先日、昨年末に放送された、「NHKスペシャル 量子もつれ アインシュタイン 最後の謎」について、その番組と無関係な日記をしました。
The other day, I wrote a diary entry about the “NHK Special: Quantum Entanglement - Einstein's Last Mystery” broadcast at the end of last year, but the diary had nothing to do with the program.
When I was in charge of the serialization of “Quantum Computers” before, I looked up all the people who appeared in the program except for one (David Bohm).
David Bohm proposed a new interpretation of quantum mechanics but was shunned by academia.
その後、デビット・ボームさんは、超能力やカルトに傾倒していったようです。量子力学とは、そういう性質があるようです ―― まさか、研究者自身がハマるとは思いませんでしたが。
After that, David Bohm seems devoted to psychic powers and cults. Quantum mechanics seems to have that kind of property - I never thought that the researcher himself would become involved.
(Click to go to the column)
In short, there is a risk for researchers to continue to advocate research that is not mainstream in academic circles (incidentally, it seems that David Bohm's theory has not been revised to date (I checked)).
However, this “spirit” was passed on to the next generation.
"Regardless of a theory's complexity or challenge, it requires validation through experimentation.'
I was shocked when I understood John Stewart Bell's “Bell's Inequality.”
And the person who experimented was John Crowther.
He is one of the scientists I admire.
After all, this person is “a big fan of Einstein” and “wants to completely deny quantum mechanics because it is too difficult to understand” and is not a character who could appear in the history of quantum mechanics.
However, he is a rare person who, against his wishes, proved the validity of quantum mechanics through his experiments.
He completed the experimental equipment “all by hand” from scratch.
The story of how, with zero budget for experiments, he built up research equipment from scratch by picking up the remnants of experimental equipment from university laboratories never fascinates me.
Furthermore, the story of how the experiment was eventually canceled after being pointed out by another researcher as being flawed in the experimental equipment is a striking example of “the weakness of the researcher's position.”
で、まあ、私が言いたいのは、私も、今、従来にはなかった新しい手法をつかって、かなり無茶な方向で研究を暴走させている最中なのですが、デビット・ボームさんや、ジョン・クラウザーさんが喰らった「冷や飯」の話を聞くと―― なんか、力づけられるのです。
So, I'm also in the middle of letting my research run wild in a rather absurd direction, using new methods that have never been used before. Hearing about the “cold rice” that David Bohm and John Crowther had to eat gives me strength.
まあ、私の場合、ずっと「冷や飯」という公算が高いのですが ―― もうキャリアとか考える必要もないシニアとなっていることは、逆に「強み」と言えるかもしれません。
Well, in my case, I'll likely be “cold rice” for the rest of my life, but I'm already a senior citizen who doesn't have to think about my career anymore, which might be considered an advantage.
I think that it is better to be a crazy older man alone, coding simulations, than to be a senior who gets caught up in a cult religion and causes trouble for his family in his later years.