
「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の原理主義者の江端です。

I'm Ebata, a fundamentalist of the novel "Japan sinks" and the movie (the 1st) "Japan sinks"


I have always said, "Don't be stingy with other people's creations. Be silence as my criticism". Hence, I would like to refrain from giving my thoughts on TV dramas in 2021.


I just tell you that I agree with the criticisms listed on the Internet.


「小説 日本沈没」と「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」は、『悪人が1人も登場しない』というとろが、私は好きなんですよ。

I like the fact that in the novel "Japan sinks" and the movie (the 1st) "Japan sinks", there is not a single bad guy.


I think the theme of "Japan sinks" is a fierce exodus in which everyone, from ordinary people to scientists, the Self-Defense Forces, and politicians, all work together desperately, risking their lives.

―― 日本が沈没するという未曾有の大災害の前に、『政局』なんぞ、のん気なことやっている奴がいるかぁ?

"In the face of a catastrophe of unprecedented scale that could sink Japan, who would be so carefree as to engage in "political affairs"?"


I come to think so.


日本沈没のメカニズムに関しては、「小説 日本沈没」では、膨大なページ数を割いて、徹底的な説明をしています。

As for the mechanism of the sinking of Japan, The novel "Japan sinks" devotes an enormous number of pages to a thorough explanation.


I was so worried that the readers would lose motivation if the explain is so technical at such length.

「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」では、マントル対流の話を、本物の地震学者に解説をさせる徹底さでした(確か、東京大学地震研究所の先生だったと思います)。

In the movie "Japan sinks", they had a real seismologist explain about the mantle convection (He was a professor of Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo).


The realism of it scared me.


I also heard that the number of students majoring in seismology had increased since then.



What the great about Sakyo Komatsu's "Japan sinks" is


"In what areas is the behavior of fluid mass of different temperatures on Earth most clearly understood?"


As represented by this line, the paradigm of meteorological models has been brought into tectonic models.


Of course, this model may be unreasonable, but science fiction is science fiction.


And then, that is it.

『最悪の場合・・・これは、地震の被害の大小にはかかわらずだ。・・・最悪の場合 ―― 日本列島の大部分は、水面下に沈む・・・』

"In the worst case scenario... . ..this is regardless of the size of the earthquake. ...In the worst case -- most of the Japanese archipelago will sink below the surface..."


No matter how many times I reread the phrase, it still sends shivers down my spine.


「小説 日本沈没」の中で、「日本沈没」という複合語が登場するのは、わずか7箇所です(Kindleで調べました)

In the novel "Sinking of Japan," the compound word "Japan sinks" appears in only seven places (I checked on my Kindle).

「映画(the 1st) 日本沈没」の中でも、この言葉はあまり使われていなかったように思います。

I don't think this word was used much in the movie.


I think it is very important to make the reader understand the theme of creation without using power words.



Tomorrow, I'm going back home to help my mother transfer to the hospital.


Since snowfall is predicted, I am thinking of a backup plan.


That aside.


Today, the temperature rose at noon, so I took the opportunity to clean the exhaust fan.


This has already been a routine process, so I was able to crunch through it.


A few liters of oil (used for 8 years) is poured into a tray and the exhaust fan parts are thrown into the tray and washed.


This has already been a routine process, so I was able to crunch through it.


These gloves are especially "motivating" for the depressing task of cleaning the exhaust fan.


I'm glad that I can put my hand into the oil.


It seems that "cleaning around the ventilation fan" has become a target for media outlets to gain viewership.


Even in the Ebata family, my wife has acquired these know-hows and is 'passing them on to me'.

―― 嫁さんが換気扇の掃除をしても、いいんだよ

"No problem if my wife cleans the exhaust fan"


However, cleaning the exhaust fan has the advantage of exempting me from other cleaning tasks, so well, it's an exchange condition.


Also, for some reason, making New Year's cards is my job.


However, my daughters have already stopped making New Year's cards, and I have changed to a "ping server" approach, sending New Year's cards at the beginning of the year.


That is why I am forced to check my wife's friendships (within the scope of her New Year's cards) only once a year.


最近テレビでやっていた「日本沈没 ―― 希望のひと」をNetFlixで視聴しています。

I recently watched "Sinking Japan -- A Man of Hope" on TV on NetFlix.


I've just reviewed two episodes in about five minutes, skipping around.


これを視聴して思っていたことは ――

What I was thinking when I watched this was--


- The people who are talking about government conspiracy theories with the COVID-19 vaccine are anti-power windbags like "Dr. Tadokoro."


Since I "deserve" the new coronary vaccine, I guess I am a bureaucrat or a government academic who is obsessed with profit-making, promotion and career.


Well, I won't deny it.


I am confident that I will continue to be a "business person who obeys his boss and authority" until three days before the sinking of Japan.



Dr. Tadokoro seems to be doing the coding of the disaster simulation on his own.

『他人に計算を任せられない』という気持ち ―― すごく良く分かります。

The feeling of "I can't trust my calculations to someone else" -- I understand very well.

画面をキャプチャしてみたところ、田所博士が使用している言語は、"Visual C++"のようです。

From the screen capture, it seems that the language Dr. Tadokoro is using is "Visual C++".


I am sure of it, because I have mass-produced more programs in this language than any other in my life.



You will see a screen where a government scientist who is in conflict with Dr. Tadokoro is accused of "Data tampering".


Data tampering" is an absolute no-no.


As a scientist and an engineer, this is unacceptable behavior.

どうせやるなら ―― シミュレーションプログラムのアルゴリズムの方を改竄するべきです。

If you're going to do this -- you should tamper with the algorithm of the simulation program.

なぜなら、自分で書いたプログラムの内容を、他人が読みとることは ―― 不可能ではありませんが ―― 相当に難しいからです。

This is because it is very difficult -- though not impossible -- for someone else to read the contents of a program you have written.


Furthermore, even if you wrote the program yourself, it is already "hopelessly" difficult to falsify the program so that it outputs simulation results that are convenient for you.


This is because a program is usually buggy if some part of it is tampered with, and the effects can appear unintentionally.


It is a kind of art to falsify a program in such a way that you can get the output result you want, without any contradiction, with no problems at all.

そういう意味では ―― 私は、『一流の芸術家』であると自負しております。

In that sense -- I am proud to say that I am a "first-rate artist".



Yesterday, I wrote about watching a play by the "Caramel Box".


And now, I'd like to find out about the actors, however,



I'm having trouble linking to the actors on this page.



So, I have a suggestion for the staff of the "Caramel Box".

■「ポスターに役者名を入れて貰う」っていうのは無理ですかね? 流石にプライド傷つきますかね。

- Is it possible to have the actors' names put on the posters? Would that hurt their pride?




- When we click on a person on a poster on the Web, we will be taken to that actor's page.


I think it's a bit technically difficult.


If so...


How about "gently drawing QR codes next to the actors on the poster"?


They might say that it will ruin the quality of your poster.



At the stage yesterday, I felt a little sad because I was the only one who couldn't laugh while the audience was "laughing hysterically at the inside jokes".


So I wanted to follow up with them now.

劇団紹介のページは、舞台時の衣装の写真のものに差し替えて貰えると、私が役者ご本人を特定できて良いと思うですが ―― いかがでしょうか?

I think it would be better if you replace the introduction page with a photo of the actors in their stage costumes, so that I can identify them -- how about that?



Today, my whole family went to see the play "Singin' with Santa Claus" by the Caramel Box Theater Company.


When I got the call in May 2019 that they had suspended their activities, I was stumped, 'What am I going to do about our family's Christmas events now?'


Since then, we have been unable to find a replacement for Caramel Box and have been forced to suspend the Ebata family's winter theater events.


I was delighted when I heard that it was back after two and a half years.



My wife asked me for my "preferred date and time" for this play.


'You don't care about my work. The time we get the ticket is my schedule,'


I said.



We laughed, we cried, and we fully enjoyed the stage performance of Caramel Box, which has never failed us.


Yes, after all, Caramel Box plays are the best.



Cao Cao", who appears (basically as a villain) in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, seems to be famous as a human resources enthusiast.


He collected all kinds of people who were skilled in military valor, art, and technology, as well as military strategists.


However I think that

―― 軍師なんぞをたくさん集めて、どうするんだ?

"What was he going to do with a bunch of military strategists?"




A military strategist is a person who advises the monarch or general commanding an army on strategic command.


I think that if there were many such people, all of whom had different opinions, monarchs and generals would have a hard time planning their strategies.


General Eisenhower, who planned the Normandy landings, said, "I will not accept the command of the operation unless I alone am the final decision-maker.


(I haven't been able to find any evidence of this.) I was also told that the core of Microsoft's Windows OS is basically built by a team of a few people.



It is a common practice for organizations to put people into a team that is in a death march, but it causes a lot of confusion in the field.


This is because the cost of training new members takes up a lot of the team's resources.

私、一度、このような炎上したチームに投入されたことがあるのですが、何も命じられなかったので、何もしませんでした ―― 実に3ヶ月間。

I was put on such a flaming team once, but I didn't do anything because I wasn't ordered to -- for three months, actually.


Over the past three months, I have been able to study the Linux kernel code at length.


Of course, I had to make up some random story to report at the regular briefing.


「曹操」に集められた軍師の大多数も、適当なことをやって 禄を食んでいたんじゃないかなー、と思っています。

I believe that the majority of the military strategists gathered by Cao Cao were also doing random things to earn their stipends.


Because, after all, there are only about three military strategists for Cao Cao in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and those three are usually the ones who propose the strategy.



The other day, when I was watching TV, I heard the story.


"The guys who were popular, got good grades, and were popular with the opposite sex in school have not been successful in society.



I had been thinking that way for a long time, so I was deeply convinced that it was true.



I have a hypothesis about the reason for this.


"Those who were popular, got good grades, or were popular with the opposite sex when they were in school will mistakenly believe that their working life is on the same continuum as their school days"

学生の頃のノリと軽さと要領良さは ―― もちろん社会人になっても役に立つことはあります。

Of course, being easy and smart in a college period, can come in handy in the working world.


However, the life of a working adult is long, so, being the time for easy and smart becomes short.


At the end of the day, seriousness, honesty, diligence, and persistence are more important for a working person.

なぜか。それは、それらに人間としての価値があるから ―― ではありません。

Why? It's not because they have value as human beings.


To be honest, it doesn't really matter.


In a nutshell, it is because working people have to fight a long-term battle.


I'd be in trouble if my partner is just easy and smart in a long-term battle.


I call this "integrity as a strategy".



So, what I'm trying to say is...

ノリの軽さ、要領良さもなく、そして、真面目、誠実、勤勉、粘り強さもない、この私が ――

I'm not easy, I'm not smart, and I'm not serious, honest, diligent, or tenacious.


I just think that it is natural that "I'm not socially successful".




というディレクトリに、main.cpp とsub.cppを置く。

#include <stdio.h>

int sub(int, int);

int main() {
    int a = sub(2, 3);
    printf("%d\n", a);

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>

int sub(int a, int b) {
    int c;
    c = a + b;

    return c;
  • 「Ctrl+Shift+P」 で、コマンドパレットを開く
  • 「C/C++: Edit configurations...」 を選択
  • 「.vscode」 フォルダの中に 「c_cpp_properties.json」 ファイルが作成される


    "configurations": [
            "name": "Win32",
            "includePath": [
            "defines": [
            "compilerPath": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe",
            "cStandard": "gnu17",
            "cppStandard": "gnu++14",
            "intelliSenseMode": "windows-gcc-x64"
    "version": 4
  • 「Ctrl+Shift+P」 で、コマンドパレットを開く
  • 「Tasks: Configure Task」 を選択する
  • 「テンプレートから tasks.json を生成」 をクリック
  • 「Others 任意の外部コマンドを実行する例」 をクリック
  • 「.vscode」 フォルの中に 「tasks.json」 ファイルが作成される
  • 「tasks.json」 を下記のように変更する
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "sample",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "g++",
            "args": [
            "group": "build"
            "type": "cppbuild",
            "label": "C/C++: g++.exe アクティブなファイルのビルド",
            "command": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\g++.exe",
            "args": [
                "sub.cpp" // ←ここがポイント
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${fileDirname}"
            "problemMatcher": [
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true
            "detail": "デバッガーによって生成されたタスク。"
  • 「Ctrl+Shift+D」 でデバッグを実行する
  • 環境の選択のドロップダウンで、「C++ (GDB/LLDB)」を選択
  • 「.vscode」 フォルの中に 「launch.json」 ファイルが作成される
    // IntelliSense を使用して利用可能な属性を学べます。
    // 既存の属性の説明をホバーして表示します。
    // 詳細情報は次を確認してください: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "g++.exe - アクティブ ファイルのビルドとデバッグ",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
            "args": [],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${fileDirname}",
            "environment": [],
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "miDebuggerPath": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "gdb の再フォーマットを有効にする",
                    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                    "ignoreFailures": true
                    "description": "逆アセンブリ フレーバーを Intel に設定",
                    "text": "-gdb-set disassembly-flavor intel",
                    "ignoreFailures": true
            "preLaunchTask": "C/C++: g++.exe アクティブなファイルのビルド"




「ファイル」 → 「フォルダを開く」でフォルダを選択すれば、settings.jsonが出てこなくなる


Visual Studio Code C/C++ 検討中



今週末は、コラム原稿締切前の週末 ―― 修羅場週末です。

This weekend is the weekend before the deadline for my column manuscript -- the Weekend of Carnage


Please bear with me as I only have pictures of my interview notes for my second daughter.