


For the first time in a long time, I was watching YouTube.


As for alcohol, I have talked about it again and again, but if I (Ebata) were to list the disadvantages and advantages, it would be something like this.


■Disadvantages of Ebata's quitting drinking alcohol

- 『お酒を楽しむことができない』という絶望感(今も絶望している)

- I despair (and still despair) that I will never be able to enjoy alcohol.

- 思い出でしか、"酒"を語れなくなった

- I can only talk about "sake" in my memories.

- 睡眠薬と安定剤が、定常的に必要となった

- I need Sleeping pills and stabilizers on a steady basis.

- 飲み会が、さらに嫌いになった

- I hated drinking even more.

- ノンアルコールビールの消費量がハンパなくなった

- My consumption of non-alcoholic beer has increased



■Advantages of Ebata's quitting drinking alcohol

- 体重が落ちた

- Lost weight.

- 肩が凝らなくなった

- Shoulders are no longer stiff.

- 仕事で踏ん張りが効くようになった

- I'm able to stand my ground at work.

- 昼寝が普通にできるようになった

- My naps are now regular.

- 人間ドックからの警告が来なくなった

- No more warnings from the human health inspectors.

『酒を楽しめない人生は、人生の半分を損している』のは事実だと思いますが ―― 大丈夫です。



My wife asks me if I can't 'control alcohol' by saying I only drink on weekends or at the end of the year.


However, I am too clumsy to perform such "analog control" well. Therefore, I have no choice but to use digital control.



The WHO may be correct in its assertion that "alcohol is the best of all medicines" is a false theory, and "alcohol is 100% poison" is the true theory.


However, even if alcohol is an addictive drug like morphine, methamphetamine, or narcotics, it is legal if the law allows it.


I don't criticize smokers as long as they don't spread stale air.


In addition, if, on the contrary, alcohol and tobacco have the effect of shortening life expectancy and curbing social security costs, this would even be welcome.


Taxes on alcohol and tobacco are delicious from a state fiscal perspective.


I used to make my alcohol, so I know the cost of alcohol and have a rough understanding of tobacco.


I was pretty shocked when I found out that beer can be made for about the price of tap water +/- (by the way, the statute of limitations has already passed on the contents of this column).

私には、酒もタバコも、『自分の体を壊しながら、納税し続ける』という観点からは、『国家による霊感商法』の様にも見えますが ―― それでも、合法です。

To me, both alcohol and cigarettes seem to be "state-sponsored psychic sales" from the perspective of "continuing to pay taxes while destroying one's own body" -- but still, they are legal.


あなたの「ウンコの匂い」を嗅がされる人の「苦痛」に想いを馳せましょう。「ウンコ」はトイレで、「タバコ」は分煙室で。 ―― JT

Here is a story by a tobacco company about the effect of reduced pensions due to the premature death of smokers.



Thanks to the efforts of WHO and various governments, the smoking rate is decreasing year by year.


(I feel it has not decreased as much as I had hoped.)


The government's next target is probably "alcohol".


I am a college student and have never seen a college student smoking on campus (true).


I believe that if the increase in social security costs caused by alcohol becomes quantitatively precise, the government will turn to a "prohibition campaign" with the very survival of the nation at stake.
