


Today, the tenth anniversary of 3.11, I was one minute late for the silent prayer.


I relied on the town announcement (because I thought an alarm would be tasteless), but I only heard the announcement at the end of the prayer


Ten years ago, when the earthquake hit at 14:46, I was really scared.


Even I, who was in Yokohama, felt like I was going to die in my office.

そして、私たちが屋外に避難した頃 ―― 、地震発生から31分後。

And when we evacuated outdoors - 31 minutes after the earthquake,

私たちがワイワイガヤガヤと会話していた、まさにその時に、2万人近い人々を殺害する津波が到達していたことに ―― 今でも、「後ろめたい気持ち」が拭えません。

At the very moment when we were having a lively conversation, the tsunami had reached the area killing nearly 20,000 people. Even now, I can't shake the feeling of guilt.

あの日の夜、私は会社の倉庫でラジオを聞きながら、夜が明けるのを待っていたのですが ―― その時でさえ、ラジオから流れてくるニュースは、『行方不明者、数十人』でした。

That night, I was in the warehouse of my office, listening to the radio and waiting for the night to end. Even then, the news coming over the radio was 'dozens of people missing'.

ニュースは憶測のデータを流してはなりませんので、仕方がないことだとは思いますし ―― 誤った情報で、無関係の人々を集団殺害したという、関東大震災の教訓を思い出さえば、これが正しいことは分かっているのですが。

The news should not be filled with speculative data, so I think it is inevitable and we have to remember the lessons of the Great Kanto Earthquake, where misinformation led to the mass murder of innocent people. So we know this is correct, however,

―― 全体像が把握できない災害というのは、本当に怖い

"It's really scary to have a disaster where we can't grasp the whole picture"


I realized that.


But of course, the biggest fear in my life is the "reactor containment explosion".


I remember that I, my own family alone (abandoning others), was the first to try to escape.


However, I still don't have a shred of "guilt" about this.


I will continue to start rescue operations for others, "after" I have escaped to complete safety.



By the way, today's NHK special broadcast on the earthquake was amazing all day long.


It's been a while since I've seen "NHK's Seriousness".
