
『うん! 私は、緩んでいます。だから、ここにいるんですよ。あなたも、下らない質問をしないで下さいね!!』

緊急事態宣言 ―― というからには、戒厳令がセットメニューでなければならないと思うのです。

When it comes to declaring a state of emergency, I think "martial law" should be on the menu.


If "martial law" were to be declared, of course there would have to be Self-Defense Forces personnel with tanks and small arms at the scramble intersections of Shinjuku and Shibuya, standing on their heads and glaring at the citizens on the street.

自衛隊 ―― となると、治安出動となりますが、

The Self-Defense Forces -- that would mean mobilizing security forces, however,


In Japan, there has never been a "security mobilization" actually issued.


In order for this to be triggered, it would have to be at a level where Otemachi is on fire or the SDF base is under missile attack.


This is not a card that the Cabinet can easily play.

―― 感染症ごときで、治安出動できるか

"I don't know if I can mobilize security for an infectious disease"


I think that.



When people on the street talk about "loosening up" in interviews, I feel somewhat uncomfortable.


In the first place, I think the people at the TV station are interviewing the wrong people, and I think the people being interviewed are nonsense.


For me, I would run away immediately if this kind of interview approached me.


If I don't run away and answer...

『うん! 私は、緩んでいます。だから、ここにいるんですよ。あなたも、下らない質問をしないで下さいね!!』

"Yes! I'm loose. That's why I'm here. You don't have to ask me any lame questions either!


I will respond as such. And I'm ready to appear in the evening news footage, have my name and address exposed, and go to the flames.


I mean, if they're going to interview someone, it's me, I think, who spends more than 15 hours a day doing simulations and coding on my PC at home.


In my family, I am the only one who can comment that things are loosening up or that things are not loosening up.


(To be continued)
