大人としては、『なんで、我々大人にバレる態様で、喫煙や飲酒をするんだ、このバカ! 』と叫びたいことでしょう。


When I was in university, I went to a course for a suspension (license suspension), and the police questionnaire tabulation system pointed out that I was not law-abiding.

江端さんのひとりごと 「遵法精神って何?」


I believe that law-abiding spirit refers to a policy of compliance with the law, but I do not see it as 'acquiescing to the law.'


I believe the law is a 'rule' but not necessarily 'justice.'


When I was a student, a senior student told me, 'If smoking is dangerous, then it must be dangerous whether you are an adult or not. It is unreasonable to prohibit it only for young people.


Of course, this is an extreme view. I believe that the state must restrict smoking to minors who are still in the process of physical development.


However, I think that 'adhering stubbornly' to it is a kind of 'slavery to the law' and a dangerous sign for society as a whole (it could accelerate totalitarianism).



Ebata's interpretation of 'law-abiding spirit' means 'to make it appear to the "world" that one is obeying the law.'


Smoking and non-smoking are also 'not a matter for the law' as long as they continue to be kept secret as individual acts, to the extent that third parties do not externally detect them.


As long as you keep it completely confidential within your sphere, you are not disrupting the social order, and the health problems caused by smoking and smoking cessation are your problem.


(Although, if you bring up the burden of medical costs, it is not entirely a personal issue.)


As an adult, I can say, 'Do it well so you don't find out. But as long as I find your fault, I have to behave like one of the law-abiding adults.



Children do not understand these 'painful and troublesome positions' of adults.

大人としては、『なんで、我々大人にバレる態様で、喫煙や飲酒をするんだ、このバカ! 』と叫びたいことでしょう。

As an adult, I may want to shout, 'Why are you smoking and drinking in a manner that we adults can see, you idiot? '.


And I would shout at her, 'Are you so low that you can't even give that level of consideration and ingenuity?


(Well, I don't deal with stupid teenagers who proudly show smoking and drinking to others, as I identify them as 'uncorrectable idiots').



As a teenager, I used to have a plum wine evening with my mother a few times a year.


Had this been made public, my mother would have been subject to fines, detention, and imprisonment under the Underage Drinking Law for "encouraging a child to drink," and she may have also been subject to injury charges for abuse.


As a night-time drinker, I could also have been in trouble with the police and suspended or expelled from school.


I also used to force myself to pour beer down my throat before university exam days because I couldn't sleep. I didn't think beer tasted good at the time (I had had insomnia since I was a teenager).


But I didn't do anything stupid like tell anyone about it, much less brag about it.


It is an example of a way of life that makes me appear law-abiding to 'the world.'



Incidentally, a diet member said, 'What's the fuss over a mere cigarette? It's not a drug!" But this opition is wrong, to begin with.


Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and methamphetamine are all 'drugs' in terms of being addictive and damaging to health.


It is just that tobacco and alcohol consumption above a certain age is considered legal by our country.


Tobacco and alcohol consumption are legal solely as a compromise between tax revenue, health hazards, and social order.

飲酒を嗜む人にとっては、我が国は「天国」ですが ―― 断酒中の人間にとっては、「地獄」と言えます。


In the first place, I doubt that we can divide tobacco from cannabis from the science viewpoint.

―― 大麻を試したいなら、なぜ、栽培、乾燥、製粉までの全行程を、DIYで実現しようとしないのか?


I am aware that it is a historical fact that 'cannabis caused a sharp increase in opium addicts and succeeded in significantly reducing the productivity and workforce of Chinese society (Opium War (1839-1842))', and that with tobacco it is only 'now, I have not confirmed that.'


As for alcohol consumption, think 'the tax revenue is delicious for the state.' (From the 1890s to the early Showa period, alcohol tax accounted for about 30% of the national budget. Incidentally, it is now around 1% (still 1.18 trillion yen).)


てなことをトータルで勘案すると、オリンピックに出場する未成年の選手が、飲酒と喫煙で、出場停止にさせられるというのは、厳しい措置ではありますが、私は、妥当であると思います ―― 少なくとも、失当ではない、と思う。

Taking all of the above into consideration, I think it is a harsh measure to suspend underage athletes from the Olympics for drinking and smoking. Still, I think it is reasonable -- at least not unjustified.


Of course, this would be a desperate and frustrating measure for the individual who sacrificed much of their life and efforts.


But do you think allowing a party violating national law to represent a nation in an international event is possible?


That's impossible. It is also a matter of pride as a law-abiding nation.


And, as an adult, I am also tempted to say, "Why didn't she do it privately, in secret, so that she hid? I also feel like stamping our feet.

―― 泣いて馬謖を切る(by 三国志)

"To make a costly sacrifice in the course of justice" (by Three Kingdoms)


The word fits perfectly (if you don't know it, please look it up).


Please help us teenagers not to allow such cruel measures for us adults. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


"If you're going to do it, do it quietly, alone, and without being noticed. Do not associate with others. If you can't stand it, do it privately and quietly. "


Please be thorough in this.


It is a request from Ebata as an adult.




What I resent is that when high school baseball players or college football players drink, smoke, or use marijuana, they "always do it with their friends.


'If you want to do something illegal, do it alone. If you are too chicken to do it, you can't do it in the first place! I want to yell at him.

『私(江端)のやり方を見習え』 ―― とまでは言いませんが。

I don't want to say, 'Follow my (Ebata's) example.


Posted by ebata