

For a long time, I naively believed that if we could create an environment where people could share their opinions online, it would make everyone happy and that a variety of views would be expressed, teamwork would improve, and productivity (?) would also improve.


I never imagined that I would come to feel that emails and chats were weapons being thrown at me.

『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ―― タイムマシンに乗って、半殺しにしてやりたいくらいです。


The energetic proposals of the young are annoying.


My boss's proposal to improve the company's structure would increase the workload.


When a junior colleague says, “I'd like to talk to you about something...” it means more trouble.


When a colleague says, “I'd like to hear everyone's opinions,” it's a sign that you're about to get dragged into a discussion you don't want to participate in.


When the personnel department says, “We have arranged a meeting to discuss your career development,” it implies forced growth.


I hope that some country will launch a missile attack on the data center of the system that follows up on deadlines.


ここ2年くらいの間で、体細胞だけでなく、人格も入れ替えしてしまったのではないか、と思うくらいに、私は変わったと思います ―― 後ろ向きに。

I think I've changed so much over the past two years that I've replaced not only my body cells but also my personality - backward.


So it's best not to think that “the current you will continue forever.”

まあ、いい方向に変わる可能性も絶無ではありませんから ―― だらだらと生き続けましょう、お互いに。

Well, there's no guarantee that things won't change for the better, so let's lazily live our lives together.



Mondays make me feel like this, don't they?


Posted by ebata