWriter, code int, payload interface{}) {
response, _ := json.Marshal(payload)
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "application/json")
func handleRequests() {
myRouter := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
myRouter.HandleFunc("/", homePage)
myRouter.HandleFunc("/items", returnAllItems)
myRouter.HandleFunc("/items/{id}", returnSingleItem)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", myRouter))
func main() {
http://localhost:8000/ → ホームページ、テキスト("This is the home page. Welcome!")を見せる
http://localhost:8000/items → "[{"title":"Item A","description":"The first item"},{"title":"Item B","description":"The second item"},{"title":"Item C","description":"The third item"}]"
http://localhost:8000/items/1 → {"title":"Item B","description":"The second item"}
Other benefits include (1) field trials for dates, (2) checklists and debugging before the real date, (3) avoidance of isolation, (4) clothing consultants, etc.
Otherwise, it may be useful as a kind of "mimicry" for people who (a) are in an environment of strong marriage pressure (immediate family, community, organization (company)), (b) are in an environment where there is no understanding of homosexuality, etc., or (c) think that "being alone is bad for their appearance"
In order to get the various projects passed, I was planning many things behind the scenes, using the authority of the student council president and the chairman of the executive committee.
I think I've done some "diggint route root" and "behind-the-scenes maneuvering" that didn't go through regular channels if it was to get the project through.
And, well, this character of mine (narrow, shallow, and cowardly) has not been fixed to this day.