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Previously, I wrote a column whose title is

見せろ! ラズパイ ~実家の親を数値で「見える化」せよ

Let me see! Raspberry Pi - "Visualize" your parents in numerical form.



I received an email from a reader of this column who said that he had actually prepared a "Notarized Declaration of Death with Dignity.



I thought this email would be of great value to many people, so I asked for and received permission to publish it in full.


It is reprinted below.

===== ここから =====

===== from here =====

江端 智一 様

Mr. Tomoichi Ebata


I'm Chaos, a retired *****-based former researcher/engineer.


I always enjoy reading your series of columns.


I had a chronic illness and come to create a Death with Dignity Declaration, but then the COVID-19 pandemic hit us and I panicked and notarized the document.


In addition, I notarized the will, property management contract, voluntary guardianship contract, and the person's wishes after death that cannot be stipulated in the will (no funeral, scattering of bones at sea).


I found Mr. Ebata's series of articles very helpful. Thank you very much.



Rather than a declaration of death with dignity, it was more like a DNR declaration.


(*)DNR: Denial of resuscitation


My biggest fear is that I will be bedridden for an unnecessary length of time and that I will develop dementia.


I also did some research and the only way to legally refuse life-prolonging treatment is to leave a notarized letter.


The original is kept at the notary public's office, some are kept by the lawyer, and the certified copy is kept by the person himself.


Notaries are available for a fee, but they will travel to your home.


I emailed the draft back and forth, revised it, and processed it at home.


I was able to use a word processor to create documents, which was helpful.



Since both ventilators and ECMO are useless if I have COVID-19, I made the following policy.


- Don't use unnecessary life-prolonging treatment. Don't waste medical resources.


- Let me die comfortably. Prioritize palliative care.


- Maximize the time I can move freely and minimize the time from hospitalization to death (even if my total life span may be shortened).


- To prevent the doctor in charge from being prosecuted for medical malpractice, he was allowed to administer IV glucose and oxygen.


- Prohibit surgery even if cancer is found (time spent sleeping in surgery is wasted)


- Specify the treatment to be refused (e.g., tracheal intubation/incision, central venous drip feeding, dialysis, gastrostomy).


I have COPD caused by smoking, and it progresses irreversibly.


(*)Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


I am receiving home oxygen therapy with an oxygen concentrator.


I'm not going to use the nursing care insurance until the very last minute because of the risk of infection from the helpers.


It was dangerous to go out, so I stopped taking physical examinations and medical checkups.



I've been posting and serializing a column called "Introduction to Finding Information on Infectious Diseases" under the pseudonym of a certain Anonymous on Kadokawa's novel site, kakuyomu.jp.


If you have time, please have a look.


I solved the mathematical epidemiology model SIR numerically (I have Maple and an 8-core Xeon machine + 64 Gbyte ECC memory). I think that 80% of Uncle (Dr. Nishiura)'s claims were correct.


I hope to read about it in your series of column on the theme of "Can enhanced PCR testing control the spread of infection?"


I recommend enhanced PCR testing and detection isolation.

SIRでは、無症状感染者を積極的に検出/隔離すればRt < 1 に向かうはず。

According to the SIR, active detection/isolation of asymptomatic infected patients should lead to Rt < 1.



Although the first day of spring has passed, it is still very cold.


I pray that you will take care of yourself in the midst of the Corona disaster.


I am looking forward to your further works.


インターネット老人会会員 Chaos 拝

Sincerely yours

Chaos, as Internet Seniors Association Member

===== ここまで =====

===== to here =====


Posted by ebata