

Liu Bei's so-called 'three visits' in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, when he visited Zhuge Liang's home three times to recruit him, are said to have resulted from a kind of 'academic meritocracy.'


The heroes of the Three Kingdoms (the three participants in the "Peach Garden Oath") have no 'education' (or, more precisely, no 'training').


So, they had excessive respect and expectations for a person (Zhuge Liang) who had completed his studies correctly.


This story has a persuasive power to make you think, 'I see.'



I presume that someone who knows something I don't know is saying that they are probably right. ' I make a 'presumption'.


The important thing is 'presumption'. It is not 'final'.



'Presumption' means that specific facts can reasonably be derived from other facts. In law, a presumption is a system for admitting facts under certain conditions, even without solid evidence. Presumptions are rebuttable and can be overturned by other evidence or circumstances.


By comparison, 'final' means that the facts have been legally established and are unalterable or irrefutable. A confirmed fact or judgment has a legal effect and is binding on the parties.



A concrete example of this is the difference between fathers and mothers concerning their children's parents (we will not discuss gender issues here and will assume that fathers and mothers are biological males and females).


When a child is born, the mother is 'final' as the child's parent, but the father is only 'presumed' (Civil Code Article 772).


Fathers are "required to bring an action for the denial of illegitimacy within one year after the birth." That means The father is legally established as a parent one year after the child's birth.


When I told my family about this, they were surprised.


Second daughter: 'So, you weren't a 'dad' for the first year after I was born?'

私:「そうではなくて、"パパ"であることを否認できる期間が1年間あった、ということなんだが ―― まあ、そういう理解でもいいかな」

Me: "No, I mean that there was one year during which I could deny being a 'dad' - well, I guess that's how I understand it."


Now, let's return to the main subject



Zhuge Liang was,


(1) 'presumed' to 'may be a good military strategist' due to the academicism of the time; and


(2) 'final' as an excellent military strategist' by his subsequent achievements.



The bottom line is that we cannot be 'final' unless we are 'presumed' by society.


Signalling theory.


'The Three Kingdoms is not a pure meritocracy story,' of course.


Instead, the Three Kingdoms is a story full of nepotism, kinship, cultism, and personality.


(Click to jump to the column).

しかし、三国志に「学歴主義」も入っているとするなら ―― これは、ほとんど、現代の物語と同じです。

But if the Three Kingdoms also contains 'academic meritocracy' - this is almost the same as the contemporary story.



Posted by ebata