It's the season of athletic festival.
This year, however, the athletic festival seems to have been cancelled due to the corona disaster.
In that sense, it could be argued that corona disasters can also be effective, in if it's a very rare case.
The events called "athletic festival" are
- compulsory release of the results without the person's permission, and
- the ultimate "bullying" that no one can dispute.
- How much I had hated it
I have already mentioned a lot about this, so I will omit it this time.
ところで ――
By the way --
My junior daughter still doesn't seem to believe that I was the student council president in junior high school, however,
The other day, I said that when I was in the second year of junior high school
"I was a cheerleader in athletic festival once.
という話をしたら ―― 次女に、もの凄い目で見られました。
she looked at me in a very cold way.
Well, I could understand her feeling.
I was not just a class relay athlete, but running last in a sprint.
and I was placed farthest away from the main bridge in gymnastics.
Well, I was certainly the furthest thing from the concept of a "cheerleader".
There were various reasons, but I remember that being the student president at that time was the biggest factor.
学ランにたすき姿で、グランドの真ん中で大声を出して応援団を統率し、相手側の応援団とエールの交換をする ―― そういうことをやったのです。
I did that in a school uniform, loudly leading the cheering squad in the middle of the ground, and exchanging ale with the enemy cheering party.
It's true.
It's okay to have them checked, and I think the witnesses are still alive.
それが、どうして、今の私のように、ここまで捻くれた孤独な・・・もとい、誇り高き孤高のエンジニアになったかというと ―― それはそれは、長い長い物語が必要となります。
How did that make me so twisted and lonely as I am now... I mean "a proud, lone engineer", it will take a long, long story to do that.
Really, it takes a long story to be disgusting.