

Aum Shinrikyo, the organization responsible for the Matsumoto Sarin gas attack and the Sarin gas attack on the subway, was naturally ordered to dissolve as a religious corporation, and 13 of its executives, including the guru, were sentenced to death, which have already been executed (2018).


However, Aum Shinrikyo has successor groups. These are Aleph, Hikari no Wa, and other small groups of believers.


And I was wondering...


Is the religious legal entity status granted to Aleph and Hikari no Wa?



If allowed, it looks like a story of a company that systematically bankrupts its headquarters (overdrawing its debts) and continues operating under a different company.


#It is said that Mr. Trump, the current President of the United States, used a similar method when he was a businessman, and it is also said to be a common practice taken by companies that have been subjected to administrative punishment.



Upon investigation, these religious organizations were not granted religious juridical personality.


The reasons are said to be as follows.


(1) Subject to monitoring by the Public Security Intelligence Agency under the “Group Regulation Law” and the competent authorities (prefectural governor or Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) do not approve its juridical personality.


(2) Continuity of doctrine and guidance system from the Aum Shinrikyo era is recognized.


(3) Potential to cause social unrest and security risks.


I think this decision is reasonable. If religious corporate status were granted and tax benefits and property control were available, I would be outraged.


Nevertheless, Aleph and Hikari no Wa continue their religious activities even though they are not incorporated.


I don't know what their doctrine is, but “freedom of religion” is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan.


Likewise, I think the former Unification Church should quickly relinquish its status as a religious corporation and continue its spiritual activities instead of making an immediate appeal against the dissolution order a complicated thing to do.



Well, here is my current concern:


Will it be easier to file claims for damages against the property of the former Unification Church, which was secured by its status as a religious corporation?”


The next phase of this struggle is the process by which the victims will regain the property (land, houses, money) that was taken from them by the former Unification Church.


As far as I research, “the loss of religious juridical personality does not weaken the legal protection to property.


In other words, even if the organization loses its status as a religious corporation, it will continue to be subject to claims for damages in the same way as a general incorporated association, unless it is dissolved. The claim is against the “corporation itself,” and the property still belongs to the corporation.


However, prolonging litigation by using its “special status” as a religious corporation (e.g., freedom of religion, group autonomy, etc.) as a shield may be less effective after losing its juridical personality. This is an advantageous situation for victims.


On the other hand, recovery will be difficult if the former Unification Church transfers its property to another corporation or affiliated organization before it loses its corporate status. Such cases have existed in the past. Furthermore, suppose a religious corporation is “dissolved” simultaneously. In that case, it loses its juridical personality and enters into “liquidation proceedings,” victims can only claim compensation through notification to the liquidator.



Given the above, the most realistic and favorable development for the victim would be as follows.

―― 法人格を失った旧統一教会が、活動を続ける一方で、山のような訴訟を受け、裁判ごとに賠償金を支払い続ける

"The former Unification Church, which has lost its corporate status, continues to receive a mountain of lawsuits and pay compensation for each court case while continuing its activities."



Of course, strategies such as provisional seizure, temporary restraining orders, and cooperation with criminal authorities will be essential, as it is necessary to prevent the transfer of assets before the loss of legal personality.


In other words, the fight against the former Unification Church has finally entered the court phase (civil litigation).


Even though an immediate appeal has been filed, I see little chance that the Tokyo High Court's decision will be overturned.



So, I would like to shout out to the former Unification Church.

がんばれ! 旧統一教会 ―― 宗教法人格を失っても、(当面は)宗教活動を続けるんだ、「アレフ(Aleph)」や「ひかりの輪」のように。

Hang in there! The former Unification Church- even though you lost its religious juridical personality, try to continue its religious activities (for now), just like Aleph and Hikari no Wa.






  • 判決は宗教法人法の「法令に違反する著しい行為」の解釈を誤っており、信教の自由を侵害するものだ。

  • 信者による不適切な勧誘や献金があったとしても、法人全体としての責任や組織的関与は認められない。

  • 解散命令は信教の自由に対する不当な介入であり、違憲の可能性がある。



■ 旧統一教会の抗弁と東京地裁の判断対照表

旧統一教会の抗弁内容 裁判所の判断根拠・反論
1. 法令違反に該当しない。組織的関与はない。 長期間にわたって全国規模で多数の信者が同様の手法(霊感商法、献金強要等)を用いていた事実を認定。これらは法人の統制のもとで行われたと判断。
2. 信者個人の行為であり、法人としての違法性はない。 個人の行為としては説明できない統一的な行動パターンやマニュアル、指導体制の存在を証拠として認定。法人としての「組織的違法性」があると判断。
3. 信教の自由の侵害であり違憲の可能性がある。 解散命令は「信教の自由」自体を否定するものではなく、社会秩序を守るための必要かつ合理的な制限であり、憲法の枠内で適法と判断。
4. 被害の評価が恣意的・一部事例に偏っている。 被害は長期かつ多数にわたり、経済的・精神的に深刻な影響があったと認定。特定の事例に限らず、多数の供述・証拠から総体として判断。
5. 改善の取り組み(ガイドライン整備など)を行ってきた。 形式的な改善策であり、実効性が不十分。ガイドライン後も被害が続いている事例が確認されており、抜本的な改善と認められない。
6. 政治的圧力が背景にある。手続きが公平でない。 本件の判断は、収集された多数の証拠と証言、法的評価に基づくものであり、外部の政治的影響や世論とは無関係に、司法として独立して行われたと明言。




At my wife's request, I had to file a tax return again this year to deduct medical expenses.


Well, some troublesome problems arose.



One of the problems I had this time was that the USB flash drive containing the previous year's data crashed, so I could no longer use the previous year's data. If I had the previous year's data, I would have been able to make only the changes, which would have made it easier for me.


But again, the file specifications had changed this year, and I ended up starting over from scratch.


Aside from that.



There is a lot of noise about the 100,000 yen gift certificate case.



If a new council member were to accept these gift certificates, they would be required to process them on their tax return. This is because gift certificates have the same economic benefit as cash.


However, this procedure is cumbersome. First of all, the income framework is troublesome.

支援者や団体から受け取ったのであれば、「一時所得」または「雑所得」になる可能性があり、公的活動に関して受け取った場合は、(一般的ではありませんが、雇用関係類似の状況であれば)「 給与所得」や「事業所得」に該当する可能性もあります。

If received from a supporter or organization, it could be “temporary income” or “miscellaneous income.” If received in connection with public activities, it could be “employment income” or “business income” (although this is not common if the situation is similar to an employment relationship).


However, apart from the tax law treatment, there is a possibility of violating the “Political Funds Control Law” and the “Public Offices Election Law. " The legality of the receipt itself may be questioned, and if the prime minister is from the same constituency, it may also develop into a “prohibition of donation (suspicion of bribery)” (Article 199-2 of the Public Offices Election Law). Therefore, we need to be extremely careful.


Moreover, when filing a tax return, there must be proof of receipt of the gift certificate (receipt, letter of transmittal, social networking postings, etc. are also evidence), a record of the amount and type of gift certificate, and a record of money and other items received at the same time.


However, failure to file a tax return may result in tax evasion.



Think of it this way, 

―― 10万円商品券は、爆弾処理を行う罰ゲーム

"100,000 yen gift certificates are a punishment for bomb disposal."



I am sure the processing procedures for these 100,000 yen gift certificates will cost more than 100,000 yen.


首相が、新人議員に対して、このような課題を課したとしたのであれば、実に意義のある「OJT(On Job Training)」を実施したことになります。

If the Prime Minister has assigned such a task to a new Diet member, he has indeed conducted significant “on-the-job training” (OJT).


If the Prime Minister had such an intention, I think it would be 'great.



Since I was a student, I have been learning about various control technologies and have tried many things.


I was researching robots at university.


Modern control theory, PID control, fuzzy control, etc. (I don't know about recent control trends).


This “control technology” is inextricably linked to “forecasting technology.


Control” is to ‘predict’ the behavior that will occur in the ‘future’ and take measures to deal with it ”now.


Well, if you think about it, it is no exaggeration to say that control is not only about the world of “engineering” but everything in the world is subject to “prediction and control.


Evacuation measures against earthquakes, quarantine measures against the spread of infectious diseases, fiscal measures, monetary policy, and birthrate reduction measures are all “forecasting and control.”


However, in many cases, these “prediction and control” do not mesh well. In a word, it is difficult.


Controlling a robot arm is also tricky, but even so, machine control has a finite number of parameters so that it can be tuned by force over time, and easily verified experiments can be performed.


In contrast, the number of parameters for fertility reduction is unknown. The time constant is also terribly long (10-20 years or more). Even if you want to tune it, you don't know where to put your hands, and there is no way to conduct verification experiments. Even more annoying is that one of the parameters is “human.”


However, there are only two parameters for this strict fertility reduction policy: money and law. Money and law.


The “gold” has the effect of allowing “lots” of ways to try. If you hit a few, you may hit the right one. It can also be a means of supporting childbirth and childcare in the form of “subsidies.


The “law” is an order. Hypothetically, if a law were passed that said, “If you get married, you pay half your taxes (including sales tax). If a law were passed that said, “If you marry, you pay half your taxes (including sales tax), and if you give birth, you pay half more,” it would be a fairly easy solution.


However, I do not know if our country's finances are viable, and in the first place, this would be a law that violates the principle of “equality before the law” and the rule of law.


(I am reminded of the massive riot in the National Assembly over the authenticity of introducing the “bachelor tax” in Taiwan.)


During deliberations on budget proposals, opposition party members often say that they will “scrutinize the contents,” but I have never seen a “report of the scrutiny results.


The real solution would be to “spend the money and try it ad hoc.”


If we really “scrutinize the content,” I can assure you that it would take 10 years to deliberate on a year's worth of budget - and as an engineer who has been in control (and has also been made to do so), I can assure you that it would take 10 years to do so.


Spending money” means nothing more than ”increasing the probability of winning.


As far as I am concerned, I have given up trying to “control” the declining birth rate.


Instead, we believe it would be more cost-effective to focus on designing a platform for Japan that does not compromise service quality with a population cut in half.



On my way home from a business trip the other day, people gathered at Shinagawa Station, at the entrance stairs to the Yokosuka Line platform.


I peeked in to see what was going on,

―― 階段に真っ逆さまになって、倒れている男性

"I looked over to see what was going on -- a man lying face down on the stairs."


The man was lying on the ground, with vomit and a phone that appeared to belong to him on the ground next.


The man falling with his head down did not twitch and stayed in the middle of the stairs.


The man's body was completely motionless and without voice, and he had stopped, head down, in a prone position.


...Well, what was I supposed to do in this case?


And I stopped thinking altogether.


I finally came to my senses when I saw two station staff members (a man and a woman) come running in.


I walked past the prone man and stepped down onto the platform.



I thought I was “trained to provide rescue assistance” in situations like this, but I was mistaken.


The person falling unconscious and coming to a complete stop in the middle of a staircase headlong was “scary,” to say the least.


I could not think of a single mm of means to help the man.


First of all, how could I move him? If I was not careful, I could slide down the stairs. The man was large, and I could not imagine turning him on his back. I also thought I might worsen the situation by moving him badly.


I was like, “Oh, my God, this is no good (He is dead).” (of course, this is subjective, and I may have just been unconscious).


The station attendant was talking something to the collapsed man, and I heard the words, 'He is unconscious! After a while, many station staff members surrounded the area where the man had collapsed with blue sheets.



I have always said, “Leave other people alone.


This incident made me realize that I had been lumping even “people who need rescue assistance” as “others. Well, there is nothing in particular that makes me feel self-loathing.


Because “leave others alone” means that “others will leave me alone," too.

私は、今の時代に必要なのは「積極的無関心」ではないかと思うのです ―― つまり、『人のことはほっとけ。自分のことだけやっとけ』です。


なるほど、なるほど、 ―― 「侍タイムスリッパー」を見た感想です。

Amazon Primeに、昨日から来ているのを見ました。









In the past, “100W bulbs” were commonly used.


Most of them have been replaced by LED bulbs, which consume roughly 1/5 of the power (20W) for the same amount of light.

比して、ラズパイ(Raspberry Pi 4 Model B)の消費電力は、5.5~7Wくらいです。

In comparison, the power consumption of Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi 4 Model B) is about 5.5 to 7W.



On a recent business trip, I confirmed that a single Raspi can transfer four real-time video images in an experimental system at a factory.


We also use Raspi to run a multi-agent simulator database with 20,000 people running simultaneously.


Given cost performance,

―― コンピュータ(というか半導体)って、凄いなぁ

"Computers (or semiconductors) are awesome!"


I realize that this is not the case.



I have previously talked about a future in which the power consumption of computers, which are supposed to be outstandingly cost-effective, will “explode” due to generative AI.

―― 生成AIの登場が、これまでの私の仮説を、次から次へとひっくり返しに来ているなぁ


This is a good indication of the tremendous amount of electricity used by generative AI.



I was thinking about this, and it occurred to me that,

―― もしかしたら人間の知的能力(ChatGPTに相当する能力)というのも、電力量の単位で置き換えられるかもしれない

"Perhaps human intellectual capacity (equivalent to ChatGPT) could also be replaced by units of electricity."


Units of calories can replace units of electric power.


For example,

100W の電力を1時間(3600秒)使用した場合のカロリー量は、

The amount of calories for one hour (3600 seconds) of 100 W of power is the following.

Ecal=100×36004.184860,420 calE_{\text{cal}} = \frac{100 \times 3600}{4.184} \approx 860,420 \text{ cal}

これは、ざっくり、860 kcal は 約1時間半のランニング(10 km/h) や 約3時間のウォーキング(5 km/h) に相当します。これは、一般的な成人が1日に消費するカロリーの約1/3~1/2に匹敵する運動量です。

Roughly, 860 kcal is equivalent to about 1.5 hours of running (10 km/h) or 3 hours of walking (5 km/h). This is equivalent to about 1/3 to 1/2 of the calories a typical adult burns daily.


So far, we have discussed the commonly used “relationship between physical activity, calories, and body weight.”



But here's the difference.


The time will come when the reports made by ChatGPT (and their power) and my reports will be compared by professors or supervisors and judged by the numbers.


"Yeah, this Ebata's report is likely to “10 watts."


Such is the emergence of the world.


It is a disgusting world.


The most disgusting part of this world is that there can be an induction, derived from the idea that “people who use their brains use more energy,” into the false perception that “fat people don't use their brains.”


No, to be precise, I do not have any logical basis for saying this is 'wrong.' I cannot deny the possibility that it may be 'scientifically correct.'


I never really thought about it, but now that I think about it, I can't remember any scientist or businessman on TV or at Nobel Prize ceremonies who thought, 'This person is so fat.



Anyway, at this stage, I would like to warn you about the possibility of someone saying there is a relationship between “intelligent physical activity and weight.”


Let's stop at “just physical activity and weight.” No one will be happy if you go any further than that.


I can't live my life if I have to quantify the amount of exercise my brain does.



But in my case, I certainly lose weight after writing a paper or right after complex programming.


In the worst cases, I have lost about 2 kg, which can be horrifying.


Also, I lose weight when my mental health is hit. I lose weight at an alarming rate.



Recently, I have resolved program issues with two of my projects.


One was a bug I had been struggling with for about six months, so I was relieved when I found this.


The other is those above “confirm four real-time video transfers.


I am now 2 kg overweight (from the standard weight at the time of the physical exam).






作品名 扱っている文化/競技 技術的要素 登場人物たちの熱意・姿勢
その着せ替え人形は恋をする コスプレ、衣装制作 裁縫、メイク、造形、ウィッグ 創作を通じた自分らしさの追求と他者尊重
アクタージュ act-age 演技、舞台・映画 感情表現、演技法、舞台理解 自己内面と演技を繋げる研ぎ澄まされた集中
映像研には手を出すな! アニメ制作 絵コンテ、演出設計、世界観構築 想像力を具現化することへの純粋な渇望
重版出来! 出版・編集 取材、企画力、マンガ制作進行 マンガという文化を世に届ける使命感
げんしけん オタク文化全般 同人誌、イベント、考察 サブカルに対する深い知識と共有の喜び
バクマン。 マンガ制作 ネーム、作画、プロ意識 少年の夢を現実にするための試行錯誤と覚悟
ちはやふる 競技かるた 和歌暗記、反射、心理戦 伝統文化を「勝負」に昇華させる集中力
ランウェイで笑って モデル・服飾 ファッション構成、表現力 身体的ハードルを越える努力と夢への執念
ボールルームへようこそ 社交ダンス ステップ技術、ペアの呼吸、審査基準 表現と競技の融合を極める覚悟
火ノ丸相撲 相撲 組み手、体重コントロール、精神修行 小兵が巨漢に挑む意志と日本文化の継承
弓道士魂 弓玄(きゅうげん) 弓道 射法八節、集中、姿勢の美しさ 無心の精神と精度への執念
スピナマラダ! アイスホッケー スケート技術、パス、戦術 東北を舞台にした熱血かつ泥臭い成長劇
ノーコン・キッド 卓球 サーブ、ラリー、台上技術 地味な競技に魂を燃やす高校生たちの青春
BAMBOO BLADE 剣道 構え、打突、間合い チームとの絆と勝利への葛藤
あさひなぐ 薙刀 構え、打突、礼節 女子ならではの精神的・技術的成長物語
群青にサイレン 野球 バッテリー、心理戦 心の葛藤を抱えながらも頂点を目指す兄弟
DAYS サッカー ドリブル、連携、気持ち 才能よりも“努力”で這い上がる物語
銀盤カレイドスコープ フィギュアスケート ジャンプ、表現力、演技構成点 表現と技術の両立に悩む選手の成長譚
ツルモク独身寮 家具職人 木工加工、設計、美的センス 若者たちの手仕事への矜持と熱意(番外的だが技術職マンガとして)





I condemn the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on the leader of the political group “Party to Protect the People from NHK” (N-Kokoku).


If the person who led the vomits (Gerolism) says that 'the media never reports this incident' or 'there is no sympathy or criticism of terrorism from the public,' we should not say, 'What the hell are you talking about...?



Terrorism must be rejected, no matter who it the target.


Even if,


He may have been convicted of intimidation and obstruction of business with force by the Tokyo District Court and sentenced to two years and six months in prison with a four-year suspended sentence,


On the occasion of the death of Hideaki Takeuchi, a former prefectural assembly member of the Hyogo Prefectural Assembly, he may be charged with defamation of character against the deceased for sending out false information on a social networking service,


He filed a defamation lawsuit against what he called an “antisocial cult group,” even though the claim was dismissed as a result,


If we were to start terrorism just because 'he is an offensive person,' the world would be whole of terrorism.



If we allow this to happen, it will become the norm in a world where I (Ebata) can quickly become a target of terrorism.

それは、困るんですよ ―― まあ、私はゲロリストではありませんが。

That's the trouble -- however, I am not a vomitist.



I have learned that cities are vulnerable to snow.


I was reminded of this again this morning.


I'm sorry that snow days fall on your business trip days (usually every other week). I'm unlucky.


Today, almost all of the train schedules to Shinagawa were delayed due to a small amount of snow that had not accumulated.


Still, I am relieved that I boarded the express train I wanted.



Cities are vulnerable not only to “snow” but also to “wind” (I once had to cancel a business trip).” They are also vulnerable to “rain.” Earthquakes” are common in the world, I think.


I think places less susceptible to natural disasters were more likely to become cities.


Most Japanese cities have (1) few ups and downs, (2) rivers, and (3) direct connections to the Gulf Coast. These are elements that support logistics for human flow.


However, we must not forget something important.


The land on which cities are built is “the flat land that has been expanded by sediment due to repeated inundation (flooding).


In other words, it can be said that flooding (flood damage) has created cities.


As you can see, flood hazard maps for most Japanese cities are usually “bright red.


However, the bright red area is a great place to live. There are few ups and downs and easy access to downtown. There are good roads and public transportation. Above all, the population is large.


A larger population means more tax revenue, which can be used to defray the cost of building welfare facilities (including libraries, etc.) and give the city a higher cultural level.



When you think about it in this way, the Japanese archipelago is a troublesome land.


■Mountainous areas could be isolated due to heavy snowfall,


■Coastal areas have to be frightened of tsunamis,


■ Areas that are neither of these have little public transportation and are difficult to get out and about.




■Most of the urban areas that are not one of these are flood-red areas, where a major earthquake could destroy water, electricity, and gas infrastructure, easily disrupt logistics, and directly endanger lives.


In addition,


■Nuclear power plants and other power generation plants are being built in many relatively accessible coastal areas


Even more so,


■There is no place in the Japanese archipelago is “free of active faults. And in fact, over 100 earthquakes occur every day (you can't feel them).



Nankai Trough earthquakes occur over a 90- —to 150-year cycle. The probability of occurrence within the next 30 years is said to be 80%, a figure that even an amateur seismologist such as myself can agree with.




From a foreigner,

―― なんで、そんなに危険な日本列島なんかに住んでいるの?

"-- Why do you live in such a dangerous Japanese archipelago?"


I cannot give a rational explanation.


I have discussed this before, but 'commitment to one's living quarters' cannot be explained logically.


If I had to develop a theory, I would have to bring up “SIL.”



A subjective explanation of SIL would be 'to pray that a natural disaster that directly leads to death will not occur in one's lifetime.