

I read "Economists on the Outbreak of War between Japan and the United States"


The Shinchosensho was quite a hard book for me to read, but I finished it in four days, walking an hour every day.


In this book,

(1)圧倒的に不利な国力差(日米の国力比 1:20~50)にあって、

(1) In the face of an overwhelming disadvantageous power gap (Japan-U.S. power ratio: 1:20-50)


(2) The information in (1) above is not secret information, but is widely disclosed not only to those in power, but also to the public.


(3) Before the start of the war, the simulation of "Japan's inevitable defeat" was completed perfectly, and


(4) The cabinet, the government, and even the military were almost all aware of this reality.

という状況下において ―― というか、むしろ『その(1)~(4)の条件が揃っていたからこそ』日本が太平洋戦争に突入した

even under the circumstances of (1)~(4), rather because of the circumstances, Japan's entry into the Pacific War.


This is a book that clarifies this fact from the perspective of behavioral economics.



I thought there were many ways to read it, but my biggest thought was,

―― 戦争に突入した原因は、軍部や政府ではなく、むしろ『数字を読めない/読もうとしなかった国民」の側にあった

"The cause of the war was not the military or the government, but rather the people who could not or would not read the numbers"



According to the author's analysis, "a government that is weak and incapable of decision-making" and "an incompetent and crude army" are quite fanciful.


で、この本を読みがら「もし私が権力者だったとして、この局面をひっくり返して、戦争回避ができただろうか?」と考えていたのですが ――

And as I read this book, I was thinking, "If I were in power, could I have turned this around and averted war?


However, I became convinced that it was hopelessly impossible.


In particular, I thought that prospect theory was too strong.


■選択A : 開戦しなければ、3年後に米英の経済封鎖により、日本は屈服する

Option A : If the war does not start, Japan will be brought to its knees by the economic blockade of the U.S. and Britain in three years.

■選択B : 開戦すればほぼ間違いなく敗戦する。但し、

Option B : If the war starts, we will almost certainly lose. However,


(1) If Germany defeats the Soviet Union and


(2) If the Germans succeed in landing in England, and


(3) If Japan acquires the resources of Southeast Asia, establishes transportation routes, and


(4) If the British surrender to the Germans


At that time, the U.S. may lose its will to engage in war and accept a peace treaty.

という、4つの"if"と、1つの"might"であったとしても、(どう考えても、限りなくゼロに近い可能性ですが)、行動経済学のプロスペクト理論によれば、"選択A" < "選択B" になるのです。

Even if there are four "ifs" and one "might" (which is a near-zero possibility by any measure), according to the prospect theory of behavioral economics, "choice A" < "choice B".



According to the author, if there is a way to avoid this situation, it is


(1) A "dictator who insists on avoiding war" will appear in our country.


(2) Choose option A and wait for the situation to change somewhere in the next three years with "no action".


The author's summation, "These would have been the only two ways," resonated with me.



"If we find ourselves in a situation similar to the Pacific War, we will start the war again, regardless of the lessons of history"


It was a book that gave me a pretty good sense of "desperation".



Lately, I've been seeing a lot of "cross-world reincarnation manga" in web ads.


The reason why such ads appear is because I can read the ads in a disciplined manner.

「異世界転生」のコンテンツは、現実逃避心理の具現化 ―― などとヤボなことを言うのは止めましょう。

The content of "reincarnation" is an embodiment of the psychology of escaping from reality -- however, let's not say that it's a bad thing.


Dreaming/showing is the job of the creator and the creations.

―― 今の知識を持ったまま、小学生になって、大人(教師)をやりこめてやりたい

"I want to be an elementary school student with the knowledge I have now, and I want to beat up the adults (teachers)"


It is also a form of escapism.


(This is almost the same as what I wrote here.)



I wondered what kind of world I would like to be reincarnated in.


However, I can't seem to visualize this in any concrete way.


I'm thinking in terms of the content of "Reincarnation"



- A world in the past that we know the events of the future.


- A medieval world where medicine and science have not yet developed


- A world where magic and supernatural powers that cannot be used in this world


These worlds often appear. So I think I want to be reincarnated,

―― 現世界で、苦労しながら培ってきた知識や技術を生かせる世界

"A world where I can use the knowledge and skills I have cultivated through hard work in the current world"




This means that in order to live happily in the world of "otherworld reincarnation", I must continue to face hardships, efforts, and unpleasant experiences in the "present world" (checked).


This means that I want to dream about the "other world" where we don't have to make any effort in order not to have any hardship, not to make any effort, and not to get into any trouble in the "present world", and I want to dream about the "other world" where we don't need to make any effort (checked).


―― なんだ、これなら、「幸せな来世の為に、現世で功徳を尽くせ」と主張している宗教(カルトを含む)の方が、まだマシじゃねーか

"In this case, religions (including cults) that insist on "doing meritorious deeds in this life for a happy next life" are still better"


I am afraid that I noticed that.



The key missions of telecommuting in Corona disaster are weight control and regular exercise.


Recently, I have come to understand that if I leave the scale in front of the stove, it will show my weight about 200 grams lighter.


So, these days, before weighing myself, I warm up the scale sufficiently on the stove.



By the way, my wife says to me, "I don't know what you're thinking.



I took a sauna at the super public bath in front of the station for the first time in a long time, since I couldn't get rid of the tiredness no matter if I took stabilizers or sleeping pills.


Although we are in the middle of declaring a state of emergency, there were quite a few customers in the public bath.


Well, that's beside the point.



There were about ten people in the sauna, which had a capacity of about twenty, and they were all silently watching the TV screen in front of them.


In one of the variety shows, the topic of jeans in Onomichi came up.

―― 実際にジーンズを尾道の人に履いてもらって、ダメージジーンズを作る

"Making damaged jeans by having people in Onomichi actually wear the jeans"


I was surprised to hear that, and even more surprised to hear that it could be sold for two to three times the cost.



I'm a jeans user who doesn't see even 1mm value in damaged jeans.




"I buy cheap jeans from Amazon, wear them down until they rip, and when they do, I repair them with wood glue"


So, it's impossible for me to share the value of "damaged jeans".




―― ITエンジニアが、在宅期間中に、自宅で1年間履き続けたジーンズは、おいくらになるのでしょうか?

"How much would you pay for a pair of jeans that an IT engineer wore at home for a year while he was at home?"


I was thinking about something trivial in the sauna.



Daughter: "Someone once told me that there are two standards in the world: 'justice and evil' and 'like and dislike'"


Ebata: "That's not true. There is only one standard, 'like and dislike'"


Daughter: "Isn't there a 'Justice and evil'?


Ebata: "'Justice and evil' is just a relative concept. It can be easily turned 180 degrees depending on where we stand, so I don't think it's very important.



Well, I know that many philosophers in the past and the present have thought to death in search of the most 'absolute justice'.


But if it's something we have to think about to death to understand, I think it's terribly tedious and even "dangerous" to put "absolute justice" as a common value standard.


江端:「そもそも、法治国家における法治 ―― まあ、裁判はその一例だが ―― この運用がどのように行われるかしっているか?」

Ebata: "To begin with, do you know how the operation of the rule of law in a country under the rule of law is carried out? Well, the trial is just one example"


Daughter: "To judge a person only on the basis of evidence and law, without 'subjectivity' right?

江端:「それは建前だ。この話は、法学ゼミで教えて貰って、私自身も仰天したことだが ――」

Ebata: "That's a pretext. This story was taught to me in law seminar, and I myself was astonished...."


Then I started to talk about the process of a trial.


(Step.1) 裁判官は、主観で被告の「好きと嫌い」を決めて、有罪/無罪および、その刑量をざっくり思い浮かべる。

(Step.1) The judge decides on the subjective "likes and dislikes" of the defendant and comes up with a rough idea of guilt/innocence and the amount of the sentence.

(Step.2) 次に裁判官は、この有罪/無罪、および刑量を導き出すための、複数の法律の条文を頭の中で並べる

(Step.2) The judge then lays out in his or her mind the multiple articles of law from which to derive this guilt/innocence and sentence amount.

(Step.3) 裁判官は、これらの条文を、担当事件の内容に当てはめられるかどうかを検討する。上手くはまれば、判決に適用する

(Step.3) The judge considers whether these articles can be applied to the case in question. If it works, they apply it to the judgment.


江端:「でもって、上記(Step.1)~(Step.3)は、裁判官だけでなく、検察、弁護人も共通認識として共有している。そんでもって、この3者の関係者が、判決の落とし所を擦り合わせていく ―― これが、基本的な裁判のアプローチだ」

Ebata: "The above (Step.1) to (Step.3) are shared by not only judges but also prosecutors and defense attorneys. Then, these three parties work together to reach a decision. This is the basic trial approach.


Daughter: "No way..."


Ebata: "Of course, the above is a civil case with clear circumstantial and physical evidence, however, they can add extenuating circumstances, trends in public opinion, and social norms. And finally, the judgment is made based on the subjective standard of "How much can I forgive this defendant?""


Daughter: "'Justice and evil' is not the standard...


Ebata: "'Justice and evil' is a 'tool concept' that exists as a rationale for 'like and dislike'."


Daughter: "Then what is the point of the law's existence?


Ebata: "No, no, the important point is this: 'Even if they start from 'like and dislike', they can't make a judgment based only on 'like and dislike'".


Daughter: "?

江端:「どんな法律でもいいけど、必ず明文化された法律に基づいて論理的に(見せかけて)判決を出さなければならない ―― これが法治の理念で、最後の砦でもある」

Ebata: "It doesn't matter what kind of law they use, but they must always make a logical (pretend) judgment based on a clearly stated law -- this is the principle of the rule of law, and it is also the last resort."



In that sense, "Toyama no Kin-san" made judgments based on "likes and dislikes" alone, and at his own discretion.


As for me, I think that "Toyama no Kin-san" has definitely functioned as a "false accusation manufacturing system".


That's why I want to watch a TV drama whose title is

―― 「遠山の金さん "冤罪"捕物帳」

"Tozan no Kin-san, the 'False Accusation' Catcher's Notebook"




There is an interesting anime currently airing called "Tenchi Sozo Design Club(Creation Design Department)".

動物や植物が、「今の形態に『進化』」している ―― まあ、進化論を信じない人にとっては「神が『設計』」した理由が、コメディちっく、かつ、ロジカルに説明されていて、面白い。

The reason why animals and plants have "evolved" into their current forms, for those who don't believe in the theory of evolution, it's "God's 'design'", is explained in a comedic and logical manner.


This anime has a cool concept.

―― 天地を創造した神は天地や水を造った時点で面倒になって、生き物を造るのは"下請け"に任せることにした

"God, who created the heavens and the earth, got tired of creating the heavens and the earth and the water, and decided to leave the creation of living things to "subcontractors""

クライアント(神)が、中途半端でアバウトな生き物の要求仕様(例:「可愛くないけど、可愛い動物」)を出しては、適当にボツにを連発される様子とか ―― 涙なくしては見られないです。

I can't watch this anime without crying, when the client (God) gives a half-hearted, out-of-the-box specification for a creature (e.g., "not cute, but cute animal"), and the client rejects the designs at random.


I also have a great deal of sympathy for Ms. Higuchi(*), who actually makes prototypes of living things according to the design and clearly points out the problems.


(*)The only female engineer in the Prototype Room of the Animal Department.



In my daily life, this concept can be read the following way.

―― ITプラットフォームを創造した総合電機メーカはAPIを設計した時点で面倒になって、アプリケーションやサービスを造るのは“下請け”に任せることにした

"The general electronics company that created the IT platform got tired of designing APIs and decided to leave the creation of applications and services to "subcontractors"."


Or I can read it this way.

―― 次世代社会インフラのコンセプトをぶちあげた幹部は、コンセプトを発表した時点で面倒になって、実装や実証実験や特許出願を、"研究部"に丸投げすることにした

"The executives of the company that came up with the concept for the next generation social infrastructure got tired of the concept once it was announced, and decided to throw the implementation, demonstration tests, and patent applications to the "research department"."



I think I've been both the perpetrator (client) and the victim (host).


Naturally, it's hard to recognize myself as a perpetrator, but there's a lot I can say from a victim's perspective.


For example, I am likely to say that


"If you want me to do a field experiment, you're going to have to take the lead and run around the city on a sub-zero night in the middle of winter to tune the experiment system"




This is a memo of an IT researcher who wants to cut corners as much as possible and use a computer to quickly solve the task at hand.


I described this down in the time to walk to the doctor's office and wait in the waiting room.


This memo alone contains about three inventions (although they are algorithms and hardly "patentable inventions").


If anyone can understand what is written in this memo, please let me know.

このメモは、江端が「ものぐさ」で「字が汚い」だけのもの、と思われている人もいると思いますが ――

Some people may think that this memo is only for Ebata, who is "lazy" and has "dirty handwriting, however,


This is what all the researchers in the world write down when they are thinking about something (really).






float ST_Distance(geometry g1, geometry g2);

float ST_Distance(geography gg1, geography gg2);



139.46383010 35.6078055 と 139.48004430 35.58936550 の距離を求めろ



SELECT ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.46383010 35.6078055)'::GEOGRAPHY,'SRID=4326;POINT(139.48004430 35.58936550)'::GEOGRAPHY);




2518.87992511 (単位はメートル)

(1 行)



SELECT ST_Distance(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(139.46383010 35.6078055)',4326),26986),ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(139.48004430 35.58936550)',4326),26986));




2534.9890933572 (単位はメートル)

(1 行)



点(139.46507, 35.59577)と source 608 の距離を求めろ



SELECT ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.46507 35.59577)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) from ways where source = 608;




48.64958043 (単位はメートル)

(1 行)






点(139.46383010 35.6078055) と

線(139.47364070 35.59500190),(139.47500790 35.59561250),(139.47618950 35.59667510) の # 3点は繋がっている




SELECT ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.46383010 35.6078055)'::GEOGRAPHY,'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(139.47364070 35.59500190,139.47500790 35.59561250, 139.47618950 35.59667510)'::GEOGRAPHY);




1667.13188667 (単位はメートル)

(1 行)


SELECT source, x1 as longitude, y1 as latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.78468208 35.64553503)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) as dist FROM ways ORDER BY dist limit 1;
source | longitude | latitude | dist
742 | 139.7831864 | 35.6469072 | 20.44846388
(1 row)




boolean ST_DWithin(geometry g1, geometry g2, double precision distance_of_srid);

boolean ST_DWithin(geography gg1, geography gg2, double precision distance_meters);



点(139.47500790 35.59561250)から半径300メートル以内の全部のノードを、近い順に出せ



SELECT source, x1 as longitude, y1 as latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.47500790 35.59561250)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) as dist FROM ways WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(139.47500790 35.59561250)'), 300.0) ORDER BY dist;



source | longitude | latitude | dist


277 | 139.4742202 | 35.5952626 | 0

342 | 139.4737614 | 35.5960846 | 0

554 | 139.4750079 | 35.5956125 | 0

554 | 139.4750079 | 35.5956125 | 0

465 | 139.4756076 | 35.5956018 | 54.35238655

465 | 139.4756076 | 35.5956018 | 54.35883189

148 | 139.4753681 | 35.5942035 | 62.47683957

488 | 139.4755625 | 35.595278 | 62.47683957

277 | 139.4742202 | 35.5952626 | 78.20859781

309 | 139.4758617 | 35.5957534 | 78.9363046

309 | 139.4758617 | 35.5957534 | 78.9363046

163 | 139.4736407 | 35.5950019 | 81.2567669

597 | 139.4728928 | 35.5961536 | 81.2567669

406 | 139.4760808 | 35.5958841 | 101.79071989

211 | 139.4761077 | 35.5959027 | 104.73755527

580 | 139.4761706 | 35.5959419 | 111.52418485

201 | 139.4762056 | 35.5959637 | 115.32014973




I often hear the line, "Market valuation is..." in the news.


However, when I look at recent stock prices, I sometimes think that this so called "market" is actually "stupid".


In fact, it was the "market" guy who failed to calculate a fair price for real estate and plunged our country into an unrecoverable recession for 20 years.


The Lehman Shock that originated in the United States is same.


I don't own any securities, stock certificates, government bonds, or any other bonds. Therefore, I can't buy or sell them.


I am not a member of this "market" guy.


In other words, I have not been included in the 'market' from the beginning.


『市場の評価』とか言う奴が、なんでそんなに頻用されているのか ――

I don't know why guys like "market valuation" are used so often.


I think that's probably the only way to evaluate the "atmosphere" of the world in numerical terms.

