―― 旧日本軍か? 陸軍か? それとも軍隊か? 軍隊に所属すれば、アンチエイジングの効果を得られるのか?

BS1スペシャル「全貌 二・二六事件~最高機密文章で迫る~」(再放送)を見ました。

I watched the BS1 Special "2.26 Incident - Approaching with Top Secret Documents" (rebroadcast).

私、Nスペは、「キューバ危機・戦慄の記録 十月の悪夢」を超える作品はないだろうと思っていたのですが、これも凄い作品でした。

I thought that N-Spe would never be able to surpass "The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Shuddering Record, Nightmare in October", but this was another great work.

珍しく、私以外の家族も、真剣に見ていました ―― 映画とは異なった迫力と恐怖がありました。

Unusually, my other family members were also watching the program seriously. There was a different kind of power and fear than in the movies.

―― 陸軍の青年将校のクーデターの発生から鎮圧までを、海軍のネットワークがリアルタイムで把握し続けていた

The Navy's network kept track of the coup d'etat of the army's young officers in real time, from its inception to its suppression.


This is based on a recently discovered document.


私、父が、海軍兵学校の学生だった(在学中に終戦)ので、「陸軍 vs 海軍」については、かなり生々しい話を聞いています。

My father was a student at the Naval Academy (the war ended while he was still in school), so I have heard some very vivid stories about the Army vs. the Navy.


Well, that's aside.

この番組では、「青年将校が占拠している国会議事堂を、戦艦からの遠方射撃(射程40km)で直接攻撃する」という計画があり、すでに東京湾に戦艦長門が東京湾に配備されていた、という話を聞いて ―― 正直、青さめました。

In this program, I heard that there was a plan to "directly attack the Diet building occupied by young officers with distant fire (40km range) from a battleship", and that the battleship Nagato had already been deployed in Tokyo Bay -- to be honest, I was pale.


This is not the era of pinpoint missile attacks using lasers.

―― 千代田区、全滅

"Chiyoda Ward, annihilation"


I thought so too.


それより、私が一番驚いたのは、反乱軍(に、自動的に組込まれてしまった)当時の陸軍兵 ―― 御歳103歳のインタビューの対応でした。

What surprised me the most was the interview with a 103 year old army soldier who was automatically included in the rebel army.

うそだろ? この理路整然としたしゃべり方、当時の詳細な記憶の証言、どう見たって103歳の御老人のものではない。

No way, right? The way he speaks so clearly, the details of his memories of that time, they don't seem to belong to a 103-year-old man.


He looked youthful enough to pass for "65 years old".

―― 旧日本軍か? 陸軍か? それとも軍隊か? 軍隊に所属すれば、アンチエイジングの効果を得られるのか?

Is it "Old Japanese Army" ? Would I get the anti-aging benefits if I joined the military?


I wondered if there was such a thing as "recruiting senior members of the Self-Defense Forces.


Posted by ebata