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この、インターフェース変更は、これからも、毎年ずっと続いていくのだろう、と思うと ――






After the war, I heard that public housing in Japan became very popular and that many people even sold their homes to move in.


The reason for this was the facilities, which were revolutionary for the time (flush toilets and prefabricated baths), and the sense of cleanliness.


However, the number of residents in public housing is decreasing, and the problems of aging and empty units are becoming more serious.


When I look back on the history of public housing like this, I can't help but wonder whether the same fate will befall the high-rise apartments of today.


In other words, even the high-rise apartments that are so popular as the homes of our dreams today will eventually become uninhabited and ruined.


I'm a university student in this field, so I'm thinking about the following things.


Hypothesis A: “Skyscrapers will become ruins in the future.”


(1) Because high-rise apartments have advanced facilities, they require a lot of money for maintenance and management. The burden increases as the building ages, with repairs to the elevators, water supply and drainage facilities, and external walls. The rise in management fees and repair funds puts pressure on residents' finances. If appropriate repairs are not carried out, the value of the building will rapidly decline, and the number of vacancies may increase.


(2) The building will lose vitality if the initial buyers age and do not move out. If the number of prospective next-generation residents decreases, the management association's functions will weaken, and the deterioration of the living environment due to poor management will accelerate.


(3) Even in currently popular areas, there is a possibility that the value will decrease in the future due to changes in urban planning and population dynamics. In particular, if the trend of moving back to the city center progresses, the vacancy rate of high-rise condominiums in the suburbs will increase, making it difficult to maintain them.


(4) In high-rise apartments where residents have few connections with each other, if the activities of the management association stagnate, it will become challenging to maintain and manage the common spaces. As a result, crime prevention and cleaning may become inadequate, and the comfort of living may decrease.


Hypothesis B: “Skyscrapers do not become ruins.”


(1) Unlike public housing, since high-rise apartments are sold individually, the residents actively manage and repair them to maintain their asset value. In particular, in many cases, the management association functions well in high-class apartments, and even if they become old, appropriate maintenance is carried out.


(2) Although Japan's total population is declining, the concentration of population in urban areas is expected to continue at a certain pace. Properties with good access and a well-developed living infrastructure will continue to maintain a certain level of demand.


(3) Unlike public housing, private investment is more likely to be attracted to high-rise condominiums, so even after a certain amount of time has passed, it is possible to expect an increase in value through renovation. In addition, it is also possible to consider flexible methods of use, such as conversion to hotels, shared houses, or offices.


(4) In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for housing for single-person households and the elderly. Tower apartments have high security, and many have a caretaker on site, making them attractive living environments for the elderly.





If we adopt 'Hypothesis B,' it seems like even the current public housing could be renovated and used to better use. However, we haven't heard about many such attempts.


There are presentations at academic conferences about such attempts. Still, as far as I know, it's good to hear 2 or 3 reports at a single conference (there are a lot of talks about student-led community hubs).


私は、将来、タワーマンションが、香港の九龍城砦(くーろんじょうさい / Kowloon Walled City)みたいにならなければいいんだけどなな、と思っています。

I hope that in the future, high-rise apartments won't become like Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.


In 1993, the decision was made to forcibly remove the residents of Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong, and by 1994, the residents had been evicted and the buildings demolished, probably at a frightening cost to the public purse.


Also, the problem with hypothesis B is that it assumes that “we might be able to manage the high-rise apartments in the city center, but we don't know about the high-rise apartments in the countryside.”



When you're making something, you must remember that it will eventually be destroyed.

地震大国日本は、この「壊す」という作業(の一部)を、自然災害に任せてきたという面は ―― まあ、多分、あるだろうなぁ、と思います。

As an earthquake-prone country, Japan has probably pushed (part of) the task of “destroying” natural disasters.


However, today's high-rise buildings will probably not be destroyed by a small earthquake.


That's also the selling point of Japanese tower blocks.



The other day, in this diary, I wrote, “I still don't understand the battle plan that the Japanese Navy devised for the Baltic Fleet, which Akiyama Masayuki proposed.”



So, this scene was broadcast last week.


I am an engineer, researcher, system engineer, and network engineer, but I think the term best describes me is “simulation engineer.”


As is the nature of simulationists, it is a matter of honor (well, to be honest, it's not really that important) to say, 'I still don't understand the battle plan that Akiyama Manayuki came up with.


So, in the previous broadcast, I took a photo of the TV screen with my smartphone and analyzed the information (Nautical chart) on the location and time of the Japanese Navy and the Baltic Fleet, which I wanted to get.



So, I tried using ChatGPT to check my answers.


As shown in the attached image, I understood that the Japanese fleet first made a U-turn, lined up in a single row to lure the Russian fleet into firing on them, and then stood in front of the Russian fleet, which was lined up in a row, and defeated the Russian fleet, which was advancing in a line, one after another from the front. Is this correct?

===== ChatGPT回答ここから =====



  1. 東郷ターン(Uターン)で敵砲撃を誘発

    • 画像の右側(青線)を見ると、日本艦隊が大きくUターンしていることが分かります。これは**「東郷ターン」**と呼ばれるもので、日本艦隊はこの動きによって、ロシア艦隊の砲撃を一時的に分散させる形になります。
    • この機動によって、日本艦隊はロシア艦隊に対して相対的に有利な位置を取ることが可能になります。
  2. ロシア艦隊を1列に誘導

    • バルチック艦隊(ロシア艦隊)は南下しながら戦列を維持しているため、先頭艦が攻撃を受けると、それに続く艦も回避行動が難しくなるという弱点を持っています。
    • 日本艦隊の機動によって、ロシア艦隊の進行方向を制限し、1列に並ばざるを得ない形に誘導されました。
  3. 「T字戦法」による迎撃

    • 日本艦隊はロシア艦隊の進行方向の正面を塞ぐ形で横向きに展開し、T字を形成しました。
    • この位置関係では、日本艦隊は側砲(舷側砲)を最大限に活用できるのに対し、ロシア艦隊は前方の主砲しか使えず、不利な状況に陥る
    • 画像でも、日本艦隊の砲撃が集中してロシア艦隊の先頭艦を撃破し、敵の進行を阻害している様子が描かれています(赤線の砲撃)。
  4. 逐次撃破

    • 先頭のロシア艦が撃沈または大破すると、その後続艦は回避行動を取らざるを得ず、戦列が乱れます。
    • これによって、ロシア艦隊は組織的な反撃が難しくなり、日本艦隊は効果的に逐次撃破を行うことができました。



===== ChatGPT回答ここまで =====

Here is the complete translation of your requested text while keeping the content and format unchanged.

Akiyama Saneyuki’s "T-Shaped Tactics" in Detail

Akiyama Saneyuki’s "T-Shaped Tactics" (丁字戦法, T-jisenpō) refers to the naval strategy employed by the Imperial Japanese Navy to engage the Russian Baltic Fleet during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). This strategy was notably executed in the Battle of Tsushima (May 27-28, 1905), which played a decisive role in Japan’s overwhelming victory.

1. Basic Concept of the T-Shaped Tactics

The T-shaped tactics involved positioning the fleet to form the horizontal bar of the letter "T" relative to the enemy fleet’s line of advance. This had several key advantages:

  • Maximizing the firepower of the Japanese fleet by enabling broadside attacks.
  • Focusing concentrated fire on the leading enemy ships, disrupting their formation.
  • Obstructing the enemy’s route, restricting their maneuverability.

2. Execution of the T-Shaped Tactics in the Battle of Tsushima

Akiyama Saneyuki, as the chief strategist for Admiral Tōgō Heihachirō, devised and implemented this strategy in the battle. The execution proceeded as follows:

1. Detecting the Russian Fleet in Advance

  • The Japanese navy deployed scout ships in advance to track the movements of the Baltic Fleet.
  • The Russian fleet’s passage through the Tsushima Strait was confirmed, allowing for a well-planned interception.

2. Execution of the "Tōgō Turn" to Establish the T-Shaped Formation

  • On May 27, 1905, the Japanese fleet altered its course to intercept the enemy.
  • Admiral Tōgō led the fleet in executing the "Tōgō Turn," a dramatic U-turn maneuver designed to position the Japanese fleet across the enemy’s path.
  • As a result, the Japanese fleet’s leading battleships lined up perpendicularly to the Russian fleet’s advance, forming a "T" shape.
  • This allowed Japan to use its full firepower while limiting the Russians’ ability to return fire effectively.

3. Decisive Destruction of the Russian Fleet

  • The Japanese fleet unleashed concentrated artillery fire, critically damaging the Russian flagship "Suvorov" and other lead ships.
  • This disrupted the command structure of the Russian fleet, throwing it into confusion.
  • As a result, most of the Russian fleet was sunk, captured, or forced to surrender, securing a resounding Japanese victory.

3. Significance of the T-Shaped Tactics

The success of this strategy demonstrated a significant evolution in naval warfare tactics, with several key takeaways:

  • Proof that superior tactics could defeat a numerically superior enemy

    • Although the Russian fleet had more significant numbers and firepower on paper, it was decisively beaten by superior maneuvering.
  • Highlighting the importance of positioning in naval combat

    • Previously, raw firepower and armor were considered the primary determinants of naval battles. However, this battle proved that strategic positioning could dictate the outcome.
  • Emphasizing the role of strategic planning

    • Akiyama Saneyuki’s planning, combined with Tōgō’s decisive execution, demonstrated that a well-planned strategy could dramatically alter the balance of power in a battle.

4. Evaluation and Limitations of the T-Shaped Tactics

While highly effective in the Battle of Tsushima, the T-shaped tactics were not universally applicable, and their effectiveness had limitations.


  • Allowed for maximum firepower concentration against the enemy.
  • Restricted the enemy’s ability to maneuver and return fire.


  • Required precise timing and an accurate prediction of enemy movements.
  • Lost effectiveness if the enemy changed formation in response.
  • Became less relevant with advancements in naval warfare, particularly with the introduction of aircraft and submarines.

Following World War I, the rise of new naval technologies gradually reduced the effectiveness of such large-scale fleet engagements, making the T-shaped tactics less relevant in modern warfare. However, they remain an essential case study in naval strategy.

5. Conclusion

Akiyama Saneyuki’s T-shaped tactics were a groundbreaking strategy that led to Japan’s decisive victory in the Battle of Tsushima. Japan maximized its firepower by predicting enemy movements and optimizing its fleet positioning while minimizing enemy retaliation. While this strategy became obsolete with technological advancements, it remains one of the most studied naval tactics in history and a testament to the importance of strategic planning in warfare.


If there is a mistake in my interpretation, where would it be?

===== ChatGPT回答ここから =====


1. 「正面から撃破した」という表現の修正



  • 「正面から」ではなく「側面から」撃破していったのが正しい。
  • 日本艦隊はロシア艦隊の進行方向を塞ぐ形で展開し、T字戦法を完成させた。
  • この位置関係では、日本艦隊は側面砲(舷側砲)を最大限に活用できるが、ロシア艦隊は前方の主砲しか使えないため不利だった
  • そのため、実際には「日本艦隊が横から砲撃し、ロシア艦隊の先頭から撃破していった」というのが正しい。


2. 「東郷ターン」は敵の砲撃を誘ったか?



  • 東郷ターンの目的は、ロシア艦隊の先頭を塞ぐようにT字を作るための機動であり、直接的に砲撃を誘う意図はそこまで強くなかった。
  • しかし、このターンによって日本艦隊が一時的に無防備な状態になったため、ロシア艦隊が砲撃を行ったのは事実。
  • ただし、ロシア艦隊の砲撃は「誘われた」のではなく、「日本艦隊が方向転換中で回避が難しい状態だったため、自然に狙われた」という側面が強い。
  • しかも、ロシア艦隊の砲撃はあまり命中しなかった。


3. 逐次撃破の実態


  • 実際には、日本艦隊はロシア艦隊の先頭を砲撃し、指揮系統を混乱させ、艦隊全体の動きを制限することを狙った。
  • つまり、「1隻ずつ順番に撃破した」のではなく、先頭艦を集中的に攻撃し、それに続く艦が混乱して戦列を維持できなくなるように仕向けた。
  • 画像でも示されているように、日本艦隊の砲撃は主にロシア艦隊の前方(先頭艦)に集中している。



項目 あなたの解釈 実際の戦術
攻撃方向 正面から撃破 横(舷側砲)から撃破
東郷ターンの意図 敵の砲撃を誘った 主目的はT字戦法の形成(砲撃を受けたのは結果論)
撃破の方法 1隻ずつ順番に撃破 先頭を集中攻撃し、後続艦を混乱させた



  1. 「正面から撃破」ではなく「横(舷側)から撃破」。
  2. 「砲撃を誘った」のではなく、「機動の過程で砲撃を受けたが、被害は少なかった」。
  3. 「逐次撃破」ではなく、「先頭艦を集中攻撃し、後続艦を混乱させた」。


===== ChatGPT回答ここまで =====

Here is the full translation of your requested text while keeping the content and format unchanged.

Where Is the Mistake in Your Interpretation?

Your interpretation is mostly correct. However, strictly speaking, the point that "Japan’s fleet destroyed the Russian fleet sequentially from the front" is not entirely accurate. Below, I will explain exactly where the differences lie.

1. Revising the Expression "Destroyed from the Front"

In your interpretation, you described the situation as "The Russian fleet was lined up in a single column, and the Japanese fleet positioned itself in front of them to destroy them sequentially." However, there are some key differences:

The Actual Direction of Japanese Fire

  • The Russian fleet was " destroyed from the side" instead of "destroyed from the front."
  • The Japanese fleet positioned itself across the Russian fleet’s path, forming the T-shape.
  • In this formation, the Japanese fleet could utilize its broadside guns, whereas the Russian fleet could only fire forward, putting it at a disadvantage.
  • Therefore, rather than "firing head-on and destroying them sequentially," it was actually "firing from the side and breaking the front of the Russian formation."

Your interpretation describes the destruction as occurring "from the front," but in reality, it was an attack from the side.

2. Did the "Tōgō Turn" Intentionally Lure Enemy Fire?

You suggested that the "Tōgō Turn" (U-turn maneuver) lured the Russian fleet into firing. However, this is not entirely correct.

Actual Intent and Outcome

  • The Tōgō Turn aimed to position the fleet in a T-formation to block the Russian fleet’s advance, not necessarily to bait enemy fire.
  • However, because the turn momentarily exposed the Japanese fleet, the Russian fleet did fire upon them.
  • The Japanese fleet did not deliberately invite enemy fire; instead, the maneuver temporarily made them vulnerable.
  • Moreover, most of the Russian fleet’s shots missed, causing minimal damage.

Thus, rather than "intentionally baiting fire," it is more accurate to say that "the maneuver momentarily exposed them to fire, but the damage was minimal."

3. The Reality of Sequential Destruction

Your interpretation suggests that "the Japanese fleet destroyed the Russian fleet one by one in order." However, in reality, the strategy worked as follows:

  • Instead of destroying them, the Japanese fleet focused on the leading Russian ships to disrupt their command and control.
  • By crippling the front of the Russian fleet, the rest of the ships were thrown into disarray.
  • As shown in the image, the Japanese firepower was concentrated on the front ships of the Russian fleet.

Rather than "sequential destruction," the strategy was more about "targeting the lead ships to induce chaos in the rest of the fleet."

Summary: Differences Between Your Interpretation and Reality

Aspect Your Interpretation Actual Strategy
Direction of Attack Attacked from the front Attacked from the side (broadside fire)
Purpose of the Tōgō Turn To lure enemy fire To form a T-formation (enemy fire was a result, not a goal)
Method of Destruction Destroyed one ship at a time in sequence Targeted the lead ships to disrupt the fleet


Your interpretation is correct mainly in terms of overall flow, but adjusting the following three points will make it more accurate:

  1. It was not "destroying from the front" but "firing broadside from the side."
  2. The Tōgō Turn did not "bait enemy fire" but "momentarily exposed the fleet to fire, though with little effect."
  3. It was not "sequential destruction" but "disrupting the lead ships to break the formation."

By refining these points, my understanding will be even more precise.


As I can see, ChatGPT not only “guesses” but also gives me proper “feedback” if I ask for it.


Also, it feels better to be told by a machine than a human. When a human tells me something, it can sometimes grate on me, depending on the document's content.


Anyway, I decided to summarize that I could complete the task of “I still don't fully understand the battle plan that the Japanese Navy devised for the Baltic Fleet, which was proposed by Akiyama Masayuki” by obtaining this response from ChatGPT.


繰り返しますが、私は、今も激務が続いています ―― が、多くの人がご存知の通り、激務の時ほど、業務と関係ないことに集中する、ということを、私たちはティーンのころから繰り返してきましたよね(特に、中間や期末考査の前日の夜、とかに)。

Again, I'm still working hard - but as many people know, we've been doing this since we were teenagers, concentrating on things that have nothing to do with work when we're working hard (especially the night before mid-term or final exams).


Today's diary is a typical example.



Step 1 : 日本海軍の戦艦が、大きなUターンをするこによって、ロシア艦隊が「一列」になって攻撃を開始(この間、日本側は回頭中のため、一切反撃できず)
Step 2: 一列になってしまったロシア艦隊の目の前に、日本艦隊が集結
Step 3: 日本艦隊が一斉砲撃で、一列になったロシア艦隊を先頭から一つづつ潰していく








Yesterday, I considered the topic from the perspective of “AI as a project leader,” but this time, I would like to think about it from a different perspective.



Recently, I've been hearing the term "generation AI abandonment," but as someone who uses ChatGPT daily, I find it a little hard to believe.


There may be differences in the type of business (field) and how it is used.


In the programming world, I think that generative AI is “usable,” but it may come with the following conditions.


'The persons have the skills to point out the problems in the code created by generative AI.'



Sometimes, I think it is pretty essential to have the skill to look at the program (code) you have requested, think, “That's strange,” and ask, “Is this wrong?”

ChatGPTやGithub Copilotは素直な奴なので、私の指摘が正しければ、直ちにその場で修正を行うし、私の指摘が間違っていれば、私の間違いを理由とともに説明します。

ChatGPT and Github Copilot are straightforward, so if I'm right, they'll fix it right away, and if I'm wrong, they'll explain why I'm wrong.


If you only have one-way communication, where you ask a question and then get an answer, the generated AI may not be that good, but if you keep asking questions and getting answers, you will have a very reassuring partner.


The person who named the generative AI “Copilot” has good taste.



“generation AI abandonment" may mean “I can't understand what the copilot is saying/I can't discuss with the copilot.”


After all, I suspect that the “generation AI abandonment” is a lazy person's idea of trying to solve everything by throwing everything at the generation AI.




I remember hearing a comment from Tanaka Masashi, a 77-year-old city councilor in Chikushi City, Fukuoka Prefecture, about the harassment he had perpetrated against another city councilor. He said, “I may have fallen short in some ways, but if I humbly learn from this in the future, I will also grow.” I will include this as today's topic.



Although it may not be well understood, one of the things that generative AI is doing is “cramming.”


It is a repetitive learning method. It is a so-called “English vocabulary notebook.”


If you want to compare it to something, you could say that the generative AI is furiously “memorizing English vocabulary” and “working hard to be able to speak English” in the paradigm of understanding.


This “memorization” is not just about making notes but is continued until it becomes a pattern of electrical signals (we will have to go back to the mechanisms of neural networks here so that we will skip that part).

件名: ChatGPTは怖くない ~使い倒してラクをせよ の記事に関してご提言


It is already apparent from the “failure of the expert systems of the last century” that simply accumulating knowledge does not make you intelligent. Still, the current generative AI also learns human judgment criteria (topics that should not be handled), and, to add to that, it also learns “word usage.”



Speaking of which, I read something in a column before that said that in the future, the world would become a place where “kindness,” “gentleness,” and “politeness” will be valued more than “knowledge” and “leadership.”


In other words,

―― 「凄い仕事」より、「気持よく続けられる仕事」に、人材がシフトする

"the shift in human resources is from “great work” to “work that can be continued comfortably”.



The word “work” above could be replaced with words such as “school,” “organization,” or “neighborly relations.”


“Volunteering to be the unpopular leader and completing the project” may already be old-fashioned.



Perhaps the trend is moving towards “a project with a disliked leader will collapse.”


However, this trend is probably no laughing matter for project leaders under pressure to meet strict deadlines while monitoring the progress schedule.



From that perspective, I think it's possible that “we will leave project leaders to AI.”


As far as I can see, the way that generative AI interacts with humans is almost perfect.


A generative AI will never say things like “You should be able to think for yourself” or “Don't you even know that?”


The generated AI has a “good” button and a “bad” button for responses, and it seems that the generated AI learns the content of the reactions and how to respond to them based on these.

この考え方を拡張していくと、最終的に「生成AIによる政府や国際機関の運用」という未来に到達してしまいますが ―― 私は、それが今の状況よりもラクに生きられる世界を作ってくれるのであれば、それで構いません。

If we were to extend this line of thinking, we would eventually reach the future of “government and international organizations being run by generative AI,” - but as long as it creates a world where we can live more comfortably than we do now, I'm OK with that.


Or rather, I want to realize it.


ただ、行き過ぎた「生成AI頼み」は、かならず歪みを生み出すと思うので、多分、「生成AI排除」という動きも出てきます ―― 19世紀のラッダイド運動のように

However, overreliance on generative AI will inevitably lead to distortion, so there will probably be a movement to exclude it, like the Luddite movement in the 19th century.


Even in the world of networks, there are still “swinging back” trends occurring every few years, such as distributed and centralized systems, cloud and edge, etc.


I also think that the generative AI that fails in project management will be discarded, and the AI with better project management skills will survive (there is also the possibility that the generative AI will learn and develop).


Well, no matter how I think about it, I think the world of generative AI will only become what it is destined to become.


I will continue to observe it.


ただ、冒頭の市議は、「生成AIと取り替えても、一向に構わんだろう」 ―― というか、「是非取り替えてくれ」と思いますが。

However, about the city councilor at the beginning of the story, “Even if a generative AI replaces him, I don't mind at all” - or rather, I think, “Please replace him as soon as possible.”



I have always said that 'hard work cannot beat genius'.



Lately, I've been thinking that


'The number of mediocre outputs is valued more than the admired effort and excellent results.


Even if your efforts and achievements are praised at the time, the time it takes for them to be evaluated is short.


And most people will easily forget your efforts and achievements.


By comparison, outputs (reports, patent specifications, papers) are evaluated by the “number” of them, regardless of their content, and this is recorded.



As I may have mentioned before, when companies enter into a cross-licensing agreement, the content of the agreement is determined by the “height of the pile of the companies' patent specifications” (the company with the higher pile is stronger).


I have not been able to confirm whether this story is true or not, but it sounds plausible.


The content of patent specifications is difficult, so I don't think there is time to carefully examine the content of patent specifications that exceed three digits, and above all, I think that even I would do that.


(Jump to the column)



Therefore, the strategy that I, an ordinary person, should choose is clear.


“Keep producing quantity” - even if it is mediocre content.


One of the strategies for this “amount” is this diary (blog).



I bought a small gaming PC two years ago, thinking I would need to do a lot of long-running simulations.


I've been doing calculations day and night, but the frequency of system crashes has recently increased, with the display going black while I'm away from it.

対象となっているPCは、MINISFORUM EliteMini HM90 ミニpc AMD Ryzen 9 4900H 8c/16t 小型PC 32GB 512GB です。何かクラッシュの原因となる理由はありませんか?


It would be a disaster if the computer crashed in the middle of a calculation and even more so if the system broke down. It would be like saying, “Please, no more!”


For now, I am changing the settings to avoid thermal runaway.

BIOS画面をいじるのは怖いので、Ryzen Controllerを使おうとう思うのですが、良いでしょうか


In addition to this, I ordered a fan from Amazon to cool my PC.


I feel like I can't afford to waste any more time.



Golden Kamui is a rare work that is interesting in all its forms: the original comic, the anime, and the movie.


Needless to say, the original author is to be commended, but I think it is also the result of the efforts of the people involved. Again, I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who created this kind of content.



My wife first encountered “Golden Kamui” through the movie but hadn't seen the anime.


Today, my eldest daughter, who didn't know about this content, is visiting, so I said, “Why don't you try watching at least season 1 on Amazon Prime?” I returned to my room and resumed programming.

コーヒーを作るために、リビングに降りてきたら、二人がアニメに見入っていました ―― 声をかけるのもためらわれるくらいの真剣さで。

When I came downstairs to make coffee, I found them engrossed in an anime - so absorbed that I hesitated to interrupt them.

嫁さんは、「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」の第3期までの視聴を「2日間」で完了している実績がありますが、なんか、今回も、このノリで行きそうな雰囲気です。

My wife has a track record of watching the first three seasons of “PSYCHO-PASS” in “two days,” but it looks like she will continue in the same vein this time, too.

私の好きなコンテンツが家族と被る ―― これは、結構、幸せなことだなぁ、と実感しています。



I once proposed a method for examining the thesis “Is having a lot of money a sign of happiness?” using examples such as Amazon Prime and Netflix.

お金を沢山持っていることは幸せである ―― を検証する方法


Now, I'm considering a new thesis: Which makes people happier? Is it anime you look forward to watching every week or anime you watch all at once?



―― これ、多分、結論が出ないテーゼだろうな

"The thesis that will never conclude."


 I know that in my heart.


BIOS画面をいじるのは怖いので、Ryzen Controllerを使おうとう思うのですが、良いでしょうか

Ryzen Controller を使って TDP を制限するのは安全な方法なので、問題ありません。
BIOS設定を変更するよりリスクが低く、手軽にTDP制限を適用できるのでおすすめ です。

✅ Ryzen Controller の使用手順

1. Ryzen Controller をダウンロード

公式サイトから最新版を取得: 👉 Ryzen Controller公式サイト

  1. 「Download」ボタンをクリック
  2. インストールファイル (Ryzen Controller.exe) をダウンロード
  3. インストール後、管理者権限で実行

2. TDP制限の設定

(1) 「Power and Temperature」 タブを開く

  • 「PPT (Package Power Tracking)」を 35W に変更
  • 「TDC (Thermal Design Current)」を 25A に変更
  • 「EDC (Electrical Design Current)」を 50A に変更
  • 「Temperature Limit」を 85℃以下 に設定(温度制限)

(2) 「Apply」ボタンを押す

  • すぐに適用され、PCの発熱が抑えられる。

(3) 自動適用設定

Ryzen ControllerはデフォルトではPC再起動時に設定がリセットされるため、自動適用の設定を行う。

  1. 「Auto-start」機能を有効にする
    • 「Enable Auto-Start」オプションをON
    • Windows起動時に自動で設定を適用。

3. TDP制限が適用されたか確認


(1) HWiNFOで確認

  1. HWiNFO をダウンロード・起動
    👉 HWiNFO公式サイト
  2. 「CPU Package Power (PPT)」 の値が 35W前後になっているか 確認

(2) Ryzen Master で確認

  1. AMD Ryzen Master をダウンロード・起動
    👉 AMD公式ダウンロードページ
  2. PPTの最大値が 35W に制限されているか確認

4. パフォーマンス影響のチェック


(1) Cinebench R23 でテスト

  1. Cinebench R23 をダウンロード
    👉 Cinebench公式サイト
  2. シングルコア & マルチコアのスコアを測定。
  3. TDP制限前後でスコアを比較

(2) 通常の使用で問題ないか確認

  • 動画再生、Webブラウジング、プログラム開発など、普段の使用で問題がないか確認。

✅ Ryzen Controller を使うメリット


⚠️ Ryzen Controller の注意点

PC再起動時に設定がリセットされるため、Auto-start を有効にすることを推奨

✅ 結論

BIOSをいじるのが怖いなら、Ryzen Controller を使うのは良い選択。

まずは Ryzen Controller で PPT = 35W に設定し、負荷テストをしながら安定動作するか確認するのがベスト!

Ryzen Controller Setup 2.5.4.exe をダウンロードしましたが、これで良いでしょうか

はい、Ryzen Controller Setup 2.5.4.exe は最新版の 2.5.4 で問題ありません。

✅ Ryzen Controller 2.5.4 のインストール手順

1. インストール

  1. Ryzen Controller Setup 2.5.4.exe をダブルクリック
  2. 「Next」ボタンを押してインストールを進める
  3. インストールが完了したら 「Finish」ボタンを押す
  4. 管理者権限で起動(右クリック → 「管理者として実行」

2. TDPを35Wに制限する設定

  1. 「Power and Temperature」 タブを開く
  2. 以下の数値を設定:
    • PPT (Package Power Tracking)35W
    • TDC (Thermal Design Current)25A
    • EDC (Electrical Design Current)50A
    • Temperature Limit85℃以下
  3. 「Apply」ボタンをクリック
  4. 設定が反映されたか確認。

3. 再起動後も設定を維持する


  1. 「Auto-Start」機能を有効にする
    • 「Enable Auto-Start」を ON
    • Windows起動時に自動でTDP制限を適用

4. 設定が適用されたか確認

(1) HWiNFO で確認

  1. HWiNFO をダウンロード&起動
    👉 HWiNFO公式サイト
  2. 「CPU Package Power (PPT)」 の値が 35W以下 になっているか確認。

(2) Ryzen Master で確認

  1. AMD Ryzen Master をダウンロード&起動
    👉 AMD公式ダウンロードページ
  2. PPTの最大値が 35W に制限されているか確認

✅ 結論

  • Ryzen Controller 2.5.4 で問題なし!
  • TDPを35Wに制限する設定を行い、Auto-StartをONにする
  • HWiNFO や Ryzen Master で設定が適用されたか確認


Temperature Limit (°C)
Long Boost Duration
Long Boost TDP (W)
Short Boost Duration
Short Boost TDP (W)


✅ Ryzen Controller 2.5.4 の設定手順 (熱暴走防止)


1. 各パラメータの意味

Ryzen Controller では、以下のパラメータを調整できます。

設定項目 説明
Temperature Limit (°C) 最大CPU温度制限(これを超えると性能を下げる)
CPU TDP (W) 通常時の消費電力制限
Long Boost Duration ブースト持続時間(長時間)
Long Boost TDP (W) 長時間ブースト時の最大TDP
Short Boost Duration 短時間ブースト時間
Short Boost TDP (W) 短時間ブースト時の最大TDP

2. 熱暴走を防ぐための最適設定


  • Temperature Limit (°C)85(安全な範囲、85℃以上でクロックダウン)
  • CPU TDP (W)35(通常時の消費電力を35Wに制限)
  • Long Boost Duration10(ブースト時間を10秒に短縮)
  • Long Boost TDP (W)45(長時間ブースト時の最大消費電力を45Wに制限)
  • Short Boost Duration2(短時間ブーストを2秒に短縮)
  • Short Boost TDP (W)50(瞬間的な最大消費電力を50Wに制限)

3. 設定を適用

  1. 上記の値を入力
  2. 「Apply」ボタンをクリック
  3. 「Enable Auto-Start」を ON(再起動後も設定を維持)
  4. 動作確認のためPCを再起動

4. 設定が適用されたか確認

  1. HWiNFO を使って CPU Package Power が 35W以下に制限されているか確認
  2. Cinebench R23 で負荷テストを実行し、温度が 85℃以下に抑えられているかチェック

✅ 結論





現在の設定値(85, 25, 900, 25, 60, 10)を見た限りでは、TDPが 25W に制限されており、かなり低い値になっています。この状態では、パフォーマンスが抑えられすぎている可能性があります。

また、Long Boost Duration (900秒 = 15分) と Short Boost Duration (60秒) が非常に長く設定されており、負荷が高い状態が長く続く可能性があるため、熱暴走を防ぐためにはこれらを短縮する必要があります。

✅ 熱暴走防止のための最適設定

1. 推奨設定

現在の値を 以下の値に変更 してください。

設定項目 変更前 推奨値 説明
Temperature Limit (°C) 85 85 CPUの温度制限(そのままでOK)
CPU TDP (W) 25 35 通常時の最大消費電力を35Wに制限
Long Boost Duration 900 10 長時間ブーストの持続時間を短縮(10秒)
Long Boost TDP (W) 25 45 長時間ブースト時の最大TDPを45Wに
Short Boost Duration 60 2 短時間ブーストを2秒に短縮
Short Boost TDP (W) 10 50 瞬間的な最大消費電力を50Wに

2. 設定手順

  1. 各値を上記の推奨値に変更
  2. 「Apply」ボタンをクリック
  3. 「Enable Auto-Start」を ON(再起動後も設定を維持)
  4. PCを再起動して設定が適用されているか確認

3. 設定適用後の確認

HWiNFO で CPU Package Power が 35W前後になっているかチェック
Cinebench R23 で負荷テストを行い、温度が 85℃以下で安定しているか確認

✅ 結論

現在の 25W制限は厳しすぎる ので、35Wに引き上げながら、ブースト時間を短縮 するのが最適!
この設定で、性能を維持しつつ、熱暴走を防ぐことができる 🎯


「Apply」ボタンをクリックしましたが、「Enable Auto-Start」が見つかりません。

Enable Auto-Start が見つからない場合、手動で設定を再適用する方法を使う必要があります。
Ryzen Controllerは再起動後に設定がリセットされるため、毎回適用する必要があります

✅ 自動適用の方法(手動スクリプト設定)

Ryzen Controller自体にはAuto-Start機能がないバージョンもあるため、Windowsのタスクスケジューラを使って、PC起動時に自動適用する方法を設定します。

1. Ryzen Controller をバッチファイルで起動

  1. メモ帳 を開く

  2. 以下のスクリプトをコピーして貼り付ける

    @echo off
    start "" "C:\Program Files\Ryzen Controller\Ryzen Controller.exe"
    timeout /t 5
    nircmd sendkeypress enter
    • C:\Program Files\Ryzen Controller\Ryzen Controller.exe のパスは、実際にRyzen Controllerがインストールされている場所に合わせる。
    • nircmd はキーボードのEnterキーを自動で押すコマンド(詳細後述)。
  3. RyzenControllerAutoStart.bat としてデスクトップに保存

2. タスクスケジューラで自動実行

  1. Win + R を押して taskschd.msc を入力し、Enter
  2. 「タスクスケジューラ ライブラリ」 を開く
  3. 「基本タスクの作成」 をクリック
  4. タスクの名前を「Ryzen Controller AutoStart」 に設定し、「次へ」
  5. 「ログオン時」に設定し、「次へ」
  6. 「プログラムの開始」を選択し、「次へ」
  7. 「参照」ボタンをクリックし、RyzenControllerAutoStart.bat を選択
  8. 「完了」を押す

3. nircmd で自動適用(オプション)

Ryzen Controllerの設定適用ボタンを自動で押すために、nircmd という小さなツールを使うことができる。

  1. nircmd をダウンロード
    👉 公式サイト
  2. nircmd.exeC:\Windows\System32 にコピー
  3. 先ほどの .bat スクリプトの最後に以下を追加
    nircmd sendkeypress enter

    これにより、Ryzen Controller 起動後に自動で「Apply」を押す。

✅ 確認手順

  1. PCを再起動
  2. Ryzen Controller が自動で起動し、設定が適用されているか確認
  3. HWiNFORyzen Master で、TDP制限が有効かチェック

✅ 結論

  • Ryzen Controller 2.5.4 には Enable Auto-Start がないため、手動で自動適用を設定する必要がある
  • タスクスケジューラで bat ファイルを登録すれば、PC起動時に設定が自動適用される
  • nircmd を使えば、「Apply」を自動で押せるようになる




✅ 手動適用の流れ

  1. PCを起動
  2. Ryzen Controller を管理者権限で実行
    • (右クリック →「管理者として実行」)
  3. 設定値(TDP=35W など)が変更されていないか確認
  4. 「Apply」ボタンをクリック
  5. 設定が反映されたか確認 (HWiNFO などでチェック)

✅ 設定が反映されたかの確認


方法①: HWiNFO で確認

  1. HWiNFO をダウンロード
    👉 公式サイト
  2. Sensors Only モードで起動
  3. 「CPU Package Power (PPT)」の値を確認
    • 35W前後になっていれば設定適用OK ✅

方法②: Ryzen Master で確認

  1. AMD Ryzen Master をダウンロード
    👉 AMD公式ダウンロードページ
  2. 「PPT (Package Power Tracking)」の最大値を確認
    • 35Wに制限されていれば適用OK ✅

✅ 結論

HWiNFORyzen Master で設定が適用されているか確認すれば確実

面倒でも手動で問題なければ、この方法で TDP制限を適用し、熱暴走を防ぐことが可能! 🎯

ちなみに、現在の画面には「APPLY] [CREATE PRESET]「RESET」のボタンがあります、現在「APPLY]を押しました。このままアプリケーションを終了すれば良いですか?


はい、「APPLY」ボタンを押した時点で設定は適用されている ので、そのままアプリケーションを終了しても問題ありません。

✅ 手順

  1. 「APPLY」ボタンを押した時点でTDP制限が反映
  2. アプリケーションを閉じてOK
  3. 設定が適用されているか確認
    • HWiNFORyzen Master で「CPU Package Power (PPT)」が 35W前後になっているかチェック。


  • 「CREATE PRESET」ボタンは、設定を保存する機能 ですが、再起動後に自動適用されるわけではないため、手動適用の場合は不要。
  • 毎回「APPLY」を押すなら 「CREATE PRESET」は押さなくてOK

✅ 「RESET」は何をする?

  • 「RESET」ボタンは、すべての設定をデフォルトに戻す ため、押さないように注意。

✅ 結論

再起動後は、再度Ryzen Controllerを開いて「APPLY」を押す必要がある

これで、熱暴走を防ぎつつ、安定した運用が可能になります! 🎯