

tomioka_db_c=# SELECT seq, node, edge, source, target, b.cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways WHERE (source NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 20 AND target NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 20) AND (source NOT BETWEEN 30 AND 40 AND target NOT BETWEEN 30 AND 40)',1, 50, directed := false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;

seq | node | edge | source | target | cost
1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 8.518550262944415e-05
2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 0.0009420518456308501
3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 0.00026662995399998605
4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 0.00021389117484400878
5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 4.656362881781325e-05
6 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 0.00013184236987589488
7 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 8 | 6.438782425766514e-05
8 | 8 | 1254 | 8 | 897 | 1.2290752319372595e-05
9 | 897 | 1380 | 897 | 969 | 0.00038637624148597305
10 | 969 | 1938 | 969 | 1389 | 2.250777644883257e-05
11 | 1389 | 694 | 1389 | 542 | 0.0002978010745492113
12 | 542 | 1251 | 542 | 895 | 0.00015951582993150323
13 | 895 | 1815 | 895 | 1305 | 0.0001303909506021454
14 | 1305 | 1021 | 1305 | 753 | 3.9356066874244885e-05
15 | 753 | 1381 | 753 | 971 | 0.0002850072862639029
16 | 971 | 1382 | 976 | 971 | 0.001276712172995213
17 | 976 | 1388 | 977 | 976 | 0.0004267486614026622
18 | 977 | 1389 | 986 | 977 | 0.0006757336753520132
19 | 986 | 1404 | 906 | 986 | 0.0003707891314505199
20 | 906 | 1275 | 906 | 907 | 0.0001959266189093194
21 | 907 | 1277 | 907 | 908 | 9.052734394018332e-05
22 | 908 | 1921 | 908 | 1376 | 5.400925846418281e-05
23 | 1376 | 1279 | 1376 | 909 | 1.8504323815069496e-05
24 | 909 | 1057 | 909 | 773 | 6.840328939622445e-05
25 | 773 | 1069 | 773 | 781 | 0.000535513050350553
26 | 781 | 1071 | 781 | 784 | 0.00014276168953525706
27 | 784 | 1087 | 784 | 793 | 0.0004430493335842619
28 | 793 | 1682 | 793 | 1192 | 7.9895243915049e-05
29 | 1192 | 1111 | 1192 | 808 | 0.0005876979547862221
30 | 808 | 1125 | 808 | 816 | 0.00047564125136792903
31 | 816 | 51 | 816 | 49 | 3.10328360877585e-05
32 | 49 | 52 | 49 | 50 | 0.00028187114581170033





tomioka_db_c=# SELECT seq, source, target, x1, y1, x2, y2 FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',1036, 1320, directed := false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;
seq | source | target | x1 | y1 | x2 | y2
1 | 1036 | 182 | 139.6295688 | 35.3660511 | 139.62956342765 | 35.36605302299
2 | 182 | 183 | 139.62956342765 | 35.36605302299 | 139.62952386387 | 35.36602637499
3 | 183 | 184 | 139.62952386387 | 35.36602637499 | 139.62949515388 | 35.36599335049
4 | 184 | 185 | 139.62949515388 | 35.36599335049 | 139.62949783814 | 35.3658805722
5 | 185 | 186 | 139.62949783814 | 35.3658805722 | 139.629505074 | 35.36583679324
6 | 186 | 187 | 139.629505074 | 35.36583679324 | 139.62955514143 | 35.36580196041
7 | 187 | 188 | 139.62955514143 | 35.36580196041 | 139.62972133265 | 35.36574533322
8 | 188 | 189 | 139.62972133265 | 35.36574533322 | 139.62969285571 | 35.3656615823
9 | 189 | 190 | 139.62969285571 | 35.3656615823 | 139.62929978548 | 35.36461811112
10 | 190 | 191 | 139.62929978548 | 35.36461811112 | 139.62923349573 | 35.3644776355
11 | 191 | 192 | 139.62923349573 | 35.3644776355 | 139.62887730502 | 35.36401128513
12 | 192 | 193 | 139.62887730502 | 35.36401128513 | 139.62881288258 | 35.36394808968
13 | 193 | 194 | 139.62881288258 | 35.36394808968 | 139.62878113819 | 35.36393552673
14 | 194 | 195 | 139.62878113819 | 35.36393552673 | 139.62874285819 | 35.36391763403
15 | 195 | 196 | 139.62874285819 | 35.36391763403 | 139.62711549003 | 35.36370406459
16 | 196 | 1320 | 139.62711549003 | 35.36370406459 | 139.6270944 | 35.3636816
(16 rows)


tomioka_db_c=# SELECT seq, source, target, x1, y1, x2, y2 FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways WHERE (source NOT BETWEEN 182 AND 413 AND target NOT BETWEEN 182 AND 413) AND (source NOT BETWEEN 182 AND 413 AND target NOT BETWEEN 182 AND 413)',1036, 1320, directed := false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;
seq | source | target | x1 | y1 | x2 | y2
1 | 1034 | 1036 | 139.6297237 | 35.365746 | 139.6295688 | 35.3660511
2 | 1034 | 1033 | 139.6297237 | 35.365746 | 139.6297007 | 35.3656671
3 | 1033 | 1325 | 139.6297007 | 35.3656671 | 139.6287884 | 35.3639297
4 | 1325 | 1320 | 139.6287884 | 35.3639297 | 139.6270944 | 35.3636816




―― 親父にもっと話を聞いておけばよかったな

"I should have talked to my dad more."


I remember my late father.


I am currently experiencing ongoing mental illness.


According to my self-analysis, the leading causes are (1) task overflow and (2) fear of not being able to see the goal of the task.

―― メンタル不調は、報告しにくい



My father started his own woodworking company at an age slightly younger than me, and from my point of view, he continued to suffer the 'hell of subcontractors.'

金策、不渡り、暴力団からの恫喝、連鎖倒産、関連会社社長夫妻の自殺 ―― そこには、私などの状況とは比べるべくもない『地獄』がありました。

Money laundering, dishonoring, threats from gangsters, chain-reaction bankruptcies, and the suicides of the president of an affiliated company and his wife - there was a "hell" that could not be compared to my situation.


There must have been more horrendous "hells" than this since there were so many stories just from what I can see.


I hate those who shout "start a business" quickly or encourage people to do so.


「江端さんのDIY奮闘記 EtherCATでホームセキュリティシステムを作る(4)」より抜粋

Excerpt from "Mr. Ebata's DIY Struggle: Building a Home Security System with EtherCAT (4)


When I was a freshman in college, my father's woodworking company, which he had started, was hit by a chain reaction bankruptcy. The couple behind the bankruptcy were driven into a corner by the Yakuza, and after escaping their sons, they committed suicide together. At that time, I was prepared to drop out of college.


For those who believe that "entrepreneurs are properly protected according to the law," I suggest you take a moment to examine the violent apparatus of the underworld and the composition of suicides in Japan.

私が覚えている限り、単に「失敗すれば終わり」 ―― で済ましてくれるほど、世の中は優しくなかったですよ。

As far as I can remember, the world has not been so kind to us as to let us "fail and it's over."



I am confident that if faced with such a "hell," I would quickly jump over mental illness and commit suicide.

―― 一体、父は、どのように、このような『地獄の日々』をすごしてきたのだろうか

"How did my father go through these "hell days"? "


When I think about it like that, I have the biggest regret that I didn't get the know-how out of this precious person, saying, 'I wish I had talked to my father more and more.'



I recently had the opportunity to speak with a student at the university.


Ebata: "I'll make the database quickly, and you can search it with SQL queries easi..."


I was about to say that. However, I had to stop myself.


Ebata: "Yes, SQL is not easy. Until you get used to it, it is difficult, troublesome, and hard. So I think you should get used to it little by little."


I reiterated.



Do not simply say 'easy' to others, even if you can do it yourself.


Unsurprisingly, what we are working on is easy for us.


However, starting something you have never experienced is an enormous cost (time and effort), fear, and pressure.




I have told you before what I "did" on this matter.


If you search "Ebata, patents, power harassment," you'll get hits on this page and others.


   → 強制的にタグを付ける



Keyword : osm, tag, node, ダイクストラ、




Yesterday, I found "Shirobanba" by the late Yasushi Inoue on the shelves of the city library.


"Shirobanba," "Natsukaso Fuyutoto," and "Kita no Umi" are autobiographical novels about the author's teenage years


When I was in junior high school, I loved to read these books when classes ended on Saturday mornings, buy ingredients for my cooking at the market, cook my favorite dishes, and eat them while I read the book.


Thinking back, I feel like I lived my teen years as if I were superimposing on the main character.


I think this book made me think, "Studying may be good," "School dormitory may be good," and "If I go on to higher education, I may have fun.



I picked up "Shirobanba" and re-read the paraphrase and was surprised at its "readability.

フレーズの長さ、改行の入れかた、物語の登場人物の台詞の内容 ―― いわゆる「ラノベ」と言われているものの基本的技巧が満載で、驚きました。

The length of phrases, the way line breaks are inserted, and the content of the character's dialogue in the story -- I was surprised to find that the book is full of the basic techniques of what is called "Ranobe" (Light Novel).


I also like that the books by the late Yasushi Inoue are "non-preachy."


The stories are developed without 'ups and downs' or 'shades of gray' and are easy to read.



By the way, I recently wrote about "Mark's Mountain".



I have only one experience, a 5-day traverse of the Kita-Hotaka-Yari route, and then one experience of climbing Mt.Fuji.


Even so, I feel that the reason I decided to attempt mountaineering was that I was influenced by the late Yasushi Inoue's "Hokuheki(North Cliff)."

読書は、単なる娯楽として楽しめば十分なのですが、ティーンの頃に読んだ本は、その後の人生にも影響を与えやすい ―― のかもしれません。

It is enough to enjoy reading as a mere pastime, but the books you read as a teen are likely to impact the rest of your life -- maybe.



So, teenagers.


Perhaps teachers and parents have had the same experience I have had. Hence, they might loudly repeat, 'Read a book.'


I know it sounds annoying, but "adults are 'creatures that feel comfortable just watching a child read a book.'"



―― 太宰や芥川の文庫本を、読みかけのようにして、リビングの床に落しておくだけ

"Drop a paperback book by Dazai or Akutagawa on the living room floor as if you were to continue to read it."

で、多分、皆さんのご両親は、ご機嫌になります ―― 多分。

If so, your parents will be in a good mood -- maybe.








I have always told my family, "It's too late when the pain is 100%. 'Scream' when it's 70%."



And this time, my wife, who couldn't bear to see my mental illness, kept saying repeatedly, 'You should report this to your boss as soon as possible.


Well, I thought it was too "irresponsible" and "cowardly" for me to "talk a lot to people but not shout myself," so I reported this to my supervisor during the interview.


Now, I am a bit relieved.



Well, I found out when it was my turn,

―― メンタル不調は、報告しにくい

"Difficult to talk to others about one's mental health problems."



First, it is "embarrassing.


Reporting my mental illness to a younger boss takes a lot of courage.


My boss, who is younger than me, is better than me.


There was also concern about whether such a talented person could understand "mental illness."


Second, it is "out of character for me (Ebata).


Even I, who usually criticize the government, bureaucrats, and companies in my blog and columns in a pompous manner, feel a 'gap' when I talk about this "mental illness."


This feeling in a word is,

―― どの口が言ってやがる

"Who the hell do you think you are?"



And the biggest reason is that mental illness is difficult to verbalize.


"I feel continual depression," "I feel anxious," "I can't sleep at night and wake up soon after sleeping," "I feel tired and have a slight fever throughout the day," "I have no appetite," "I don't feel motivated."


And above all, it is tough to explain 'the most challenging part is not knowing how long this condition will last.


When uttered, the above are 'objective facts' but sound 'subjective.'



I am an engineer, so I have done a lot of research on mental illness.


On top of that, I was astonished to find that even after trying everything suitable for mental illness, such as rest, food, and mood swings, this situation still did not improve much.

私の十八番のエンジニアリングアプローチが通用しない ―― メンタル不調、恐るべし

My best engineering approach doesn't work ---- Horrible mental illness


I became acutely aware of the "inaccessibility" of this mental illness.



This time, I decided to explain to my supervisor that I was "going to the hospital" and that I was "prescribed stabilizers and sleeping pills," adding the obvious "objective facts."


In my case, I think I have successfully made my boss understand.


After all, my boss and I are both engineers, and I realize that the language between engineers is, after all, "objective fact.


After that, I was considered for the content and quantity of my work, and now I feel that I am gradually recovering from my mental illness, which is a bit of a relief.


Nevertheless, I try to stay on top of my health, physical condition, and mental health.



It is said that reporting, contacting, and consulting (horenso) are essential for mental illness.

ただ、多くの場合、この「ほうれんそう」は、本人の健康管理をおもんばかる体裁を装いつつ、結局のところ企業や組織の理論で書かれている ―― そんな感じがしています。

However, in many cases, this "horenso" is written under the guise of caring for the individual's health care but ultimately based on the theory of the company or organization -- such is the feeling I get.


Regardless, reporting a mental illness of mine was itself frighteningly difficult.

普段、えらそうにしている私(江端)ですら ―― というか、私だからこそ ―― 『はずかしい』『キャラ外れ』『言語化困難』の前に、怯(ひる)んでいました。

Even I (Ebata), who usually makes such a big deal out of it... No, it is this me... was intimidated by the "embarrassing," "out-of-character," and "difficult to verbalize" comments.



I understand the feeling of 'I want to get over my mental illness alone without saying anything to anyone.


It is easy to guess that many people do so and take no action.

なぜ、私(江端)は、そう言い切れるのか? ―― 自死の半数近くが、メンタル不調を起因とするものであり、その人数が驚くほど多いからです。

Why can I (Ebata) say that? -- Because nearly half of all suicide deaths are caused by mental illness, the number is astonishingly high.

そして ―― メンタル不調が、驚くほど簡単に自死につながりやすいことも、よく知っています。

And -- I know all too well that mental illness can lead to suicide with surprising ease.




I believe the desire for self-approval is a desire to stand out.


I think it is a natural emotion to want to show that you are different from others and to be recognized for who you are.


However, there are situations in which one does not want to "stand out."



You may receive unexpected and overdue recognition for what you have done in a long life.


That in itself is fine.


The problem is that people from all walks of life will come to us for consultations, it becomes known.


You may feel that since it is called "consultations," you have the right to choose. However, it becomes a de facto "order in business matters.


Even if you are short on time, "work orders" will be added, and others will eat up your mental and physical resources. To be frank, it is "annoying."


However, it is also true that if these consultations do not come to us, it will be challenging to dig in and expand on what we want to do, so it is "troubling" that there are no such consultations.


「目立ちたいこと」と、「目立ちたくないこと」を、自分自身でコントロールできれば良いのですが、これがなかなかに難しい―― というか、不可能です。

It would be nice to control what we "want to stand out" and what we "don't want to stand out," but this is quite complex - or, rather, impossible.


Ultimately, it seems we have no choice but to resign ourselves to the fact that "I am like a falling leaf floating in a flowing river.





As mentioned above, I will leave a summary for future me to remember.


(1) There was an entertainment company called "Johnny's" that kept a lifelong sexual predator at the top.


(2) His crime finally comes to light with that person's death.


(3) the entertainment company has indicated that it will not voluntarily close its business and will continue to do so.


(4) At this time, they also plan to keep the name "Johnny's."



I have no interest in "Johnny's" office, so I don't care what that office chooses to do.




(1) Voluntary closure of business,


(2) Establish a third-party victim relief organization,


(3) All retained assets are allocated to pay for victims' relief, and the balance is used as a fund for relief organizations.


I wonder why the natural process flow, "the best way to do it," is not presented.



One of my predictions is


The term "Johnny's" will mean "child sexual abuse.


Just as the English words "Karoshi" (death from overwork) and "Tsunami" (tsunami) have spread around the world,

―― 驚くことに、あの学校は組織的な"ジャニーズ(児童性虐待)"をしていました。

"To our surprise, the school had an organized Johnny's."


This is a future in which the term will be used worldwide.


It may be that we will contribute "something" to the world.

ともあれ、私の頭の中では「ジャニーズ = 児童性虐待」で、変換登録完了済みです。

I think "Johnny's = child sexual abuse," and the conversion is already registered.