


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(11)ブロックチェーン(5):

「ブロックチェーン」に永遠の愛を誓う ~神も法もかなわぬ無敵の与信システム


Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (10) Blockchain(4)

Pledge Eternal Love to the Blockchain: An Invincible Credit System that Defies God and the Law



In this series about blockchain, I'm waging a negative critique of Bitcoin, but the truth is, I'm not really interested in whether I'm right or wrong.


The reason is that we will eventually find out whether Bitcoin will fail or become a fixture in the online world.

実際のところ、私は、私の知識とロジックで、持論を展開していますが ―― 結構な頻度で「予測を外してきました」。

As a matter of fact, I've been "missing predictions" quite often -- although I have my own theories, with my own knowledge and logic.


In other words, I've made a mistake.

そりゃそうでしょう。間違えますよ ―― 私、神様じゃないんだから。

Of course you're right. I'll make a mistake -- I'm not God.



However, it seems that there are many people in the world who are reluctant to admit mistakes.


"keep silent," or "reopen," or "make endless excuses", etc.


To be honest, I think this guy is painful.



Engineers and researchers are continually betrayed by their hypotheses every day.


In my case, every day, I am constantly denied my ideas by the simulations I have created, by the circuits I have created , and the devices I have created.

その結果を見て『いや! 私は間違っていない!!』と言い張っても、意味がありません。

After looking at the results, there is a meaningless to say "I am not wrong!"


Because that will only tighten my own neck.



Trained engineers/researchers act on the assumption that they are "wrong".


It's not embarrassing to make mistakes.

間違えることは、正しい答に辿りつく最短のアプローチであり、そして、「間違え続けることが、私たちの仕事」であって ――

Making mistakes is the quickest way to get to the right answer, and it's our job to keep making mistakes.


Then, "clarify the cause of the mistake and the reason for it" is a set of steps.



Posted by ebata