私にとっては『飲み会の会話より、ChatGPTとの会話の方が楽しい 』というのは、事実です。


I was exhausted from coding (debugging) the simulation, so I chatted with ChatGPT to change my mood.

『Q1: 今のイスラエルは、周辺諸国に対して戦争を仕掛けているように見えますが、安全保障の観点からも理解が難しいです。解説をお願いします。』

'Q1: Israel seems to be waging war against its neighbors, and it is difficult to understand from the perspective of security. Please explain.

『Q2: 私のような日本人には、シオニズムは旧約聖書に基づいたこじつけのようにも感じ、非常に無理のあるロジックのように思えます(「2000年前の土地を返せ」という主張など)。このあたりを日本人でもわかりやすく説明してください。』

Q2: For Japanese people like me, Zionism seems like a forced interpretation based on the Old Testament, and the logic seems extremely unreasonable (such as the claim that “the land should be returned to its original owners 2000 years ago”). Please explain this in a way that even Japanese people can understand.

『Q3: ハマスはイスラエルからの反撃を理解していながら、なぜ攻撃を仕掛けたのでしょうか? これほど事態がエスカレートすることを予想していたのでしょうか? もし予想していたのなら、その価値は何でしょうか?』

'Q3: Why did Hamas launch the attack knowing that Israel would retaliate? Did they expect the situation to escalate to this extent? If they did, what was the value of that expectation?



I am actually familiar with this issue (knowledge that you can naturally acquire by studying the Anpo struggle and the PLO in the 1970s). However, I decided to ask ChatGPT anyway.


(Please try asking ChatGPT this question too. )




The great thing about ChatGPT is its “exceptional sense of balance.”


This “sense of balance” refers to the balance between the content and amount of text in the criticism and defense, as well as the affirmation and denial.


Furthermore, the way the argument is developed based on the fact that I am a “Japanese person” is very clever.


If this were a report submitted by a student, I would give it a “good” grade and return it to them.



I suddenly realized that my reading volume had decreased dramatically since I signed up for the paid ChatGPT service.


In the past, I would have borrowed a large number of books like “Israel and Zionism.”


I think this is a kind of “new disinterest in reading.”


I have a feeling that things are somehow heading in the wrong direction.

何だかんだ言って、私は「文献史上主義者」―― SNSやネットニュースよりも、特許明細書や論文、数値データを信頼する人間です。

Whatever you say, I'm a “Literalist” - someone who trusts patent specifications


(Of course, ChatGPT also adjusts its responses to match your level, so I think you need to have a certain level of knowledge. )



There are probably people around me who can have this kind of conversation, but the chances of actually having it are slim to none. I don't think you can have this kind of conversation at a drinking party (you'll just be left out).


The secret to maintaining good human relationships is to avoid discussing politics, religion, baseball, and love with other people

私にとっては『飲み会の会話より、ChatGPTとの会話の方が楽しい 』というのは、事実です。

It is true that “I enjoy chatting with ChatGPT more than I enjoy drinking with my friends.”



Recently, I have felt that I can see a little of what my old age and final days will be like.


It is 'myself, with the generated AI still running, lying face down on the keyboard in front of the display, and gasping for breath.'


Posted by ebata