// go run main3.go
package main
import "fmt"
type LocInfo struct {
Lon float64
Lat float64
func main() {
var Li [60]LocInfo // 要素0で初期化されている
for i := 0; i < 60; i++ {
Li[i].Lon = float64(i)
Li[i].Lat = float64(i)
Li[32].Lon = 0.001
Li[32].Lat = 0.001
Golang テストコード (1)固定長配列を試してみる
Golang テストコード (1)適当な座標情報を入力して、近くのOpenStreetMapのnodeに強制的に寄せて、ダイクストラ計算を強行する方法 (ここでは300メートル以内で、もっとも近いノードを見つける、という処理をやっている)
// go get github.com/lib/pq を忘れずに
// go run main5.go
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres",
"user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=15432 dbname=utsu_db sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
defer db.Close()
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT source,
x1 as longitude, y1 as latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.9182893339256 36.573831584767085)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) as dist FROM ways WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(139.9182893339256 36.573831584767085)'), 300.0) ORDER BY dist")
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var source int
var longitude float64
var latitude float64
var dist float64
if err := rows.Scan(&source, &longitude, &latitude, &dist); err != nil {
fmt.Println(source, longitude, latitude, dist)
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil { //データベースが繋っているかの確認(らしい)
log.Fatal("PingError: ", err)
Golang テストコード (1)GolangでOpenStreetMap上にマップマッピングするプリミティブな江端式定番マッピング方法(http://kobore.net/over90.jpg参照)
// go get github.com/lib/pq を忘れずに
// go run main9.go
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
var source int
var longitude float64
var latitude float64
var dist float64
func rad2deg(a float64) float64 {
return a / math.Pi * 180.0
func deg2rad(a float64) float64 {
return a / 180.0 * math.Pi
func distance_km(a_longitude, a_latitude, b_longitude, b_latitude float64) (float64, float64) {
earth_r := 6378.137
loRe := deg2rad(b_longitude - a_longitude) // 東西 経度は135度
laRe := deg2rad(b_latitude - a_latitude) // 南北 緯度は34度39分
EWD := math.Cos(deg2rad(a_latitude)) * earth_r * loRe // 東西距離
NSD := earth_r * laRe //南北距離
distance_km := math.Sqrt(math.Pow(NSD, 2) + math.Pow(EWD, 2))
rad_up := math.Atan2(NSD, EWD)
return distance_km, rad_up
func diff_longitude(diff_p_x, latitude float64) float64 {
earth_r := 6378.137
// ↓ これが正解だけど、
loRe := diff_p_x / earth_r / math.Cos(deg2rad(latitude)) // 東西
// 面倒なので、これで統一しよう(あまり差が出ないしね)
//loRe := diff_p_x / earth_r / math.Cos(deg2rad(35.700759)) // 東西
diff_lo := rad2deg(loRe) // 東西
return diff_lo // 東西
func diff_latitude(diff_p_y float64) float64 {
earth_r := 6378.137
laRe := diff_p_y / earth_r // 南北
diff_la := rad2deg(laRe) // 南北
return diff_la // 南北
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=15432 dbname=utsu_rail_db sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
defer db.Close()
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT seq,x1,y1 from lrt")
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
x1, y1 := -1.0, -1.0
_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2 := -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
px, py := -1.0, -1.0
flag := 0
f_flag := 0
seq := -1
for rows.Next() {
if f_flag == 0 { // 初回だけ2二回入力
if err := rows.Scan(&seq, &x1, &y1); err != nil {
_x1, _y1 = x1, y1
//fmt.Println(x1, y1)
f_flag = 1
if err := rows.Scan(&seq, &x1, &y1); err != nil {
//fmt.Println(seq, ",", x1, ",", y1)
_x2, _y2 = x1, y1
_, rad_up := distance_km(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2)
px, py = _x1, _y1
for {
// 5.56m/s → 時速20
px += diff_longitude(0.00556*2*math.Cos(rad_up), py)
py += diff_latitude(0.00556 * 2 * math.Sin(rad_up))
//double rad0 = atan2((end_y - start_y),(end_x - start_x));
//double rad1 = atan2((end_y - test_person.p_y),(end_x - test_person.p_x));
rad0 := math.Atan2((_y2 - _y1), (_x2 - _x1))
rad1 := math.Atan2((_y2 - py), (_x2 - px))
// ここは、http://kobore.net/over90.jpg で解説してある
if math.Abs(rad0-rad1) >= math.Pi*0.5 {
// 終点越えの場合、終点に座標を矯正する
px, py = _x2, _y2
flag = 1 // フラグを上げろ
fmt.Println(px, ",", py)
if flag == 1 {
flag = 0
_x1, _y1 = _x2, _y2
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("PingError: ", err)
Golang テストコード (1)golangの中でSQL文を作る時に、てっとり早く数値の部分を文字列にする方法 (2)golangの可変長配列の作り方と、面倒くさい場所の値をひっぱり出す方法
// go get github.com/lib/pq を忘れずに
// go run main10.go
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
func transfer_point(origin, destination int) (int, int) {
// utsu_tram_db3をオープン
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=15432 dbname=utsu_tram_db3 sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
defer db.Close()
// node番号 1200 から 12000 までのダイクストラ計算を行う
str := "SELECT seq, node, edge FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways'," + fmt.Sprint(origin) + "," + fmt.Sprint(destination) + ", directed:=false)"
rows, err := db.Query(str)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
var seq, node, edge int
var add_node_num = []int{} // 可変長配列
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&seq, &node, &edge); err != nil {
// ルート分離は、0<x<70の値が出てきたら、駅のノードである、とする。
// 何しろ、私が地図を改ざんしたのだから間違いない
// で、その値を全部格納する
if node > 0 && node < 70 {
add_node_num = append(add_node_num, node)
if len(add_node_num) >= 4 { // 見つけることができたら最初から2番目と、最後から2番目の番号(0 < X < 70)を取り出す
first_node := add_node_num[1]
last_node := add_node_num[len(add_node_num)-2]
if (first_node > 0 && first_node < 70) || (last_node > 0 && last_node < 70) {
return first_node, last_node
} else {
log.Fatal("wrong node:", err)
//fmt.Println("first_node:", first_node, "last_node:", last_node)
} else { // 見つけることができなかったら
return -1, -1
//fmt.Println("No node")
return 0, 0 // ダミー用のリターン(ここには来ないはず)
func main() {
fmt.Println(transfer_point(21509, 11215))
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
a := rand.Intn(30000)
b := rand.Intn(30000)
//fmt.Println(sub_main(2200, 2400))
fmt.Println(a, b)
fmt.Println(transfer_point(rand.Intn(a), rand.Intn(b)))
golangテストコード 構造体の中身があるかないかでファンクションの中身をパクる
// go get github.com/lib/pq を忘れずに
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
TYPE string `json:"type"` // "USER","BUS","CONTROL
POPUP int `json:"popup"`
//Address string `json:"address"`
func person(gl2, gl3 *GetLoc) {
if gl2.Lng > 0.0 {
fmt.Println("pass1", gl2)
} else {
fmt.Println("pass2", gl2)
func person_real() {
var gl2, gl3 GetLoc
gl2.Lng = 139.00
person(&gl2, &gl3)
func main() {
var gl2, gl3 GetLoc
person(&gl2, &gl3)
(Though I have already voted before), tomorrow July 10 is the day to vote for the House of Councillors.
I would like you to remained you of the following incidents, before you go to vote.
- List of politicians who were having banquets during the government's restrict request in the corona disaster (only those picked up by Ebata).
『腹掻き切って、国民に詫びて見せろ』―― てな、時代錯誤的なバカげたことを書いてみてもよかったかな、とか、今なら思っています。
- List of politicians from organizations that used/not used the online system for political fund balance reports
The following is not about politician, but there was also incident in which 23 employees of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had dinner together at a restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo.
The other day, the British Prime Minister was finally forced to resign during the party in the government restraint.
Both our country's foreign and domestic policy are important for us , but we also have to remained the anger at that time.
I strongly recommend to check the qualifications and behaviors of candidate you will vote beforehand.
We have to teach the candidates who will the election that "if you make us angry we become furious enemies against you".
自作ホワイトボード ―― 完結編
『我が国のテロへの抗議の意思を、"投票率"という"数値"で見せてもらおうではないか』 ――
When I was in a waiting room at a bank for changing my notification seal, I knew ""sniper attack on the former prime minister during his speech".(The case was later confirmed as a "murder").
I felt that I could not control myself because of my furious rage, and I decided not to touch any news, especially SNS until NHK news from seven o'clock.
このような大事件の後は、誤報やデマが飛び回り、そのような情報に振り回されることがあり ――
After such a major tragedy, I was anxious that I am going to be incontrollable by false news and demagogues.
Above all, I was sure that I could not keep a normal state of mind right now (so I didn't know what I will write out).
I live to feel I am so happy that I can write what I am thinking and feeling freely in my daily life.
こういう権利を獲得するまでに、多くの先人が闘ってきてくれたことに、本当に感謝しており ――
I deeply thank many predecessors who have fought to win these rights, and
I deeply despise those who would throw away the act (exercising the right to vote) from my bottom of my heart.
I don't think that election is just a system to elect candidates.
Elections are
- the biggest interview with all Japanese public
- the most important event to measure the persona of named "JAPAN"
- the physical examination of JAPAN
I think so.
今回のテロ事件によって、この計測値は大きく変動するかもしれませんが ―― それでも、その計測結果が、今後の私たちの総意として取り扱われていくことになります。
The measure values might be changed dynamically by this terrorist attack, however, the result of measure is going to be treated as "our will".
I (selfishly) believe that "voting in elections" is (also) "protesting terrorism against freedom of speech".
『我が国のテロへの抗議の意思を、"投票率"という"数値"で見せてもらおうではないか』 ――
Show me our country's willingness to protest terrorism in the "numerical" form of "voter turnout"
Now I am thinking so.
I have already published my policy about election in Japan since the previous election, as follow.
This time too, I ask you the cooperation about my activities.
According to my estimation, if we keep current state of Japan, our country's finance will be just barely maintained until my death.
ここで、若い人たちが、自分達の未来を真剣に考え出すと ―― これから年金生活に入る私が、非常に困るのです。
If the youth come to think their future seriously, I, who am about to start pension life, am in great trouble.
I hope the youth and middle generations are not interested in politics, as much as possible.
In comparison with the above, the elders should go to vote at all cost.
We have to save the candidate and the parties who are moderate, conservative and want to keep the current status, and crash new ambitious challenges.
Keep our vested interests and get away with pushing negative legacy on the next generation.
忘れてはなりません ―― 私たち高齢者は、我が国の最大の票田なのです。
In addition, never forget that we, the elders, are the biggest vote field in Japan.
However, we should never relax our guard with saying "even if we leave us alone, we will win".
Making the younger and working generations as a footstool , we have to ensure that our safe and secure retirement is solid.
The vote day is July 10th, the next Sunday. Don't miss it.
There are some Ebata's columns about election. If you are interested, go ahead.