

The reason for the start of World War II, in my head, is


the conflict between “the team that can get by somehow even with protectionism” and “the team that will die instantly if the former teams imposed the protectionism.”


天然資源を自国で賄えて他国の外貨を獲得できる国はいいなぁ ―― と、ロシアを見ていて思います。

It's great that Russia can meet its natural resource needs and earn foreign currency from other countries.

ウクライナなんぞほっとけばいいのに ―― 無理かな。

Why doesn't he leave Ukraine alone?  Impossible? 

ロシアも、チンギスハーンの時代のモンゴルや、太平洋戦争までのかつての日本帝国のような巨大な領土(占領地域)を手放せば楽にになりますよ ――


Before World War II, Japan wanted to maintain its status as a first-class nation, but it had no natural or energy resources.


So, after getting involved in the peninsula, the continent, Siberia, and the south, they ended up in the situation you know about after the war.


A country with no resources is still miserable.


昨日、「アメリカ 中国製EVの関税 27日引き上げへ 現在の4倍の100%に」というニュースを読んで、これも保護貿易だよなぁ、と思っていました。

Yesterday, I read the news “US to raise tariffs on Chinese-made EVs to 100% on the 27th, four times the current rate”, and I thought, “This is also protectionist trade, isn't it?”.

まあ、それでも、中国には潤沢な国内市場があります。国の中でグルグルと経済を回せるだけの人口があるのだから『まあ、がんばれ』とエールを送っておきます ―― もちろん、中国政府ではなく、中国のエンジニアの皆さんに、です。

Even so, China has a large domestic market. The population is large enough to keep the economy going, so I'll cheer them on and say, 'Well, hang in there'—of course, not to the Chinese government but to all the Chinese engineers.



I have not forgotten my resentment towards the “Super 301” clause that the U.S. imposed the sanctions.

「勝てない相手とは、喧嘩はしない」のは、当たり前のことですが ――


During the Japan-US trade friction, the US said, “We (the US) won't threaten Japan with tariffs. But you know that. " The US forced Japan to “voluntarily limit the number of exports,” and Japan again bowed to the US at this time.


Of course, China was similar.


I forgot we had to cancel the crucial meeting in China during the Senkaku Islands dispute.

いいんです ―― 日本は、戦後、そういう理念で国家を運営してきたのです。そして、それは正しい。

That's fine. - Japan has been running the country based on that philosophy since the end of the war. And it's the right thing to do.


私たちの仕事が、政治によって邪魔されるのは仕方がないことかもしれないけど ――

It may be inevitable that politics interrupt our work, but


No one knows that an engineer was clenching his fists and angrily trembling.


Not just a “star on earth” but a “silent shadow.”


The engineer, who does not express his frustration or regret in words that no one ever hears, disappears from the scene.

一片の救いもないミッション ―― そんなものは、生きていれば、山ほどあります。

Plenty of missions offer no hope - if you live, you'll have plenty of those.


Or rather, that's all life is like (is it just me?).

NHKの「新プロジェクトX」が、こういう、政治に翻弄されたエンジニアたちの、やるせない悔しさと、プロジェクトの破綻、崩壊まできちんと描く「一片の救いのない」番組を作ってくれたら ―― 多分、私は視聴すると思います。

Suppose NHK's “New Project X” made a program that correctly depicted the helpless frustration of these engineers, who were at the mercy of politics and the collapse and destruction of the project. In that case, I would probably watch it.

「江端家プロジェクト(The project of "the Ebatas") ―― プロジェクト "E"」


Posted by ebata