本来、システム構築もプログラミングも楽しいものです ―― 締切とノルマさえなければ


I think (1) strategy-based TV/smartphone games and (2) system building/programming are the same.


More crudely, "games and work are essentially the same."


Of course, many people would argue against this. The first of these is my wife.


The wife insists that 'there are a handful of people for whom work seems like a game.'


Well, actually, the root word for labour 'slave'.


I think the view that 'working is equal to being a slave' is probably correct in terms of cultures around the world and terms of reality.


ただ、システムやプログラムが予想通りに動いた時のホッとした安心感、安堵感というのは、ゲームのラスボスを倒した時の似ているのではないか ―― と"推測"しています。

However, I "guess" that the feeling of relief and relief when a system or program works as expected is similar to when you defeat the game's last boss.


I say "guess" because I don't know anything about the game or understand it.


But still, if you feel like 'breathing a sigh of relief and reaching for a cold beer,' maybe the system, the program, and the game are similar.



I have devised a way to make the game the most painful.


'Finish defeating the game's last boss by the morning of next week. Submit the evidence (proof) of its defeat with a screenshot attached.'


Any gamer would hate the game if it were a quota system that

本来、システム構築もプログラミングも楽しいものです ―― 締切とノルマさえなければ。

Inherently, system building and programming are fun -- as long as there are no deadlines and quotas.



Studying without deadlines, quotas, exams, and examinations is fun.

アウトプットにもならず、金銭対価にもならず、社会的評価にもならず、そして、誰からも褒めて貰えないけど ―― それでも、楽しいのは確かです。

It's not output, it's not monetary compensation, it's not social recognition, and no one praises it - but it's still fun.


So, the study of teenagers and the study I am doing are essentially completely different. The former is a 'survival strategy' and the latter is 'entertainment'.


No matter how often an adult tells a teenager that 'English and maths are inherently fun,' they will never get it.


The youngers might shout at me, 'Don't be a sleepwalker! You old man!!'



ここから帰納的に導かれる結論は ――

The conclusion that follows inductively from this is --.


'Games and work are essentially the same' may be accurate, but even if it were true, you'd still get yelled at for 'being stupid.'



Posted by ebata