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(Continuation from yesterday)

昨日の「沖縄戦 出口なき戦場」の他、NHKスペシャル「映像の世紀」「(原発事故)廃炉への道」「MEGAQUAKE 巨大地震」など、私は、追い立てられるような気持ちで視聴しています。

In addition to yesterday's "Battle of Okinawa: A Battlefield Without a Way Out," I have been watching NHK specials such as "Century of Movies," "(Nuclear Power Plant Accident) Road to Decommissioning," and "MEGAQUAKE: A Huge Earthquake" as if I were being driven to watch them.

私は、「今のような、民主的で、安全で、災害のない毎日がこれからも続く」 ―― そんなことは1mmも信じていないからです。

This is because I don't believe at all that we will continue to have democratic, safe, and disaster-free days like we do now.


Before the Pacific War, Japan was a nation of laws with sovereignty of the people, and the judiciary, the executive and the legislature functioned as we do today.


Even in Germany, before the rise of Nazi Germany, the Weimar constitution was in effect, which proclaimed the sovereignty of the people.


In little more than a decade, it has become a police state, a militarist state, and a dictatorship.


One only has to look at what is going on in Hong Kong and Myanmar to watch persons who advocate for "rights" and "justice" are easily imprisoned and killed.

―― なのに、なんで、みんな、そんな自信タップリに安心していられるの?

"So how can you all be so confident and secure?"


I think so from the bottom of my heart.



I have learned from history that "justice" and "righteousness" have a 'expiration date'.


So, I am always ready to make sure that only I (and my family) can escape during the 'expiration date'.


In "After the Expiration Date," I've been writing whatever I want in my blogs and columns, and I'm sure I'll be at the top of the kill list.



My family members stay in their rooms when I try to watch the above mentioned documentary programs.


Well, I think that this can't be helped.


From now on, various special programs will be aired for the anniversary of the end of the war in August, but probably few Japanese will take them seriously.


"Feelings that must be conveyed" and "Feelings that must be received" are not equivalent.

その想いの強さにおいて、「伝えなければならない想い」 >>>>> 「受けとらなければならない想い」という感じで、私の主観値としては、1000倍~1万倍くらいの差があると思います。

In terms of the strength of those feelings, I think there is a difference of 1,000 to 10,000 times in the subjective value of "feelings that must be conveyed" >>>>> "feelings that must be received".


I think that history education should be restructured based on the premise that "the lessons of history cannot be passed on to future generations"



If I were a history teacher, I would make and submit the following questions.


(1)沖縄戦、(2)広島原爆投下、(3)東京大空襲 を、民間人(非戦闘員)の死者数の多い順に並び替えよ

Sort (1) the Battle of Okinawa, (2) the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and (3) the air raid on Tokyo, in order of the number of civilians (non-combatants) killed.




At the very least, it is better than today's conceptual history education because it can convey the scale of the tragedy.


I think it's better than the current situation where we are mass producing children who don't know that the US and Japan were at war.


Posted by ebata