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Incidentally, I want to “seriously” do a proper “verification.”


You may not believe me, but I don't intend to tease or make fun of you.


There were quite a few mistakes I made, and I made many mistakes and kept correcting them repeatedly, and that is how I got to where I am today.


And, as I've said many times, 'engineering is a job where you make many mistakes.'




When I was a teenager, I was one of those people who was genuinely scared by the book “Nostradamus's Great Prophecies.”


After that, I read a book that studied the mechanisms of how to create books like “Nostradamus's Great Prophecy,” and I remember being deeply convinced.


Recently, the words “conspiracy theory,” “fake news,” and “fake images” have been appearing a lot, but I think that there is, in principle, no way to judge whether or not something is a conspiracy.


I think the only way to determine this is to wait long enough.


And now, I feel that enough time has passed to verify whether the “magnets,” “microchips,” and “rewriting of genetic information” mentioned at the beginning of the story happened.


So, right now, I'm seriously thinking about verifying this story.



The fact that the only means available is “time passing” is a rather sad story.


I don't have any way of detecting “conspiracy theories,” “fake news,” or “fake images,” but I use “logic,” “data,” and “systems theory” as a way of dealing with this other than “time passing.”


However, this method is only usable by trained engineers, so it is not very versatile. Also, it is not an absolute method.


For example, one thing that was utterly swallowed, despite being fully armed with logic in terms of “logic,” “data,” and “systems theory,” was the “nuclear power plant safety myth.”


However, the above was also due to preconceptions, and perhaps if we had pursued it more rigorously, like a computer, with cold-hearted logic, data, and systems theory, we might have been able to avoid this.



Using logic, data, and systems theory, we can eliminate some (but not all) of the conspiracy theories that abound in the world.


Conspiracy theories have specific characteristics, as follows.

1. 証拠が乏しく、主観に依存している

1. There is little evidence, and it relies on subjective opinions.


Conspiracy theories are often based on speculation and rumors and lack clear evidence. However, conspiracy theories rarely provide proof and tend to interpret facts conveniently, making it difficult to conduct objective analysis.

2. 仮説自体が検証不可能

2. Not testable hypothesis 


Hypotheses must be disproved in scientific verification. However, hypotheses cannot be verified in conspiracy theories, and even if they are disproved, the theory is forcibly modified.

3. データの選び方に偏りがある

3. Bias in the way data is selected.


Conspiracy theorists tend only to use data that supports their claims. However, engineers and researchers must treat all data fairly and reach balanced conclusions.

4. 相関関係と因果関係の混同

4. Confusing correlation and causation


When a correlation between A and B is found, conspiracy theorists tend to misinterpret it as a causal relationship, saying that A caused B. However, even if there is a correlation, it does not necessarily indicate cause and effect. This fundamental misunderstanding makes the logic of conspiracy theories ambiguous. (My university supervisor has given me guidance on this many times.)

5. 感情がロジックを曇らせる

5. Emotions cloud logic


Conspiracy theories have a strong emotional appeal and often provoke emotional responses rather than rational ones. When emotions take precedence, rational thinking based on data and facts is put on the back burner.

6. 複雑な問題を単純化しすぎる

6. Over-simplifying complex problems


Conspiracy theories tend to explain complex phenomena simplistically. However, reality is more complicated. Engineers and researchers must consider multiple factors and analyze complex phenomena accurately, and conspiracy theories' simplistic perspective cannot fully capture this complexity.



However, as mentioned above, the only way to determine whether or not something is a conspiracy theory is over time, and even logic, data, and systems theory are not perfect.


The best we can do is to “believe half and doubt half.”


In that sense, I think it's important to train yourself not to listen to other people's opinions.


If I were to 'destroy myself by believing in something,' I could accept that.


Posted by ebata