

The world of technology is a strange world where


(1) if you don't run at the front, you lose



(2) if you do run at the front, you lose





Firstly, “(1) If you don't run at the front, you lose” is a reality that companies that survive on technology cannot survive unless they continue to take on new technology boldly.


I think the example of Apple in the smartphone market is easy to understand.


Apple announced the iPhone in 2007 and took control of the smartphone market.


Until then, Nokia and BlackBerry had dominated the mobile phone market. However, by introducing a new UI centered around touch screens and creating an app store ecosystem, they were able to develop a new market and seize the opportunity to dominate it by leading technological innovation.


In fields where technology is evolving rapidly, we will be left behind in the market if we don't keep up.


For example, Japanese home appliance manufacturers used to be strong in the LCD TV and smartphone markets. However, they have not adapted to new technological trends, and overseas manufacturers have dominated the market.



Next, “(2) If you run at the front, you lose” refers to the reality that if a new technology can't become the industry standard, you'll have to adopt the latecomer's technology, which will result in throwing away the money you invested in advance.

Google Glassの失敗が挙げられるかと思います。

I think the failure of Google Glass can be cited.

Googleはウェアラブルデバイスの未来を見据えて、2013年にGoogle Glassを発表しましたが、市場はまだその技術を受け入れる準備ができておらず、プライバシーの問題などもあって普及しませんでした。

Google announced Google Glass in 2013 with an eye to the future of wearable devices. Still, the market was not yet ready to accept the technology, and it did not become popular due to privacy concerns.


As a result, Google has ended this project for the time being and is continuing it in a way that keeps pace with the later AR glasses and VR markets.


The most famous case that Japanese people know of is Sony's Betamax.


Betamax was technically superior to VHS but failed to gain industry-standard status and was ultimately defeated in the market.


This famous case made Japanese engineers realize to the bone marrow that even if we are technically ahead and cannot create a trend for the whole industry, we will not be able to win the competition.


昨日も記載しましたが、私は、PostgreSQL + PostGISを使い倒しています(日本一のヘビユーザではないか、と自負しています)。

As I mentioned yesterday, I use PostgreSQL + PostGIS to the full (I'm proud to say that I'm probably the biggest PostGIS user in Japan).



If there were a high-speed database, I would be tempted to jump at the chance, but here is the reality of (1) “If you don't run at the front, you lose” and (2) “If you run at the front, you lose” stands in the way.


No matter how good the database is, if other people can't use it, the simulator I made incorporating it will gather dust and completely disappear after my death.

まあ、それはそれで良いのですが ―― 開発現場の人間の一人としては、世界中の人が使っているデータベースは、問題が発見しやすく、トラブル対応が早くすむ、という利点は見逃せません。

Well, that's O.K., but as someone working in development, I can't ignore the advantages of a database that is used by people all over the world, such as the fact that it makes it easier to find problems and respond to issues quickly.

RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory と言われます。



Well, as someone working in the field of technology, I'm wondering how to deal with the two opposing ideas of “(1) If you don't run at the front, you lose” and “(2) If you run at the front, you lose”, and  I think the answer is

―― 『デカイ技術革新』の一発勝負ではなく、『セコイ技術革新』のチマチマした継続

'Rather than a single shot at a “major technological innovation,” a steady continuation of multiple “minor technological innovations”'



This is the same process as when thinking about a patent specification.







(1)Postgresql + PostGISで、おそらく数百万回以上のダイクストラ計算をしている。













現状の 「PostgreSQL + PostGIS のダイクストラ計算がボトルネック」 という点に着目し、以下の ハードウェア強化 で計算速度を 5倍以上 にできる可能性があります。

1. ストレージの劇的な高速化(最優先)

NVMe SSD (PCIe 4.0または5.0) に換装

  • PostgreSQL + PostGIS のダイクストラ計算は、ランダムアクセス I/O が大量発生 するため、最も効果があるのは ストレージの超高速化 です。
  • SATA SSD → PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD に変更するだけで 4倍~10倍の高速化 が可能。
  • 可能なら PCIe 5.0対応の高性能SSD にするとさらに高速化。


  • Samsung 990 PRO (PCIe 4.0, 2TB)
    • 読込 7,450MB/s, 書込 6,900MB/s(実測ランダムIOPSも超高速)
    • 価格:約2.5万円
  • Crucial T700 (PCIe 5.0, 2TB)
    • 読込 12,400MB/s, 書込 11,800MB/s
    • 価格:約4万円
  • Micron 9400 Pro (PCIe 4.0, 3.84TB, Enterprise向け)
    • ランダムIOPS特化、DB用途向け
    • 価格:約8万円

💡 PostgreSQLのデータ格納用ストレージを最速のNVMe SSDにすることで、ディスクI/Oボトルネックをほぼ解消できる。

2. メモリ増設(DBのキャッシュヒット率向上)

  • PostgreSQL の shared_buffers と OS の page cache が十分に働くようにメモリを増設
  • 現在のメモリが 32GB 以下なら、128GB まで増設することを推奨。
  • PostgreSQLはデフォルトでは shared_buffers が小さいため、メモリ増設後、postgresql.conf で以下のように設定変更:
    shared_buffers = 32GB # 現状の8倍くらいを目安
    work_mem = 256MB # 一時計算用メモリを増やす
    effective_cache_size = 96GB # OSのキャッシュ利用を最大化
  • 64GB~128GBのメモリを積めば、DBキャッシュヒット率が爆上がりし、ディスクアクセスが激減する。


  • Corsair Vengeance LPX 64GB (2 x 32GB, DDR4-3200)
    • 価格:約2.2万円
  • Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 64GB (2 x 32GB, DDR5-5600)
    • 価格:約2.8万円
  • 128GBに増設する場合、4 x 32GBで対応可能。

💡 DBのキャッシュヒット率が上がれば、ダイクストラ計算の待ち時間が大幅に短縮される。

3. DB専用マシンの強化(CPUとPCIeバンド幅の最適化)

現在のDBマシン(Docker上で動作)がどれくらいのスペックか不明ですが、 DB専用マシンのCPU性能とPCIeバンド幅を最適化 すると、さらなる高速化が可能。


  • CPU:Ryzen 9 7950X3D (16コア, 5.7GHz, 3D V-Cache 128MB)
    • DBのインデックスキャッシュに3D V-Cacheが爆効く
    • 価格:約7万円
  • マザーボード:ASUS PRIME X670-P
    • PCIe 5.0 NVMeスロット搭載
    • 価格:約2万円
  • メモリ:64GB DDR5
    • 価格:約2.8万円
  • ストレージ:Micron 9400 Pro 3.84TB (PCIe 4.0)
    • 価格:約8万円(ただし、予算オーバーのためSamsung 990 PROで妥協可)

💡 DB専用機を組むなら、3D V-Cache搭載のRyzen 9 7950X3D が最強選択肢。

4. Dockerのチューニング(不要ならネイティブ動作へ)

  • DockerがI/Oボトルネックになっている可能性あり。
  • 「直接ホストOS上でPostgreSQL + PostGISを動かせるなら、Dockerをやめる」 ことで、数%~20%のパフォーマンス向上。

💡 ただし、プログラム改造なしの方針なので、無理に変えなくてもOK。


✅ 必須購入

項目 製品 価格
ストレージ Samsung 990 PRO 2TB (PCIe 4.0) 2.5万円
メモリ 64GB DDR4/DDR5 (32GB x 2) 2.2万円
CPU (オプション) Ryzen 9 7950X3D (16コア, 128MB 3D V-Cache) 7万円
  • 最優先はSSD換装(NVMe PCIe 4.0以上)
  • 次にメモリ64GB化
  • 余裕があればDB専用マシンを Ryzen 9 7950X3D に更新(3D V-Cacheでダイクストラ爆速化)

💡 SSD & メモリ増設だけでも、計算時間 4.2日 → 1日以下 に短縮できる可能性大。


改善項目 速度向上の目安
NVMe PCIe 4.0 SSD 2倍~4倍
メモリ 64GB 1.5倍~2倍
CPU Ryzen 9 7950X3D 1.2倍~2倍

💡 合計で「5倍以上」の高速化が可能。目標の24時間以内も見えてくる。

✅ 10万円以内で可能な最強のハードウェア高速化策

  • Samsung 990 PRO (2TB, PCIe 4.0) に換装
  • メモリ64GB(可能なら128GB)に増設
  • 余裕があれば Ryzen 9 7950X3D 搭載のDB専用機を構築

この3つの施策で、 「4.2日 → 24時間以内」 が実現できる可能性が極めて高い。

💰 これなら「プログラムを一切変更せずに」金の力だけで解決できます!




My second daughter has just returned from a 3-day, 2-night trip to South Korea.


She said it was “a lot of fun,” so I'm relieved.


I know from various people that the first time you go abroad, the activities you do afterward will change.


I was also relieved to hear that the people of Korea were very kind.


I have always said that “the state and its citizens are separate entities.” I think it is essential to experience this for yourself.



Me: “So, what did you do in Korea?”


Daughter: “I've been eating non-stop. Everything was delicious.”


Traveling is a form of entertainment, so that is correct, but I thought I would head in a different direction.


The first things that come to mind are




■Seodaemun Prison History Hall


■Gwangju May 18th Democratic Uprising Memorial Hall


■Namyeong-dong Anti-Communist Branch Office (former South Korean National Police Agency Security Headquarters)


■Jeju April 3rd Peace Park


■Hwacheon War Memorial Museum




■the Presidential Residence



Samgyeopsal, bibimbap, seolleongtang, samgyetang, and pudeojjigae are all good, but I would choose to go sightseeing at the above places.



The other day, as I was walking through Shinjuku Station, dragging my tired body home from a business trip, I saw something in front of me.


A young man spoke to two girls in English at a high school.

私が"May I help you?" と言って彼らの中に割り込みました。そうして私が英語で会話を始めると、女の子たちは安心したように、その場を離れていきました。

I interrupted them by saying, “May I help you?”. When I started speaking to them in English, the girls seemed relieved and left the area.


I interact with international students at my university using everyday English to manage this level of English conversation.


When the man repeatedly asked, “Where is Shinjuku?” I asked him a series of questions in English, such as “Where is your final destination?”, “Which train line will you be taking?” and “What is the purpose of your visit?”. However, it seemed that he didn't even understand the meaning of the words, and he began to stammer.

『なんだ、こいつ、"destination" も "arrival" も分からないのか?』

'What is this guy? He doesn't know the means of “destination” and “arrival”?'


I thought this was strange. Even if they are not good at English, foreigners should know this vocabulary level.


After asking him a few more times, the man suddenly muttered in Japanese, “I go to the ticket gate?” as if he was sulking.


When I asked him if he was Japanese, he suddenly became aggressive and said, “Of course I am. What does it look like?”


At that moment, I realized for the first time that this was a technique for picking up girls by pretending to be a foreigner.


He was a crude and underhanded trick, but no good comes from dealing with idiots like this, so I quickly left the scene.


Well, in that I saved the two girls from the low-level idiot, I may have done a good thing, but for a while, I felt sick.



I don't have a personality that I can be proud of, but I was disgusted by the way he tried to deceive young women by pretending to be a foreigner when he couldn't even speak English properly. It's just vulgar.


Please be aware that there are such low-class, stupid, vulgar men roaming around Shinjuku Station (especially young women).

奴は"Where is Shinjuku? " 以外のフレーズを使えない低能で、そいつは destination も arrival も知らないほどの無知性です。必要なら、この2つの単語を使って、このバカを判別して下さい。

He can't use phrases other than “Where is Shinjuku?” and is so dumb that he doesn't even know the destination or arrival. If necessary, use these two words to identify this dumb person.


If you see someone using the same method in the Shinjuku area, please take a photo of them and send it to me. I will expose his face on my blog.



During my two years living in the US, I was helped by the local people. As a way of repaying that kindness, I try to help foreigners in Japan who are in trouble, as a general rule.


That's why I'm furious that I had to waste my time on a low-class, stupid, vulgar person like this.


I've never picked up women in my life, so I don't know, but is the intelligence and intellect of guys who pick up women this low?

この程度の知能や知性だからナンパをするしか手段がない ―― というのは偏見かもしれません。

It may be a prejudice to say that because of this level of intelligence and intellect, the only way he has is to pick up women.


However, I will never forgive him for stepping on my good intentions.



BS世界のドキュメンタリー シリーズ ウォルト・ディズニー (4)「“夢の国”ディズニーランド」を見ました。

I watched the BS World Documentary Series Walt Disney (4)  ‘Land of Dreams’ Disneyland.


In this program, there is a scene where Walt Disney is quoted as saying, “It's something we've built up over the years, and it represents something.”


The word “Disney” was explained as “something that is not something that you forget the next day after having fun for a day, but is a concept passed down from generation to generation.”


He called it a “symbol” because the word “brand” did not exist then.



Many Japanese people criticize the current Japanese Constitution imposed on Japan by the United States.”

特に、日本国憲法第1条 の「天皇は日本の象徴」については、『法律に用いるフレーズではない』とまで言い切る人もいた、という話も聞いたことがあります(但し、出所は辿れませんでしたので、単なる風評かもしれません)。

In particular, I have heard that some people even go as far as to say that the phrase “The Emperor is the symbol of Japan” in Article 1 of the Japanese Constitution “is not a phrase used in-laws” (however, I was unable to trace the source, so it may just be a rumor).


As I watched this program, I thought that if we think of a symbol as something that represents something we have built up over many years, then the “symbolic emperor” in Article 1 of the Japanese Constitution (regardless of whether or not it is written as a law) is a brilliant expression.


This is because the first article of the Constitution, which the United States imposed on Japan, can be interpreted as meaning that “the nation of Japan was built up over many years by the Japanese people, and the Emperor symbolizes this.”

米国が内戦で分裂して四散して飛散しても、日本国は未来永劫に続く、ということを、他国(米国)が担保してくれた ―― という、超善意的かつ、超楽天的解釈ができるのではないでしょうか ―― ちがうか?

Even if the United States is divided and scattered by civil war, the other country (the United States) has guaranteed that the Japanese nation will continue forever. Isn't that a super-optimistic and super-benign interpretation?



Now, I'm going to start talking nonsense.


If we assume that the word “brand” did not exist at the time and that “symbol” was used as a substitute, then Article 1 of the original Japanese Constitution could be read as

―― 天皇は日本のブランドである(修正憲法第1条)

“The Emperor is the brand of Japan(Article 1 of the revised Constitution)



This isn't good. If it stays like this, it will read like the Emperor owns the Japanese nation (like a bag or a car).



―― 天皇は日本人を表現するブランドである

the Emperor is a brand that expresses the Japanese people.


Yeah, this doesn't fit a little.



―― 天皇は日本人の誇りを象徴するブランドである

the Emperor is a brand that symbolizes the pride of the Japanese people.


It seems that there will be both supporters and opponents of this idea because some people do not support the Emperor System (I recognize it as “the highest credit system in Japan”).


(Jump to the column)



The word “brand” has a substantial commercial value and marketing element, so using it to describe the Emperor's position still feels strange.


Considering the political and cultural neutrality and historical background of the word “symbol,” it seems that the wording of Article 1 of the Japanese Constitution is based on a delicate balance.


In other words, I think that the expression “symbol” is not just a matter of choosing a substitute word but a word that was chosen to most appropriately express the role of the Emperor in Japanese history and culture.


Even if the word “brand” had existed then, I think it would have been unlikely to be adopted into the constitution.




sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: tbf rate 10mbit burst 10kb latency 500ms
sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: netem delay 10000ms loss 1%

RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory と言われます。



# 既存の設定を削除
sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root (何か表示されるが無視する)

# `netem` を root にして、まずパケットロスを設定
sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: netem loss 1% delay 10000ms

# その上に `tbf` を適用
sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: tbf rate 10mbit burst 10kb latency 500ms





I asked ChatGPT, “Is DeepSeek really ‘open source’?”

===== 解答ここから =====

===== Answer from here =====


Yes, DeepSeek develops and publishes open-source AI models. The company's AI models are publicly available code and algorithms; anyone can use and improve them.


For example, the DeepSeek-R1 model released by DeepSeek is open source, allowing developers to use and improve it freely.


This open-source strategy gives DeepSeek credibility within the AI community and ensures technology transparency.

===== 解答ここまで =====

===== Answer to here =====

これ以上聞いたら、ChatGPTが私に腹を立ててサービスを停止するかも、という、(完全にデマレベルの)恐怖を感じて、これ以上の質問は止めました ―― 今、ChatGPTが止まったら、私の仕事も学業も止まってしまうので。

I felt a (totally groundless) fear that if I asked any more questions, ChatGPT might get angry with me and stop providing its service, so I stopped asking any more questions. If ChatGPT stopped now, my work and studies would also stop.


Leaving that aside, I will now describe the information I have gathered. There is probably some false information, rumors, and nonsense in there, so please don't believe the following content as it is and research it yourself (I will investigate it, too).

(1)オープンソースである → 原則として誰もが自由につかえて、改修も可能である → 私が個人的に「生成AI」を作れる可能性がでてきた

(1) It is open source → In principle, anyone can use it freely and make modifications → The possibility of me being able to create “generative AI” has arisen.

(2)ChatGPTと比較して、1/10のコストで開発 → 金はないが、時間さえかければ、私個人でもなんとかなるかもしれない

(2) Compared to ChatGPT, it can be developed at 1/10 the cost → I don't have any money, but if I put in the time, I might be able to manage it myself.

(3)学習に高性能、高機能のデバイスを必要としない → ゲーミングPCレベルのスペックがスコープに入ってくるかもしれない

(3) I don't need a high-performance, high-function device for learning → I might be able to get by with specs on the level of a gaming PC.


I cannot trust these things easily either, but the truth will be known eventually.



The American media described DeepSeek as “having the same impact as the Sputnik shock.”


I don't think this is an “exaggerated” expression.

ただ、私は「スプートニクショック」を知らないので、「Linuxカーネル(オープンソース & フリー)登場時と同程度の衝撃」と表現したいと思います。

However, since I don't know about the “Sputnik Shock,” I would like to express it as “having the same impact as the appearance of the Linux kernel (open source & free).”

私の趣味を、業務が奪っていく ――




As mentioned above, the Ebata family buys a yellowtail for New Year's.


If you buy a whole yellowtail, you can enjoy sashimi of yellowtail every day (until about Coming of Age Day).

私のような魚をおろすのがヘタクソな素人であっても、身が残った骨と皮を、そのまま大きなフライパンに放り込んで、塩とこしょうでソテーするだけで、(見栄えはどうあれ)無駄なく、全部美味しく頂けます ―― 使用率100%です。

Even if you're a novice like me who's terrible at filleting fish, you can throw the bones and skin with the flesh on them straight into a large frying pan and sauté them with salt and pepper. Then, you can enjoy all of it without wasting it (regardless of how it looks)—100% utilization.



The other day, I learned on a TV program that the custom is to send a whole yellowtail.


Bride's behavior: A custom in which the bride's family receives a yellowtail from the groom's family at the end of the year in the wedding year.


It seems to be practiced in northern Kyushu, Okayama Prefecture, western Toyama Prefecture, etc., but I had never heard of this custom before.


Apparently, the bigger the better when it comes to yellowtail, and they sometimes send yellowtail that weighs 13kg.


Incidentally, the yellowtail in the photo above is also in the 4kg class.

―― 13kgのぶりって、一体どうするんだ?

"What on earth do they do with a 13kg yellowtail?"


They seem to give them to neighbors and relatives, but I thought, “What a hassle.”



The price at the end of last year had risen to twice the previous price.


I hadn't heard that the catch had decreased, so I thought it was strange, but the US was buying a significant amount.


The world is starting to notice how delicious this fish is. It's dangerous.


The price of a yellowtail that arrives just before New Year's Eve is higher. Although very reluctant, I bought the yellowtail a week in advance, gutted it, and put it in the freezer.


I never thought I'd be covered in blood on Christmas Eve for gutting fish.

あ、それと、素人の大型鮮魚の解体は、玄人のようにはいきません ―― 今回、私、『のこぎり』つかって、ぶりの頭を切り落していました。

Oh, amateur fish butchers can't do it as well as the professionals - this time, I used a saw to cut off the head of the yellowtail.

あれ、解体作業がラクになるのでお勧めです ―― 見た目の美しさを無視すれば、ラクできますよ。

It makes the dismantling process easier, so I recommend it. It will be easier if you ignore the visual appearance.


I was swinging the saw around, thinking, 'This will be useful when I dismember my daughter's stalker's corpse.



At the Ebata house, I am made to do the sashimi preparation every time, so


"What are you going to do after I die!"


I shouted,


'After you die, who's going to buy a whole fish?


I had no choice but to remain silent.


tc コマンドの帯域制限 (tbfnetem) は 送信(アウトバウンド, egress) に適用されます。したがって、上記のコマンドは eth0 から外部に送信されるトラフィック に対して帯域制限が適用されます。

eth1, eth2 の場合の制限方向

eth1eth2 がある場合、それぞれのインターフェースに tc を適用すると、次のようになります。

  • tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 5mbit burst 10kb latency 1ms
    • eth1 から外部へ送信するトラフィック(egress) に 5Mbps の帯域制限
  • tc qdisc add dev eth2 root tbf rate 5mbit burst 10kb latency 1ms
    • eth2 から外部へ送信するトラフィック(egress) に 5Mbps の帯域制限

つまり、各インターフェースから送信される通信に適用される ため、受信(ingress)には影響しません。


tc は基本的に送信 (egress) に適用されるため、受信 (ingress) の帯域制限を行うには ingress qdisc を利用するか、ifb (Intermediate Functional Block device) を使います。

eth1 の受信帯域を 5Mbps に制限する場合

# ifb デバイスを有効化
sudo modprobe ifb
sudo ip link set ifb0 up
# eth1 の受信トラフィックを ifb0 にリダイレクト
sudo tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle ffff: ingress
sudo tc filter add dev eth1 parent ffff: protocol all u32 match u32 0 0 action mirred egress redirect dev ifb0
# ifb0 に帯域制限を適用(受信制限)
sudo tc qdisc add dev ifb0 root tbf rate 5mbit burst 10kb latency 1ms

これにより、eth1 への受信トラフィック を 5Mbps に制限できます。


  • tc のデフォルトの動作では 送信(egress) のみ帯域制限される。
  • tceth1 に適用すると、eth1 から出ていく通信に制限がかかる。
  • 受信(ingress)を制限したい場合は ifb デバイスを使う。

したがって、最初のコマンドは eth0 の送信(egress)方向 に適用される帯域制限になります。




例題: 水道の蛇口に例える

ネットワークの「ビットレート (bitrate)」と「帯域 (bandwidth)」 の違いを、水道の蛇口に例えて説明します。

1. 帯域 (bandwidth) = 水道管の太さ

  • 水道管の太さが 「ネットワークの帯域」 に相当する。
  • 例えば 「10Gbpsの回線」 というのは 「直径10cmの水道管」 に相当する。
  • 「最大で10Gbps流せる」 という意味だが、実際にどれくらい流すかは別の話。

2. ビットレート (bitrate) = 水の流量 (蛇口の開き具合)

  • 蛇口をどれくらい開くかが 「ビットレート」 に相当する。
  • 例えば tcrate 5mbit を設定すると、蛇口を半分だけ開くようなイメージ。
  • 回線が10Gbps(帯域)でも、実際に使うのは5Mbps(ビットレート)に制限される。

3. tc を使った制限の具体例

(1) 10Gbpsの回線を持つPC (帯域 = 10Gbps)

  • 例えば、自宅のネット回線が 10Gbps だったとする。
  • しかし、tc を使って rate 5mbit に制限すると、実際のデータ転送は 5Mbps しか出ない。

(2) tc で 5Mbps のビットレート制限

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 5mbit burst 10kb latency 1ms

この設定をすると、10Gbpsの回線を持っていても、実際の転送速度は 5Mbps に制限 される(=蛇口を少ししか開かない)。

(3) tc で 5Mbps ~ 10Mbps の変動を許可

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 10
sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 5mbit ceil 10mbit
  • 最低 5Mbps最大 10Mbps まで許可 する設定。
  • 普段は5Mbpsだが、ネットワークに余裕があれば 最大10Mbps まで利用可能

4. 結論

項目 水道の例 ネットワークの意味
帯域 (bandwidth) 水道管の太さ 利用可能なネットワークの最大容量 (例: 10Gbps)
ビットレート (bitrate) 蛇口の開き具合 実際に流せるデータ速度 (例: 5Mbps)
  • 帯域は「最大でどれくらい流せるか」 を決める(物理的な上限)。
  • ビットレートは「実際にどれくらい流すか」tc で調整できる。