
年内の、国民の全員(希望者のみ)第1回のワクチン接種は可能かもしれませんが ――


It's been a year since I received that shocking email from my "Dr. Shibata of the Run-Over".


I was eating lunch at the lodge of a ski resort for a one-day solo skiing trip when I read that e-mail.


I was so engrossed in reading that I didn't even notice that I dropped a side dish from my spoon.


For me, that e-mail was the turning point in my involvement with the "new Corona".



I feel like I'm being overwhelmed by the daily news, and the whole picture is getting blurry. So, here is a monthly summary of the major developments related to the new Corona.

2019/12 中国武漢で原因不明の肺炎患者の発生

2019/12 Outbreak of pneumonia patients with unknown cause in Wuhan, China



2020/02 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号事件、小中高休校要請

2020/02 Diamond Princess incident, request to close elementary, junior high and high schools

2020/03 WHOパンデミック宣言、マスク騒動

2020/03 WHO Pandemic Declaration, Mask Riots

2020/04 緊急事態宣言発令

2020/04 Emergency Declaration Order

2020/05 緊急事態宣言延長→解除

2020/05 Emergency declaration extended→released

2020/06 移動自粛要請解除、新規感染者100人越え(国内(×東京都))

2020/06 Request for voluntary restraint on movement lifted, over 100 newly infected (Japan (not only Tokyo))

2020/07 「Go Toトラベル」キャンペーン開始、新規感染者1000人越え(国内(×東京都))

2020/07 "Go To Travel" campaign started, more than 1,000 newly infected people (domestic (not only Tokyo))





2020/10 「Go Toトラベル」東京を追加

2020/10 "Go To Travel" Tokyo added.

2020/11 "Go To"札幌・大阪停止、東京都、飲食店時短要請再開

2020/11 "Go To" Sapporo and Osaka suspended; Tokyo Metropolitan Government resumes request for shorter hours at restaurants.

2020/12 医療体制が逼迫、ファイザーワクチン申請、変異株国内発見

2020/12 Healthcare system strained, Pfizer vaccine application filed, mutant strain found in Japan

2021/01 緊急事態宣言再発令、「Go Toトラベル」全面停止

2021/01 Recurrence of emergency declaration, complete suspension of "Go To Travel".

2021/02 緊急事態宣言延長、ワクチン接種開始

2021/02 Emergency declaration extended, vaccination started

2021/03 緊急事態宣言解除

2021/03 Emergency declaration lifted



Looking at it this way, we can see that there was no significant movement in January and August-September of 2020.


And it is clear that the "carelessness" of January is being paid for in April and May, and the "loose estimates" of August and September are being paid for in November and December.


However, the government's response is generally reasonable from my point of view as a system engineer.


Preventing the annihilation of a system while switching it on and off is the basis of control systems, from home air conditioners to industrial robots to traffic control systems.


And a nation is a huge system made up of system elements called "citizens".



The maximum number of people vaccinated (1st dose) from Feb. 17 to today is 70,000/day.


Assuming that this number can be increased to "triple" (200,000 people per day), the number of days required to complete the first round of vaccination for 126 million people would be 630 days, 21 months, or 1 year and 9 months.

ちなみに、政府は"6倍"と見積っているようです。『高齢者約3600万人の接種を、2カ月と3週間の完了』ということから、3600÷83日= = 43.3万人となるからです。

Incidentally, the government seems to be estimating a six-fold increase. This is because "the vaccination of 36 million elderly people will be completed in 2 months and 3 weeks", which means 3600/83 days = 433,000 people.


In the U.S., it seems to be 2 million people/day, so the pace may be even higher.


年内の、国民の全員(希望者のみ)第1回のワクチン接種は可能かもしれませんが ――

It may be possible to vaccinate the entire population (only those who wish to be vaccinated) with the first vaccine before the end of the year, but--


The only thing we can be sure of is that we won't make it to the Tokyo Olympics.



When and where will the rebound from the "off" of the emergency declaration come?


No one can know this much.
