

(Continuation from yesterday)


However, even if I cut down that big tree at a stroke, I have no place to put it, and I can not secure my safety.


So, I decided to take the strategy of cutting down at the end of the pine in units of 30 cm little by little (yearly).


However, doing this with a saw will take a long time, and my fatigue will not be severe.

なにか良い方法はないかと、調べてみたら、家庭用の電気チェーンソーというものがあり ―― そんなに高くない(6500円)。

I investigated something good, and there is a household electric chain saw - not so expensive (6500 yen).


"Chainsaw," what I had only the image of it, is a special equipment of forestry workers, or a tool that "Jason" cuts a person on Friday,



I immediately went to a nearby DIY shop and bought an electric chain saw, and tried it,

―― 直径10cmの樹木が3秒で裁断できる

"Trees of diameter 10 cm can be cut in 3 seconds."


This feeling is "to cut tofu."


It seems like a miracle because it has taken 20 minutes (including breaks).



This time, I could not get enough time since I bought a chainsaw just before I got home. However, during this year-end and New Year holidays,


"Erase the masterpiece of my father's life at all."


It seems to be busy with the work.



I think the "annual general checkup" is a treasure trove of stories every year.


In the first place, the "annual general checkup" was a trigger of this series that I carried with me to a teacher of life guidance.



Every year, I reserve an "annual general checkup" per birthday.


If I forget to make a reservation, I will receive a pretty persistent follow-up from the company.


I went to the hospital designated by the same company every year without looking through the papers this year.


To my surprise, a brand-new "annual general checkups" building was built, and I arrived at the building an hour and a half later. (Fortunately, I could have accepted at that time.)


The round-trip examination system was systematically operated and completed within 1 hour before receiving the final interview.


"If this is the case, I can also come to the office at my regular time (*)."


(*) The day of the "annual general checkup" is publicly off.


However, it took 1 hour to interview and 30 minutes to eat. Eventually, I had to leave the hospital every time.



When I was waiting at the chair in the waiting room for the last interview while observing the room,


Most of the subjects of the "annual general checkup" were employees of my company, so there were only middle-aged and elderly people who were neither excessively fat nor lean.


However, some people still said, "he is a little thick".


So, I was watching those people being kidnapped ... correction, induced in a separate room, being called by a nurse.

―― もうね、なんというか、気分は「ドナドナ」

"How I should tell the scene, for example, it is "Donadna."


However, it was not a "calf" that was sold. Well, a "calf" is good.



"Health guidance" is somewhat "By Gestapo. " No, it is cowardly to use overseas cases.

「戦時中の特高(特別高等警察)による無政府主義者の摘発」、うん、これもほとんどの人には分からないでしょうが ――

"Detecting anarchists by extraordinary height during wartime (special high-level police)." Well, I fear most people might not know this case either.


Well, considering such a thing, I was waiting for the interview.



(Continuation from yesterday)


The minister in charge of cyber security should know


"a system is contaminated with viruses, and some files get destroyed."


"communication packets for attack continue to be launched indefinitely from my personal computer."


"my operating system has been hijacked, and even if I am in privileged user mode, I can not enter my system."


These fears make me faint with nausea and anemia, the ground comes to turn gray,

を知っている人でなければならない ――


I do not mean narrow things such as the above.

それは、「戦場の地獄を体験しなければ、国防を担当できない」という暴論 ――

It is a wild view: "If you do not experience hell on the battlefield, you can not be in charge of defense."


It is the same as "Denial of civilian control."



What I am talking about is a much lower-level story.


First, it is not an overstatement to say that "not hitting a keyboard" is the same as "not using a pencil."

At the moment, a boss who try to convey my intention to his subordinates without using mail (or SNS), is "anti-government guerrilla" against "working way reform". They are a "terrorist".


(However, if the minister is using email or SNS with a smartphone, although he does not hit the keyboard of a personal computer, I will withdraw the above content and will apologize to the minister in charge)


私の個人的な所感ではありますが ――

Although it is just my impression - I think,


"For a minister who can not handle machines like personal computers, they don't suit "competent" or "effort ".




I know those said to be "ministers" constituting the Cabinet are competent.


And many of the ministers are studying, endeavoring,


regardless of holiday or late night, they have been workaholics that completely ignored the policy of "walkway reform." (In addition, they have enforced it on the surrounding people)


I am not interested in a minister's "competence" or "effort" itself.

"有能"や"努力家"であることで、我が国の国益 (も、正直どうでも良くて)や、私の私益に資してくれるのであれば、それで十分です。

It is enough for me if they are "competent" or "effort" and will contribute to our national and my interests.


Regarding private matters of a Minister, if there are even

―― セクハラしようが、パワハラしようが、不倫しようが、浮気しようが

sexual harassment, power harassment, affair, and cheating


they do not matter to me if it is in another world.


しかし、そんな私でさえも ――

But even I


am worried about the greatest concern that "a person who has never used a personal computer" is the minister responsible for cyber security in our country.


Of course, I also know that there are many talented bureaucrats under and supporting the minister.


I also know that a minister is merely a "nominal representative(mikoshi)" in the range of some duties.


(To be continued)



On the bookshelf of a convenience store in my company, I can see a book whose title is


"The book when you think "I am sunk!""



I get nervous about whether this book "is left" or "continues to be ordered."


I also get on my nerves about why the book is chosen.



Anyway, if you leave this book on your desk in the office and show the book title to your co-workers, this action will have something to appeal.


I don't know what kind of effect will be coming.



I lived in a boarding house during my college life. It is a distant area far from the university and has terrible transportation; for example, the departure time of the last bus is 15:40.

# これは当時の話です。数年前に訪ねてみたら、大きな新興住宅地となっており、地下鉄の路線が敷設されていました。

# This is a story of those days. When I visited a few years ago, it was a big new residential area, and the subway line was built.


I have never delinquent rent for a 4-year boarding period; in addition, in the landlord's favor, I was allowed to use the main house's bath every other day.


This is a story at the boarding house.



One night (around 23 o'clock midnight), the landlord visited and knocked on my room.


I got a consultation.


"My son wants to quit college. what should I do?"




I was an active college student at the time.



It was lucky that I had happy days. I could immerse myself in researching exciting subjects with friends motivated to study.

「大学を辞めたい」という気持ちは ―― その気持ちが「存在」することは知っていましたが ―― その気持ちを理解するには、当時の私はラッキーすぎたのです。

I knew the feeling of "wanting to quit university" "exists" and I understand that feeling. However, I was too lucky to understand the surface at the time.


And then, the words I spoke surprised me.


"Well. It would be better for your son to graduate from college."



I am still writing fun ideas and remarks in blogs and serial series.


However, as a college student, I kept on with words far more radical (extreme) and avant-garde than I am saying now.


The saying surprised me, "What commonsense, obsolete, and boring words are!".



I think the inside of my head at that time was like this.


(1) we can graduate by attending a lecture properly, taking notes, receiving tests, and writing a report (graduation thesis).


(2) Whatever the grades, once we can graduate from college, the title "Bachelor's Degree" comes along without fail.


(3)The "Bachelor's Degree" title is acceptable for anyone worldwide.


(4) First of all, what do the public think about human beings who have abandoned the above (1) while having good luck passing the university and a happy environment where students can continue their studies

―― 私(江端)なら許さん

"I will not forgive him/her."



Of course, I know that the concepts (1) - (4) above are too simplistic.


My girls taught me "hell" named "school" in a word that bleeds blood.


And I should have considered the hatred and feelings for the "school" that remains in mine.


When I receive consultation with these cases, I have to


"make judgments considering the qualities of the individual, human relationships, mental conditions, etc."



In conclusion, "I was an active college student. I was inappropriate as a consultant."



Well, I am repeatedly stating extreme remarks from my daily life. However, at the root, I am just a "petit bourgeois" being bound by


"common sense"


ですから、私ごときに ―― 「あまり過度な期待をされては困る」のです。

So, for me, "it is annoying to have too much expectation."



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, I will introduce you to an example, "to realize a rare use-case of "sharing a topic and a value," not by using "contents harassment."


I heard that a teacher of my daughter's bought his favorite books for all the students in her class at his own expense.

That is one of the books of "Mr. Simon Lehna Singh."


I don't know her teacher, but I think I can talk with him familiarly.


The book was also the best for me; it left me with an impression from the bottom of my heart.


Of course, "the best" will not reach most of them and cannot really reach them.


My daughter dropped out of the book at the initial step. The book needs high intelligence in physical science and math.


Thus, most of the books are going to a trash box.

ただ、この先生は、『この「最高」が、クラスのたった一人だけでも届けば目的は達成される』 ―― と考えたと思うのです。

However, I think the teacher thought his purpose would be completed, even if only one of the students was impressed by "the best."


その、いるかいないか分からない「たった一人」の為に、クラス全員分の文庫本を購入する ―― この覚悟こそが、本物と呼べるものです。

For only one person nobody knows, the preparation of purchasing the books for all students of his class is a real one.


That is an ideal figure that is antithetical to "content harassment,"

―― 「コンテンツエバンジェリスト(コンテンツ伝道者)」

"Contents evangelist"




(Continuation from yesterday)


Well, quietly speaking, the Buddhist scriptures are,


based on the teachings of Mr. Goudama Siddhartha,


to deify him, and to pull him into the scriptures,


further to extend to the world view after death


"Secondary creations"



They are "secondary creations" so, the numbers of them are as many booths as the comic market.


These are "sects".

企業ブースクラスだけを挙げても、三論宗・法相宗・華厳宗・律宗・倶舎宗・成実宗・天台宗・真言宗・融通念仏宗・浄土宗・臨済宗・曹洞宗・浄土真宗・日蓮宗・時宗・普化宗・黄檗宗・修験宗 があります。

Even if you mention only company booth classes, there are Sanronshu, Housoushu,Kegonshu, Ritsushu, kushashu, Zyouzyutsushu, TTendaishu, Shingonshu, Yuuzuunenbutsushu, Zyoudoshu, RInzaishu, Soutoushu, Zyoudoshinshu, Nichirenshu, Zishu, Fukeshu, Oubakushu, SHugenshu.


If you enter circle participation (national, regional, regionally indigenous, fundamentalist etc.), you will not be counted.


Therefore, the Buddhist scriptures, are

―― ゴーダマシュッダルダさん没後、2500年オーダの時間をかけて創作され続けた膨大な物量の「同人誌」

"Doujinshi(fan fiction)" which are huge amount of materials, and has been revising over the period of 2500 years, after Goudama Siddhartha's death.


I believe that this my understanding is no bad.

ゴーダマシッダルダさんが、まったく想定すらしていなかった、死後の儀式 ―― 通夜、本葬、初七日、四十九日、N回忌(N=1,3,..50)は、「同人誌」の産物という訳です。

"Rite after death", for example, wake, main funeral, first seven days, nineteen days, N conclusion (N = 1, 3, .. 50), has been produced by Doujinshi


However, I do not intend to say, "This doujinshi .., correction, sectarian scriptures have no meaning at all".



For example, I suppose

―― 私の娘が不幸な事故や病気で死去したら、その私は、何もせずにいられるだろうか?

"If my daughter dies from an unfortunate accident or illness, can I be without doing anything?"



To my daughter who can not be revived, I think that what I am going to do as a parent, are


even if the possibility of being close to zero despairably, I am praying to cling about daughter's happy afterlife and reincarnation, and I bet on that.


almost every day, trying funerals of all religions all over the world, filling the funeral hall with flowers, continuing to chant infinitely words to pray for every and every happy death,


keep asking attendees to cling to attendees, saying "Do not forget her" not only for the first day, 1st anniversary, 3rd anniversary, 50th anniversary


逆に言えば、「葬儀」というシステムがなければ、子に先立たれて、残された親たちは、悲しみで狂ってしまうかもしれない ――

Conversely, without the system of "funeral", parents who preceded their children may be crazy with sorrow.




Doujinshi... correction, the Buddhist scriptures, are, even if they are secondary creations,


- during an enormous amount of time and observation of a huge number of people,


- to ease the living (x dead) human heart,


- the culmination of trial and error use case,


If I think, I can really understand exactly.

仏教の説く「死後の世界」とは、「死者の為の世界」ではなく、「現世で生き続けなければならない人間の心をラクにする為の『バーチャルワールド』―― "夢と魔法の王国"みたいなもの」です。

Buddhism's preaching "the world after death" is not "the world for the dead", but "the virtual world to make the heart of human calm". They are not for dead, but for living human beings, like "the Kingdom of Dreams and Magic".

(Although "the world after death" is also used as a "threatening system" of religion (I think that this is the main thing))


(To be continued)


    • 2018-08-26(日) 09:57:44
  • 1.問題
    • 文字通り、この問題で嵌った
    • 具体的には、ping google.comをしても "unknown"と言われる
    • 本当に困ったのは、名前解決する為のsudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get installが全く使えなくなったこと
  • 2.解決法
    • 結果として問題は解決した
    • いろいろ弄ってみたが、どれが原因で動き出したのかよく分からない
    • 結果的に、やったことを「逆順」に説明する
  • 3.前提
    • raspberry pi をホームサーバ(監視システム)として運用しているので、固定IPアドレス(で使っている。
    • DHCPサーバに、このラズパイのMACアドレスを登録しての適用除外としている
  • 4.結果的に、やったことを「逆順」に説明する
    • Step N
      • (1)IPV6のサポートを外す
        • /etc/sysctl.conf」に以下の2行を追加。
        • net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
        • net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
      • (2)DNSのネームサーバ設定
        • /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/baseに以下の1行を追加
        • nameserver
      • (3)どちらも設定したらUbuntuを再起動
    • Step N-1
      • /etc/nsswitch.confを編集
        • # hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
        • hosts:          files dns
    • Step N-2
      • /etc/network/interfacesを編集 (dns-servers とか dns-nameservers とかを)
        • # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
        • # Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
        • source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
        • # The loopback network interface
        • auto lo
        • iface lo inet loopback
        • auto eth0
          • iface eth0 inet static
          • address
          • netmask
          • gateway
          • dns-namaservers
        • # dns-servers
        • # dns-nameservers
    • Step N-3
      • /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf の編集は、しなかった

        • しかし、この内容も、なんとも怪しさ満載である
  • 5.考察
    • 諦めよう
      • アップグレードで、勝手に仕様変更されて動かなくなる、というケースがママある。今回もそれに嵌った可能性が高い
      • とても迷惑であるが、OSSと一緒に生きていくなら、「仕方ない」のかもしれない(仕様を変更して、改善を図ろうとする開発者を責められない)
      • 人生の時間を有意義に使いたのであれば、「OSSとつきあわない」が正解なのだろう、と思う。



(Continuation from yesterday)

私は、これらの写真を投稿する人は、「自分用の記念」して、自分のSNSに残しているというだけで、それ以外の他意はないのだ ―― と、善意解釈をしています。

I am interpreting good faith. I believe that the persons who post these pictures as "memorabilia" for themselves remain on their SNS, and there is no other intention except it.


"A picture of a meal" is the typical example.



"Why do I take care of your food ?"

『"SNS が 絆" ?寝惚けてるんじゃねーよ』

"SNS is bonds? You must not be sleepy."


People like me who think that are not suitable for SNS.


As I develop this theory,


"Why do I care about your clothes ?"


"Why do I care about your enjoy being in the costume of a mouse character ?"


"Why do I care about the scene of your conference presentation ?"


The target of "Why do I care about this?" is expanding, and the significance of the existence of SNS collapses.



"However, now, Ebata, you. Every day, you are updating my diary (blog)."


I heard the voice coming.


"Is that the same as SNS? "


I think that I can answer "different" if asked.


For me, I have no intentions of "I want to connect with someone", "I want to be committed", "I want to stay warm".


"I do not want to hear anyone's comments, and I do not expect any feedback from anyone. I do not need cheering or criticism". I am keeping this diary with the stances.


In short, it is a

―― 辻説法(つじせっぽう)

"street preaching"



(To be continued)