
ロシアも、チンギスハーンの時代のモンゴルや、太平洋戦争までのかつての日本帝国のような巨大な領土(占領地域)を手放せば楽にになりますよ ――


Russia's invasion or invasion of Ukraine is not about food, not energy, but "a war to ensure its security."


In short, it is a war to maintain a "buffer zone.


This, historically speaking, is Russia's traditional forte war pattern.


As a simple comparison, Russia's territory is 45 times larger than Japan's, and its population is about the same as Japan's.

―― 我が家の家の45倍の土地を、私一人で管理する

"I alone manage a plot of land 45 times the size of my present house."


It is the same thing.


It's like protecting an entire neighborhood with just one person, and I shudder to think about it.



To prevent illegal or squatters from entering my town (Russia), I would like to tag team with the surrounding neighborhood associations (Ukraine).


However, my town (Russia) has always boasted about its prominent ancestors and history. It has been calculating abundant energy and interfering in the management of other neighborhood associations (Ukraine). As a result, My town (Russia) was hated by the surrounding neighborhood associations (Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland).


Such is the case, finally, that the neighborhood association next door (Ukraine) expressed its willingness to ally with another neighborhood association (NATO) and expressed its hostile position to me (Russia).


It would be an understatement to say that I (Russia) deserved it, but this was really scary.


After all, I (Russia) am the only one managing 45 houses, so I don't know what they will do to me.


The quickest way is to replace the president of the following neighborhood association (in Ukraine) with someone I know.

『知り合いの暴力団(ワグネル)に頼んで、おどしをかければ、3日もあれば十分』と思っていたんですけどね、隣町の町内会長は、結構、胆の座ったやつでして ―― これが、私(ロシア)の誤算だったのです。

I thought, 'If I ask a gangster (Wagnel) I know and scare him, three days will be enough,' but the neighborhood chairman of the neighboring town is a pretty bold guy -- this was my town (Russian) miscalculation.


小さい国で、こじんまりと生きていく ―― 私のような器の小さい人間の生き方は「ラク」です。

Living in a small country, living small -- the way of life for a small vessel like me is "easy."

ロシアも、チンギスハーンの時代のモンゴルや、太平洋戦争までのかつての日本帝国のような巨大な領土(占領地域)を手放せば楽にになりますよ ――

"Russia would have an easier time if it gave up huge territories (occupied territories) like Mongolia under Genghis Khan or the former Japanese empire until the Pacific War."


I want to advise the Russian president, but I do not doubt that I will be killed before I can do so.

