


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.





Let's turn the world by "Number"(66) : Extra edition

The 7 True Stories the Doctor Wants to Tell You Before You Get the Corona Vaccine







Let's turn the world by "Number"(67) : Extra edition

Appendix: The 9 supplementary points that the doctor wants to tell you more about



This time, it is in two pieces.

シバタ先生との原稿の交換をしている最中に ―― それは、もう、雪山の山頂から転がり落ちる雪ダルマのように ―― 膨大に膨れ上がる原稿を、呆然と眺めていました。

While I was exchanging manuscripts with Dr. Shibata, I was looking at the vastly expanding manuscript in a daze, like a snowball rolling down from the top of a snow mountain.

『これは収拾がつかないな』と思ったので、付録分は、私のWebサイトに回して、本文からリンクを張ろう」 ―― という予定だったのですが、

I thought, "This is getting out of hand," so I was going to put the appendix on my website and link to it from the text.

―― いえ、全て、EE Times Japanにて、掲載させて頂きます

"Don't worry. everything will be published in EE Times Japan!"


Ms. M, who is in charge of the project, showed us her chivalry at the very last moment.


When I read Ms. M's e-mail, I brought both fists to my mouth and almost shouted, "Generous!"




I think it is fair to say that this "Shibata Report (latter half)" is "the most detailed column on the new coronavirus in Japan" at present, excluding medical technical books and papers.


"But, Ms. M. you may not be able to expect PV (page views) with such a huge and advanced content"


In response to my concern, Ms. M said


"Please don't worry about the PV. We believe that the social significance of publishing Dr. Shibata's content is greater than the PV"



Editors of lousy sites trying to use catchy titles to generate PV with poor content!


Watch out!

この高い志(こころざし)を有する、MさんとEE Times Japan編集部の心意気に、平伏するがいい!!

The spirit of Ms. M and the EE Times Japan editorial staff, who have such high aspirations, should make you bow down!



In fact, I guess I am "blessed".

最前線のリアルタイム情報を分かりやすい内容で提供して頂けるコントリビュータと、社会的責任を自負する編集社との間で、ゲートウェイをさせて貰える立ち位置にいることを ――

Being in a position where I can act as a gateway between contributors who can provide front-line, real-time information with easy-to-understand content, and editors who take pride in their social responsibility.


For that, I am truly grateful from the bottom of my heart.



Oh, I also thank to my wonderful "rude junior colleague" who reviews my columns from unexpected perspectives.


I just remembered that I was scolded for forgetting to give an acknowledgement before.
