
私、「私の葬式はやらないこと」を、家族に伝えてあります ―― 『そんな金があるなら、家族で寿司でも食いに行け』と言っています。


I remember writing somewhere once that I wondered if a New Year's card with only pictures of the family's children would work.


Well, for me, it's because 'their friend's child is a stranger to me.


I can't help but look at other people's pictures.



My senior daughter once told me that there is a concept called "Nengajo Harassment" these days.


While there are diverse ways of living (DINK, single, partnership), it seems that expressing what they belong to (their mate, family, etc.) is harassment.


I think, "Yes, that's true," and I also think, "Do I really need to worry about it that much?


However, if I admit to "New Year's card harassment," I am the one who carried out "blog harassment" and "column harassment.


If I try to describe anyone other than myself, they will all be "harassment".



While "blogs" and "columns" are pull-type information media that those who do not want to read can avoid reading, "New Year's cards" are push-type information media.


When I think about it, I feel that "New Year's cards" can be included in the list of harassment.


On the other hand, "New Year's cards" have the property that if we stop sending them, they will also stop sending them.


Hence, "New Year's card harassment" may be overthinking it.


The only remaining troublesome issue is how to handle New Year's greeting cards for relatives, bosses, mentors, and other people whose connections are hard to ignore.



Well, I think of New Year's cards as "cards for making a list of attendees for my funeral," so I don't really care.

私、「私の葬式はやらないこと」を、家族に伝えてあります ―― 『そんな金があるなら、家族で寿司でも食いに行け』と言っています。

I told my family not to hold a funeral for me -- "If you have that kind of money, go eat sushi with the family.
