
package main

f:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)\N07-11_14_GML>go run nearest_node3.go 



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='200000' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568239' lon='139.552822' />
<node id='200001' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568164' lon='139.5528' />
<node id='200002' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568321' lon='139.551491' />
<node id='200003' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568338' lon='139.55136' />
<node id='200004' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568355' lon='139.551264' />

import (

type Node struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"node"`
ID      string   `xml:"id,attr"`
Lat     string   `xml:"lat,attr"`
Lon     string   `xml:"lon,attr"`

func haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 float64) float64 {
radius := 6371.0 // Earth's radius in kilometers
latRad1 := lat1 * (math.Pi / 180)
latRad2 := lat2 * (math.Pi / 180)
deltaLat := (lat2 - lat1) * (math.Pi / 180)
deltaLon := (lon2 - lon1) * (math.Pi / 180)

a := math.Sin(deltaLat/2)*math.Sin(deltaLat/2) +
c := 2 * math.Atan2(math.Sqrt(a), math.Sqrt(1-a))

distance := radius * c
return distance

func main() {
// Read CSV file
csvFile, err := os.Open("bus_stop_modified.csv")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening CSV file:", err)
defer csvFile.Close()

csvReader := csv.NewReader(csvFile)
positions, err := csvReader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading CSV:", err)

// Read OSM file
xmlFile, err := os.Open("tsuzuki_bus.osm")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening OSM file:", err)
defer xmlFile.Close()

var nodes struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"osm"`
Nodes   []Node   `xml:"node"`

// Parse OSM XML
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(xmlFile)
err = decoder.Decode(&nodes)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error decoding OSM XML:", err)

// Find nodes within 50 meters for each position
for _, position := range positions {
lat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(position[0], 64)
lon, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(position[1], 64)

fmt.Printf("For Position (%s, %s):\n", position[0], position[1])

for _, node := range nodes.Nodes {
nodeLat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(node.Lat, 64)
nodeLon, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(node.Lon, 64)

dist := haversine(lat, lon, nodeLat, nodeLon)
if dist <= 0.05 { // 50 meters in kilometers
fmt.Printf("Node ID: %s\n", node.ID)
fmt.Printf("Node Coordinates: %s, %s\n", node.Lat, node.Lon)
fmt.Printf("Distance to Node: %.2f km\n", dist)


go run nearest_node3.go
For Position (35.522547, 139.590950):
Node ID: 216067
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 216068
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 253004
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 253005
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 287056
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 287057
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 335005
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 335006
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 350106
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 350107
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 351568
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 351569
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
For Position (35.522547, 139.590950):
Node ID: 216067
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 216068
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 253004
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km



I often cite the late Takashi Odajima's essay as a paradigm to explain "harmful rumors" and "health hazards."


(1) A fly-stopped cake poses no health hazard if eaten immediately after witnessing it.


(2) How many people can eat that "cake with absolutely no health risks"?



China has been discharging into the ocean treated water from nuclear power plants with the same or higher levels of radioactivity than Japan.


However, the treated water from China's nuclear power plants is from "normal nuclear power plant operations."


In comparison, the treated water in our country this time is due to a "nuclear accident."


As an engineer, I believe I understand "scientifically" that there is no difference between the above two.


However, the possibility that there may be a tremendous "difference" between the above two that we do not currently know about cannot be 100% denied.



We must not forget that our country has created a "fly" called "treated water from nuclear accidents."


I will not discuss today who created this "fly" and who is to blame.


However, I do not think we Japanese should forget this.



By the way, I (Ebata) once ate a cake that a fly had stopped on.


There was no psychological resistance at all.




I am a person who never advises others, especially when it comes to "love affairs."


This is because "love affairs" is synonymous with "logic."


Even if I were consulted, there is no way to answer such a non-linear and tricky question.


Well, I won't say much, but I have a history of getting involved in people's love affairs and having a terrible time in the past.



If they ask me for advice on how to kill themself, I will tell them about a suicide method that is presumed to cause less suffering.


Or, I could tell you about a damned Japanese writer who repeatedly "let only his heart partner die."


I don't care what strangers who are not family members do.






F:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)>go run bus_route_try_10.go

Golangで、以下のXML分の中から、<tag k="route" v="bus"/>を発見した時に、refの要素を参照にして位置情報を取り出すプログラム



package main

import (

type Osm struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name   `xml:"osm"`
	Nodes     []Node     `xml:"node"`
	Relations []Relation `xml:"relation"`

type Node struct {
	ID   int64   `xml:"id,attr"`
	Lat  float64 `xml:"lat,attr"`
	Lon  float64 `xml:"lon,attr"`
	Tags []Tag   `xml:"tag"`

type Relation struct {
	ID      int64    `xml:"id,attr"`
	Members []Member `xml:"member"`
	Tags    []Tag    `xml:"tag"`

type Member struct {
	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
	Ref  string `xml:"ref,attr"`
	Role string `xml:"role,attr"`

type Tag struct {
	K string `xml:"k,attr"`
	V string `xml:"v,attr"`

func main() {

	// XMLファイルの読み込み
	xmlFile, err := os.Open("tsuzuki.osm") // これがベースとなるosmファイル
	if err != nil {
	defer xmlFile.Close()

	// XMLデータの読み込み
	xmlData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(xmlFile)
	if err != nil {

	var osmData Osm

	// XMLデータのUnmarshal
	err = xml.Unmarshal(xmlData, &osmData)
	if err != nil {

	for _, relation := range osmData.Relations {

		//hasBusRouteTag := false

		for _, tag := range relation.Tags {

			if tag.K == "route" && tag.V == "bus" {

				for _, tag := range relation.Tags { // Tagの中で再度tagを回してnameを取得する(こんなことができるとは知りませんでした)
					if tag.K == "name" {
						fmt.Printf("Route Name: %s\n", tag.V)

				count := 0
				start_flag := 0
				//end_flag := 0
				pre_node := "ddd"
				sum_Lat := 0.0
				sum_Lon := 0.0

				for i, member := range relation.Members {

					if i == len(relation.Members)-1 { // 最後のノードを検知したら、その時点で纏めて計算して出力する
						//end_flag = 1

						fmt.Printf("Re:Bus Stop: %s\n", pre_node)
						fmt.Printf("Re:Coordinates: Lat %f, Lon %f\n\n", sum_Lat/float64(count), sum_Lon/float64(count))

					if member.Type == "node" {
						node := getNodeByID(member.Ref, osmData.Nodes)
						if node != nil {

							if pre_node == getNodeName(node) || start_flag == 0  { // 停留所名が前回と同じであるなら

								sum_Lat += node.Lat
								sum_Lon += node.Lon

								start_flag = 1

							} else {

								fmt.Printf("Re:Bus Stop: %s\n", pre_node)
								fmt.Printf("Re:Coordinates: Lat %f, Lon %f\n\n", sum_Lat/float64(count), sum_Lon/float64(count))

								count = 1
								sum_Lat = node.Lat
								sum_Lon = node.Lon

							pre_node = getNodeName(node)



func getNodeByID(ref string, nodes []Node) *Node {
	for _, node := range nodes {
		if fmt.Sprintf("%d", node.ID) == ref {
			return &node
	return nil

func getNodeName(node *Node) string {
	for _, tag := range node.Tags {
		if tag.K == "name" {
			return tag.V
	return ""


F:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)>go run bus_route_try_10.go
Route Name: IKEAシャトルバス 新横浜駅前-IKEA前
Re:Bus Stop: IKEAシャトルバス IKEA前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.522547, Lon 139.590950

Route Name: IKEAシャトルバス IKEA前-新横浜駅前
Re:Bus Stop: IKEAシャトルバス IKEA前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.522547, Lon 139.590950

Route Name: すみれが丘線
Re:Bus Stop: すみれが丘
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.564881, Lon 139.580736

Re:Bus Stop: すみれが丘公園
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.566768, Lon 139.583192

Re:Bus Stop: 有馬変電所
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.569075, Lon 139.584080

Re:Bus Stop: 中有馬
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.571500, Lon 139.584235

Re:Bus Stop: 神明社前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.571684, Lon 139.580940

Re:Bus Stop: 地区センター前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.560333, Lon 139.595547

Re:Bus Stop: 北山田駅
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561022, Lon 139.592536

Re:Bus Stop: 山田富士
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561428, Lon 139.590315

Re:Bus Stop: 重代
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.563485, Lon 139.584835

Re:Bus Stop: 北山田小学校入口
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.563816, Lon 139.582279

Re:Bus Stop: 東山田営業所
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561115, Lon 139.606000

Re:Bus Stop: 東山田営業所前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561358, Lon 139.604353

Re:Bus Stop: 山田小学校
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.560874, Lon 139.602905

Re:Bus Stop: 長泉寺
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.560052, Lon 139.597552

Route Name: 鷺沼線;有馬線
Re:Bus Stop: 神明社前







<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='200000' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568239' lon='139.552822' />
<node id='200001' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568164' lon='139.5528' />
<node id='200002' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568321' lon='139.551491' />
<node id='200003' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568338' lon='139.55136' />
<node id='200004' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568355' lon='139.551264' />
<node id='200005' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568406' lon='139.550885' />
<node id='200006' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568423' lon='139.550768' />
<node id='200007' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568445' lon='139.550568' />
<node id='200008' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568462' lon='139.550513' />
<node id='200009' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568507' lon='139.550154' />
<node id='200010' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568564' lon='139.549755' />
<node id='200011' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568603' lon='139.549438' />
<node id='200012' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568665' lon='139.548962' />
<node id='200013' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568671' lon='139.54888' />
<node id='200014' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.56871' lon='139.548563' />
<node id='200015' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568817' lon='139.54744' />
<node id='200016' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568851' lon='139.547054' />
<node id='200017' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568879' lon='139.546737' />
<node id='200018' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568924' lon='139.546475' />
<node id='200019' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568986' lon='139.546241' />
<node id='200020' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569071' lon='139.545979' />
<node id='200021' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569094' lon='139.545918' />
<node id='200022' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569057' lon='139.54587' />
<node id='200023' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568969' lon='139.54582' />
<node id='200024' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568586' lon='139.545565' />
<node id='200025' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568372' lon='139.545373' />
<node id='200026' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.567171' lon='139.543939' />
<node id='200027' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.566558' lon='139.543161' />
<node id='200028' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.566434' lon='139.543016' />
<node id='200029' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.56622' lon='139.542644' />
<node id='200030' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.565938' lon='139.542162' />
<node id='200031' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.565519' lon='139.541454' />
<node id='200032' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.565482' lon='139.541383' />




'/>  → '> <tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/> 


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='200000' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568239' lon='139.552822'/>
<node id='200001' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568164' lon='139.5528'/>
<node id='200002' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568321' lon='139.551491'/>
<node id='200003' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568338' lon='139.55136'>
<tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<node id='200004' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568355' lon='139.551264'/>
<node id='200005' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568406' lon='139.550885'/>
<node id='200006' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568423' lon='139.550768'/>
<node id='200007' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568445' lon='139.550568'/>
<node id='200008' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568462' lon='139.550513'/>
<node id='200009' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568507' lon='139.550154'/>
<node id='200010' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568564' lon='139.549755'/>
<node id='200011' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568603' lon='139.549438'/>
<node id='200012' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568665' lon='139.548962'/>
<node id='200013' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568671' lon='139.54888'>
<tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<node id='200014' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.56871' lon='139.548563'/>
<node id='200015' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568817' lon='139.54744'/>
<node id='200016' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568851' lon='139.547054'/>
<node id='200017' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568879' lon='139.546737'/>
<node id='200018' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568924' lon='139.546475'/>
<node id='200019' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568986' lon='139.546241'/>
<node id='200020' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569071' lon='139.545979'/>
<node id='200021' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569094' lon='139.545918'/>
<node id='200022' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569057' lon='139.54587'/>
<node id='200023' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568969' lon='139.54582'/>
<node id='200024' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568586' lon='139.545565'>
<tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<node id='200025' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568372' lon='139.545373'/>



しかし、問題は、postGISでダイクストラ計算ができことが重要ですので、まずは、このosmをPostgresql にインポートしてみます。手順はいつも通りですが、ざっと記載しておきます。

C:\Users\ebata>psql -U postgres -h -p 15432
postgres=# create database tsuzuki_bus;
tsuzuki_bus=# create extension postgis;
tsuzuki_bus=# create extension pgrouting;




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <tag_name name="highway" id="1">
    <tag_value name="bus_stop"/>
    <tag_value name="motorway"          id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
    <tag_value name="motorway_link"     id="102" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
    <tag_value name="motorway_junction" id="103" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
    <tag_value name="trunk"             id="104" priority="1.05" maxspeed="110" />
    <tag_value name="trunk_link"        id="105" priority="1.05" maxspeed="110" />    
    <tag_value name="primary"           id="106" priority="1.15" maxspeed="90" />
    <tag_value name="primary_link"      id="107" priority="1.15" maxspeed="90" />    
    <tag_value name="secondary"         id="108" priority="1.5" maxspeed="90" />
    <tag_value name="secondary_link"    id="109" priority="1.5" maxspeed="90"/>  
    <tag_value name="tertiary"          id="110" priority="1.75" maxspeed="90" />
    <tag_value name="tertiary_link"     id="111" priority="1.75" maxspeed="90" />  
    <tag_value name="residential"       id="112" priority="2.5" maxspeed="50" />
    <tag_value name="living_street"     id="113" priority="3" maxspeed="20" />
    <tag_value name="service"           id="114" priority="2.5" maxspeed="50" />
    <tag_value name="unclassified"      id="117" priority="3" maxspeed="90"/>
    <tag_value name="road"              id="100" priority="5" maxspeed="50" />
  <tag_name name="railway" id="1">
    <tag_value name="subway"              id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />
    <tag_value name="rail"              id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />

重要なのは、 <tag_value name="bus_stop"/>の部分です。


F:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)\N07-11_14_GML>osm2pgrouting -f tsuzuki_bus_trial2.osm -c mapconfig_for_cars_rail_busstop.xml -d tsuzuki_bus -U postgres -h -p 15432 -W password

(tsuzuki_bus_trial2.osm は、変更後のOSMファイル)





tsuzuki_bus=# SELECT seq, node, edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id,source, target,length as cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',2, 7);
seq | node | edge | cost
1 | 2 | 25 | 0.002503402202160114
2 | 3 | 1 | 0.003623692651717509
3 | 4 | 26 | 0.0073121202899935804
4 | 5 | 27 | 0.006205490305965455
5 | 6 | 28 | 0.0048274159495506515
6 | 7 | -1 | 0
(6 rows)


ようやく、目処がついてきました ―― ヘナヘナと座り込みそうです。



A new approach for me, who cannot prepare "20 million yen for retirement" - Consideration


Released today.



Honestly, I feel as if the world has betrayed me.


I warn those not prepared for "20 million yen for retirement" as I am.


You are surrounded by "lying friends."

やつら、2000万円近くの貯蓄を持っていますよ ―― ちなみに"平均"で2000万円ですからね。

By the way, they have close to 20 million yen in savings --- 20 million yen on average.

一方、もしこれが、厚生労働省が恣意的に作成したデータだったりしたら ―― 流石に"タダですます"気には、到底なれませんね ・・・ ふっふっふっふ・・・

On the other hand, if this data were arbitrarily created by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, I would not forgive them.


Golangで、以下のXML分の中から、<tag k="route" v="bus"/>を発見した時に、refの要素を参照にして位置情報を取り出すプログラムを書いて

  <node id="2197214759" lat="35.5714149" lon="139.5880043" version="1" timestamp="2013-03-12T09:31:19Z" changeset="15336763" uid="1258339" user="k___0e0">
    <tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
    <tag k="name" v="有馬第二団地前"/>
  <node id="2197214762" lat="35.5715628" lon="139.5875429" version="1" timestamp="2013-03-12T09:31:19Z" changeset="15336763" uid="1258339" user="k___0e0">
    <tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
    <tag k="name" v="有馬第二団地前"/>
  <relation id="2814953" version="38" timestamp="2023-06-14T08:20:58Z" changeset="137316398" uid="1687166" user="U20">
   <member type="node" ref="2197214759" role="backward_stop"/>
    <member type="node" ref="2197214762" role="forward_stop"/>
    <tag k="route" v="bus"/>


指定されたXMLデータから を検出し、それに対応する ref 要素を参照にして位置情報を取得するGolangのプログラムを以下に示します。このプログラムは、encoding/xml パッケージを使用してXMLを解析します。

package main

import (

type OSM struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"osm"`
	Nodes   []Node   `xml:"node"`
	Relations []Relation `xml:"relation"`

type Node struct {
	ID       int64   `xml:"id,attr"`
	Lat      float64 `xml:"lat,attr"`
	Lon      float64 `xml:"lon,attr"`
	Tags     []Tag   `xml:"tag"`

type Relation struct {
	ID       int64   `xml:"id,attr"`
	Members  []Member `xml:"member"`
	Tags     []Tag    `xml:"tag"`

type Member struct {
	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
	Ref  string `xml:"ref,attr"`
	Role string `xml:"role,attr"`

type Tag struct {
	K string `xml:"k,attr"`
	V string `xml:"v,attr"`

func main() {
	xmlData := `
		<node id="2197214759" lat="35.5714149" lon="139.5880043" version="1" timestamp="2013-03-12T09:31:19Z" changeset="15336763" uid="1258339" user="k___0e0">
			<tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
			<tag k="name" v="有馬第二団地前"/>
		<node id="2197214762" lat="35.5715628" lon="139.5875429" version="1" timestamp="2013-03-12T09:31:19Z" changeset="15336763" uid="1258339" user="k___0e0">
			<tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
			<tag k="name" v="有馬第二団地前"/>
		<relation id="2814953" version="38" timestamp="2023-06-14T08:20:58Z" changeset="137316398" uid="1687166" user="U20">
			<member type="node" ref="2197214759" role="backward_stop"/>
			<member type="node" ref="2197214762" role="forward_stop"/>
			<tag k="route" v="bus"/>

	var osmData OSM
	err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(xmlData), &osmData)
	if err != nil {

	for _, relation := range osmData.Relations {
		for _, tag := range relation.Tags {
			if tag.K == "route" && tag.V == "bus" {
				for _, member := range relation.Members {
					if member.Type == "node" {
						node := getNodeByID(member.Ref, osmData.Nodes)
						if node != nil {
							fmt.Printf("Bus Stop: %s\n", getNodeName(node))
							fmt.Printf("Coordinates: Lat %f, Lon %f\n\n", node.Lat, node.Lon)

func getNodeByID(ref string, nodes []Node) *Node {
	for _, node := range nodes {
		if fmt.Sprintf("%d", node.ID) == ref {
			return &node
	return nil

func getNodeName(node *Node) string {
	for _, tag := range node.Tags {
		if tag.K == "name" {
			return tag.V
	return ""

このプログラムは、与えられたXMLデータから を見つけ、それに関連する ref 要素を参照してバス停の位置情報を取得して表示します。XMLデータは xmlData 変数に直接格納されていますが、実際のプログラムではファイルから読み込むこともできます。コード内のコメントに従って、XMLデータ構造やタグを調整してください。


生成AIを使わない奴は、"死ぬ" ―― 文字通りの意味で。



I had a colleague about 15 years ago who confidently said, 'Global warming is a lie' (he changed jobs some years ago).


I even wrote such a column, so I disagreed but did not argue otherwise.


Because no one knows what the future holds.



But even in the dozens of seconds it takes to get out of the car and arrive at the front door, my body is likely to be burning experience, even this summer,

―― 今も彼は、『地球温暖化はウソだ』と言いつづけているのだろうか?

"Does he still say 'global warming is a lie'?"


I am suddenly reminded of him.


I wonder if he might say, "This is abnormal weather and has nothing to do with global warming.

―― 数理モデル + シミュレーション でのノーベル"物理学"賞が来たーーーー!!


すっげー忙しくて、苦しくて、時間がないのですが、今度の学会用プレゼン資料用に、こんな絵を作っていました ―― フリー素材をかき集めて、2時間もかけて。

I've been busy, struggling, and I don't have much time, but I was making this picture for a presentation material for an upcoming conference -- two hours of scouring free materials.


It is a typical 'escape from reality.'



Aaahhhh, all kinds of trouble, I hate it!


I've been staring at my computer for over 12 hours daily this summer vacation, but the program doesn't work as I want.


I wish tomorrow would never come.


I feel the same way as many children on August 31.






―― 快適な閉空間での食事をする為の、積極的なトイレでの食事の利用


I discussed this with my oldest daughter, who has only done one trial.


Listen to this story,

―― 娘に負けた

"My daughter beat me."


I was gutted.



Based on the fieldwork, my daughter identified the following issues.


(1) Convenience store lunches, for example, tend to make a lot of noise, and there is a high risk of being recognized by others." Therefore, light meals (e.g., sweet bread) are limited to those that do not make a "noise."


Cause of people coming and going, I don't feel very comfortable.


I asked about 'resistance to hygiene,' she said she wasn't too concerned.


Well, I am waiting for the publication of future studies on quantitative comparisons in this area.



As a joke, I did an article and literature search using "lunch in the toilet" in Japanese as a keyword,

―― ヒット数、59件

"Number of hits, 59."



I wasn't sure how to say these Japanese words in English, so I searched for them using the following search key.

"food in the toilet" | "food in toilet" | "lunch in the toilet" | "lunch in toilet"

―― ヒット数、60件

"Number of hits, 60"


Yeah, it's okay.


"Food in the toilet" is international and becoming increasingly global.