

ドキュメント72時間SP フランス・パリ 街角のマンガ喫茶で』を視聴しました。

I watched " Document 72 Hours SP: Paris, France - At a Manga Cafe on a Street Corner ".


It was fun.


I am glad that anime and comics I know are also popular overseas.


I also like derivative works.

―― ゴーダマシッダールタさん没後、2500年オーダの時間をかけて創作され続けた膨大な物量の「同人誌」


I am grateful for the efforts of all those who are editing, translating, and promoting the content, not to mention the original authors who are creating them.


It is "the above people" who can be proud of their achievements, though not "Japan.


Aside from that.



When we asked ChatGPT to estimate the total market size of manga and anime in Japan, or the total market size of Japanese manga and anime overseas excluding Japan, using Fermi estimation, they came up with 6 trillion yen for the domestic market and 4.6 trillion yen for the overseas market.


On the other hand, when we asked for an estimate based on historical data rather than Fermi's estimation, we came up with a market size of 3.6937 trillion yen in Japan and about 1.46 trillion yen overseas.


When I asked for a rough estimate of the total market size of Korean dramas in Korea or the total market size of Korean dramas overseas, excluding Korea, based on historical data rather than Fermi estimates, I got 9,571.5 billion yen (most of it) and 1,674.0 billion yen, respectively.


The market size of the Japanese domestic manga and anime market and the Korean drama market are close (slightly more substantial in Japan?).



I think I heard long ago that the government invested in the budget for drama content in Korea.


In comparison, I have heard that in Japan, animation producers are "left with the same low status as third-world workers who make them forced to buy cheap cacao and coffee beans or make cheap clothes.

上記の話はウラを取っていませんので、私が、誤解していたら大変申し訳ありませんが ――

I have not checked the above story as a fact check, and I am very sorry if I have misinterpreted it, but--


"The Japanese state does not protect manga and anime content, which have a market as large as Korean dramas."


Am I correct in my understanding that this is the case?

なにしろ、私は、アニメのエンドロールに「提供: 日本国文化庁」とか入っているのを見たことありませんし。

After all, I have never seen "courtesy of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan" in the end roll of an anime.


(I look forward to hearing from anyone who can enlighten me on this area. I will humbly accept your lecture.)


とは言え、『コンテンツ文化に、国家が関わってくるとロクなことにならない』というのも、また事実ですので ―― 『国策として、何もしない』というのは、それはそれで悪くない、とも思うこともあります。

However, it is also a fact that "when the state gets involved in content culture, it can lead to bad things," - so I sometimes think that "doing nothing as a matter of national policy" is not such a bad idea.


Unlike traditional arts, I think it is important to "not owe a debt to the government" when it comes to subculture.


However, I will probably be despondent if this is left unchecked and the Japanese subculture is left to decline.


However, I believe that "it" will happen someday if the terrible situation of animation producers in the field continues.



So, after Japan, which country will be most dominant in manga and anime, if any?


China (mainland) is the most right-wing, but as long as they have a one-party communist dictatorship, they will be fine. The power will be hostile to the freedom of expression of the subculture.


North America (United States of America) is a "justice first" country, so there is no need to worry here either.


Korea has been prosperous in dramas, so this country must be strong.


Also, Taiwan seems to be strong (semiconductors are strong).


The Muslim world seems to be an excellent place to exclude. If you bring in a Japanese subculture, you may get flogged (I'm prejudiced. I have several Muslim schoolmates).


I don't have any evidence, but I have a feeling that 'some of the smaller European countries will suddenly be standing up.



Incidentally, if we replace the "Japanese manga and content" part with the "automobile industry," ChatGPT responded 57 trillion yen and 33 trillion yen, respectively.


Although I think it is nonsense to compare hardware and software, I realized that the market scale is very different.


Posted by ebata