―― 私が、休日を返上してたった一人で作った文化祭の展示物の前で、集合写真を取ったクラスの連中


I don't think it was a lot of fun when I looked at teenagers in general, except when I was in college.


Even if I become a celebrity and receive a lecture request from the high school I attended, I think I will definitely refuse.

高校には、私をいじめていた奴が2人いて、今でもその2人の名前を覚えていて、今でも私は許していないから、ということもあるのですが ―― それだけでもありません。

There were two guys in high school who were bullying me, and I still remember their names, and I still don't forgive them. But that's not all.


After all, I had hated "school".


However, I loved "university", so I think that what I hated was

―― 「クラス」という「箱」

A "box" called "class"




- "Management area" where it was decided that the teacher should clarify the scope of jurisdiction and responsibility, and the other management targets (students) could be ignored.


- "Cluster" that was forced to be gathered for no purpose, but is compared to other classes and forced to win for no apparent reason.


- Evil "classmates" who interfered with what I was doing and kept pulling my legs instead of cooperating.



At this time of the athletic and school festival, I remember

―― 私が、休日を返上してたった一人で作った文化祭の展示物の前で、集合写真を取ったクラスの連中

"The classmate who took a group photo in front of the cultural festival exhibit that I made by myself after returning from the holidays"



Even now, decades after that, I can't forgive them.



So, even if I become a celebrity and receive a lecture request from the high school I attended, I think


"I will definitely refuse"



Posted by ebata