
―― あなたの息子は、冬山どころか、夏の北アルプスの1週間の縦走くらいで簡単に根を上げる、軟弱者でしたよ


I was in a college mountain club but left early after my first year.


There were many reasons, but I don't think I would have stopped if I liked climbing, so I guess I didn't like it that much.


But more than that, climbing the mountain was a real pain. It was usually hard enough to climb, but then there was all that luggage.


The load was so heavy (about 20 kg) that I could not stand up if I didn't strictly follow the correct procedure.


It's no fun to finally get up, take five steps forward, and think, 'I don't want to do this anymore.


Another thing is the hopeless sense of the extraordinary. It is natural that “if you slip and fall here, you will die,” but “if you just break a bone here, you will die,” or “if you have a stomachache here, you will die” are situations that would not be possible in everyday life.

山には楽しいこともあったと思うのですが ―― けど、それ以上に、私にとって、山は辛く、怖いものだったのです。

I think there were fun things about the mountains -- but more than that, for me, the mountains were rugged and scary.


I am unsure now, but I sometimes think that sense of defeat led to my subsequent wandering abroad.


Well, I also feel that it was utterly irrelevant.



I like documentaries and movies about mountaineering.


I also like “Ice Wall” (1956) and “Rock Wall” by the late Yasushi Inoue and, although in a slightly different direction, “Mark's Mountain” (1993) by Kaoru Takamura.

新田次郎先生の『剱岳 点の記』(2009年)、古いもので言えば、『八甲田山』(1977年)など、小説も映画もなんども読み直しました。

I have reread many novels and movies, including Jiro Nitta's “Tsurugidake: Ten no Ki” (2009) and an older one, “Hakkoudasan” (1977).

『剱岳 点の記』は、Making of  の方も何度も見直しています。

I have reviewed the Making of Edition of “Tsurugidake: Ten no Ki” many times.


I've watched “Ridge of the Gods (the animated one)” more than three times now.


(It is also quite surprising that Taniguchi Jiro's manga adaptation of Yumemakura Baku's novel was “created by a French animation production team” and is one of the most famous French animation works.)


It is an outstanding work about the madness of a mountain lover.


I have insisted that 'only Madne's surpasses talent,' but I feel that I am not far from the madness of this mountain lover.



The mortality rate for climbers is frighteningly high.


ChatGPT estimated that “the annual mortality rate for the general public is about 0.1% or less, compared to about 1-30% for climbers who attempt Mount Everest and other rugged mountains.


The mortality rate for climbers is ten times higher at the most optimistic value and more than 300 times higher at the worst value.



Come to think of it, when I was a teenager, my mother even told me that if I did winter mountaineering, she would cut me off from my parents, but her fears were completely unfounded.

―― あなたの息子は、冬山どころか、夏の北アルプスの1週間の縦走くらいで簡単に根を上げる、軟弱者でしたよ

Your son was feeble-minded and gave up quickly climbing just for a weeklong traverse of the Northern Alps in summer, let alone winter mountains.


I muttered to the sky.



Among love, crazy (seemingly) love that transcends logic has a high price to pay.


I even feel that the only thing worthy of being called “love at the risk of one's life” can be found in “Mountain Climbing.
