夏になれば、仕方がないことですが、―― 男性の体臭が凄い。


夏になれば、仕方がないことですが、―― 男性の体臭が凄い。

It cannot be helped that the body odor (BO) of men becomes terrible.


I ride on a crowded train in the opposite direction of the city center daily, so I don't think I feel so hard.


But I am very sorry for the person who cannot escape from the tragedy in a packed train and is close to the terrible BO.


Summer is a hard season for me because I am not only a victim but also a victimizer with age smell.


Though I can give a walking smoker a blow, I think that the BO is an inevitable force.


Even if I find a person who make his BO on purpose (I don't know whether it is possible) I think I may tighten his neck.


(To be continued)


Posted by ebata