

I finished reading all of "Marginal Operation (Revision)" by Yuri Shibamura today.


I've been walking with my headlights on while reading at night, and I think it's good to have a book that makes me concentrate so much, with saying "Oh, I'm home already".


The book is set in China, Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.


I've been studying the geopolitics of this area.


Illustrations (pictures) are nice, but it would be nice if they could add a map.

戦場の配置図があれば、さらに嬉しい ――

A schematic of the battlefield would be even better.


The researcher (me) of a patent specification mass production machine with drawing supremacy thinks so.



After reading the books, I really felt sorry for the country of China.


I'm looking at Google MAP right now, and I'm still amazed at the vastness of China.

地続きの延々と続く国境線の、かなりの部分が紛争地帯です ―― その国境線の長さに眩暈(めまい)がしそうになりました。

I was almost dizzy from the length of the border line, which is a long stretch of land, much of which is disputed territory.


From a geopolitical point of view, which is basically based on the principle of "hostile relations with neighboring countries," I think it must be very difficult to govern such a vast territory.


If they were to adopt the so-called Western values of democracy (human rights), they would not be able to survive as a country, I think.



About 80 years ago, our country tried to do the same thing with oceans and continents, and failed spectacularly.


(Google "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" or "Absolute National Defense Sphere.")


By the way, Germany also expanded in Europe (this is a "continent") around the same time, and also failed.


"I think that "big/expansive" is basically "troublesome".


By the way, one of my juniors once told me that if the total distance required for logistics exceeds a certain value, the country comes to lose the war.


Maintaining wide and long fronts and borders is a huge cost.



In comparison, the Ebata family maintains their territory with two surveillance cameras, sensors, and a Raspberry Pi.


And it's all self-supporting, with only one operator.


Being small is basically being cheap and easy.


"Hooray for petit bourgeois"



This weekend I was supposed to be working on the structure of my new book, but I found myself struggling with docker.


I tried to reproduce it in an environment that worked three years ago, but it "didn't work".


So I tried to find out why it didn't work, and found that only about two people in the world had encountered the same problem.


(To be precise, "the number of people posting that trouble on the Internet is two.)


The best thing to do when encountering such a problem is to "give up".


This is because it consumes an enormous amount of time and has a high probability of not being resolved.


If it is your "job," you may not be able to escape. However, if it is a "pastime" or a "hobby," it is essential to "escape" as soon as possible.


ところが、この合理的な行動を妨害する心理的な作用があります ―― 「サンクコスト」といいます、

However, there is a psychological effect that interferes with this rational behavior -- it's called "sunk cost".


Sunk cost is the cost of not being able to recover an investment.

費やした労力やお金、時間などが、今後の意思決定に影響を与えること ―― 赤字を垂れ流し続けながらも、撤収できないこと ―― を、サンクコスト効果といいます。

The sunk cost effect refers to the fact that the effort, money, time, etc. spent will affect future decision making -- the inability to exit while continuing to incur a deficit.



The most common sunk costs are "exam wasters" and "qualification wasters".


"If you're an unsuccessful comedian, it's your own fault. However, "The cost of maintaining a fast breeder reactor is said to be 55 million yen per day, and the cost of decommissioning it is 150 billion yen.


Of course, they have been funded by our blood tax.


Today, I will not talk about the pros and cons of these.


However, if we were politicians, we can imagine how scary it would be to make the decision to "throw away" something that has cost us so much.


And, well, frankly speaking, researchers can be called a "sunk cost machine".



So, even if it is in the category of "entertainment" or "hobby", my existence itself is a "sunk cost" as I lose time on weekends.



I was replacing a company phone, wondering how long it had been since I was excited to use a new device (smartphone or PC).


After two hours of charging, it became useless, so I had to ask the company to 'replace the battery'.


However, I received a nuanced response that said, "Since it is beyond the period of use, it would be helpful if you could replace the equipment so that we don't have to deal with it," so I agreed.


When I replace the battery, I am entrusting my "company phone," a device that contains highly confidential information, to a third party.

当然、その守秘義務に関する契約が、想像を絶するほど面倒なものになる ―― ということは、想像に難くありません。

Of course, it is not hard to imagine that the confidentiality agreement would be unimaginably cumbersome.

これって、SDGs的にどうなの? とは思わなくはありませんが ――

From the SDGs viewpoint , what does this means ? I thought, however,

まあ、私の古いスマホは、完全初期化された後、バッテリー交換されて、タリバンが支配する地域などで、有効活用されるのだろう、と思っています ―― 廃車後の日本車と同様に。

Well, I'm sure my old phone will be fully initialized and the battery will be replaced and put to good use in areas controlled by the Taliban -- just like Japanese cars after they are scrapped.



At any rate, since the company phone is a device that is linked to the company system, I had to install complicated security software and had to enter three different passwords a total of about 30 times.


To be honest, it was a bit of a chore.


In addition to that, I, I, I'm not really interested in smartphones, so I basically just chose the same model as before and made a replica of my previous phone.



I know I'm being really persistent, but I'm seriously wondering if flip phones will ever come back.


It is small, has a long service life, is simple to operate, and takes a short time to charge.


For video, music, and remote meetings, a PC or tablet will suffice.


For LINE, it's enough to display text, and I don't need stamps.


However, as a "researcher working on the research and development of services based on the use of smartphones," I am aware that I am saying things that are quite contradictory.



During this replacement, I inadvertently forgot to migrate the phonebook.


No, this time it was not intentional, it was just my fault.

そんでもって、現在、通話履歴だけで対応していますが ―― 困ったことに、『全然困っていない』です。

So, I'm currently using only the call history -- and the trouble is, I'm not having any trouble at all.


Email and LINE are enough for my life.



I'm currently finding time in the gaps (10-minute unit) to lazily write my second book.


In the article, I wrote an explanation of Docker. I am proud to say that the content is quite good, so I would like to introduce it here.

===== ここから =====

===== from here =====


By the way, my image of Docker containers is


- A unit of apartment (concubine's house) where you can ask multiple mistresses (different versions of applications) of your sisters or brothers only when you feel like it.


- Communication with the inside of the apartment building is thorough, using only the intercom (port number), so there is no need to set environment variables (PATH or LIB) for the host OS (Windows 10).


- (We engineers refer to this as "not having to pollute the home (host OS) environment").


- If you install two or more different versions of the same app on the same OS (e.g. Windows 10), you won't be able to launch the app correctly, and even if you could, you probably wouldn't be able to run it properly because of the messed up configuration environment.


- When you don't come to need the app, you can 'make the whole apartment disappear, including your mistress,' so there's no aftermath.

===== ここまで =====

===== to here =====

Dockerコンテナの説明は、これで正しいと思いますが ――

I think this is the correct way to describe Docker containers -- however,


Someone might think that "there's something wrong with Ebata's personality".



The books "My youth romantic comedy is wrong, as I expected" would be a masterpiece.


I don't "admire" that main character. Please don't misunderstand me.


I wanted to write that kind of work.


Well, I don't know what a "romantic comedy" is, I can't write it well, and honestly I don't want to, however that main character's mindset, values, and worldview is what I wanted to write about

ただ、私が書くと、ベースは「ラブコメ」ではなくて、多分「東南アジア 一人旅」になると思うけど ―― うむ、読む人いるかな?

However, if I were to write it, it wouldn't be based on a "romantic comedy" but probably on a "solo trip to Southeast Asia" -- hmm, I wonder if anyone would read it?



And, well, I hope you've explained it in such detail.

―― うちの父親が、「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている」が凄い、って言っていた

"My father said that "My youth romantic comedy is wrong, as I expected" was great."


I hope you will hesitate a little to tell your friends in a light-hearted way, my daughter?


I'm a little embarrassed.


With hearing the following,


Network specialist.


Database specialists.


Embedded systems engineer.


Cloud engineer.


AI engineer.


IoT engineer.


AWS engineer.


Virtualization engineers.

―― うるせい!

"Shut up!"


I think.


"If it has to be done, it has to be done". It is an engineer.

どんな技術だって、どこからでも、膨大な資料を(自費で)購入して、Webを読み倒して、誰にでも(嫌なヤツにでも)頭を下げて、そんでもって、何度だってゼロから始める ―― それがエンジニアという職業です。

No matter what the technology, start from anywhere, buy tons of materials (at my own expense), read the Web, bow down to everyone (even the jerks), and then start from scratch again and again -- that's what being an engineer is all about.


It is a world in which there is no 'end', in which I keep moving forward as far as possible in a multi-dimensional space consisting of time, society, and technology.


I have done so until now, and I believe I will continue to do so in the future.



Incidentally, my company is now starting the system called the "Digital Human Resources Certification System".


I'm going to observe my co-workers carefully.












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# PruneMobileとは

PruneCluster https://github.com/SINTEF-9012/PruneCluster


## 使用環境

- golang(Go言語)のインストールされていれば良いです。私(江端智一)の環境では以下のようになっています。
$ PruneMobile\server>go version
$ go version go1.14 windows/amd64

- 実際に動かせば、コンパイラから、あれこれ言われますので、それに対応して下さい。基本的には、
$ go get github.com/gorilla/websocket

## サンプルプログラムの環境

- Webブラウザで表示される地図は、東京都江東区の豊洲駅を中心にして作ってあります。
  - PruneMobile\server\serverX.go (Xは数字) の中にある、
var map = L.map("map", {
   attributionControl: false,
   zoomControl: false
}).setView(new L.LatLng(35.654543, 139.795534), 18);
の"35.654543, 139.795534"の座標を変更すれば、地図の中心位置が変わります。

- クライアントプログラムでは、豊洲駅を中心にランダムウォークさせています
  - PruneMobile\server\clientX.go (Xは数字)を起動すると、10秒間程、マーカーが移動して、その後消滅します。

- クライアントプログラム(clientX.go)は複数同時に起動させることができます。

## 現時点で確認している問題点で、いずれ直すもの

- ~~マーカーの消滅のタイミングが、同時になってしまう~~

- ~~Webブラウザの表示が、最初の1つめしか、正常に動作しない~~

- ローカルのjs(javascript)のローディングに失敗した為、江端のプライベートサーバ(kobore.net)からローディングしている。PruneMobile\server\serverX.goの以下を参照
	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>

# サンプルプログラムの動作方法

## Step 1 サーバの起動

$ cd PruneMobile\server
$ go run serverX.go (Xは数字)

## Step 2 地図画面(マーカ表示画面)の起動

## Step 3 移動オブジェクト(マーカの対象)の起動
$ cd PruneMobile\client
$ go run clientX.go (Xは数字)

## 動作の様子

# クライアントプログラムで使うI/F(データ形式)

## 前提

- サーバとwebsocketのコネクションを確立して下さい。方法は問いません。golangでの記述方法はclient/clientX.goを参考にして下さい。

- データ形式はJSONを用います。golangでの記載サンプルは以下の通りです。


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

## Step.1 マーカーの登録

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  0,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796821,

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)


	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("after ID:%d", gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("after Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("after Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)


## Step.2 マーカーの移動

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  5,         // IDが"5"の場合
		Lat: 35.653923,
		Lng: 139.796852,

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)
	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("after ID:%d", gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("after Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("after Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)

## Step.3 マーカーの抹消

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  5,         // IDが"5"の場合
		Lat: 999.9,
		Lng: 999.9,

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)
	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("after ID:%d", gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("after Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("after Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)

# Amazon Lightsail を使った、スマホの現在位置の表示方法


これを実現する為には、インターネット上に(クラウド)サーバを置かなければなりません。AWSのVPS(仮想専用サーバー)が思いつきますが、AWSのEC2は6運用が面倒な上に使用料が高価です。そこで「月額 500 円で使えるAWSクラウドのVPS」を使う方法について記載しておきます。

- Amazon Lightsail の立ち上げ方法については、https://wp.kobore.net/江端さんの技術メモ/post-1513/ を参考にして下さい。

- ここでは、"sea-anemone.tech"という架空のドメインを例として使っていますが、外部(例えば「お名前.com」)でドメインを得た場合は、その名前に置き換えて読んで下さい。

- 公開鍵の取得方法については、https://wp.kobore.net/江端さんの技術メモ/post-1550/ を参考にして下さい(ここに記載されている、"go_template/server_test"は、"PruneMobile\vps_server"と読み換えて下さい)

## Step 1 サーバの起動

Amazon Lightsailのシェルから適当なシェルを立ち上げて
$ cd PruneMobile\vps_server
$ go run serverXX.go (Xは数字)


## Step 2 地図画面(マーカ表示画面)の起動
と入力して下さい。現在は、東京のある地域が表示されますが、serverXX.go の中に記載れている、位置情報、35.60000, 139.60000 を片っぱしから、任意の位置(自宅の位置等)に変更することで、自宅付近での実証実験ができます。

## Step 3 移動オブジェクト(マーカの対象)の起動

## 現時点で確認している問題点で、いずれ直すもの

- ローカルのjs(javascript)のローディングに失敗した為、江端のプライベートサーバ(kobore.net)からローディングしている。PruneMobile\vps_server\serverXX.goの以下を参照
	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>
- 動作中にwebsocketが切断してしまった時(スマホの閉じる、別のブラウザ画面を立ち上げた時)、オブジェクトが放置されて、システム全体が動かなくなる

PruneMobile_demo.png は、同じディレクトリに放り込んでおきました。


ebata@DESKTOP-P6KREM0 MINGW64 ~/eBook_sample_with_markdown_and_pandoc
$ pandoc -f markdown -t epub3 README_1.md title.txt -o book.epub --css github.css --toc --toc-depth=2 --epub-cover-image=cover.jpg




それと、 md(Markdown)ファイルを編集するなら、Visual Studio Codeが便利そうです。








ebata@DESKTOP-P6KREM0 MINGW64 ~/eBook_sample_with_markdown_and_pandoc
$ pandoc -f markdown -t epub3 README_1.md title.txt -o book.epub --css styleshee
t.css --toc --toc-depth=2 --epub-cover-image=cover.jpg