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It's not that difficult to create a callback. As long as it's in the same language.

でもね、GOとC++の間で共通するトリガーイベントを作る方法が ―― 今日、一日、世界中を探し回ったんですけど ―― 見つけられないんですよ。

But you know, I can't find a way to make trigger events common between GO and C++ -- I've been looking all over the world today -- and I can't find it.


So, why don't I just use UDP or TCP to listen in? Yeah, well, I understand that. I've actually made a library for it.


But I know, if I do a UDP connection with 10,000 active objects at the same time, I'll run out of socket resources in an instant. In fact, I had a program go down last month because of this.

で、一番いいのが、GOのチャネルを使う方法なんですけど、これを、C++に連携させる方法が ―― ない。

So, the best way to do this is to use the GO channel, but there is no way to link this to C++.


It would be nice to be able to run a GO program with a C++ library linked to the GO library, but yesterday's prototype failed at every step.


Of course, I will use "polling" methods. One second of sampling won't be much of a load.


But that's not 'cool', is it?

プログラムのコールをどう実装しようが、私以外の人は知り得ないことですよ ―― でも、『この私』が納得していないんです。

No one but me can know how to implement the calls in the program -- but 'I' am not convinced.


This is important.



So yesterday, from morning till late at night, I kept trying to figure out how to make this work, and I failed.


I have a draft paper I need to finish today, so I will stop thinking about this issue for now.


It's frustrating, so I'll just leave a note and prepare for the revenge battle later.


Posted by ebata