

I watched a program called "A Human History of Violence."


The content was the exact opposite of what I expected from the title: "Human Violence Continues to Decrease".


But I thought, 'In modern times, war has probably replaced that,' but the number of deaths of war seems also to be decreasing.


We are often misled by news of violent incidents and wars, but when viewed on the order of hundreds of years, humanity has continued to suppress its instinct for violence with the intelligence.


We apt to think that humanity seems to be oriented only in a foolish direction, but not so surprisingly


It has been a long time since I was relieved by the content of this documentary.


But I still think the title of the program is not proper.



Oh, by the way, the book mentioned here has arrived.



It is a bit woeful for us, as a human race, to just be protected by a management system (Sibyla system).



I use ChatGPT on a daily basis.


I admit "It's a rare AI technology that could be really useful".


However, ChatGPT has a bad habit (at the moment) of "twisting answers even not knowing them" (although I'm getting pretty good at spotting them).


So I use it for double-checking when I have them talk about summaries of papers, etc.



One application of ChatGPT that struck me was this one (jump to YouTube).


This is an interactive class for English conversation by ChatGPT.


I can catch a conversation on my phone and feel comfortable with that conversation.


It cannot be compared to some company's dumb ChatBot.


私は生れて始めて『AIによる廃業』の予感を感じました ―― 最初の犠牲者は、語学教師です。

For the first time in my life, I had a premonition of "AI out of business" -- the first victims will be language teachers.


Japan is the only country in the world where teachers who do not speak English teach English in an educational setting.


It is as ridiculous as someone who can't program AI technology talking about programming AI technology (Well, to be clear, I am making fun of them).


As the above video clearly shows, ChatGPT is much "better" than such teachers.



I, previously, have prophesied that the essence of English will cease to be "communication" and become merely an "interface".


Both the inside and outside of a human being are put together as "attributes" and then all of them are further passed through and the relationship between "that person" and "I" becomes a worldview governed only by the value of "is/is not worth it".


However, the language education function of ChatGPT has completely reduced this "interface worldview" of mine to a lower level.


In other words, by "having a machine (computer) teach you a language," you have acquired "a means of communicating with a machine (computer).

纏めますと、『英語のコミュニケーションにおいて、「人間」が介在する意味が失われた』 ―― ということです。

It means that the significance of "human" intervention in English communication has been completely lost.


メルトダウン File.8 「後編 事故12年目の“新事実”」を見ました。

I watched "Meltdown File.8 "Part 2: New revelations 12 years after the accident""

茫然自失(ぼうぜんじしつ) ―― というのでしょうか。

I guess I could call it "stupefaction".


I had to go through the experience of 'standing there, stunned, watching TV.



I will summarize the gist of this program in three roughly different points.


(1) The water supply to the reactor that the firefighters literally "risked their lives" for accelerated the meltdown.


(2) "Venting" to reduce reactor pressure "should not have been done" at that stage


(3) However, (2) above caused the reactor pressure to drop, resulting in water being pulled up from the water reservoir, which was completely unexpected, and consequently cooling the dissolved fuel.

つまり ―― その時点において「もっとも良い」と判断した選択が「最悪の事態を導き」、その「最悪の事態が、結果としてさらなる最悪の事態を防いだ」ということであり、

In other words -- the "best" choice at the time "led to the worst," and that "worst prevented further worsts" as a result.


For me, the biggest shock was, that,


"The situation that proceeded on its own, and then stopped on its own, completely beyond the intentions of the people controlling the system"



It is no exaggeration to say that this is a 'total defeat' for the engineers who control nuclear power.



It is said that the power companies and the universities to which they outsource the operation of nuclear power plants conduct every conceivable accident simulation.


I know that the stress of coming up with such an accident scenario prior to conducting the simulation is an unimaginably painful task.


However, real accidents easily overcome such a huge number of simulation assumptions.



As I have said in the past, control systems, whether for automobiles, airplanes, power plants, or rockets, gradually improve their safety and reliability through repeated failures.


However, only "nuclear power plants" cannot use this major principle of control systems.


Because, the return on failure is huge.


"Twelve years after the accident, 20,000 people are still living in evacuation shelters"


This is, of course, the tragedy of the current situation, however,


"In the worst case scenario of this accident, all of eastern Japan would have been a no-go zone"


No one can deny this.



So I come to the same conclusion as usual.



The following diary was uploaded yesterday.

ちょっと調べてみたら、「ToPick -飲み会、デートで使える話題提供アプリ」なるものがあるようです。

I did a little research and found that there is something called "ToPick - an app that provides topics of conversation for drinking and dating".


This app could be used for phone conversations with a girlfriend, but it would be difficult to use it on a date.


As for the hearing interface,

―― 骨伝導イヤホンを装着して音声で聞く

"wear bone-conduction earphones and listen to the voice"


would help, but the input interface is a problem.


How do you give directions to your phone while on a date?


The development of "An app that keeps monitoring the conversation on your phone during the course of a date, and at the appropriate time, your phone will automatically provide a topic of conversation" should be needed.


However, this is well within scope with current technology.


―― カップルの双方が、話題提供アプリと骨伝導イヤホンを装着してデートをする未来

-- A future where both couples date wearing a talking-head app and bone-conduction earbuds.


Me, I think this future will appear "faster than simultaneous interpretation apps".


This is because the number of users is off the charts.



I believe that this application will "overturn the existing concept of dating from the very foundation".


However, I do not yet know how it will be overturned.


"Can we achieve an equal opportunity for love that will break the unipolar dominance of love in the extrovert?"




"Are we going to let the love gap widen to the point of hopelessness?"


It is very interesting.


I would like to hear your opinions as well.



I have many " drawbacks", but equally as many " weaknesses".


One of them is

―― 沈黙に耐えられない

"I can't stand silence."




When I see lovers eating in silence on a date, I think about many things.



(1) They are so much in tune with each other that there is not even a need for conversation.


(2) They share the policy that meals are for enjoying food and not for conversation.


(3) They have already run out of things to talk about, having talked too much in the dating process.


(4) They can't come up with a suitable story.


I have no idea if it is one of these or something else I can't think of.


以前、この日記で、「―― プレゼンテーションにおいて「沈黙」は「暴力」だぞ。分っているのか?」と書きました。

I wrote in this diary before, "-- Silence is violence in a presentation. Do you understand that?"


Likewise, to me, the silence in the middle of a date also feels like violence. so I think


"Don't be violent with your lover you're on a date with"


However, apparently, "topic" seems to be a major issue in human history, beyond the recent younger generations.



You can Google "dating topics" to see how many people in the world are struggling with the topic itself (you'll get about 7.2 million hits).


And the worst case of "topic exhaustion" is "sexual harassment and para-harassment.


When you get stuck on a topic, it is "routine" to fall back on topics such as the other person's age, whether or not he/she has a girlfriend, where he/she is from, and what he/she does for a living.


Just as the exhaustion of food and energy causes wars, the exhaustion of topics causes harassment.


In my case, I usually try to avoid going in that direction by practicing to come up with stories (like this blog), but I am not sure if I am controlling it well.



This, however, creates another problem.

―― 江端が一人がしゃべっている状況の発生

"A case of a situation where Ebata speaks only"



It is a "1,000 knocks" situation, so to speak.


This, is a situation as bad as "silence".


Since conversation is communication, the number and duration of conversations, like a catch-all, must be equally divided.

その為には、話題のネタは、相手が新しいネタに展開できる程度の量と内容にしなければなりませんが ―― これが、なかなかに難しいのです。

In order to do this, the topics of conversation must be of sufficient quantity and content that the other party can expand on them with new material -- which is quite difficult.



To sum up the situation,


"I don't attend drinking parties" or "I don't go on dates"


in addition,


"I make and have no friends," "give up on lovers, and take marriage out of the scope of their lives"

というのは ―― これはこれで、なかなか理にかなった戦略ではないかなぁ、と思うことがあります。

Sometimes I think this is a strategy that makes a lot of sense.



Basically, I believe that 'there is nothing the state (power) can't do if it wants to.


For example, if I am targeted for assassination by the state, my death is certain.


Even if I were to turn back an assassin, the state would send the next assassin.


Unless the state changes its policy, the assassins will be sent back again and again, and there is no way to escape them.


The current furore about the "Chinese government trying to extract personal information from TikTok" is still beyond a suspition.


However, if the Chinese government wants to do it, they "will" do it.


This is a definite matter.



On the other hand, the fact that information was extracted by the Chinese government has not yet been revealed in the previous case of Huawei's telecommunications equipment.


(Since at least the technical verification should have been completed, it is possible that it is being kept undisclosed to the public and is being used as a bargaining chip between governments.)


Anyway, the United States is a country that can assume that there are weapons of mass destruction, launch a war on its own without a UN resolution, completely collapse its system, and then say with impunity, "We searched but found no weapons of mass destruction.


And I still remember the bitterness of the "Super 301 economic sanctions" unilaterally imposed on Japan in 1989.



I was watching the US hearings on TikTok on the news, and I am sure that

―― 第二次世界大戦中の日系アメリカ人の強制収容も、こんな感じで決めつけて実施してきたんだろうな

"the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII was also determined and implemented like this"



Now and then,


"Once they identify someone as an enemy, they can do whatever they want, without regard to laws, evidence, or anything else"


I think this is the DNA of the U.S. government.



I do programming, whether it is for work or as a hobby.


And there are two things that separate "programming I like" from "programming I hate".

―― 仕様と納期

"Specifications and delivery date"





If I add functions as I wish with my own ideas without any deadline , programming can be called "entertainment".


Probably, it is the same feeling that so-called gamers, including not only netgames but also Go, Shogi, etc., have when they play games.


Well, I don't know because I am not a gamer, but I think that since the world is so enthusiastic about it, perhaps "games are great fun".


I may be missing out on life because I don't understand the value of the game.


Well, let's put that aside.



On the other hand, if someone else dictates the specifications and there is a deadline, programming turns into "hell".


Well, I guess it's the same in any job.


Well, a program that I created for my "entertainment" can turn into "hell" when it is converted into a job.

―― 私は、「地獄」生成するために「娯楽」をしているのか?

"Am I "entertaining" to generate "hell"?"


Sometimes I feel sad when I think about it.


とは言え、私は『庖丁一本 晒(さらし)にまいて・・・』と同じ立ち位置で、

However, I stand in the same position as in "one kitchen knife, wrapped in bleached cotton...",


With a single piece of home-made programming code, I'm going to get the "money" from the research fund.


I live a senior life without honor day by day.


「劇場版 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス PROVIDENCE」も、ちゃんと見にいくつもりです。

I am going to watch "PSYCHO-PASS PROVIDENCE THE MOVIE" as well.


Thanks to this animation, I have learned a lot.


Well, let's leave that aside.



When I was attending a law seminar, I read the "Industrial Property Law (Industrial Property Law) Verbatim Commentary" and other lectures on special laws (patent law), which are part of the Civil Code, and was amazed at the multiple interpretations of the various laws and their operation.


I was also impressed by the process by which what is most reasonable and supported by many legal scholars and practitioners of the law for various use cases becomes what is called "settled law.

―― 法律とは、「数学の証明」あるいは「システムのプログラミング」と同じである

"Law is like "mathematical proof" or "programming a system"


When I realized that, for the first time in my life, I thought that the law was "beautiful".

私の「法治」という考え方の信頼は、あの時から発生したと思うのです ―― それは、すでに40歳近い年齢でしたが。

I think my faith in the idea of the "rule of law" occurred at that time -- even though I was already almost 40 years old.


PSYCHO-PASSの主人公の常守 朱(つねもり あかね)も、「法の支配」に対する絶対的な信念を持っているようです。

Akane Tsunemori, the protagonist of PSYCHO-PASS, also seems to have an absolute belief in the "rule of law".

しかし、その信念の発生のプロセスが、よく分からない ―― というか、アニメや映画の中では描かれていないように思えます。

However, I'm not sure about the process by which this belief arises -- or it doesn't seem to be depicted in the animation or film.

常守 朱は、エリート中のエリートですから、私のような泥くさい勉強を経なくても、「法治の美学」を理解できていた、という可能性はあります。

Since Akane Tsunemori is one of the elite of the elite, she might have been able to understand the "aesthetics of the rule of law" without going through the muddled study process that I went through.


However, for a mediocre like me, who can only understand the subject through the process of study, if I don't understand this part of the story, I can't get close to the feelings of the main character at the moment.



Perhaps if I read the novel, I might understand that.


So I pushed the button to order it.



I have told you before that the news of the World Cup has not been getting to me at all.


Again, I received no information about the WBC.


The primary source of information that "Japan won the WBC" was my wife.



I think this is the essence of web targeting, but I also think it's a pretty scary story when I think about it.


Looking at this from a different perspective, I can envision a situation in which I do not receive news about

―― 「外食チェーン店への客による迷惑行為動画」ニュースは勿論、最悪のケースでは「日本国土にミサイルが飛来する」とかの情報も入ってこない

"videos of customers causing trouble at restaurant chains" or, in the worst case scenario, "missiles flying over Japan"



The term "information gap" seems to be another example of this.

―― 公衆の衛生を害するような動画を投稿したら、社会的に制裁を喰らう(というか、社会的リンチ(*)といいましょうか)

"If you post a video that is harmful to public health, you will be socially sanctioned (or perhaps we should say socially lynched(*)"


Such incidents have been and are rotten.


(*) Lynching is a private punishment, so "social lynching" is a figurative contradiction.


This level of information is something that anyone who watches the news on TV would know.


Nevertheless, many people are scratching their heads at the fact that, time and again, similar incidents are being repeated.


I am not wondering otherwise.



Four individuals have been identified and arrested in the recent Kaiten Sushi case.


In comparison, there are 3.3 million high school students and 2.92 million college students today. Let's say roughly 6.2 million.

4 ÷ 6200000 = 0.0000065 です。

4 ÷ 6200000 = 0.0000065.


The ratio of the person who caused this incident is one to 1.55 million.


In other words, the four of them who caused the Kaiten Sushi incident are EXCELLENT and AMAZING, the "1 in 1,550,000 'super low elite'".

そんな、超エリートの行為に対して、620万人の若者全体を判断するのは ―― それは、いくらなんでも、若者に対して失礼と言えましょう。

To judge the entire 6.2 million young people for the actions of such a super-elite -- that is, to any degree, disrespectful to the young people.


Conversely, I can assure you that the social common sense of our country's youth is extremely sound.


The fact that such incidents make the news is in itself a compliment to their high moral character.


That aside.



This is a hypothesis, but 'they who caused the incident, did they not even watch the newspapers, or even the TV news?' This is what I mean.


The new currency (value that can be converted into numerical values) called "buzz" is described below, so I will omit it this time.


In short,


"I think there is not much difference in terms of "information gap" between them, who caused the fire incident, and me, who did not know that Japan won the WBC"



Well, in my case, it would be mere "ignorance", but they are decidedly different in that they add "criminal(*)" to the mix.


(*) After being indicted and convicted in a criminal case, though.



Today is the Ebata family's wedding anniversary. Hence,

- 午前の発表会出席のオーダーを却下したのも、

- I also rejected the order to attend the presentation in the morning,

- 午後の会議を途中で抜け出すのも、

- I will get out of an afternoon meeting in the middle of the day,

- 稟議のサポートや報告書でドタバタしているのも、

- I'm also slammed with support for approvals and reports,

- 研究ゼミ生の卒業式や謝恩会に出席できないのも、

- It is also impossible to attend graduation ceremonies and thank-you parties for research seminar students,


It's all because of our wedding anniversary.



By the way, my wife always says,


"If you have money to buy jewelry on your anniversary, it's better to eat expensive meals"


Hence, she is a long-time comrade who shares the same policy.