



I have written here,


Logical or not, we have only two choices at the end of our lives: (1) die without dementia, or (2) die with dementia.

―― どうせ、いずれ自分が罵しられることになるなら、今、他人を罵しっておいた方がおトクかな


And, well, soon, I will be entering the dementia phase.



Many people fear the "cognitive impairment" in dementia, but even beyond that, dementia raises the "mortality" rate.


The opposite?


Aging, underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as infections, malnutrition, and poor physical function, can also trigger dementia.


In any case, the benefits of good health are significant.

自分にとっても、他人(社会)にとってもです ―― 今更、何を、という感じですが。

Both for myself and others (society) --- Even if you think what Ebata is talking 



My father, who never drank or smoked, became cognitively impaired but still did not become "bedridden" for the rest of his life. (He stopped smoking after he started his own business.)


My mother also never drank or smoked, but she fell in a factory and almost became critically ill, and as far as I can remember, she had two car accidents. I believe this is what caused her to be 'bedridden' in her later years.


Comparing the two, our caregiving load was “quantitatively obvious”.


For us sisters and brothers who have cared for our parents, our father's health has been a real, tangible help.


I have confirmed that if we had both become 'bedridden,' our sister and brother care team would have failed.



The main reason I currently do not drink, smoke, or overeat and continue to do pull-ups, sit-ups, and step-ups is because of my father in his later years.


My father is my learning persona.


More than the millions or even millions of dollars in inheritance, my father's good health helped my siblings and me.


In addition, my father and mother left me a legacy that I am grateful to use, although it is only for my (adult) college tuition.

―― 今の私の選択を、一番喜んでくれているのは、父と母のような気がする


ちなみに、晩年の父は、介護施設内で人気者だったようです ―― 認知障害で、まともな会話もできていなかったのに、端的に言えば「モテていた」のです。施設の高齢者だけでなく、施設の介護支援の方からも、です。

Incidentally, in his later years, my father was a famous person in the nursing home -- he was "popular," to put it simply, even though he was cognitively impaired and could not speak properly not only from older people in the facility but also from the care support staff.


The father figure overlaps with "Charlie returning to the institution" in the last chapter of "Flowers for Algernon."


There is indeed a way to live a life that people continue to love, even when you have dementia and are no longer able to contribute to society, only to be taken care of by people.


I have confirmed that.







"for i, agent := range agents {" は表示するだけなら問題はないが、書き込みはできず、

" for i := range agents {
          agent := &agents[i] // この1行が滅茶苦茶重要"



i := 1000
	if i < len(agents) {  // これは構造体の数を越えていないかをチェックする
		agent := &agents[i]
		fmt.Printf("hh_id:%d idv_id:%d\n", agent.hh_id, agent.idv_id)
		fmt.Printf("Agent %d: q1=%d, q2t=%d, q31=%d, q32=%d, q33=%d, q34=%d, q41a=%d, q42a=%d, q43a=%d, q44a=%d, q45a=%d, q46a=%d, q47a=%d, q41e=%d, q42e=%d, q43e=%d, q44e=%d, q45e=%d, q46e=%d, q47e=%d, q10=%d, q13=%d, q14=%d, no_answer=%d\n",
			i, agent.q1, agent.q2t, agent.q31, agent.q32, agent.q33, agent.q34,
			agent.q41a, agent.q42a, agent.q43a, agent.q44a, agent.q45a, agent.q46a, agent.q47a,
			agent.q41e, agent.q42e, agent.q43e, agent.q44e, agent.q45e, agent.q46e, agent.q47e,
			agent.q10, agent.q13, agent.q14, agent.no_answer)

		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("trip: {id:%d act_id:%d trip_id:%d day:%d origin:%s destination:%s ox:%.6f oy:%.6f dx:%.6f dy:%.6f m_ox:%.6f m_oy:%.6f m_dx:%.6f m_dy:%.6f dep_area:%s arr_area:%s dep_time:%s m_dep_time:%s arr_time:%s m_arr_time:%s stay_time:%.2f traffic:%s next_id:%d category:%d}\n",
				trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day, trip.origin, trip.destination, trip.ox, trip.oy, trip.dx, trip.dy, trip.m_ox, trip.m_oy, trip.m_dx, trip.m_dy,
				trip.dep_area, trip.arr_area, trip.dep_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.m_dep_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.arr_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.m_arr_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.stay_time.Hours(), trip.traffic, trip.next_id, trip.category)




// G:\home\ebata\tomioka3B\src\others\main85.go

package main

import (

// Trip構造体の定義
type Trip struct {
	id      int
	act_id  int
	trip_id int
	day     int

// Agent構造体の定義
type Agent struct {
	hh_id     int
	idv_id    int
	trip      []Trip
	sex       int
	no_answer int

// getGenderメソッドの定義
func (a Agent) getGender() (string, error) {
	switch a.sex {
	case 1:
		return "女性", nil
	case 2:
		return "男性", nil
	case 3:
		return "その他(未回答)", nil
		return "", errors.New("invalid sex value")

func main() {
	// エージェントを5個生成
	agents := make([]Agent, 5)
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		agents[i] = Agent{
			hh_id:  i + 1,
			idv_id: i + 1,
			sex:    (i % 3) + 1, // 1, 2, 3をループ
			trip: []Trip{
				{id: 1, act_id: 10, trip_id: 100 + i, day: 1},
				{id: 2, act_id: 20, trip_id: 200 + i, day: 2},

	// 各エージェントの性別とTrip情報を表示
	for i, agent := range agents {
		gender, err := agent.getGender()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Error: %v\n", i+1, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Gender: %s\n", i+1, gender)
		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("\tTrip ID: %d, Act ID: %d, Trip ID: %d, Day: %d\n", trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day)

$ go run main85.go
Agent 1: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 100, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 200, Day: 2
Agent 2: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 101, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 201, Day: 2
Agent 3: Gender: その他(未回答)
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 102, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 202, Day: 2
Agent 4: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 103, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 203, Day: 2
Agent 5: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 104, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 204, Day: 2

このプログラムの後ろに、Agent 4を変更するプログラムを追加したい、とする。

Agent 4は
(1)hh_idを1000, idv_idを1001, sexを2、no_answerを1
Trip ID: 123, Act ID: 456, Trip ID: 789, Day: 1
Trip ID: 321, Act ID: 654, Trip ID: 987, Day: 2


package main

import (

// Trip構造体の定義
type Trip struct {
	id      int
	act_id  int
	trip_id int
	day     int

// Agent構造体の定義
type Agent struct {
	hh_id     int
	idv_id    int
	trip      []Trip
	sex       int
	no_answer int

// getGenderメソッドの定義
func (a Agent) getGender() (string, error) {
	switch a.sex {
	case 1:
		return "女性", nil
	case 2:
		return "男性", nil
	case 3:
		return "その他(未回答)", nil
		return "", errors.New("invalid sex value")

func main() {
	// エージェントを5個生成
	agents := make([]Agent, 5)
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		agents[i] = Agent{
			hh_id:  i + 1,
			idv_id: i + 1,
			sex:    (i % 3) + 1, // 1, 2, 3をループ
			trip: []Trip{
				{id: 1, act_id: 10, trip_id: 100 + i, day: 1},
				{id: 2, act_id: 20, trip_id: 200 + i, day: 2},

	// 各エージェントの性別とTrip情報を表示
	for i, agent := range agents {
		gender, err := agent.getGender()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Error: %v\n", i+1, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Gender: %s\n", i+1, gender)
		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("\tTrip ID: %d, Act ID: %d, Trip ID: %d, Day: %d\n", trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day)

	// Agent 4を変更
	agentIndex := 3
	if agentIndex < len(agents) {
		agents[agentIndex] = Agent{ // for i, agent := range agents のagentに上書きしても反映されない
			hh_id:     1000,
			idv_id:    1001,
			sex:       2,
			no_answer: 1,
			trip: []Trip{
				{id: 123, act_id: 456, trip_id: 789, day: 1},
				{id: 321, act_id: 654, trip_id: 987, day: 2},

	// 変更後のエージェント情報を表示
	fmt.Println("\nAfter modification:")
	for i, agent := range agents {
		gender, err := agent.getGender()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Error: %v\n", i+1, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Gender: %s\n", i+1, gender)
		fmt.Printf("Agent %d: hh_id:%d, idv_id:%d, no_answer:%d\n", i+1, agent.hh_id, agent.idv_id, agent.no_answer)
		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("\tTrip ID: %d, Act ID: %d, Trip ID: %d, Day: %d\n", trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day)

tomoi@DESKTOP-1QS7OI7 MSYS /g/home/ebata/tomioka3B/src/others
$ go run main85.go
Agent 1: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 100, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 200, Day: 2
Agent 2: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 101, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 201, Day: 2
Agent 3: Gender: その他(未回答)
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 102, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 202, Day: 2
Agent 4: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 103, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 203, Day: 2
Agent 5: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 104, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 204, Day: 2

After modification:
Agent 1: Gender: 女性
Agent 1: hh_id:1, idv_id:1, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 100, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 200, Day: 2
Agent 2: Gender: 男性
Agent 2: hh_id:2, idv_id:2, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 101, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 201, Day: 2
Agent 3: Gender: その他(未回答)
Agent 3: hh_id:3, idv_id:3, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 102, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 202, Day: 2
Agent 4: Gender: 男性
Agent 4: hh_id:1000, idv_id:1001, no_answer:1
Trip ID: 123, Act ID: 456, Trip ID: 789, Day: 1
Trip ID: 321, Act ID: 654, Trip ID: 987, Day: 2
Agent 5: Gender: 男性
Agent 5: hh_id:5, idv_id:5, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 104, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 204, Day: 2



The other day, I wrote in my diary here



"What books have you read lately?" Who is your favorite author? And what's the story behind the book? These are simple profiling techniques that we, the general public, can use.



But, honestly, some people may say, "I don't want to go through the hassle of reading.


So, by reading just one book,


(1) "Someone will get a good impression that you might be a nice person" and


(2) "You will be seen (misunderstood) as an intelligent person.


(3) "You are seen as a well-read person (misunderstood)."


(4) "The book is a world-famous book (that can be used in foreign countries)."


(5) "It is interesting (and painless) to read by yourself.



And as one that meets all of these criteria


"Flowers for Algernon"


As the one that fulfilled all these conditions.


I don't know anyone who would call this book a 'bad book,' and if there were, you would ignore them.



Flowers for Algernon" is the story of Charlie, a mentally disabled young man who undergoes an operation to increase his intelligence and becomes a genius.


As Charlie's intelligence improves, so do his relationships and self-understanding, but eventually, he reverts to his original intelligence.


The book will illustrate questions about knowledge, emotion, and human dignity throughout this process.


If you have not read the book, please read it.

ちなみに、この本の原作の題名"Flowers for Algernon"は、私が知っている英語の中で、もっとも好きなフレーズです。

Incidentally, the book's original title, "Flowers for Algernon," is the most beautiful phrase I know in English.



I had given this book as a gift to women I dated in my younger years.


Of course, the book is good, but I also had a prickly ulterior motive: to sell. "I have the sense to give away this book.


Now, I don't know if this sales pitch was successful or not.



Some of you may have noticed that I have been doing "strange" things lately.



This formulation has been something I have wanted to try since I first read the book.


With the help of ChatGPT, I was finally able to clear things up this time.






















[math jax] $$ e = \lim_{n \to +\infty} \biggl( 1+\frac{1}{n} \biggl)^{n} $$

$$ e = \lim_{n \to +\infty} \biggl( 1+\frac{1}{n} \biggl)^{n} $$




「アルジャーノンに花束を」(原題:Flowers for Algernon)で言及されているセリフは以下の通りです:




「人工的に高められた知能は、上昇した度合いに比例して急激に衰える。」 を微分方程式で表現して下さい


「人工的に高められた知能は、上昇した度合いに比例して急激に衰える」という文を微分方程式で表現する場合、知能のレベル I(t)I(t)I(t) が時間 ttt に対してどのように変化するかを考えます。この文の解釈に基づいて、知能の衰えがその知能レベルに比例することを意味します。つまり、知能の減少速度が現在の知能レベルに比例するという形で表現できます。


$$ \frac{dI}{dt} = -kI $$


$$\frac{dI}{dt}$$ は知能の時間に対する変化率(衰えの速度)です。
$$I(t)$$ は時間$$t$$ における知能レベルです。
$$k$$ は比例定数で、知能の衰えの速さを決定します。$$k$$ は正の定数です。



この微分方程式を解くと、知能 $$I(t)$$は指数関数的に減少することがわかります。

$$\frac{dI}{dt} = -kI$$


dII=−k dt\frac{dI}{I} = -k \, dtIdI​=−kdt


∫1I dI=−k∫dt\int \frac{1}{I} \, dI = -k \int dt∫I1​dI=−k∫dt

ln⁡∣I∣=−kt+C\ln |I| = -kt + Cln∣I∣=−kt+C

ここで CCC は積分定数です。両辺の指数を取ると、

∣I∣=e−kt+C|I| = e^{-kt + C}∣I∣=e−kt+C

I=Ce−ktI = Ce^{-kt}I=Ce−kt

この式は一般解を示しています。初期条件 I(0)=I0I(0) = I_0I(0)=I0​ を適用すると、

I0=Ce0I_0 = Ce^0I0​=Ce0

C=I0C = I_0C=I0​


I(t)=I0e−ktI(t) = I_0 e^{-kt}I(t)=I0​e−kt






「人工的に高められた知能」が徐々に減少するという現象を表現するために、知能の自然な状態を I0I_0I0​ とし、人工的に高められた知能を I(t)I(t)I(t) として、それが時間とともに減少していく過程を考慮します。

I0I_0I0​ は元の知能レベル(自然な知能レベル)とします。
I(t)I(t)I(t) は時間 ttt における人工的に高められた知能レベルとします。


dIdt=−k(I(t)−I0)\frac{dI}{dt} = -k (I(t) - I_0)dtdI​=−k(I(t)−I0​)


dIdt\frac{dI}{dt}dtdI​ は知能の時間に対する変化率です。
I(t)I(t)I(t) は時間 ttt における知能レベルです。
I0I_0I0​ は元の知能レベル(自然な知能レベル)です。
kkk は比例定数です。


dIdt=−k(I(t)−I0)\frac{dI}{dt} = -k (I(t) - I_0)dtdI​=−k(I(t)−I0​)


dII−I0=−k dt\frac{dI}{I - I_0} = -k \, dtI−I0​dI​=−kdt


∫1I−I0 dI=−k∫dt\int \frac{1}{I - I_0} \, dI = -k \int dt∫I−I0​1​dI=−k∫dt

ln⁡∣I−I0∣=−kt+C\ln |I - I_0| = -kt + Cln∣I−I0​∣=−kt+C

ここで CCC は積分定数です。両辺の指数を取ると:

∣I−I0∣=e−kt+C|I - I_0| = e^{-kt + C}∣I−I0​∣=e−kt+C

I−I0=±eCe−ktI - I_0 = \pm e^C e^{-kt}I−I0​=±eCe−kt

積分定数 eCe^CeC を C′C'C′ と置き換えると:

I(t)=I0±C′e−ktI(t) = I_0 \pm C' e^{-kt}I(t)=I0​±C′e−kt

初期条件 I(0)=IinitialI(0) = I_{\text{initial}}I(0)=Iinitial​ を適用すると:

Iinitial=I0±C′I_{\text{initial}} = I_0 \pm C'Iinitial​=I0​±C′

したがって、定数 C′C'C′ は Iinitial−I0I_{\text{initial}} - I_0Iinitial​−I0​ となります。これにより、解は次のようになります:

I(t)=I0+(Iinitial−I0)e−ktI(t) = I_0 + (I_{\text{initial}} - I_0) e^{-kt}I(t)=I0​+(Iinitial​−I0​)e−kt

この式は、時間とともに知能が自然なレベル I0I_0I0​ に向かって指数関数的に減少する様子を示しています。


これも変です。I_initial はI_0と同じ値なので、第二項の係数が0になりますよね。


おっしゃる通りです。初期条件に関する考え方に誤りがありました。人工的に高められた知能が時間とともに減少する過程を適切にモデル化するためには、知能の初期値が自然な知能レベル I0I_0I0​ とは異なることを明確にする必要があります。ここでは、人工的に高められた知能レベル ImaxI_{\text{max}}Imax​ を導入し、その変化を考慮します。


I0I_0I0​ は自然な知能レベル
ImaxI_{\text{max}}Imax​ は人工的に高められた知能レベルのピーク
I(t)I(t)I(t) は時間 ttt における知能レベル


dIdt=−k(I(t)−I0)\frac{dI}{dt} = -k (I(t) - I_0)dtdI​=−k(I(t)−I0​)

初期条件として、I(0)=ImaxI(0) = I_{\text{max}}I(0)=Imax​ を考えます。


dIdt=−k(I(t)−I0)\frac{dI}{dt} = -k (I(t) - I_0)dtdI​=−k(I(t)−I0​)


dII−I0=−k dt\frac{dI}{I - I_0} = -k \, dtI−I0​dI​=−kdt


∫1I−I0 dI=−k∫dt\int \frac{1}{I - I_0} \, dI = -k \int dt∫I−I0​1​dI=−k∫dt

ln⁡∣I−I0∣=−kt+C\ln |I - I_0| = -kt + Cln∣I−I0​∣=−kt+C

ここで CCC は積分定数です。両辺の指数を取ると:

∣I−I0∣=e−kt+C|I - I_0| = e^{-kt + C}∣I−I0​∣=e−kt+C

積分定数 eCe^CeC を C′C'C′ と置き換えると:

I−I0=C′e−ktI - I_0 = C' e^{-kt}I−I0​=C′e−kt

初期条件 I(0)=ImaxI(0) = I_{\text{max}}I(0)=Imax​ を適用すると:

Imax−I0=C′I_{\text{max}} - I_0 = C'Imax​−I0​=C′

したがって、定数 C′C'C′ は Imax−I0I_{\text{max}} - I_0Imax​−I0​ となります。これにより、解は次のようになります:

I(t)=I0+(Imax−I0)e−ktI(t) = I_0 + (I_{\text{max}} - I_0) e^{-kt}I(t)=I0​+(Imax​−I0​)e−kt

この式は、時間とともに知能が自然なレベル I0I_0I0​ に向かって指数関数的に減少する様子を正しく表しています。





I0I_0I0​ は元の自然な知能レベルとします。
Ia(t)I_a(t)Ia​(t) は時間 ttt における人工的に加えられた知能の量で、線形に増加すると仮定します。具体的には、Ia(t)=atI_a(t) = atIa​(t)=at とします。
I(t)I(t)I(t) は時間 ttt における総合的な知能レベルで、自然な知能レベル I0I_0I0​ と人工的に加えられた知能 Ia(t)I_a(t)Ia​(t) の和です。


I(t)=I0+Ia(t)I(t) = I_0 + I_a(t)I(t)=I0​+Ia​(t)

ここで Ia(t)=atI_a(t) = atIa​(t)=at です。知能の減少速度が現在の知能レベルに比例することを考慮すると、次の微分方程式になります:

dIdt=−kI(t)\frac{dI}{dt} = -kI(t)dtdI​=−kI(t)

この I(t)I(t)I(t) は自然な知能と人工的に加えられた知能の合計です:

I(t)=I0+atI(t) = I_0 + atI(t)=I0​+at


dIdt=−k(I0+at)\frac{dI}{dt} = -k (I_0 + at)dtdI​=−k(I0​+at)

しかし、上記の形では、線形増加する人工知能の影響をうまくモデル化できないため、以下のように考えます。実際に、人工的に加えられた知能 Ia(t)=atI_a(t) = atIa​(t)=at の効果を考慮しつつ、総合的な知能 I(t)I(t)I(t) の減少を考慮します。


総合的な知能 I(t)I(t)I(t) が時間とともに減少する一方で、人工的に加えられた知能が線形に増加する場合を考えます。


dI(t)dt=ddt[I0+Ia(t)−βI(t)]\frac{dI(t)}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}[I_0 + I_a(t) - \beta I(t)]dtdI(t)​=dtd​[I0​+Ia​(t)−βI(t)]

ここで Ia(t)=atI_a(t) = atIa​(t)=at は人工的に加えられた知能、β\betaβ は減少率です。

したがって、全体の知能レベル I(t)I(t)I(t) は以下のような微分方程式に従います:

dI(t)dt=a−βI(t)\frac{dI(t)}{dt} = a - \beta I(t)dtdI(t)​=a−βI(t)


この微分方程式を解くと、総合的な知能 I(t)I(t)I(t) の時間に対する変化が得られます。

dI(t)dt=a−βI(t)\frac{dI(t)}{dt} = a - \beta I(t)dtdI(t)​=a−βI(t)


dI(t)a−βI(t)=dt\frac{dI(t)}{a - \beta I(t)} = dta−βI(t)dI(t)​=dt


∫1a−βI(t) dI=∫dt\int \frac{1}{a - \beta I(t)} \, dI = \int dt∫a−βI(t)1​dI=∫dt

−1βln⁡∣a−βI(t)∣=t+C-\frac{1}{\beta} \ln |a - \beta I(t)| = t + C−β1​ln∣a−βI(t)∣=t+C

両辺に −β-\beta−β を掛けて整理すると:

ln⁡∣a−βI(t)∣=−βt+C′\ln |a - \beta I(t)| = -\beta t + C'ln∣a−βI(t)∣=−βt+C′

ここで C′C'C′ は新たな積分定数です。指数を取ると:

∣a−βI(t)∣=e−βt+C′|a - \beta I(t)| = e^{-\beta t + C'}∣a−βI(t)∣=e−βt+C′

初期条件 I(0)=IinitialI(0) = I_{\text{initial}}I(0)=Iinitial​ を適用すると:

a−βIinitial=eC′a - \beta I_{\text{initial}} = e^{C'}a−βIinitial​=eC′

これを C′′C''C′′ と置き換えると:

a−βI(t)=C′′e−βta - \beta I(t) = C'' e^{-\beta t}a−βI(t)=C′′e−βt

したがって、総合的な知能レベル I(t)I(t)I(t) は次のように表現されます:

I(t)=aβ+(Iinitial−aβ)e−βtI(t) = \frac{a}{\beta} + \left(I_{\text{initial}} - \frac{a}{\beta}\right) e^{-\beta t}I(t)=βa​+(Iinitial​−βa​)e−βt




The program is called "Monday Late Show" and has Matsuko Deluxe as the MC.


In this program, there is a project to interview people in towns all over Japan, but the people edited out are all "weirdos" who are different from the so-called "ordinary people.


For example, people who roam the streets in strange clothing, are drunk in the daytime or are not afraid to make immoral remarks.


That is the purpose of the program's planning, so I don't think it can be helped, but I think, 'It must be challenging to find these people.


On a standard deviation scale, this means people in the 2.5 sigma to 2.5 sigma range (to give you an idea, less than 1.7 people out of 100 interviewed).


My city has also appeared on the show, and I felt a little bitter, thinking, 'I don't want these people to be the image makers of my city.


Still, I was not too worried because I think Japanese people would watch the program knowing the intention of such a project.



However, I became quite concerned when I learned that "Monday Late Show" is a top-rated program in China (on the mainland).


I thought, 'It is very troubling that these people (weirdos people) are regarded as symbols of the Japanese nation.


The reason is that I remember the countries that launched a war against a country 50 times its strength (Japan) or a country that launched a war against all neighboring countries (Germany), thinking that "Americans are a people of amusement and inferior to the mentality of the Japanese" or "the Germanic people are superior to other peoples.

それくらいなら、「天皇は日本国の象徴である(日本国憲法第1条)」の方を強く押して、NHKの『皇室アルバム』と併わせて海外発信して欲しい ―― まあ、これはこれで、別の問題も炎上させそうですが。

I'd rather see a stronger push for "The Emperor is the symbol of the nation of Japan (Article 1 of the Constitution of Japan)" and have it published overseas in conjunction with NHK's "Imperial Family Album" -- well, this is likely to inflame other issues as well.

「日本国憲法第9条問題」という火炎瓶を、東南アジアの国々に投げこんだら ―― 炎上必至と思うんですけど、もうそういう時代でもないのかな?

If you throw a Molotov cocktail called "The Issue of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution" at Southeast Asian countries -- I think it will inevitably cause a firestorm. Still, I wonder if that is no longer the case.


Since the issue of China (both continental and island) is scratching Southeast Asian countries right now, perhaps now is a good time for an "Article 9 amendment".



Well, let's put that aside.



On the other hand, the Chinese who appeared in "Monday Late Show" said


"I also watch 'Document 72 Hours' (NHK program).


I was a little relieved to hear her talk. 

―― "一旗"って何だろう?


Because I believe that this program "generally portrays life-size Japanese people" with Japanese people who are suffering from various personal problems.



It suits our country (tax revenue) when we sell Japanese content overseas.


I would like to see them sell more and more anime, comics, and "Monday Late Show" and make a fortune.


However, since these contents are entertainment, they are portrayed in a way that departs from the real-life image of the Japanese people.


It is inevitable, but it would be a problem if, for example, shouting "Double payback! It is the standard for Japanese people, and it would be a problem if, as in the case of "Oshin," the limit of acceptance is considered to be infinitely high.


For this reason, I would like NHK to continue to do its best to present the "true image of the Japanese people" through our subscription fees.



I have previously described why parents feel comfortable when their children are reading.

―― 太宰や芥川の文庫本を、読みかけのようにして、リビングの床に落しておくだけ


I am one of those mediocre parents.


The reason why I think that way is because of my own experience that 'reading is painful.


Since it is painful, the illusion arises that 'people who read a lot of books are hardworking and respectable.'


And I think that illusion is entirely flooding the world quite a bit.


In fact, "reading" is a rather conveniently used measure of a person.



What books have you read lately?" Who is your favorite author? And what's the story behind the book? These are simple profiling techniques that we, ordinary people, can use.


We don't use this technique among friends or colleagues but often at first meetings, such as school or college interviews or blind dates. Because it is convenient and easy.


And, well, we adults who know such things empirically want our children to be able to give "nice and witty answers" to such questions at any time.


It is a kind of "risk management."

こういう質問に対してサラッと答えられる人を「カッコイイ」とか「安心できる」と思う人は ―― まあ、分かりませんが、少なくとも世界に一人はいます。

People who think that a person who can answer these questions smoothly is "cool" or "secure" -- well, I don't know, but there is at least one person in the world.



And one of the victims was my daughter.


The other day, my daughter told me,


"A fundamental problem exists with a father recommending "Bakemonogatari" to his elementary school daughter."



I have talked about Ishin Nishio's book several times.


I can say many things about it, such as "excessive wordplay and unique style" and "complex plot and characterization," but I like it.

「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。

『世間の常識(良識)を疑い、人間の善性や悪性を、ある時は肯定し、ある時は否定する』―― そのロジックが楽しい。

I enjoy the book's logic, which "doubts the common sense of the world, affirming at times the goodness and malignancy of human nature, and at other times denying it."


The father who recommended "Bakemonogatari" to his elementary school daughter may have had a fundamental problem, but I think my daughter has developed a normal reading habit.


However, my daughter's reading field(*) has not expanded as much as I had hoped, but I think that's OK.


(*)Literature, history, non-fiction, philosophy, politics, economics, etc.



When I was a student at the university, I was studying alone, doing what I wanted to do, when the matron of the university dormitory, perhaps not seeing me, said to me,


"If you work hard at what you want to do, you will find others who want to follow your path."



As a conclusion of my life up to this age, I affirm the following.


"I have never been able to make such a friend, and I am convinced I will not be able to make such a friend until I die."



If one thinks about it, this result is logically natural, needless an inductive observation.


Because others are not me, and what they want to do is not what I want to do.


Your way of thinking has never been, and will never be, understood by anyone, and you will never be able to make friends who pursue the same path.

この孤独の闘いの果てにあるものは何か ―― 孤独の闘いの終了(死)だけです。

What is at the end of this solitary struggle? It is only the end of the solitary battle (death).


And the fact that nobody remembers you and me. Not a trace of the struggle will remain.


And, well, I'm "okay with that".


人と共にありたい、人と理解しあいたい、人から優しくして欲しい ―― そう思うなら、「一人ぼっちの闘い」などは、止めてしまえばいい。

If you want to be with others, if you want to understand others, if you want others to be kind to you -- if that's what you want, then you can stop "fighting alone."


No one blames you; I don't blame you, and you don't have to blame yourself.


A cessation of fighting is a 'ceasefire.' Generally, a ceasefire is welcomed unconditionally worldwide.


You will stop "Fighting the world and myself." immediately.



Stop 'hating' on the world that no one understands you for your lone struggle. It's not only pointless. It's out of line.


Looking for ways to "enjoy your world " without anyone understanding you is much more constructive.



After all, what I do in my work, studies, columns, and blog is like that.

闘いをやめて世界と迎合して楽しく生きていくのも、闘い続けながら息もできないような孤独の中で死んでいくのも ―― どっちの生き方も、大して変わりません。

You can stop fighting and live happily in harmony with the world, or you can continue to fight and die in solitude that makes it impossible to breathe -- either way of life is much the same.

私たちは、好きな方を選べばいい、と思います ―― ただ、選んだ後で、ガタガタ、グチグチと言わない方がいいとは思います。

I think we can choose whichever we want -- I don't think we should rattle and whine about it after we've made our choice.


Because it's not a good look.


これで、答えになっていますか? 私に質問をされた方。

Does this answer your question asked me?

『友人は債券である』 ―― この話を嫁さんにしたら、嫌な顔をしていました。






When you fill out a survey or register on a website, the state asks you, 

「お客様の個人情報の利用目的外についての利用. お客様からお預かりしました個人情報につきましては、上記利用目的以外には、一切の利用を行いません」

"We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than those stated above. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those stated above."

って、一体、誰が、それを保証し、保障してくれるの? と思っています。

But who in the world can guarantee and warrant that? I am wondering.


The above is a "pledge" and not a "contract".


Because (in my opinion) there are incidents of personal information leaks every other day.


Since even an external attack can leak out so quickly, there is no way to 100% stop this from happening in the hands of an insider.


If anyone can refute my views, please challenge me.


例えば、「お客様の個人情報の利用目的外についての利用. お客様からお預かりしました個人情報につきましては、上記利用目的以外には、一切の利用を行いません」

For example, "We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than those stated above. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those stated above."


In addition to the following,


"If such a fact should ever occur, we will, within 72 hours of the fact, dismiss all of our employees, distribute our assets to our customers and pay the remainder to the government treasury, close our business entirely, and accept the finality of the judgment without appeal at the first instance if all of our directors become defendants in the information leakage."


I would expect the above.

この記述でさえも「誓約」の粋を出ませんが、僅かなながらも記述内容に信用が加わるとは思います―― でも、私が調べた限り、そんな会社や組織は一つもありませんでした。

Even though this statement is not the best of "pledges," I think it adds some credibility to the statement, albeit only a little - but as far as I have found, there is no such company or organization.



Previously, I had created a fictitious person to complete surveys and website registrations.


I gave my name, age, occupation, address, phone number, all bullshit, and my email address was a free email address that I created and then deleted after I finished.


With so many leaks going on, my (our) personal information must have already been spread around.


Under such circumstances, it became ridiculous to create fictitious characters, so I stopped.



There was another recent survey, and I described the following in the comments section at the end.



(1) I feel stressed when I read the results of the medical interview, which seem to miss the point. (1) It is stressful to read the results of a medical questionnaire that seems off the mark.


(2) While the questionnaires' contents are said to be confidential, it is easy to identify the respondents if statistics are collected on a small group of people (the basis of statistics). In effect, I feel that this type of questionnaire does not guarantee privacy.



I did, however, eventually cross this comment out and submit it.


For an organization, identifying individuals is a piece of cake.

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。


And, "Even a pheasant will not be struck unless it crows" is a fundamental principle of the organization.
