本当に一所懸命やっているんだけど、法律で定められている時間内では、仕事の量と質から考えても絶対に間に合わない ――
I am working hard, but I will never make it within the legal time frame, given the quantity and quality of the work I have to do.
Whose fault is this?
Is it my (incompetence) fault?
I am angry that even now, as I am scoping my retirement, I am asking myself the same question humanity has been asking since ten years ago, 30 years ago, and since the beginning of time, as my problem.
Perhaps, 'Are humans inherently stupid?' I think.
太陽にブラックホールが突っ込んでくる日が、明日やって来たとしても、今の私は歓迎します(by さよならジュピター(故小松左京先生))。
Even if the day when a black hole crashes into the sun comes tomorrow, I would welcome it now (by Byebye Jupiter (the late Sakyo Komatsu)).