


I have made negative comments about NHK's “New Project X” in the past.


久々に、「新プロジェクトX オウムVS.科捜研 地下鉄サリン事件 世紀の逮捕劇」を見始めたのですが、文字通り「食い入る様」に見てしまいました。

After a long time, I started watching “New Project X: Aum vs. the Crime Scene Investigation Team: The Subway Sarin Incident - The Arrest of the Century,” I devoured it.


It was the first time I had seen Aum Shinrikyo's sarin production factory, and I was amazed at the planning's scale and thoroughness.


The sight of hundreds of pipes crisscrossing in a complex pattern and huge facilities such as reaction tanks and refining tanks arranged secretively was indeed that of a 'giant chemical plant.'


The fact that such a facility was established in secret, hidden from the national authorities, and was able to mass-produce Sarin was simply overwhelming.


I discussed the amount of money invested in the Sarin gas project with ChatGPT. ChatGPT calculated it to be “just under 300 million yen” using the Fermi estimate.


However, I think it is one digit higher.

なるほど、オウム真理教が、『本気で国家転覆を計画していた』ことは、この工場プラントの写真だけでも確信できました ―― 100万人から1000万人オーダの人間を殺害するためであれば、当然に、この規模のプラントが必要になるはずです。

I see; the fact that Aum Shinrikyo was 'seriously planning to overthrow the state' can be confirmed just from these photos of the factory plant alone - if they were planning to kill 1 to 10 million people, then, of course, they would need a plant of this scale.


However, I don't understand the logic of 'seizing power through the mass murder of ordinary citizens.'


Maybe if I became the leader or a member of a religious cult or a member of the far left or far right, I would be able to understand, but it seems impossible for me now.


今回の「新プロジェクトX オウムVS.科捜研 地下鉄サリン事件 世紀の逮捕劇」で、私が息をこらして見入ったシーンは、警視庁科学捜査研究所(科捜研)の研究員が、オウム真理教の元幹部で化学者だった土屋公献(つちや ひろのり)死刑囚(執行済)の自白に至らしめるまでのシーンです。

The scene in the recent TV program “Shin Project X: Aum VS. Forensics: The Subway Sarin Gas Attack - The Arrest of the Century” had me holding my breath as I watched. It was the scene where the researchers at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Forensic Science Laboratory (Kakoken) managed to get a confession out of Tsuchiya Hironori, a former Aum Shinrikyo executive and chemist who was later executed.


There was no conversation in the interrogation room.


A researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Forensic Science Laboratory quietly continues to write plant diagrams and chemical formulas on numerous sheets of paper and shows them to Tsuchiya.


And Tsuchiya's reaction when he is shown a formula for producing Sarin that has no precedent in the world.


It's a drama already!


I'd love to see it made into a movie (or maybe it already has been?).



The fantastic thing about Tsuchiya, a former Aum Shinrikyo executive, and chemist, is that he succeeded in synthesizing the deadly nerve agent Sarin using chemicals that are generally available.


Simply put, he made sarin using pesticides and detergents bought from a mass retailer.


Naturally, it's a world first.


Usually, the synthesis of Sarin requires specialized chemical knowledge and specific dangerous chemicals, so ordinary people can't make it.


However, Tsuchiya used his chemical knowledge to develop a method for producing Sarin using the chemicals and equipment available to Aum Shinrikyo, and he succeeded in producing it.


土屋は、筑波大学大学院を卒業するほどの秀才であったにも関わらず、世間はその能力を見い出すことができませんでした ―― しかし、オウム真理教教団だけが、それを見い出し、莫大な予算を投入して、サリン製造を成し遂げたのです。

Even though Tsuchiya was a genius who graduated from Tsukuba University's graduate school, the world failed to recognize his abilities—only the Aum Shinrikyo cult recognized them. They invested a huge budget to produce sarin.


Aum Shinrikyo was not just a crazy cult.


They were a terrorist group that could make decisions based on precise calculations, discovered the right people, invested a tremendous amount of money, and established a mass production system technology for the highly toxic Sarin gas using an approach that seemed almost impossible.


Watching this program made me realize for the first time that I am terrified of cults.



Many people have high intelligence but don't get the chance to use it.


I have seen many people like that in my life.


If someone told me, “Mr. Ebata's technology is necessary for our country right now,” I might even go to the <continent> or the <north>.


Money is not an issue. To begin with, engineers are not interested in money for 'luxury' or 'amusement.' Such petty cash is outside the scope of our interests.


Engineers want “research and development expenses,” two to three digits higher than “entertainment expenses.”


We will jump at any opportunity if you recognize our abilities and allow us to demonstrate our talents.


The scary thing about cults is that even if my abilities are suited to 'mass murder,' there are doctrines that make me believe that it is 'justice.'


There is no way to stop engineers who believe in “developing technology for justice” (it's true).



Our country (Japan) should stop treating us engineers so coldly (I think Japanese engineers are treated coldly).


Please remember that we engineers can always be a 'national threat.'


Posted by ebata