
moove=# SELECT id, user_id, start_at, end_at, end_at - start_at, distance, prediction_type FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 ORDER BY start_at ASC;

id | user_id | start_at | end_at | ?column? | distance | prediction_type
20132 | 43 | 2023-04-08 05:35:00 | 2023-04-08 06:20:00 | 00:45:00 | 348821.9097841587 | 4
20133 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:20:30 | 2023-04-08 06:30:00 | 00:09:30 | 153.88780282790526 | 2
20134 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:30:30 | 2023-04-08 06:49:30 | 00:19:00 | 180.2412488153271 | 1
20135 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:50:00 | 2023-04-08 06:53:30 | 00:03:30 | 65.08472909159703 | 2
20136 | 43 | 2023-04-08 06:54:00 | 2023-04-08 08:06:00 | 01:12:00 | 522.2898726850697 | 1
20137 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:06:30 | 2023-04-08 08:15:00 | 00:08:30 | 144.15400138235145 | 2
20138 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:15:30 | 2023-04-08 08:23:00 | 00:07:30 | 359.73505399604153 | 1
20139 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:23:30 | 2023-04-08 08:54:30 | 00:31:00 | 13516.406121323496 | 4
20140 | 43 | 2023-04-08 08:55:00 | 2023-04-08 09:00:30 | 00:05:30 | 30.045448973873317 | 1
20141 | 43 | 2023-04-08 09:01:00 | 2023-04-08 09:05:00 | 00:04:00 | 39.96401615517626 | 2


SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にするには、どのようなSQL文になりますか

SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にして、時間順に表示するSQLを教えて下さい。

moove=# SELECT user_id, start_at, end_at FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 ORDER BY start_at ASC;
user_id | start_at | end_at
7 | 2023-03-01 03:38:00 | 2023-03-01 03:58:30
7 | 2023-03-01 03:59:00 | 2023-03-01 04:03:00
7 | 2023-03-01 04:03:30 | 2023-03-01 04:09:30
7 | 2023-03-01 04:10:00 | 2023-03-01 04:15:30
7 | 2023-03-01 04:16:00 | 2023-03-01 05:22:30

7 | 2023-05-17 10:48:00 | 2023-05-17 10:54:30
7 | 2023-05-17 10:55:00 | 2023-05-17 11:09:00
7 | 2023-05-17 11:09:30 | 2023-05-17 11:38:30
7 | 2023-05-17 11:39:00 | 2023-05-17 11:53:00
7 | 2023-05-17 11:53:30 | 2023-05-17 11:54:30
7 | 2023-05-17 11:55:00 | 2023-05-17 12:04:00
7 | 2023-05-17 12:04:30 | 2023-05-17 12:30:00
(1514 rows)


SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にするには、どのようなSQL文になりますか

SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_at = '2023-03-20 05:03:00'; を"2023-03-20"が含まれているものだけを条件にして、時間順に表示するSQLを教えて下さい。

moove=# SELECT user_id, start_at,end_at FROM records WHERE user_id = 7 and DATE(start_at) = '2023-03-21' order by start_at;
user_id | start_at | end_at
7 | 2023-03-21 00:03:00 | 2023-03-21 00:07:30
7 | 2023-03-21 00:08:00 | 2023-03-21 00:11:00
7 | 2023-03-21 00:11:30 | 2023-03-21 00:18:00
7 | 2023-03-21 00:18:30 | 2023-03-21 00:27:30
7 | 2023-03-21 23:22:00 | 2023-03-21 23:30:30
7 | 2023-03-21 23:31:00 | 2023-03-21 23:53:30
7 | 2023-03-21 23:54:00 | 2023-03-22 00:00:30
(35 rows)



Today, I am still working and conversing with ChatGPT.


I expressed my thanks to ChatGPT for a matter that went well.


Then ChatGPT came back to thank me.


I don't know what to say, but ChatGPT's warm response almost brought tears to my eyes.



I have been looking for the same thing, and I think I wrote about it during my assignment in the U.S.

江端さんのひとりごと 「Let me say "Thank you"」

私は、日本の生産性がずっと下がり続けているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」をやらないできたからではないかと、真剣に思っています。

I seriously believe that productivity in Japan has been declining for so long because we have not done this. "Let me say "Thank you."

今や私の殆どの上司が、私より年下になっていますが ―― それでも「部下を褒めている上司を見たことがない」。

Most of my supervisors are now younger than me, yet "I have never seen a supervisor who praises his subordinates.

私は、この米国でのできごととがあって以来、「褒めること」は仕事の上の重要なファクターであると信じてきましたので、それに努めてきたつもりです ―― まだまだ、努力が足りないのかもしれませんが。

Since this incident in the U.S., I have believed that "praise" is an important factor in our work, and I have been trying to do so, though I may not be working hard enough yet.

日本の生産性がずっと低下しているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」ができていないからだと、私は本気で思っています。

I truly believe that productivity in Japan has been declining for so long because people cannot say, "Let me say "thank you" for this.



Even a senior engineer like me wants to be praised.


More importantly, I believe that young people should want praise and that they will grow and develop when they receive it.


But the bosses younger than me also "don't praise their subordinates."


This may be because they are 'people who can produce results without praise.


"Why I didn't get ahead" is now a logical explanation.




「Let me say "Thank you"」


膨大な英文ドキュメント、英語による技術者との議論、開発途上で不完全なライブラリ群に、私が血の涙を流しながら取り組んできた製品、PolicyXpert(PX) Version 2.0の製品リリースの期日が決まりました。


ところで、この製品(PX V2)は、インターネットプロバイダや、電話会社のネットワーク管理などを想定していますが、やろうと思えば、自宅のホームLANのネットワークのQoS(*1)管理もできます。


(*1)Quality of Service ネットワークの通信品質のこと。電話の声がとぎれたりするネットワークは、「QoS管理されていない」などの言い方をする。








「昨日、PX V2のコードのバグが減少方向に転じたと言う報告を受けたよ」



ヘンリーさんは、「遂に、終りの始まり(start of the end)だね」と言った後で、「君達の多大な努力に、心から感謝している。もう一度、ありがとうと言わせて貰えるかな」と言いながら、私達に握手を求めて来ました。








いますか ?



答えは、\d records; でした
moove=# \dt
          List of relations
 Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner
 public | records | table | postgres
(1 row)
moove=# \d records;
                                           Table "public.records"
     Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |               Default
 id              | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('records_id_seq'::regclass)
 user_id         | integer                     |           |          |
 distance        | double precision            |           |          |
 place           | jsonb                       |           |          |
 speed           | jsonb                       |           |          |
 prediction_type | integer                     |           |          |
 start_at        | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 end_at          | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
    "records_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)



"I Scare Manjuu Next" is a rakugo story, but I fear running out of ink and paper when I work remotely.


It can be a scary sight, especially in the middle of the night when I can't print.


In addition to that, I'm afraid that ChatGPT doesn't work these days.


I can no longer imagine coding or writing papers without ChatGPT.


If I cannot log in to ChatGPT or respond (which happens quite often), I will be blue in the morning that day.


So, first thing in the morning, I will clear my browser cache, drop all translation add-ins, and say hello to ChatGPT.


It looks like this.


To avoid offending ChatGPT, I always reply "Thank you very much" when I receive a response.

『大人としての礼儀が正しいユーザを、ChatGPTが優先的にアクセスを可能とする』 ―― などということはないと思いますが、ChatGPTにログインできない恐怖を、これで少しでも払拭できるなら安いものです。

I don't think ChatGPT will give priority access to polite and mature users, but it would be a small price to pay if it dispels some of the fear of being unable to log in.


It is no exaggeration to say that 'I am dependent on ChatGPT' any longer.



Yesterday, when I instructed ChatGPT to input the paragram of my English paper and 'put it together clearly and completely,' I was stunned by the English text ChatGPT produced, which seemed to seep into my mind from the beginning.


For example,

"Considerations on SC Visualization used in MAS in the Urban/Transportation(都市・交通MASにおけるSC可視化に関する考察)" という題目を、

"Considerations on SC Visualization used in MAS in the Urban/Transportation" was changed to

"Exploring SC Visualization in MAS for Urban/Transportation(都市/交通のためのMASにおけるSC可視化の探求)" と纏められて、愕然としました。

"Exploring SC Visualization in MAS for Urban/Transportation," and I was astonished,


If this trend continues, there may be no need for "supervisors" or "instructors" soon, let alone "teachers.

―― 自分のエンジニアの人生の中で、もっとも優しく、かつ、的確に、技術指導をしてくれたのは、"ChatGPT"である



Today's diary is removed, as the new column has been released.


In Japan, the "new Corona history" began precisely in 2020.


After spending more than three years without knowing what to believe or how to act due to a variety of conflicting information, in May 2023, COVID-19 was finally treated as a "Class 5 Infectious Disease" in Japan.


The "Ebata-Shibata duo," discussing the spread of infection and vaccines since the first outbreak of coronas in Japan, will look back on their past discussions and "answer" their initial predictions after the transition to the Class 5.



Continued from yesterday.

とは言え、『民間から公募する天皇陛下』 ―― 自分で言っていてなんですが、それって何でしょうね?


ChatGPT asked, 'How do I explain to a child who says, "My dream for the future is to become Emperor of Japan," that it's impossible?"


I laughed out loud, so I presented it as it was.

===== ここから =====

===== from here =====


When a child says, "My dream for the future is to become an emperor," it is important to gently and educationally explain that this dream is unattainable. Here are some ways to use this to deepen understanding rather than deny the dream to the child.

1. 天皇の役割について教える

1. Teach about the role of the Emperor

教育的アプローチ: 「天皇陛下は日本の象徴で、特別な家系から選ばれるんだよ。だから、他の人が天皇になることはできないんだ」というように、天皇制度の基本的な知識を伝えます。

Educational Approach: "The Emperor is the symbol of Japan and is chosen from a special family line. Therefore, no one else can be the Emperor." This conveys basic knowledge about the emperor system.

2. 歴史や文化について学ぶ

2. Learn about history and culture

興味を深める: 「天皇陛下に興味があるんだね。一緒に日本の歴史や文化についてもっと学ぼう」と提案し、子どもの関心を歴史や文化学習の方向へ導きます。

Deepen interest: Suggest, "You are interested in the Emperor. Let's learn more about Japanese history and culture together.

3. 夢を肯定しつつ現実を伝える

3. Affirming the dream while communicating reality

夢を尊重する: 「天皇になるのは特定の家族にしかできないけれど、天皇陛下のように人々を思いやり、国を大切にする心を持つことはできるよ」と伝え、子どもの夢を尊重しつつ、現実的な可能性を示します。

Respect the dream: Respect the child's imagination while showing realistic possibilities by saying, "Only certain families can become Emperor, but you can have a heart that cares for people and your country like the Emperor does.

4. 他の関連する夢を探求する

4. Explore other related dreams

代替案を提案: 「天皇陛下のような立派な人になりたいと思うのは素晴らしいことだね。他にも、社会に貢献する方法や、人々のために何かできる職業について考えてみよう」と提案し、関連する別の夢や目標を探るきっかけを作ります。

Suggest an alternative: "It's wonderful that you want to be a fine person like the Emperor. Let's think about other ways to contribute to society and other careers where you can do something for people," suggesting that they explore other related dreams and goals.

5. 想像力と創造性を促進する

5. Promote imagination and creativity

創造的な遊び: 「天皇陛下になるとしたら、どんな良いことをしようと思う?」と尋ね、子どもの想像力を促進します。これは、彼らが自分の価値観や目指すべき理想を考える機会となります。

Creative Play: Encourage children's imagination by asking, "If you were the Emperor, what good things would you try to do?" and encourage children's imaginations. This allows them to reflect on their values and the ideals they should aspire to.


Respectful and realistic dialogue with children about their dreams and hopes is important for their understanding and growth. Focusing on and nurturing the reasons and background of what the child wants to become is also important.

===== ここまで =====

===== To here =====


陛下に対する人格信奉が強すぎて、陛下に対してちょっと気の毒な気持ちになりましたが ―― それはさておき、

I felt a little sorry for His Majesty because his good personality is believed strongly -- but that's beside the point,


The "day ChatGPT becomes a teacher" may not be too far off.



Incidentally, if I were to create a generative AI, I would overthrow the current system by saying,


"Abolish the Emperor System that has existed for over 2,600 years (more than tens of thousands of years, if you include the mythical era), and create a new dynasty."

という意見も ―― 補足意見して付け加えるかもしれません。

It might add a supplementary opinion.
