

Slack Channel Docker Ready

Tile38 is an open source (MIT licensed), in-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofence. It supports a variety of object types including lat/lon points, bounding boxes, XYZ tiles, Geohashes, and GeoJSON.


This README is quick start document. You can find detailed documentation at https://tile38.com.


Nearby Within Intersects Geofencing Roaming Geofences




  • tile38-server - The server → サーバ
  • tile38-cli - Command line interface tool → コマンドインターフェースツール
  • tile38-benchmark - Server benchmark tool → サーバベンチマークツール

Getting Started


Getting Tile38


Perhaps the easiest way to get the latest Tile38 is to use one of the pre-built release binaries which are available for OSX, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows. Instructions for using these binaries are on the GitHub releases page. → 最新のTile38を入手する最も簡単な方法は、OSX、Linux、FreeBSD、Windows用に提供されているビルド済みのリリースバイナリを使用することでしょう。これらのバイナリの使い方は、GitHub release pageにあります。


To run the latest stable version of Tile38:→Tile38の最新の安定版を実行する。

docker pull tile38/tile38
docker run -p 9851:9851 tile38/tile38

Visit the Tile38 hub page for more information. → 詳しくはTile38ハブページをご覧ください。

Homebrew (macOS)

Install Tile38 using Homebrew →Homebrew](https://brew.sh/)を使ってTile38をインストールします。

brew install tile38

Building Tile38


Tile38 can be compiled and used on Linux, OSX, Windows, FreeBSD, and probably others since the codebase is 100% Go. We support both 32 bit and 64 bit systems. Go must be installed on the build machine.


To build everything simply:


$ make

To test:

$ make test



For command line options invoke: コマンドラインオプションの場合は、次を呼び出します。

$ ./tile38-server -h

To run a single server:

$ ./tile38-server

# The tile38 shell connects to localhost:9851
$ ./tile38-cli
> help

Playing with Tile38

Basic operations: 基本操作:

$ ./tile38-cli

# add a couple of points named 'truck1' and 'truck2' to a collection named 'fleet'.
> set fleet truck1 point 33.5123 -112.2693   # on the Loop 101 in Phoenix
> set fleet truck2 point 33.4626 -112.1695   # on the I-10 in Phoenix

# search the 'fleet' collection.
> scan fleet                                 # returns both trucks in 'fleet'
> nearby fleet point 33.462 -112.268 6000    # search 6 kilometers around a point. returns one truck.

# key value operations
# キー値操作
> get fleet truck1                           # returns 'truck1'
> del fleet truck2                           # deletes 'truck2'
> drop fleet                                 # removes all 

Tile38 has a ton of great commands. Tile38にはたくさんの[すばらしいコマンド](https://tile38.com/commands)があります。



Fields are extra data that belongs to an object. A field is always a double precision floating point. There is no limit to the number of fields that an object can have.

フィールドは、オブジェクトに属する追加のデータです。 フィールドは常に倍精度浮動小数点です。 オブジェクトが持つことができるフィールドの数に制限はありません。

To set a field when setting an object: オブジェクトを設定するときにフィールドを設定するには:

> set fleet truck1 field speed 90 point 33.5123 -112.2693             
> set fleet truck1 field speed 90 field age 21 point 33.5123 -112.2693

To set a field when an object already exists: オブジェクトがすでに存在するときにフィールドを設定するには:

> fset fleet truck1 speed 90



Tile38 has support to search for objects and points that are within or intersects other objects. All object types can be searched including Polygons, MultiPolygons, GeometryCollections, etc.

Tile38は、他のオブジェクト内または他のオブジェクトと交差するオブジェクトおよびポイントの検索をサポートしています。 Polygons、MultiPolygons、GeometryCollectionsなどを含むすべてのオブジェクトタイプを検索できます。

Search Within


WITHIN searches a collection for objects that are fully contained inside a specified bounding area. WITHINは、指定された境界領域内に完全に含まれているオブジェクトをコレクションで検索します。

Search Intersects


INTERSECTS searches a collection for objects that intersect a specified bounding area.

Search Nearby


NEARBY searches a collection for objects that intersect a specified radius. INTERSECTSは、指定された境界領域と交差するオブジェクトをコレクションで検索します。

Search options


SPARSE - This option will distribute the results of a search evenly across the requested area.

** SPARSE **-このオプションは、検索結果を要求された領域全体に均等に分散します。

This is very helpful for example; when you have many (perhaps millions) of objects and do not want them all clustered together on a map. Sparse will limit the number of objects returned and provide them evenly distributed so that your map looks clean.

これは、非常に役立ちます。 多数(おそらく数百万)のオブジェクトがあり、それらすべてをマップ上にクラスター化したくない場合。 スパースは、返されるオブジェクトの数を制限し、マップがきれいに見えるようにそれらを均等に分散させます。

You can choose a value between 1 and 8. The value 1 will result in no more than 4 items. The value 8 will result in no more than 65536. 1=4, 2=16, 3=64, 4=256, 5=1024, 6=4098, 7=16384, 8=65536.

1から8までの値を選択できます。値1は、4つ以下のアイテムになります。 値8は、65536以下になります。* 1 = 4、2 = 16、3 = 64、4 = 256、5 = 1024、6 = 4098、7 = 16384、8 =65536。*


No SparsingSearch WithinSparse 1Search WithinSparse 2Search WithinSparse 3Search WithinSparse 4Search WithinSparse 5Search Within

Please note that the higher the sparse value, the slower the performance. Also, LIMIT and CURSOR are not available when using SPARSE.

スパース値が高いほど、パフォーマンスが低下することに注意してください。 また、SPARSEを使用している場合、LIMITとCURSORは使用できません。

WHERE - This option allows for filtering out results based on field values. For example
nearby fleet where speed 70 +inf point 33.462 -112.268 6000 will return only the objects in the 懼fleet懼 collection that are within the 6 km radius and have a field named speed that is greater than 70.

Multiple WHEREs are concatenated as and clauses. WHERE speed 70 +inf WHERE age -inf 24 would be interpreted as speed is over 70 and age is less than 24.

The default value for a field is always 0. Thus if you do a WHERE on the field speed and an object does not have that field set, the server will pretend that the object does and that the value is Zero.

WHERE - このオプションは、fieldの値に基づいて結果をフィルタリングすることができます。例えば
`nearby fleet where speed 70 +inf point 33.462 -112.268 6000````は、半径6km以内にあるオブジェクトのみを返します。<br><br>複数のWHEREは**and**句として連結されます。<br><br>フィールドのデフォルト値は常に0です。したがって、フィールドspeed` の WHERE を実行したときに、オブジェクトにそのフィールドが設定されていない場合、サーバーはオブジェクトが設定されていて、その値がゼロであるかのように振舞うことになります。

MATCH - MATCH is similar to WHERE except that it works on the object id instead of fields.
nearby fleet match truck* point 33.462 -112.268 6000 will return only the objects in the 懼fleet懼 collection that are within the 6 km radius and have an object id that starts with truck. There can be multiple MATCH options in a single search. The MATCH value is a simple glob pattern.

nearby fleet match truck* point 33.462 -112.268 6000は、半径6km以内にある懼fリート懼コレクションのオブジェクトのうち、かつtruckで始まるオブジェクトIDを持つものだけを返します。1つの検索で複数のMATCHオプションを指定することができます。MATCHの値は単純なglob patternです。

CURSOR - CURSOR is used to iterate though many objects from the search results. An iteration begins when the CURSOR is set to Zero or not included with the request, and completes when the cursor returned by the server is Zero.

CURSOR - CURSORは、検索結果から多くのオブジェクトを繰り返し処理するために使用されます。CURSORが0に設定されているか、リクエストに含まれていない場合には反復処理が開始され、サーバから返されたカーソルが0になった時点で終了します。

NOFIELDS - NOFIELDS tells the server that you do not want field values returned with the search results.

NOFIELDS - NOFIELDSは、検索結果で返されるフィールド値を望まないことをサーバーに伝えます。

LIMIT - LIMIT can be used to limit the number of objects returned for a single search request.

LIMIT - LIMITは、1つの検索リクエストに対して返されるオブジェクトの数を制限するために使用することができます。



Geofence animation A geofence is a virtual boundary that can detect when an object enters or exits the area. This boundary can be a radius, bounding box, or a polygon. Tile38 can turn any standard search into a geofence monitor by adding the FENCE keyword to the search.


Tile38 also allows for Webhooks to be assigned to Geofences.



A simple example:


> nearby fleet fence point 33.462 -112.268 6000

This command opens a geofence that monitors the 懼fleet懼 collection. The server will respond with:

このコマンドは 懼fリート懼 コレクションを監視するジオフェンスを開きます。サーバは以下のように応答します。


And the connection will be kept open. If any object enters or exits the 6 km radius around 33.462,-112.268 the server will respond in realtime with a message such as:

また、接続はオープンに保たれます。33.462,-112.268` 付近の半径6kmの範囲に何か物体が出入りすると、サーバはリアルタイムで次のようなメッセージを返します。


The server will notify the client if the command is del | set | drop.

サーバは commanddel | set | drop の場合にクライアントに通知する。

  • del notifies the client that an object has been deleted from the collection that is being fenced.
  • del` は、フェンシングされているコレクションからオブジェクトが削除されたことをクライアントに通知します。
  • drop notifies the client that the entire collection is dropped.
  • drop` はコレクション全体が削除されたことをクライアントに通知する。
  • set notifies the client that an object has been added or updated, and when it懼s position is detected by the fence.
  • set` はオブジェクトが追加または更新されたことをクライアントに通知し、フェンスによってその位置が検出されたときにそのことを通知します。

The detect may be one of the following values.

detect` は以下の値のいずれかである。

  • inside is when an object is inside the specified area.
  • inside` はオブジェクトが指定された領域の内側にあるときのことである。
  • outside is when an object is outside the specified area.
  • outside` は、オブジェクトが指定された領域の外にあるときのことである。
  • enter is when an object that was not previously in the fence has entered the area.
  • enter`は、それまで柵の中に**なかったオブジェクトがエリア内に入ってきたときのことである。
  • exit is when an object that was previously in the fence has exited the area.
  • exit`は、以前にフェンスの中にあった***オブジェクトがエリア外に出たときのことである。
  • cross is when an object that was not previously in the fence has entered and exited the area.
  • クロス`とは、それまで柵の中になかったオブジェクトがエリアに入ってきて**エリアから出てきたときのことである。

These can be used when establishing a geofence, to pre-filter responses. For instance, to limit responses to enter and exit detections:

これらは、ジオフェンスを確立する際に、応答を事前にフィルタリングするために使用することができます。例えば、enterexit の検出に対して応答を制限することができます。

> nearby fleet fence detect enter,exit point 33.462 -112.268 6000

Pub/sub channels


Tile38 supports delivering geofence notications over pub/sub channels.


To create a static geofence that sends notifications when a bus is within 200 meters of a point and sends to the busstop channel:


> setchan busstop nearby buses fence point 33.5123 -112.2693 200

Subscribe on the busstop channel:


> subscribe busstop

Object types


All object types except for XYZ Tiles and QuadKeys can be stored in a collection. XYZ Tiles and QuadKeys are reserved for the SEARCH keyword only.

XYZ TilesとQuadKeyを除くすべてのオブジェクトタイプは、コレクションに格納することができます。XYZ TilesとQuadKeyは、SEARCHキーワードのみに予約されています。

Lat/lon point


The most basic object type is a point that is composed of a latitude and a longitude. There is an optional z member that may be used for auxiliary data such as elevation or a timestamp.

最も基本的なオブジェクト型は緯度と経度からなる点である。オプションの z メンバがあり、標高やタイムスタンプなどの補助データに使用することができます。

set fleet truck1 point 33.5123 -112.2693     # plain lat/lon
set fleet truck1 point 33.5123 -112.2693 225 # lat/lon with z member

Bounding box


A bounding box consists of two points. The first being the southwestern most point and the second is the northeastern most point.


set fleet truck1 bounds 30 -110 40 -100



A geohash is a string representation of a point. With the length of the string indicating the precision of the point.

geohash は、点を文字列で表現したものです。文字列の長さは点の精度を表します。

set fleet truck1 hash 9tbnthxzr # this would be equivalent to 'point 33.5123 -112.2693'


GeoJSON is an industry standard format for representing a variety of object types including a point, multipoint, linestring, multilinestring, polygon, multipolygon, geometrycollection, feature, and featurecollection.


* All ignored members will not persist.

* すべての無視されたメンバーは持続しません。

Important to note that all coordinates are in Longitude, Latitude order.


set city tempe object {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[0,0],[10,10],[10,0],[0,0]]]}

XYZ Tile


An XYZ tile is rectangle bounding area on earth that is represented by an X, Y coordinate and a Z (zoom) level.


Check out maptiler.org for an interactive example.

インタラクティブな例は maptiler.org をご覧ください。


A QuadKey used the same coordinate system as an XYZ tile except that the string representation is a string characters composed of 0, 1, 2, or 3. For a detailed explanation checkout The Bing Maps Tile System.

QuadKey は XYZ タイルと同じ座標系を使用しますが、文字列表現は 0, 1, 2, 3 で構成される文字列です。詳しい説明は Bing Maps Tile System をご覧ください。

Network protocols


It懼s recommended to use a client library or the Tile38 CLI, but there are times when only HTTP is available or when you need to test from a remote terminal. In those cases we provide an HTTP and telnet options.

クライアントライブラリ](#client-libraries)またはTile38 CLIを使用することをお勧めしますが、HTTPしか利用できない場合や、リモート端末からテストする必要がある場合があります。そのような場合には、HTTPとtelnetオプションを用意しています。


One of the simplest ways to call a tile38 command is to use HTTP. From the command line you can use curl. For example:


# call with request in the body
curl --data "set fleet truck3 point 33.4762 -112.10923" localhost:9851

# call with request in the url path
curl localhost:9851/set+fleet+truck3+point+33.4762+-112.10923



Websockets can be used when you need to Geofence and keep the connection alive. It works just like the HTTP example above, with the exception that the connection stays alive and the data is sent from the server as text websocket messages.

Websocket は、ジオフェンスして接続を維持する必要がある場合に使用することができます。これは上記の HTTP の例と同じように動作しますが、接続が生きていることと、データがテキストの Websocket メッセージとしてサーバーから送信されることを除いては、動作しません。


There is the option to use a plain telnet connection. The default output through telnet is RESP.


telnet localhost 9851
set fleet truck3 point 33.4762 -112.10923

The server will respond in JSON or RESP depending on which protocol is used when initiating the first command.


  • HTTP and Websockets use JSON.
  • HTTPとWebsocketsはJSONを使用しています。
  • Telnet and RESP clients use RESP.
  • Telnet と RESP クライアントは RESP を使用します。

Client Libraries


Tile38 uses the Redis RESP protocol natively. Therefore most clients that support basic Redis commands will in turn support Tile38. Below are a few of the popular clients.

Tile38はRedis RESPプロトコルをネイティブに使用します。そのため、基本的なRedisコマンドをサポートしているほとんどのクライアントがTile38をサポートしています。以下に人気のあるクライアントをいくつか紹介します。



Josh Baker [@tidwall](https://twitter.com/tidwall)



Tile38 source code is available under the MIT License.

Tile38のソースコードはMIT Licenseで公開されています。



This year, due to the new Corona disaster, neither my wife's Kyushu area team nor my Tokai area team (just me) will be able to go home.


This is the first year end and beginning of the year when the family will spend time together at home.

―― 正月の過し方が分からん

"I don't know how to spend the New Year"


What are the dishes for New Year's and the end of the year?


I'm in a panic, making mail-order reservations for Osechi and searching for a fish shop in my neighborhood using Google Maps.


これまでの年末年始は、実家で、掃除して、料理して、でもって、持ち込んだパソコン一式で、プログラム、コラム執筆して、してと ―― まあ、かなり忙しい日々を送っていたものです。

So far, I've spent the New Year's holidays at my parents' house, cleaning, cooking, and programming, writing columns, using a set of computers I brought.


But now, as for me, I'm still moving around, for whatever I can.

私が、「のんびりした正月」を体験できないのは、「私の環境」 ―― というよりは、「私の資質」に因るところが大きいようです。

The reason why I can't experience a "relaxed New Year's" seems to be largely due to my environment -- or rather, my qualities.


Well, I guess that means I'm still the same no matter where I am.



I've been writing about money (credit) in a big way over here.


But in fact, the root of all this knowledge is actually these animations.

- まおゆう魔王勇者

- Maou-Yu The Demon King & hero

- 狼と香辛料

- Wolf and Spice


私は、これらのアニメから貨幣について学んだ ―― のではありません。

I did not learn about money from these animations.



これらのアニメについて、以前も言及してきましたが、私には、よく分からなかったのですよ ――

I've mentioned these animations before, however, I didn't really understand


the roles and functions of the multiple currencies that appear in the anime.


I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to understand at least what the main character of an anime is talking about. The bitcoin and blockchain stuff came to me, so I am learning about them.



But it's still totally "far away".


Money and economics are completely inexplicable because of the non-linear and absurd involvement of the mechanisms of the human mind, which cannot be calculated.


That's why I want to simulate a "human".


I want to create a more complex, dynamic, unreasonable, and absurd human agent object in my computer, rather than this tiny persona.


(It's not something dubious called "artificial intelligence," but an agent based on object-oriented programming.)

ただ、この研究、結構な予算が必要そうな上、その投資を回収するモデルが、どうにも思いつかないんですよね ―― 色々、姑息なことはやっていますけどね。

But this research is going to require a lot of money, and I can't think of any model to recover that investment. I'm doing a lot of makeshift, though.



(To be continued)


I have said to my daughters that "Never aim '100%". satisfy '70%-80%' again and again.


This means


(1)spended time from 0% to 80%


(2)spended time from 80% to 95%


(3)spended time from 95% to 100%


are almost same, and this is common sence of mathematical statistics.


I think "after satifying '70%-80%', do many what I want to do"


A person who says "making you a master is meaningful" is always a success.


I think that we should not hear the voices of "making you a master is meaningful " of the success, because the success ignores enoumous numbers of "unsuccessful master".



Thus, "100%" is a combination of "slow","hard" and "discomfort". I think we shold not aim to that.


I also think that "100%" is a just result to "keep enjoying alone".



In conclusion,


- my daughter should go to "all-you-can-eat sukiyaki" alone.


- my wife should get high-grade persimmons in her room


These are correct answers.



My junior daughter likes "well-cooked beef.


My wife likes "ripe persimmons".


So, in the end, they are doomed to be defeated in the "battle for the meat of the all-you-can-eat sukiyaki" or the "battle for the high-grade persimmons that were sent to them as gifts.


In other words, the strategy of "take your time and wait" is no match for the strategy of "take what you can get it fast".



The study period I allow for my series of columns is less than a month (I need about 6 working days to write).


So, from someone who has studied the subject thoroughly, the content of my column may seem


(1) The accuracy of the information is low.


(2) The number of items in the study area is limited.


(3) The content of the discussion is thin.

かもしれません ―― というか、まあ、確実にそうでしょう。

They will be for sure.

つまり、その分野に10年以上もかけて検討している人に勝るような内容にならない ―― というのは良く分かっています。

In other words, my column is not as good as those who have spent 10 years or more examining the field -- I know that well.

よく分かっているのですが ――

I know exactly what I'm doing. I also think that


"I wonder why so many (x all) books of Iwanami, Chuko, Kodan, Chikuma are so hard to read and so unenjoyable?"


私が、3回以上読み直ししなければ分からない本というのは、"知のキャリア"としては失敗しているのじゃないかとさえ思います ―― もっとも「私にとっては」という意味で、ですが。

I think any book that I have to reread more than three times to understand is a failure, just for me.


Well, let's just say that I, as a receptor, am ignorant, illiterate, and uneducated.


Anyway, I don't find even a millimeter of value in "doing my best to understand books from Iwanami, Chuko, Kodan, Chikuma, and so on.


I would choose to read 10 or more simple, easy to understand books for fun.


"Hard reading" is the worst use of time in life.


(To be continued)





The other day, I learned about the word "asexual" in a comic book.


So I asked my family if they knew about "asexual".


My wife and senior daughter (college student) didn't know, but my junior daughter (high school student) did.


(1) "Sex" is a sex difference on a biological level


(2) "Gender" is a cultural sex difference


(3) "Sexuality" is a combination of the two, plus gender differences that include reproduction, pleasure, love, and self-expression.


Well, I have some knowledge that the so-called "LGBT" refers to the above (3).


Recently, abbreviations with more acronyms such as "LGBTQIA" are being used.

- クエスチョニング


- クィア


- インターセックス


- アセクシュアル



There seems to be others.



What is asexual?


Asexuality is a sexuality in which a person is unable to have romantic feelings or feel sexual desire for another person.



It seems that friendship and love for friends and family are normal, but "romantic feelings and sexual desire" are weak or absent.


I thought I knew a lot about the diversity of sexual directions (vectors).


However, the fact that the vector was "small or absent" was completely unexpected.


I've been neglecting my studies here lately, and I'm feeling a little sorry for that.



I am a person who likes to eat alone, but that does not mean that I am a person who loves solitude.


However, I do understand the discomfort of being "summarized easily" this.


I may never understand asexuality itself.


However, I believe that I can understand the discomfort of being "summarized easily" into some category for being asexual.



I will tell the guy who wants to be "summarized easily", with saying "Ebata is a person like that"

―― お前は、他人を多様性のある他人として認めることができず、すぐに「纏めよう」としたがる、低能で単純なバカだよな

"You're an incompetent and simple idiot who can't recognize others as "diversified others", and wants to get together right away."


I don't hesitate to make him or her "summarize easily".



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(9)ブロックチェーン(3):


Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (9) Blockchain(3)

Japan's premier blockchain is the world's longest-running system


This time, unusually, I touched on Japanese mythology, but of course, I knew nothing about Japanese mythology.


To be honest, I know more about the Old Testament and the New Testament (somewhat).


So, I referred to the instruction book this time.


This is the book.


I love this book so much, I brought it into the bathroom and I think I have reread it about 100 times already.


Thanks to this book, I fell in love with the stories of Kojiki and Japanese mythology.



I was running around and taking pictures all over Izumo Taisha.

特に、宝物殿の中で見た、模型の古代の出雲大社本殿(高さは現在の4倍、約96mあった(仮説))の模型や、その根拠となる「古代御本殿心御柱」の遺跡は ―― 正直「震え」ました。

In particular, the model of the ancient main shrine of Izumo Taisha (which was four times as tall as the current one, about 96 meters (hypothetical)) and the remains of the "Ancient Main Shrine Heart Pillar" that formed the basis for the model in the Treasure Hall -- honestly, I was shaken.


I also enjoyed the Shimane Prefectural Museum of Ancient Izumo History. The "Bronzes and Golden Daggers" was particularly impressive.

それに、―― 趣味が悪いと言われるかもしれるかもしれませんが ―― 私、人様の絵馬を読むのが大好きです。

In addition, this may sound like bad taste, but I love to read other people's Ema(votive tablets).

「日本最大の縁結び」の社である出雲大社の絵馬は、―― 私の期待を裏切らない「ぶっとんだ記載」が満載でした。

The Ema (votive picture tablet) at Izumo Taisha, the "largest matchmaking shrine in Japan," was full of "outrageous descriptions" as I expected.


という訳で、今回、私は、「天皇制 = 与信システム」という論を展開したのですが、そういう話がなくても、日本神話は「なかなか、イケているコンテンツ」です。

This time, I developed the theory that "the Emperor System = Credit System". Even without such a story, Japanese mythology is "pretty cool content"


I quite like the fact that the Japanese gods (the emperor's ancestors) were quite "clunky".

お正月に神社を参拝する時に「どの神様が祭られているか」を知るだけでも、楽しさが何倍にも増幅されると思います 。

When you visit a shrine on New Year's Day, just knowing which deity is worshipped there will amplify your enjoyment many times over.


私のクリスマスは呪われている ―― という思い込みが、単なる記憶の紐付けであることは知っていますが、

Christmas is cursed -- I know that my belief is just a memory string, however, I

- パテント(特許明細書)書かされていたり、

- had written a patent (patent specification).

- 国外に飛ばされていたり、

- had sent out of the country.

- 屋外で震えながらシステムのチューニングしていたり、

- had been outdoors, shivering, tuning my system.


I haven't been able to tie them to a very good memory.


This year,

- 2時間おきに目覚ましをかけて、シミュレータの再起動コマンドの投入の繰り返し

- I was repeatedly waking up every two hours and throwing the simulator restart command.




People seem to refer to people who have real boyfriends, girlfriends, and lovers as "real people" as a general term.

―― どうも、「リア充」というのも、100%無条件に幸せというものではないようだ

"However, the real people is not always perfect happy"


Whenever I look at my two daughters, I think that.


Especially in the midst of this corona disaster, the form of "love" will be asked to change its behavior.


The descriptions in the traditional "dating books" will not be able to handle this at all.


In this unprecedented time in human history, they have no choice but to pioneer a new "mode of love behavior" on their own.



"Well, good luck with you" I thought, cheering them and eating the cake.