

Ukrainian aid is spreading around the world at a pace I have never seen in my life.


As for the aid,

―― 御託(ごたく)はいいんだよ! 金出せ、コノヤロー!!(泉谷しげるさん風)

"You don't care what someone says! Give me the money, motherfucker! (Shigeru Izumitani style)


I think this stance is totally O.K.

例え、メディアやSNSによる情宣に影響されていたとしても ――

Even if we are influenced by media and social networking propaganda --


There was a video of a child being killed within the borders of a country.


Unless there are images of children being killed on the other country's soil.


I am willing to "stop thinking".


No better reason is needed to support a country where children are being killed.



I want to follow this feeling of mine, but I am concerned about certain (unimportant to others) things.

アフガニスタン、ミャンマー、チベット、ウイグル ―― 私は、何もしてこなかったなぁ、と。

Afghanistan, Myanmar, Tibet, Uyghur -- I have done nothing.


This formidable "guilt" is holding me back from making me move.


If something was about "personal reasons", I'd "fire" easily...




I'm working hard on GIS software right now, and last night I was looking up the prerequisite OSS (leaflet) because I couldn't figure out how to use the API.


That is how I came across this page.


And the phrase written there caught my attention.

"If an appeal to humanity doesn't work for you, I'll appeal to your egoism: the future of Ukrainian citizens is the future of Leaflet."



よくぞ言ってくれた! そう言って欲しかった!!

Well said! I wish you would have said so!!!!


This phrase ignited my "selfishness".


I support Ukraine overwhelmingly and absolutely, not humanely, but only selfishly, "only" to save Leaflet.


Defending Ukraine is synonymous with defending my retirement way of life (GIS software development) to the death.


"I am asking the developers of Leaflet to return to Kiev from their evacuation site and continue to work hard on Leaflet development"


This is sufficient reason for my "support of Ukraine".


=6371 * ACOS(COS(A2*PI()/180) * COS(A3*PI()/180) * COS(B3*PI()/180-B2*PI()/180) + SIN(A2*PI()/180) * SIN(A3*PI()/180) )

参考文献 緯度経度から2地点間の距離を計算する!Google方式とヒュベニ式・表計算ソフトで計算できる・GPSデータも使える

こちらがエクセル表のサンプル → Book1.xlsx



Yesterday was the deadline for filing tax returns, but there was a system failure in the e-Tax system (National Tax Electronic Filing and Payment System), which caused a commotion.


Since I finished the submission a week ago, I was O.K.


The cause is unknown, but I believe it is 'probably due to the concentration of load before the deadline'.



Many people may think that a "cyber attack" is a very sophisticated technology, but it is basically just an artificial attempt to do the same thing as the recent system failure of the e-Tax system.


Any server will (basically) go down if you set up a raging access against it.


When I was younger, I used to keep sending a huge number of computer-generated protest e-mails to the servers of spammers (statute of limitations has expired).


The server was then inaccessible.


However, this is an attack that "only brings down the server." In order to "hijack" or "rewrite content," a more advanced technique is required.


A server that has a domain name (a server that is publicly available on the Internet) can be cracked from the moment it is launched.


My server (kobore.net) is no exception.



I have heard that the Russian government's web server was inaccessible.


And I, too, am currently unable to get service on a server that is (presumably) in Russia or Ukraine.


It is certain that our nation's servers are now the target of cyber attacks.


Many people may think, "I don't run servers, so I don't have to worry about it," but there is a possibility that they are being forced to participate in server attacks.


In order to bring down a server system, it is necessary to plant a raging access. For example, if 1,000 PCs can be hijacked, the cyber attack can be launched from 1,000 PCs.

「自分のパソコンを乗っ取られて、自国のインフラシステムを攻撃する兵器」にしない為にも、少なくとも、定期的に"Windows Update"くらいはしておきましょう。

To prevent your computer from being hijacked and used as a weapon to attack your country's infrastructure, you should at least perform "Windows Update" regularly.


よい機会です ―― ここは一つ、「サイバー攻撃教育」を、真面目に検討してみませんか?

This is a good opportunity -- why don't we take a serious look at "cyber attack education"?


1. サーバの方の改造
(a) POPUP int `json:"popup"` の追加

// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID    int     `json:"id"`
	Lat   float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng   float64 `json:"lng"`
	TYPE  string  `json:"type"` // "PERSON","BUS","CONTROL
	POPUP int     `json:"popup"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

(b) javascriptに、this.popup = popup;を追加

function obj(id, lat, lng, type, popup){
	this.id = id;
	this.lat = lat;
	this.lng = lng;
	this.type = type;
	this.popup = popup;

(c) javascriptに、

var i = obj.popup;

popup: "Person " + i,


var i = obj.popup;

		if (obj.id == 0) {
			if (obj.type == "PERSON"){
				var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(obj.lat, obj.lng, {
					popup: "Person " + i,
					icon: L.icon({
						iconUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/static/person-icon.png', 
			else if (obj.type == "BUS"){
				var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(obj.lat, obj.lng, {
					popup: "Bus " + i,
					icon: L.icon({
						iconUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/static/bus-icon.png', 


2. クライアントの方の改造

// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID    int     `json:"id"`
	Lat   float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng   float64 `json:"lng"`
	TYPE  string  `json:"type"` // "USER","BUS","CONTROL
	POPUP int     `json:"popup"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`
gl := ldarp.GetLoc{
		ID: 0, // "0"としなければならない
		//	Lat:  35.64553503, // 初期の場所
		//	Lng:  139.78468208,
		TYPE: "PERSON", // "PERSON","BUS","CENTER"のいずれかが選べる

	// glの要素を外出し
	gl.Lat = person.Destination.Lat
	gl.Lng = person.Destination.Lon
	gl.POPUP = person_num

keyword ポップアップ PruneMobile PruneCluster  Golang JavaScript



When I was a student at a law seminar, my instructor taught me the following phrase.

―― 「憲法違反」と言い出した弁護士は、裁判官に対して「敗北宣言」をしている

"Lawyers who say "violation of the Constitution" are "declaring defeat" to the judge"



"Judge" is basically a battle to determine whether or not a specific article of law, such as the Civil Code or the Criminal Code, can be applied to the defendant's conduct.


In other words, "matching the defendant's conduct with the text of the general law.


The "Constitution" is the supreme law of the land, but it is basically a "concept" (or idea).


Bringing up the "Constitution" to make a ruling is in itself a pretty rare case.


The reason why it is a rare case is because the impact of the case on not only the judiciary of this country, but also on society as a whole, is not humbling.


Hence, a court ruling on a constitutional violation is a significant news source.


Same-sex marriage and the recent ruling on the exclusionary period under the Superiority Protection Act were important cases that could not be decided by matching them with the general law.



Let me put it this way, I can say,

―― 「核兵器の使用」を言い出した国家元首は、戦争に対して「敗北宣言」をしている

"Any head of state who says "use nuclear weapons" is "declaring defeat" for the war"



However, the right to use nuclear weapons (the so-called "nuclear button") is left entirely up to the ruler of the country, so in the end


"I don't care what happens to the world after I die"


Thus, only the ruler who become defiant will be the "one and only winner in the world," and so on.



In fact, as far as I know, there have been "four times" in the past when nuclear war was threatened due to system errors, but the situation was averted due to on-site decisions.

しかし、人間のエラー(開き直った統治者)を、システムが止める ―― そういう逆転現象は、あまり期待できないと思います。

However, I don't think we can expect such a reversal -- like, the system stops a human error (defiant ruler).


参考文献  【レッツカスタマイズ】Visual Code StudioにGo言語の開発環境を整えてみよう!

1. Goの開発環境をインストール

2. setting.jsonにgopathを書き込む


3. (Ctr+Shift+P)でショートカットで検索バーを表示し、「GO: Install/Update tools」を入力してヒットしたメニューをクリック


4. VSCodeを離れて、コマンドプロンプトから、以下のコマンドを実行する

$ go get -u -v github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv

5. launch.jsonに以下のように書き込む

    // IntelliSense を使用して利用可能な属性を学べます。
    // 既存の属性の説明をホバーして表示します。
    // 詳細情報は次を確認してください: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "auto",
            "program": "${fileDirname}",
            "env": {},
            "args": []


GO_1_could not launch process: not an executable file_CC课堂-CSDN博客






I try to turn away from things I don't want to see.


It is "hard" to see what I don't want to see.


So I will only see what I want to see, and only follow them, conveniently.


You can call this "cowardly," but

―― SNSで通り一遍の批判をするだけで、立ち去るやつらと、大して変わらん

"I'm not much different from the guys on social media who just make passing criticisms and walk away."


I began to profess this "cowardice" after I found out that



Currently, there are many matters that I continue to turn a blind eye to, one of which is 'abuse of children'.


This problem is the ultimate evil, like,

―― 無限暴力装置(虐待する親)を設置した密室(自宅)に、子どもを放置し続ける

"Continuing to leave children in a closed room (home) with an endless violent device (abusive parent)"



However, despite the efforts of many people struggling to find a solution, no definitive method has been found to solve this problem.


It is really 'painful' to see head-on the reality that 'nothing can be done about the current situation where children keep getting killed by their parents'.


So I have continued to turn a blind eye to this problem.




The other day, while editing my column, I watched the first episode of an anime called "Kotaro Lives Alone" on NetFlix, and then watched all the episodes of this one at once!


It was an enjoyable animation, though, with no extreme depictions or storied scenes appearing.

―― この問題から逃げ続けてきた私には、視聴後に、地味に、じわじわと、そのツケが回ってくるような

I have been running away from this issue, and it seems to me that the bill for it was coming soberly, slowly after watching this anime.



Anyway, both the pictures and the story, which are drawn in a comedic style, are very funny, so I hope that you will enjoy the work in a normal way without getting defensive.


私も ―― 「コタローは1人暮らし」のような、

I hope to deliver such works (columns, etc.) to many people, like "Kotaro lives alone",


"The food (raw vegetables), which is difficult for people to eat as it is, is prepared well and served as an easy-to-eat meal"



―― 老害が世界を支配する

"Fogy rules the world"


I realize this phrase deeply.



There is the following phrase in one of the books I read before.

『右(右派)であれ、左(左派)であれ、全ての理念や理想は、不死なるもの ―― 国家 ―― に辿りつく』

All ideals , whether of the right (right-wing) or the left (left-wing), are traced to the immortal -- the state.



I remember being impressed when I was a teenager and thinking, 'I see'.


The human body does not last more than 100 years.


Therefore, they seek their dependence on the nation.



Of course, "nation" here does not mean land.


They are political power, or ideology, or religion.


However, the "nation" also dies quite easily.


Any nation become easy to die, which is why studying history is such an enormous and tedious task.



The death of a nation is an inevitable part of history.


However, I can understand why an old person might think, 'I don't want to see the death of a nation, only to see it end in my generation'.


And as a rule, people cannot change themselves.


It takes an enormous amount of energy to change.

変わっていく価値観を、自分の中に取り入れることは、痛いです。激痛です ―― それは、よく知っています。

It is painful to incorporate changing values into your life. It is intense pain -- I know it well.


And old people are more likely to become "power" itself than young people.


After all, they are very experienced.


And old people in power have no hesitation in changing the rules (retirement and term of office).


Thus, the power of the old person increases in a snowball-like fashion.

そして、時代の変化や価値観に対応できない老人は、社会の害悪 ―― 老害になります。

And old people who cannot adapt to the changing times and values become a blight on society -- "fogy".



―― 老害が世界を支配する

"Fogy rules the world"

が、完成する ―― を、ウクライナ侵攻のニュースを見ながら、実感しています。

is completed. I realize this, watching the news of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.



I reaffirm that my remaining an "old man without power" is, in itself, of great value.


Today, I am still contributing to "world peace".



The following list are things that must be done before starting a war.

(1) 立法府(議会)の掌握

(1) Seize control of the legislature (Congress)

(2) 外国の経済制裁に対する自国経済のロバスト度の数値化と経済シミュレーション

(2) Quantification and economic simulation of the robustness of a country's economy against foreign economic sanctions

(3) 緊急事態宣言下での最高権力者による私権制限の強化の立法措置

(3) Legislative Measures to Strengthen Restrictions on Private Rights by the Supreme Authority under a Declaration of Emergency

(4) インターネット等の国内IPX(インタネットエクスチェンジ)の運用組織の掌握

(4) Seize control of domestic IPX (Internet Exchange) operating organizations such as Internet, etc.

(5) SNS等の運用禁止と、自国政府運用SNSサービスへの国民の誘導

(5) Prohibit the operation of social networking services, etc., and direct citizens to social networking services operated by their own government.

(6) 海外メディアの国外追放

(6) Deportation of foreign media

(7) 反体制勢力、アカデミズムへのスパイの潜入と組織内紛争(内ゲバ)の誘導

(7) Infiltration of spies into dissident forces and academia and induction of intra-institutional conflict (internal conflict)

(8) 「安全な原発攻撃の手順書」の配布と、現場司令官への原発メカニズムの教育の徹底

(8) Distribute safe nuclear power plant attack procedures and thoroughly educate field commanders on nuclear power plant mechanisms.

(9) 外国企業の国有化に関する立法化の(事前の)シナリオ策定

(9) Develop (pre-)scenarios for legislation on nationalization of foreign companies

(10) 敵国の核ミサイル開発疑惑と人体を使った細菌実験疑惑等の捏造証拠資料の、開戦「前」の作成完了と、検証される時間を与えないタイミングでの国外メディアへの開示

(10) Completion of the preparation of fabricated evidence, including allegations of the development of nuclear missiles by the enemy and of germ experiments using human bodies, "before" the outbreak of war, and disclosure to the foreign media at a time that does not give time to verify the evidence.



I am amazed at the number of hands this has appeared in the daily news.


I am sure that there will still be more news of 'what should have been done before starting the war' to come.


I realized that if we are going to start a war, we need to prepare carefully for the worst-case scenario.



Incidentally, during the Pacific War, Japan was also subjected to economic sanctions from around the world, while its government responded in the same way as described above.


In other words, in the last 100 years or so, the paradigm of war has "changed little".



Still, I am amazed at how our country was able to continue the war during the four years of the Pacific War while being subjected to economic sanctions from all over the world.


(No, to be precise, it was because of economic sanctions that they expanded (invaded) southward in search of energy resources.)


At any rate, I notices that the current Russian (presidential) mindset is surprisingly similar to that of the Japanese (politicians and military) mindset before and during the Pacific War.


In fact, it is not surprising that they are similar, since almost 100% of the purpose of war is to "attack (neutralize or demilitarize) a neighboring country" for the reason of "guaranteeing one's own right to exist".


  bus_num := b.(Ch2_info).Bus_number  ← 多分、ここを直す必要がある