
過料 ―― 私、これ、特許法の第202~204条の条文でしか知らないのですが、「十万円以下」という金額だけは覚えています。

Non-Penal Fine -- I am only familiar with the text of Articles 202-204 of the Patent Law, but I only remember the amount of "not more than 100,000 yen".


I remember thinking, 'Even I can pay 100,000 yen on the same day.


Moreover, since it is not a criminal penalty, it does not result in a criminal record.


From my research, a traffic ticket is also a form of Non-Penal Fine.



When I heard that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) was planning to petition the Tokyo District Court to impose a "Non-Penal Fine" as an administrative penalty on the Family Association for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church), I honestly thought, "What?"


Is this a prelude to a dissolution order?


If so, I understand the significance of this Non-Penal Fine.



Again, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church) can continue its religious activities as long as it likes, even after the dissolution order.


Our country guarantees freedom of religion in our Constitution. Religious activities can continue even if the organization loses its status as a religious corporation.


It "only" loses the privileges granted to religious corporations (e.g., tax liability).

法人格を失った統一教会への献金は、―― 例えば、1億円の献金があれば、ざっくりその半分は、日本国の国庫に納められる


Why don't they voluntarily return their religious juridical personality and do whatever religious activities they want?

詐欺まがいの寄付(犯罪)をやるなら、―― 社会問題にならない程度の金額や規模に抑える、という程度の『犯罪の運用・管理』もできないほどに、絶望的にマヌケなんですよ、ヤツら(旧称統一教会)は。


This is the "coolest break with the state" for the former Unification Church.


Posted by ebata