
問い: なぜ、子どもの頃に、『クソ詰らない』文豪の本を読まされ続けたのか

QUESTION: Why did I continue to be forced to read books by 'fucking stuffy' writers as a child?

回答: 大人になった時、レビュー(読み直し)でラクができるから

ANSWER: because when I grow up, I can get off easy with reviews (rereading)



Books considered literary giants don't hit children's hearts at all, but at my age, they 'come to work' quite well.


But, at my age, exploring new books is challenging, seriously.


However, it is a lot more enjoyable because it makes it easier to review a book whose content is known.



In a word, "mismatch."


Books by great writers are helpful for adults, but adults have less time and significant physical deterioration (especially presbyopia).

そうなると、世の中の大人たちは何を考えるか ―― 『子どもに、その「苦痛」を押しつけよう』です。

When that happens, what do the world's adults think -- "Let's impose that "pain" on the children."


The "Let's impose on this child" paradigm is described here.



But I still think this paradigm is wrong.

―― 英語でも数学でも読書でも、それが必要となった時点で、自分でちゃんと考えて苦労しろ

"Whether it's English, math, or reading, when you need it, you'll have to do the hard work of figuring it out properly yourself."


is correct.


It is somber to think that current education comprises 'adult regrets.'





It is said that eating the last one left on the plate at a standing buffet party takes courage.


"It is said" is because I don't 'need' courage.


Instead, as a braver contributing to the waste food problem, I eat it from one side of the table to the other.



However, in a remote meeting, it takes courage for me to press the leave command.

他の誰かが退出したことを確認しないと ―― それが一人でもいいのですが ―― 退出コマンドが押下できません。

Without confirmation that someone else has exited -- it might be OK for even one person -- I can not push the exit button.



I want to say, 'Human weakness is different for each person.'


And that 'Ebata is pretty cowardly.'


So, I think you all could be more gentle with Ebata.

例えば、予算会議に、ワイキキビーチ(の背景画面)で参加したりすると、『この人、来期の予算、いらないのかな?』と思われるとか ――



At this time of year, TV programs feature resort destinations.


But, to me, it is not a hit at all.


For more information, see "I Thought I Was Going to Choke to Death from Boredom" here.


Others have asked me once or twice, "What on earth do you enjoy doing for a living, Ebata?"



Speaking of things I've enjoyed in the past few years,

■ お袋の胃ろうの器具交換の為の移動のサポートを終えて、自宅に戻る時、新幹線の中で、ペットボトルのお茶と一緒の食べた「一口ういろう」

- I had a bite of Uiro with a bottle of tea on the bullet train when I returned home after helping my mother change her gastric bandage.

■ インターネットで注文した鮮魚を料理して、父が美味しそうにしている顔を見ながら食べた「魚の煮付け」

- I had Cooked fresh fish ordered over the Internet and ate it while watching my father's face as he enjoyed it.


And so on.


If you ask me, "Is that what makes Ebata so much fun?" I think it's a feeble answer myself.



I recently attended a working college, and I've been trying to figure out why I did this (outburst). So I reached the following.

―― 父と母が亡くなり、私に、学費分のお金を残してくれたから

"My father and mother died and left me enough money to pay for my schooling."



I gained resources (time and money) through the death of my father and mother.


父と母が存命の時は、入院、退院、様態の激変、病院や施設、市役所との折衝など ―― フロントとなってくれた姉の苦労には遠く及びませんが ―― それでも、気の張る日々だったと思います。

When my father and mother were alive, they were hospitalized, discharged, experienced drastic changes in their condition, and had to negotiate with hospitals, facilities, and city hall. Of course, it was nowhere near the hard work of my sister, who supported me in the front -- but still, I think it was a very stressful day.


At least I didn't have time to think about 'studying in college.


And since I was struggling to make ends meet with tuition and living expenses before I entered the workforce, I honestly wish I could use a time machine to deliver this money to me when I was living in a boarding house.


If I had been able to do that, I probably would not have become the "me" I am today.



All in all, I am a horrible person.


With the resources (time and money) gained from the death of my father and mother, I am studying in college.


I can say that I am the best parent unhappy child.


And I am not without guilt about it, either.


Even so,

―― 今の私の選択を、一番喜んでくれているのは、父と母のような気がする

"I feel like my father and mother are the most pleased with my choice now."



Well, that's my analogy and one-sided assumption.


Win32 Disk Imager

"Win32 Disk Imager"の使いかたが結構分けわからん


Image Fileの方にテキトーな名前を(d:\testtest20231010とか、絶対に存在しないファイル名にして)つけて





I have always been interested in working with CREFORM in addition to woodwork, but there was one problem.

―― 鉄パイプを切断する技術がない

"No skill in cutting steel pipe"




For woodworking, I have a complete set of screwdrivers, electric saws, chainsaws, etc., so I can make things for home use (shelves, desks, etc.) quickly and appropriately.


However, we thought it would not be easy to process metal pipes.


It was quite a misunderstanding.


Pipe cutter, I got it for about 1500 yen.


Yesterday, while I was at work, I cut a piece of pipe to make a raised bottom section for the legs of the table.

これで、加工の技術の幅が増えました ―― さらに、家族に『使われる』ことになりそうですが。

This has increased the range of processing techniques -- even though the family will likely use me.








ファイルの更新日時を変更するフリーソフト - Change Timestamp







―― 体重計に乗るのを怠ると、体重が増える

"Neglecting to get on the scale causes weight gain. "


This shows the effectiveness of the "recording diet," also described here.


The time to gain weight is when you are away from your daily routine.


Especially during the holidays, the weight gain effect is already outstanding if you are away from home and in an unusual environment.




We do not have scales in our travel destinations, or if we do have scales, we either do not use them or they are useless.


This is because different scales in different locations cannot be calibrated (deviation compensation).


I know from experience that "scales in tourist areas are set "loose" (they show a lighter weight).


Because, in a tourist attraction, tourists need to eat a lot of food pleasantly so that the customers can drop money.



To get around the calibration problem, you could take your home scale on your trip, but no one would do that.


Then we can develop a "mobile weight scale," which can be carried around.


The weight can be measured with one foot, so a one-foot size is sufficient.


I just checked quickly, and there are no cell phone-sized scales.



Or rather,

―― スマホで体重を測る

"Weigh yourself with your cell phone."


It would be good if we could.


Future smartphones should be designed with the concept of "LCDs won't crack" and "won't break even if an elephant steps on it.


Pencil cases and glasses could do it. There is nothing that a smartphone can't do.


This field has been a strength of the industrial products of Japan.


WordPressを管理モードで見ると、Important notice for administrators: The WordPress Popular Posts "classic" widget is going away! が表示されて、『近々、WordPress Popular Posts "classic"は使えなくなる』と脅されました(と思う)。

When I looked at WordPress in admin mode, I saw an Important notice for administrators: The WordPress Popular Posts "classic" widget is going away! I was threatened (I thought), "Soon, WordPress Popular Posts "classic" will no longer be available.



That is not good, so I searched and tried various methods, but there was one that worked (an alternative approach), so I'll note it for myself.


From the admin screen, go to "Appearance" > "Widgets" and drag "custom html" to the "Generic Sidebar."


And fill in the following (title as you like)


I'm unsure what it is, but it seems to be displayed with this (I gave up customizing it).

"WordPress Popular Posts"の方は、強制的に使えなくなるまで、残しておきます。

I will leave "WordPress Popular Posts (classic)" until I am forced to turn it off.



■Pages I have referred to


wordpress popular posts テスト






"Fuji School Mametan Research Annex" by Yuri Shibamura of "Marginal Operation" is a must-read for every researcher in Japan.


"Mametan" is a small (1 meter x 1 meter x 1 meter) robot tank that also appears in Marginal Operations.


Detailed specifications for "Mametan" were included, which were not listed in "Marginal Operation."


With all this information, I thought the author could generate a blueprint of "Mametan" in CAD, but unfortunately, there was no blueprint in the book.

However, I thought,

―― これを、CADで起こしたら、防衛省より先に、中国人民解放軍が先行開発するかもしれない

If this is detailed in CAD, the Chinese People's Liberation Army may develop it before the Japanese Ministry of Defense does."



It occurred to me that from our national security perspective, it may be the right thing to do not to generate blueprints in CAD.


(Of course, I think there are still some issues with "Mametan" in terms of operation in the field, but that's called "SF.")


Aside from that.



I consider this book a must-read for all researchers in Japan because of the following three statements in particular.


(1) The essence of the technical presentation is described (p. 47)

- 私は偉くなったつもりで考えてみる。相手の立場になって考えることが必要なのは、この数年、先輩や上司の仕事ぶりを見て痛感した。これがいいと思ってプレゼンしても、受けないときは受げないものだ。相手のことをよくよく考えた上で話をまとめないといけない。

- I thought about it as if I were a member of upper management. The need to put myself in the other person's shoes has become painfully apparent over the past few years as I have watched my seniors and superiors at work. Even if you think this is a good idea and make a presentation, if they don't accept it, they won't get it. You have to think carefully about the other person before you put your story together.

- 上層部はさらにその上層部である政治家と向き合っている。そのためのカードとしての装備が欲しいのではないかと考えてみた。防衛についてよく分かってないけど意見したり激励したりする人々に対する武器。

- The upper echelons are facing politicians who are even further above them. I thought that they might want equipment as a card to play for this purpose. What weapons do we have against people who don't know much about defense but who offer opinions and encouragement?

- それっていったいどんなものだろう。私はよく分かっていない人の特徴をノートに書いて並べ始めた。

- What exactly would that be like? I began to write in my notebook and arrange the characteristics of people I didn't understand well.

- 男性はどうなんだろうと考えながら、よく分かっていない人が専門外に興味を持った時の発言をまとめた。

- I wondered about men and summarized what they say when someone who doesn't know better takes an interest in something outside their expertise.

- その一番は当然、 これいくら?   次は、これ何に使うの? だった。

- The first question is, "How much is this? The next question was, "What do you use this for?

- 男性なら知ったかぶりで色々言い始める。(中略)。ともあれこの二点が強力なら上層別に対して価値があると思わせることが出来る気がする。

- Men would start saying things in a know-it-all way. (omitted). If these two points are strong, I can make the upper class think this research is worthwhile.

- 第一に価格、第二に目新しさ。そうノートに書いた。

- First, price; second, novelty. That's what I wrote in my notebook.


(2) (One of) the national policies is described (p. 249).

- では日本を戦場にしないために他国を戦場にしていいのか。技術者には難しい問題だった。

- Could I use other countries as battlefields to keep Japan out of the war? It was a difficult question for the engineers.

- 最終的にどう使われるのか分からないし、一人がやめても他がどうにかするだろうし、そもそも上がそんなことを考えているのかどうかも分からない。

- I don't know how it will ultimately be used, and if I quit only, the others will do something about it, and I don't know if upper management is even thinking about that in the first place.

- まめたんがまめたんを支援する新しいアイデアを思いついた。集団の愚かさはルート固定化で現れるのだから、この時固定化された移動だけでなく支援行動を行うまめたんが一定以上の確率でいれば愚かさも軽減される

- I developed a new idea where "Mametan" supports other "Mametan." Since group stupidity manifests itself in route fixation, if there is a certain probability of Mametans performing supportive actions and fixated movements now, stupidity will be reduced!

- 国でいえばいろんな意見や主張の人がいた方がいいし、まめたんにも色々なパターンがあった方が、最終的に愚かではなくなる。

- In a country, it is better to have people with various opinions and arguments, and it is better to have multiple patterns in Mametan so they are not ultimately stupid.

- 国が愚かなのは実は一丸となって盲目的に進み出したときなのだ

- Countries become stupid when they start going blindly forward as one.

「なくなったらいいXXX」という考え方は、民主主義とか、主義主張とか、そういうことは関係なく ―― 『統計学的』に良くない。


(3) The "peace" specific to our country's circumstances is described (p. 250).

- 「日本が軍事大国になれば、それはそれでアメリカとしては困る。日本帝国の再来なんて望んでいないだろう。そうならないようにするためには平和が一番だ。平和である限り、日本は軍事強化しないだろう。それに日本特有の事情もある」

- "If Japan becomes a military power, that would be a problem for the Americans. The Americans would not want to see the return of the Japanese empire. Peace is the best way to prevent that from happening. As long as there is peace, Japan will not strengthen its military. Besides, some circumstances are unique to Japan."

- 「日本は戦死に慣れていない。少子化、高齢化がすすんでいるのは中国や韓国と同じだが、日本は戦後戦死をほとんど出していない。日本参戦を願ってない人々の頼みの綱はそこになる。政治家も、左派も、恐らくは中国や韓国、北朝鮮も」

- "Japan is not accustomed to war deaths. It has a declining birthrate and an aging population, just like China and Korea, but Japan has suffered few war deaths since the war. This is where those who do not wish Japan to enter the war can turn to for help. Politicians, leftists, and perhaps even China, South Korea, and North Korea."

- 日本が戦争をしないのは平和憲法のせいじゃないのかと私は思ったが、所詮憲法の持つ抑止力なんてその程度なのかもしれないとも思った。

- I thought Japan's peace constitution was why it did not go to war. However, I also believe that the deterrent power of the Constitution may be just that.



The above may be a very "spoiler" statement.


I have not deviated from the scope of "Quotation (Article 32 of the Copyright Law)" as stated in the Copyright Handbook of the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Still, I will immediately delete the article if I receive a complaint from Mr. Yuuri Shibamura or anyone else involved in publishing.



The book ends with an actual battle scene with "Mametan," in which the distributed and cooperative robotic weapon's amazing "combat capability" is thoroughly demonstrated.


What gave me chills was when Robot A measured the sniper target's position and Robot B made a long-range (2km) snipe shot from out of sight.


Even from my perspective as a researcher of distributed cooperative networks, this sniping seemed "entirely possible shortly.



Incidentally, these "Mametan" seem to be mass-produced by the company I work for and Mitsubishi.


I was convinced that my company and Mitsubishi were the only two companies that could develop this robot and that factory was the only one that could do it.


I have been fed up with the publishers' weak attitude of changing the newspaper's name from Yomiuri Shimbun or Asahi Shimbun to Yominichi Shimbun or Asauri Shimbun to get away with their deceptions. So I thought,

―― ちゃんと、社名を出してくれて、とても気持ちよかった

"I felt very comfortable that they properly disclosed the company's name."



I don't know what the company's upper management thinks, but we are not a small-ass company that would be bothered by something like this. No problem.


My company is so generous as to let me go free, to begin with.



スロース@Qruppoありがとう。 on X: "イブン: 成長というより、より子供っぽくなってないか? グエン:  漫画版に引っ張られてるからもしれんがアラタにデレすぎてないかい? 子供達の中で一番カワイイと思う! まめたん: 子供達の仲間兼救いの兵器。まめたん可愛い  ...