

Last night, I contemplated an improved version of the world-famous algorithm, which I believe is the most popular and effective.


However, I wondered why I could not find any papers describing the same ideas as mine when I checked the previous studies.

―― もしかして、私が世界初?

"Perhaps I am the first in the world?"


If so, "Now I've earned one (thesis)!" I thought to myself.



Oh, man.


I wonder if algorithms with names like the "Ebata Method" will be used.


I wonder if I have to say, "I am Ebata of that 'Ebata Method'" when I introduce myself.


I have to be a little creative in how I say it so that I don't sound like a pompous ass.


I was coding, thinking about things such as the above.

『あれ? コスト値が状態に対して変動的であったとしても、従来法がそのまま適用できるんじゃないか?』

'Huh? Even if cost values were variable for the state, wouldn't the conventional method still apply?'


I realized that it was 5:00 in the morning.


1時間を稼ぐのに、ゼーゼー言っている最中に、この「頭脳をフル回転させながら、失なった無意味な数時間」は ――

While heaving to earn an hour, these "meaningless hours lost while racking your brains at full speed"--


Hurts to death for me.


時間のない中での、こういう一日は ―― 本当に痛い。




  1. グラフの作成:
    • ダイヤグラムに基づいて、駅間の接続を表すグラフを作成します。各エッジ(駅間の接続)には、所要時間が含まれます。
    • グラフのノードは駅を表し、エッジの重みは駅間の移動にかかる時間です。
    • 通常のダイクストラ法と同様に、出発駅を始点としてグラフを探索します。
  2. ノードの拡張と更新:
    • 通常のダイクストラ法と同様に、出発駅から各駅への最短到着時間を記録するデータ構造を使用します。初期状態では、出発駅の最短到着時間を0に設定し、他の駅は無限大(無効値)とします。
    • プライオリティキューを使用して、最短到着時間が最小の駅を選択します。
  3. ダイヤ情報の適用:
    • 選択した駅から出発するエッジを調べ、ダイヤ情報を考慮して最短到着時間を計算します。
    • ダイヤ情報には、駅への到着時間や運行間隔などが含まれます。現在の到着時間とダイヤ情報を使用して、次の駅への最短到着時間を計算します。
    • 新しい到着時間が現在の最短到着時間よりも短い場合、その駅の最短到着時間を更新します。
  4. プライオリティキューから次の最短到着時間の駅を選択し、ステップ3を繰り返します。目的の駅に到達した場合、計算を終了します。
  5. 最短到着時間を使用して、目的の駅への最短経路を復元します。



   簡易バスダイヤ作成プログラム    c:\users\ebata\dummy1.go

   (1)バス路線があり、5つの停留所("A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5")があります。


package main

import (
	"strings" // strings パッケージをインポート

// バスのダイヤグラム
type BusSchedule struct {
	Route             []string             // 停留所のリスト
	DepartureTime     time.Time            // 出発時刻
	ArrivalTimeStops  map[string][]string // 各停留所の到着時刻
	ArrivalTimeRounds int                  // 往復回数

// バスのダイヤグラムを生成する関数
func GenerateBusSchedule(route []string, departureTime time.Time, numRoundTrips int) *BusSchedule {
	schedule := &BusSchedule{
		Route:             route,
		DepartureTime:     departureTime,
		ArrivalTimeStops:  make(map[string][]string),
		ArrivalTimeRounds: numRoundTrips,

	currentTime := departureTime
	reverse := false // 逆向き運行を切り替えるフラグ

	for round := 0; round < numRoundTrips; round++ {
		routeOrder := make([]string, 0, len(route)*2-1)

		if reverse {
			// 逆向き運行の場合、終点から始点に戻る
			for i := len(route) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				stop := route[i]
				arrivalTime := currentTime.Format("15:04")
				schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop] = append(schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop], arrivalTime)
				routeOrder = append(routeOrder, fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d): %s", stop, len(schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop]), arrivalTime))
				if i > 0 {
					currentTime = currentTime.Add(5 * time.Minute)
			reverse = false
		} else {
			// 正向き運行の場合、始点から終点に向かう
			for i := 0; i < len(route); i++ {
				stop := route[i]
				arrivalTime := currentTime.Format("15:04")
				schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop] = append(schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop], arrivalTime)
				routeOrder = append(routeOrder, fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d): %s", stop, len(schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop]), arrivalTime))
				if i < len(route)-1 {
					currentTime = currentTime.Add(5 * time.Minute)
			reverse = true

		fmt.Println(strings.Join(routeOrder, "->"))
		currentTime = currentTime.Add(10 * time.Minute) // 終点での停止時間

	return schedule

func main() {
	route := []string{"A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5"}
	departureTime := time.Date(2024, 1, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	numRoundTrips := 3

	schedule := GenerateBusSchedule(route, departureTime, numRoundTrips)

	// routeOrder を表示
	for _, stop := range schedule.Route {
		fmt.Printf("%s:\n", stop)
		for i, arrivalTime := range schedule.ArrivalTimeStops[stop] {
			fmt.Printf("  通過%d: %s\n", i+1, arrivalTime)


C:\Users\ebata>go run dummy1.go
A0(1): 06:00->A1(1): 06:05->A2(1): 06:10->A3(1): 06:15->A4(1): 06:20->A5(1): 06:25
A5(2): 06:35->A4(2): 06:40->A3(2): 06:45->A2(2): 06:50->A1(2): 06:55->A0(2): 07:00
A0(3): 07:10->A1(3): 07:15->A2(3): 07:20->A3(3): 07:25->A4(3): 07:30->A5(3): 07:35
通過1: 06:00
通過2: 07:00
通過3: 07:10
通過1: 06:05
通過2: 06:55
通過3: 07:15
通過1: 06:10
通過2: 06:50
通過3: 07:20
通過1: 06:15
通過2: 06:45
通過3: 07:25
通過1: 06:20
通過2: 06:40
通過3: 07:30
通過1: 06:25
通過2: 06:35
通過3: 07:35


NHKの『平安時代サミット2024 本当に「平安」だったのか』を見ました。

I watched NHK's "Heian Period Summit 2024: Was it really "Heian"?


It's a so-called "promotion program" for this year's history drama, but it was interesting.


This time, I received three of them.



(1) "Curses in the Heian period and social networking sites today are the same."


I thought, "That's a supreme word.


Social networking slander is not a physical attack, yet it has the power to kill.


What shall we call this without calling it a curse?


After all, it is better to stay away from social networking sites.


(2) "It is already common knowledge that Hikaru Genji is a scumbag.


Yeah, now, this is no longer debatable, the guy is a scumbag.



(3) "If you replace "Hikaru Genji" with "fave", we can recognize its existence.


I know this "fave," but I don't know what the above phrase means, so I asked my wife.


Me: "Does this mean you don't care if he's a bum as long as he's your "fave" that you support?"


Wife: "Right." A "fave" is someone who is allowed to do whatever he wants."


I still didn't understand it well, but I did understand that "fave" is scary.



I am still wondering about the question,


Why did The Tale of Genji escape censorship and a publication ban?"



Because that story is a parade of disrespect to the imperial family.


I don't know if there was a crime of disrespect at the time, but I don't think it was when disrespect for the royal family was tolerated.

帝(桐壺帝)の妻(藤壺)を妊娠させておいて、この子の後見人になるなんて ―― どんな"托卵"だよ!と突っ込みたくなります。

How could he get the wife (Fujitsubo) of the emperor (Kiritsubo) pregnant and then become the child's guardian? I am tempted to say, "What kind of "mendicancy" is this?



Furthermore, I don't understand that Emperor Ichijo was a "lover of the Tale of Genji."


(The explanation of the relationship between Emperor Ichijo and the Fujiwara clan will be cut (please Google)).


Even though it was fiction, did Emperor Ichijo ever think that his family lineage was being insulted in the greatest possible way?


I am unsure I understand this part very well, so I would be glad if someone familiar with "Tale of Genji Literature" could explain it.



By the way, there is one interpretation that answers my question above. That means,

―― 源氏物語は、あの時代における、異世界ファンタジーであった

"The Tale of Genji was an otherworldly fantasy of its time."



Or, it is a parallel worldline interpretation that the real world (alpha worldline) was similar to another world (beta worldline).


Here, I would like to propose a new interpretation of

『源氏物語 ≒ シュタインズゲート』

"The Tale of Genji ≒ Steins;Gate."





package main

import (

type Node struct {
	Name  string
	Value float64 // 各ノードに設定された数値 (負数の場合、この数値を無視する)

type Edge struct {
	From   *Node
	To     *Node
	Weight float64

func main() {
		// ノードとエッジを初期化
		nodeA := &Node{Name: "A", Value: 5}
		nodeB := &Node{Name: "B", Value: 8}
		nodeC := &Node{Name: "C", Value: 6}
		nodeD := &Node{Name: "D", Value: 2}
		nodeE := &Node{Name: "E", Value: 4}

	// ノードとエッジを初期化
	nodeA := &Node{Name: "A", Value: 3}
	nodeB := &Node{Name: "B", Value: -1} // 負数の場合無視
	nodeC := &Node{Name: "C", Value: -1} // 負数の場合無視
	nodeD := &Node{Name: "D", Value: 2}
	nodeE := &Node{Name: "E", Value: -1} // 負数の場合無視
	nodeF := &Node{Name: "F", Value: -1} // 負数の場合無視
	nodeG := &Node{Name: "G", Value: 1}

		edges := []Edge{
			{nodeA, nodeB, 2},
			{nodeA, nodeC, 4},
			{nodeB, nodeC, 1},
			{nodeB, nodeD, 7},
			{nodeC, nodeD, 3},
			{nodeC, nodeE, 5},
			{nodeE, nodeD, 2},

	edges := []Edge{ // A,B,C,D,E,Fの順で双方向をしてい
		{nodeA, nodeB, 1},
		{nodeB, nodeA, 1},

		{nodeB, nodeC, 1},
		{nodeC, nodeB, 1},

		{nodeC, nodeD, 1},
		{nodeD, nodeC, 1},

		{nodeD, nodeE, 1},
		{nodeE, nodeD, 1},

		{nodeE, nodeF, 1},
		{nodeF, nodeE, 1},

		{nodeF, nodeG, 1},
		{nodeG, nodeF, 1},

	startNode := nodeG
	targetNode := nodeA

	// ダイクストラアルゴリズムを実行
	shortestPath, totalWeight := dijkstra(startNode, targetNode, edges)

	if shortestPath == nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("最短経路: %v\n", getNodeNames(shortestPath))
		fmt.Printf("最短経路の総重み: %.2f\n", totalWeight)



func dijkstra(startNode, targetNode *Node, edges []Edge) ([]*Node, float64) {
	// ノード間の最短距離を格納するマップを初期化
	shortestDistances := make(map[*Node]float64)
	// 各ノードの前のノードを格納するマップを初期化
	predecessors := make(map[*Node]*Node)

	// 最短距離を無限大で初期化し、開始ノードの最短距離を0に設定
	for _, edge := range edges {
		shortestDistances[edge.From] = math.Inf(1)
		shortestDistances[edge.To] = math.Inf(1)
	shortestDistances[startNode] = 0

	// 訪問済みのノードを格納するセットを初期化
	visitedNodes := make(map[*Node]bool)

	// まだ訪問していないノードが残っている間ループ
	for len(visitedNodes) < len(shortestDistances) {
		// 未訪問のノードの中から最短距離のノードを選択
		currentNode := getClosestUnvisitedNode(shortestDistances, visitedNodes)

		// ノードがない場合やターゲットノードに到達した場合は終了
		if currentNode == nil || currentNode == targetNode {

		for _, edge := range edges {
			if edge.From == currentNode {
				if edge.To.Value < 0 { // -1などの負数が入っていたら、更新してしまう
					edge.To.Value = currentNode.Value // 下のif文を通す為の手続(書き換えても大丈夫かな(今のところ大丈夫そうだけど))
				if edge.To.Value >= currentNode.Value { //
					distance := shortestDistances[currentNode] + edge.Weight
					if distance < shortestDistances[edge.To] {
						shortestDistances[edge.To] = distance
						predecessors[edge.To] = currentNode

		// このノードを訪問済みとしてマーク
		visitedNodes[currentNode] = true

	// 最短経路を復元
	shortestPath := make([]*Node, 0)
	currentNode := targetNode
	for currentNode != nil {
		shortestPath = append([]*Node{currentNode}, shortestPath...)
		currentNode = predecessors[currentNode]

	// 最短経路の総重みを計算
	totalWeight := shortestDistances[targetNode]

	return shortestPath, totalWeight

func getClosestUnvisitedNode(distances map[*Node]float64, visitedNodes map[*Node]bool) *Node {
	minDistance := math.Inf(1)
	var closestNode *Node

	for node, distance := range distances {
		if !visitedNodes[node] && distance < minDistance {
			minDistance = distance
			closestNode = node

	return closestNode

func getNodeNames(nodes []*Node) []string {
	names := make([]string, len(nodes))
	for i, node := range nodes {
		names[i] = node.Name
	return names



When I worked for less than a few years, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and although I was only there for three days, I volunteered.


Even now, some 30 years later, I do not feel that the number of victims has dramatically decreased or that the efficiency of evacuation centers has significantly improved.


Even now, just as it was 30 years ago, the news is explaining how to use cardboard boxes and newspapers to beat the cold, and so on.


Technology such as "a new exterior coating that stops buildings from collapsing" or "a rocket that sends large quantities of supplies to isolated evacuation centers" has yet to appear.



We have been exceptionally "passive" regarding natural disasters throughout history.


We can only recover from a natural disaster that has completely overrun our daily lives.


It is very frustrating.


At this point, I have lived without encountering a direct hit from a natural disaster, but there is no guarantee that such good fortune will last until my death.



I am sure that my body, head, and energy will deteriorate, and I will be unable to live my daily life.


In such a situation, I am unsure if I would survive if I were hit directly by a natural disaster. Even if I stayed, I am skeptical I could maintain the energy to live afterward.


It is frustrating that all I can do is pray to God, saying, "I want to escape my life without encountering war or disaster.




package main

import (

type Node struct {
	Name  string
	Value float64 // 各ノードに設定された数値

type Edge struct {
	From   *Node
	To     *Node
	Weight float64

func main() {
		// ノードとエッジを初期化
		nodeA := &Node{Name: "A", Value: 5}
		nodeB := &Node{Name: "B", Value: 8}
		nodeC := &Node{Name: "C", Value: 6}
		nodeD := &Node{Name: "D", Value: 2}
		nodeE := &Node{Name: "E", Value: 4}

	// ノードとエッジを初期化
	nodeA := &Node{Name: "A", Value: 1}
	nodeB := &Node{Name: "B", Value: 1}
	nodeC := &Node{Name: "C", Value: 0}
	nodeD := &Node{Name: "D", Value: 1}
	nodeE := &Node{Name: "E", Value: 1}

		edges := []Edge{
			{nodeA, nodeB, 2},
			{nodeA, nodeC, 4},
			{nodeB, nodeC, 1},
			{nodeB, nodeD, 7},
			{nodeC, nodeD, 3},
			{nodeC, nodeE, 5},
			{nodeE, nodeD, 2},

	edges := []Edge{ // "方向性あり"に注意
		{nodeA, nodeB, 1},
		{nodeA, nodeC, 1},
		{nodeB, nodeC, 1},
		{nodeB, nodeD, 1},
		{nodeC, nodeD, 1},
		{nodeC, nodeE, 1},
		{nodeE, nodeD, 1},
		{nodeD, nodeE, 1},

	startNode := nodeA
	targetNode := nodeE

	// ダイクストラアルゴリズムを実行
	shortestPath, totalWeight := dijkstra(startNode, targetNode, edges)

	if shortestPath == nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("最短経路: %v\n", getNodeNames(shortestPath))
		fmt.Printf("最短経路の総重み: %.2f\n", totalWeight)

func dijkstra(startNode, targetNode *Node, edges []Edge) ([]*Node, float64) {
	// ノード間の最短距離を格納するマップを初期化
	shortestDistances := make(map[*Node]float64)
	// 各ノードの前のノードを格納するマップを初期化
	predecessors := make(map[*Node]*Node)

	// 最短距離を無限大で初期化し、開始ノードの最短距離を0に設定
	for _, edge := range edges {
		shortestDistances[edge.From] = math.Inf(1)
		shortestDistances[edge.To] = math.Inf(1)
	shortestDistances[startNode] = 0

	// 訪問済みのノードを格納するセットを初期化
	visitedNodes := make(map[*Node]bool)

	// まだ訪問していないノードが残っている間ループ
	for len(visitedNodes) < len(shortestDistances) {
		// 未訪問のノードの中から最短距離のノードを選択
		currentNode := getClosestUnvisitedNode(shortestDistances, visitedNodes)

		// ノードがない場合やターゲットノードに到達した場合は終了
		if currentNode == nil || currentNode == targetNode {

		// 隣接ノードの最短距離を更新
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if edge.From == currentNode && edge.To.Value >= currentNode.Value { // ここがポイント
				distance := shortestDistances[currentNode] + edge.Weight
				if distance < shortestDistances[edge.To] {
					shortestDistances[edge.To] = distance
					predecessors[edge.To] = currentNode

		// このノードを訪問済みとしてマーク
		visitedNodes[currentNode] = true

	// 最短経路を復元
	shortestPath := make([]*Node, 0)
	currentNode := targetNode
	for currentNode != nil {
		shortestPath = append([]*Node{currentNode}, shortestPath...)
		currentNode = predecessors[currentNode]

	// 最短経路の総重みを計算
	totalWeight := shortestDistances[targetNode]

	return shortestPath, totalWeight

func getClosestUnvisitedNode(distances map[*Node]float64, visitedNodes map[*Node]bool) *Node {
	minDistance := math.Inf(1)
	var closestNode *Node

	for node, distance := range distances {
		if !visitedNodes[node] && distance < minDistance {
			minDistance = distance
			closestNode = node

	return closestNode

func getNodeNames(nodes []*Node) []string {
	names := make([]string, len(nodes))
	for i, node := range nodes {
		names[i] = node.Name
	return names


「マンガコミックを読んで、スポーツ選手になった」という人がいるようです ―― バスケットボール選手とかサッカー選手とか。

Some say, "I became an athlete after reading manga comics," as a basketball or soccer player.


I also found several examples of people who read "Dragon Cherry Blossom" and were accepted to the University of Tokyo.


I believe that only those in the top-class world in any field can see the view of the top-class world.


But I wonder

―― その風景とは、そんなに良い風景なのかな?

"if that landscape is magnificent?"




Those who are highly capable work hard in areas that require it, and those less skilled (like me) work hard in places on the edge.


I know that even Nobel Prize winners are running around securing budgets for their research, and our Prime Minister sometimes appears to be in the most unhappy position in Japan.


Those in power must pay attention at all hours to maintain power, keep securing funds through illicit means, and seem to be hash.



It's a bit of a hypothesis of mine, but I'm guessing that 'none of the landscapes are lovely, are they? I guess.


Of course, when something is completed or accomplished, we feel happy, but it is not like a "landscape" but rather a "snapshot of a moment in time.

しかも、その「スナップ写真」の数は、あまり多くない ―― 全部集めても「パラパラ動画」にすらならないと思います。

Moreover, the number of these "snapshots" is not very large -- I don't think it would even be a "para-para video" if you collected them all.



I am working on various tasks today, thinking, "How many more pictures will I take in the rest of my life?

「父親の経済力と母親の狂気」+ 「母親の併走」 + 「父親のIT x OT技術のフル稼動」――



It was a slight, imperceptible tremor, but I remember how this earthquake shook me.


That tingling sensation, like something powerful held me down, was the same as in 2011.


リビングのテレビをつけたら、アナウンサーが、恐しい声で避難を叫んでいました ―― 息も切れんばかりの勢いで。

I turned on the TV in the living room, and the announcer was yelling evacuation in a horrible voice -- She was out of breath


In contrast, no concrete damage information has been received.


At this point, only two different videos are being repeated repeatedly.


If you think about it, if the infrastructure in the affected area is destroyed, naturally, no information can be received from seismographs or tsunami gauges.


So, of course, they can't even provide information on social networking sites.

―― 被害のリアルタイムは、伝わらない。

"Real-time damage is not communicated."


First, if the carriers (wire/wireless lines) are destroyed, how can local governments' evacuation advisories and even earthquake early warnings be delivered?


If the power goes out, the TV goes out. If the TV goes out, you don't know what's happening around you.


(I looked it up, and that is true).


I am again surprised by the reality that the last resort is the only information available, which is "away" by human voice.


The Ebata family keeps two battery-powered radios on hand.



It brings back bad memories.


When the Tohoku earthquake (March 11, 2011), nuclear power plants were successfully "reactor scram."


With this result, Japan's nuclear power plants should have been able to boast of their "safety" to the world.


"The "scram" automatically activated the nuclear power plants in Japan, and the fission reactions were stopped. This might have been a complete victory for nuclear power control in the earthquake-prone country of Japan."

しかし、原発は、スクラムだけでは「完全に停止」しない ―― 原子炉はスクラム後も冷し続けなければならない。

However, a nuclear power plant does not "completely shut down" with a scram alone -- the reactor must continue to cool after the scram.


However, the earthquake's tsunami wiped out the cooling system's batteries, causing the reactor to melt down and the containment vessel to explode.


I'm worried we won't have a 'submerged power supply' again."

12月18日放送の「NHKスペシャル 原発危機 メルトダウン ~福島第一原発 あのとき何が」




If I had to pick the biggest incident of the year, I would say that I became depressed.


I have written a lot about this in my diary, so I will not explain.


『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ―― タイムマシンに乗って、半殺しにしてやりたいくらいです。


Anyway, the phrase I now hate the most is,

―― 死ぬ気になれば、何でもできる

"If you are willing to die, you can do anything."



And I am deeply offended by the fact that there are so many low-life people in this world who spout phrases like this without a second thought, who do not understand even a millimeter of the true nature of this disease.


I want to yell at them with the biggest and loudest voice I can muster (including my own in the past), "There are situations in this world where it feels 'absolutely cheaper to choose the process of dying than to continue living,' and the diseases those situations create."


OK. Please remember that I, a "calculation geek," drew this conclusion based on my results and rigorous calculations.


I am also shocked at how easy it is in today's society to "create such a situation" or "get involved in such a situation."


I want to make all the people in the world understand, by force (even if I have to beat them), this desperate fear of "not being able to move my body," even though I have something to do in front of me and I know how to do it all.



This year, I understood at the soul level that suicide caused by depression occurs entirely independently of the person's intentions, abilities, qualities, experiences, and everything else.


This was a tremendously powerful experience and probably the most potent weapon I will ever have.



Also, this "depression" is no good, no matter how much "understanding" there is around you. All of you are helpless. No one's words can reach my ears when I am in this state.


What saved me this time was my wife's "compulsion"...or rather, "ability to do it," as she repeatedly told me, "Tell your boss at work what's going on. She repeatedly told me, "I don't care what the outcome of the situation is.


Words like 'it seems hard' and 'it seems tough' did not affect me (at least on me).


The only way to "help" is to "physically help."


Being 'in touch with their feelings' does not mean 'helping.'



One example.


Even If you say to someone about to fall off a cliff, "Hang in there," that person will eventually fall off the cliff.


Only when you get to the point of "bringing the rope and pulling them up" can you say that you have "saved" him.