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There is a partition between the living room and the kitchen in our house.


The large window in the wall is designed to pass food through, so it is difficult to have a conversation between the living room and the kitchen.


The distance from the TV at the back of the living room to the kitchen sink is about 5 meters, so when I'm cooking in the kitchen or washing up, I can see the TV, but not hear the audio.


In the kitchen, in order to hear the sound of the TV, I have to be in a maximum volume situation, but of course, this is too loud in the living room and can be a nuisance to the neighbors.


So, we use an FM transmitter to broadcast the TV sound to the FM radio.

----- 我が家では、非常にコスパなFMトランスミッタTR-10RDXを、10年以上も愛用しています。

In our house, we have been using the very affordable FM transmitter TR-10RDX for more than 10 years.


In the meantime, several FM radios kept breaking down.


It was not a good idea to operate the radio with wet hands in a watering hole like a sink.


I recently purchased "Bountiful Harvest Radio" as my fourth generation radio.


It is "hard to break" and "No stereo sound source is required. The monaural sound source is enough".


Although I can't use AC power and have to use batteries, I can move the radio easily anywhere (such as on the table in the living room) and it has become convenient.


Even with batteries, it seems to last a light six months or more.



I don't like, or rather "hate", sitting on the couch and watching TV.


Because it feels like I waste my resources.


For me, I enjoy watching N-Spe (NHK special) the most while cooking and washing dishes.


Thus, I was enjoying comfortable cooking and washing work while watching TV with "TR-10RDX" and "Harvest Radio".



However, the other day, my wife told me that she couldn't hear any sound from the radio.


I stopped all the work and started to take immediate measures.


For me, the "no TV sound from the radio" was as important an incident as the "Internet" or "Ebata family LAN" communication failure.


(To be continued)

彡貴重品 FMワイヤレスマイク内蔵型 FMトランスミッター Telstar TR ...


Posted by ebata