
ただ、私が見ている限り、「寡黙な男のほとんどは『低能』」 ―― とまで言わないものの、インプットされている知識量が圧倒的に少ない様に見えました。


"A man who keeps quiet about his wife's cooking when it's good and only complains about it when it's bad". It seems to me that it was around the end of the Showa era that such a man began to be publicly criticized.

男は寡黙であるべきである ―― という価値観が、まだ残存していた時代であり、少年期から青年期にかけて、私は辛い目にあってきました。

It was a time when the sense of value that "a man should be silent" still remained. From boyhood to adolescence, I had a hard time.


"A man born before the mouth"


I was scorned by an adult with such a derogatory name.

ただ、私が見ている限り、「寡黙な男のほとんどは『低能』」 ―― とまで言わないものの、インプットされている知識量が圧倒的に少ない様に、見えました。

However, as far as I can see, "most of the silent men are "incompetent"". Even if it was overstated, it seemed that the amount of input knowledge was overwhelmingly small.


After all, it seemed to me "a man who was decisively lacking in study and curiosity".



"A boss who is silent about his excellent work and complains only when he fails" seems to be the default in our country, as far as I can see.


Japanese people are decisively lacking in the ability to "praise excellent results", or it seems that our country does not have an educational process of "praise".


(To be continued)
