―― 関係者全員に、「何かが乗り移っていた」かのようなオーラが漂う作品として仕上がっている

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
Let's turn over the world by number (64). Extra:
"A forefront of corona infection battle" sent by the doctor to me as an engineer
This is the longest column I've ever written.
(Step 1) Ebata read the email sent by Dr. Shibata
(Step 2) Ebata looks up all the technical terms in Shibata-sensei's e-mails to understand them.
(Step 3) Ebata makes changes and additions to phrases to explain, makes drawings, and forwards them to Dr. Shibata via email.
(Step 4) After Dr. Shibata reads it, he adds phrases and drawings to clear up Ebata's misunderstanding and provide accurate explanations, and forwards them to Ebata.
(Step5)それを読んだ江端が・・・(以下、(Step2)に戻る ・・・)
(Step 5) Ebata reads it, and... (Goes back to (Step 2) )
During this step, I am reviewed by the junior.
This process was repeated for several days between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.
Ebata forwarded the final edition by e-mails to Ms.M, who was in charge of editing, she took this massive amount of text and edited it into a public page in just two days. and asked both Dr. Shibata and Ebata to do a final check on that,
However, Dr. Shibata and Ebata (without giving a straightforward go-ahead), furthermore, conducted Step 2 through Step 5 again.
After final proofreading by Ms.M, it was finally released today at 6:30 p.m.
And now that I've cooled down and re-read it, I come to think
―― 関係者全員に、「何かが乗り移っていた」かのようなオーラが漂う作品として仕上がっている
"It's a complete work of art with an aura, as if "something had taken over" everyone involved"
I think one of those something was "an unprecedented increase in the number of new corona cases in the last week or so".
ただ、関係者全員 ―― 特に"私" ―― が、冷静さを欠き、『読者、置いてけぼり』にしてしまったような気もしています。
However, I just feel that everyone, especially I, has lost our cool and "forgot about the readers".
I'm deeply sorry.
However, we believe that we have described the very important things that people in Japan need right now.
だから―― 「見出しだけ」でいいから、読んでください。
So, please read this work, even if you read "headlines only".
For headlines only, there are only 13 lines.