I am researching previous psychological studies to provide a rationale for my research at university.
One of these is the “Mere Exposure Effect”.
恋愛、結婚にいたるケースで結構な比率を占めるのが、半径2メートル程度以内に自分と相手の席があったケース―― というのは、誰もが聞いた話だと思います。
I think everyone has heard the story that a significant proportion of cases that lead to romance and marriage involve the couple sitting within a radius of about 2 meters of each other.
It seems true that people who belong to the same class tend to feel closer to each other than those who belong to different classes. In events like the “class relay race”, where people who don't know each other at all support each other just because they belong to the same class, this is an example of “Mere Exposure Effect”.
The first experiment in the second diagram in the above page's “Mere Exposure Effect” experiment made me laugh.
In short, the experiment showed that male students are likelier to feel “attraction” and “sympathy” towards female students who regularly attend university lectures.
In this experiment, it may be okay to say that “men are simple and stupid simply,” but if this is a characteristic of human beings, it would not be a good idea to ignore it.
In this experiment, the four women only varied the frequency with which they attended lectures. Still, the fact that this simple change increased their 'attractiveness' and 'sympathy' is a valuable finding.
I thought “making dating a daily routine” could be a powerful strategy in relationships and marriage.
で、ふと思ったのですが、「単純接触効果」をもっとも発揮させるもっとも有効な方法とは ―― 結婚してしまうことですね。強制的な毎日の「単純接触効果」が発生することになりますから。
Then, I suddenly thought that getting married would be the most effective way to maximize the “Mere Exposure Effect.” This would create a compulsory daily “Mere Exposure Effect.”
Well, this story is about “eggs and chickens,” so as a preliminary step before marriage or cohabitation, it seems that it's better not to dismiss simple methods that may seem a bit corny, such as “adjusting your commuting time (going to school, going to work, leaving school, leaving work)” or “talking to that person at least once a day.”
When I was single, I set a quota of calling my now-wife at least once a week, even if I didn't have anything to discuss. I continued this “Mere Exposure Effect” strategy for several years.
あれは、意外に効果があったのかもしれません ―― と、何十年後の自分の研究で、自分の振舞いをレビューすることになるとは、思いませんでしたが。
I didn't think I would be reviewing my own behavior in my research decades later, but that may have had an unexpected effect.
I am considering the social systems that generate this “Mere Exposure Effect.” I am working hard on research and writing to publish a paper on this topic.