Aum Shinrikyo, the organization responsible for the Matsumoto Sarin gas attack and the Sarin gas attack on the subway, was naturally ordered to dissolve as a religious corporation, and 13 of its executives, including the guru, were sentenced to death, which have already been executed (2018).
However, Aum Shinrikyo has successor groups. These are Aleph, Hikari no Wa, and other small groups of believers.
And I was wondering...
Is the religious legal entity status granted to Aleph and Hikari no Wa?
If allowed, it looks like a story of a company that systematically bankrupts its headquarters (overdrawing its debts) and continues operating under a different company.
#It is said that Mr. Trump, the current President of the United States, used a similar method when he was a businessman, and it is also said to be a common practice taken by companies that have been subjected to administrative punishment.
Upon investigation, these religious organizations were not granted religious juridical personality.
The reasons are said to be as follows.
(1) Subject to monitoring by the Public Security Intelligence Agency under the “Group Regulation Law” and the competent authorities (prefectural governor or Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) do not approve its juridical personality.
(2) Continuity of doctrine and guidance system from the Aum Shinrikyo era is recognized.
(3) Potential to cause social unrest and security risks.
I think this decision is reasonable. If religious corporate status were granted and tax benefits and property control were available, I would be outraged.
Nevertheless, Aleph and Hikari no Wa continue their religious activities even though they are not incorporated.
I don't know what their doctrine is, but “freedom of religion” is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan.
Likewise, I think the former Unification Church should quickly relinquish its status as a religious corporation and continue its spiritual activities instead of making an immediate appeal against the dissolution order a complicated thing to do.
Well, here is my current concern:
Will it be easier to file claims for damages against the property of the former Unification Church, which was secured by its status as a religious corporation?”
The next phase of this struggle is the process by which the victims will regain the property (land, houses, money) that was taken from them by the former Unification Church.
As far as I research, “the loss of religious juridical personality does not weaken the legal protection to property.
In other words, even if the organization loses its status as a religious corporation, it will continue to be subject to claims for damages in the same way as a general incorporated association, unless it is dissolved. The claim is against the “corporation itself,” and the property still belongs to the corporation.
However, prolonging litigation by using its “special status” as a religious corporation (e.g., freedom of religion, group autonomy, etc.) as a shield may be less effective after losing its juridical personality. This is an advantageous situation for victims.
On the other hand, recovery will be difficult if the former Unification Church transfers its property to another corporation or affiliated organization before it loses its corporate status. Such cases have existed in the past. Furthermore, suppose a religious corporation is “dissolved” simultaneously. In that case, it loses its juridical personality and enters into “liquidation proceedings,” victims can only claim compensation through notification to the liquidator.
Given the above, the most realistic and favorable development for the victim would be as follows.
―― 法人格を失った旧統一教会が、活動を続ける一方で、山のような訴訟を受け、裁判ごとに賠償金を支払い続ける
"The former Unification Church, which has lost its corporate status, continues to receive a mountain of lawsuits and pay compensation for each court case while continuing its activities."
Of course, strategies such as provisional seizure, temporary restraining orders, and cooperation with criminal authorities will be essential, as it is necessary to prevent the transfer of assets before the loss of legal personality.
In other words, the fight against the former Unification Church has finally entered the court phase (civil litigation).
Even though an immediate appeal has been filed, I see little chance that the Tokyo High Court's decision will be overturned.
So, I would like to shout out to the former Unification Church.
がんばれ! 旧統一教会 ―― 宗教法人格を失っても、(当面は)宗教活動を続けるんだ、「アレフ(Aleph)」や「ひかりの輪」のように。
Hang in there! The former Unification Church- even though you lost its religious juridical personality, try to continue its religious activities (for now), just like Aleph and Hikari no Wa.