

Today's diary continues the story of the ‘Three Bodies’ from the other day.

『「三体」というSFが凄い』という評判を聞いて、以前、図書館から借りて読んだことがあるのですが ―― さっぱり分かりませんでした。


Parts of this video are available on YouTube.

この画像の内容は、現在のコンピュータ(◯非ノイマン型 ×量子コンピュータ)の概念として正しいです。

The content of this image is correct for the current concept of computers (◯ non-Neumannian × quantum computer).

"NANDロジックさえあれば、全てのコンピュータのロジックを作れる" ―― 情報工学の講義で、私が衝撃を受けた事実の一つです。

‘As long as you have NAND logic, you can make all the computer logic’ - one of the facts that struck me in my lectures on information engineering.

この映像より若干ショボい規模(映画では3000万人、私は8人)で、これと同じことを、当時のPC (PC-8001MK2)でプログラミング(かっこよく言えば、8ゲートの仮想コンピュータを作った)のですが、思うように動かなくて、もの凄く苦労したのを覚えています。

On a slightly smaller scale than this film (30 million people in the movie, 8 for me), I programmed the same thing on a PC (PC-8001MK2) at the time (to put it coolly, I created an 8-gate virtual computer). Still, it didn't work as well as I wanted, and I remember having enormous trouble.


The tricky part was designing the ‘clock (synchronization).’


The above image does not seem to contain the concept of a ‘clock.’

私なら、"太鼓の音"とかの場面を一つ加えるだろうな、とか思いました ―― が、そうすると映画のテンポが悪くなるだろうな、とは思います。

I would have added one scene with ‘drumming’ or something, but that would have slowed down the film.


If you want to go into detail, registers, CPU, memory, and many other things come into play, but there is no end to what can be said.


このような、大量の人間を使った計算方法は、コンピュータが登場する前(100年以上も前)に、ルイス・フライ・リチャードソン(Lewis Fry Richardson)によって提唱されていました。

Lewis Fry Richardson proposed this method of computing with large numbers of humans before computers came along (more than 100 years ago).

「64,000人の計算者を巨大なホールに集めて指揮者の元で整然と計算を行えば実際の天候の変化と同じくらいの速さで予報が行える」―― 「リチャードソンの夢」と呼ばれるもので、この原理は、現在も、コンピュータシミュレーションの主流です。重力、磁力、磁力、水流や航空力学では、避けて通れない計算手法です。

The principle of ‘Richardson's dream’ - that ‘if you put 64,000 calculators in a huge hall and run them in an orderly fashion under a conductor, you can forecast as fast as the weather changes in real life’ - is the principle behind computer mainstream simulation. It is an unavoidable computational method in gravity, magnetics, magnetic forces, water currents, and aerodynamics.


I also use this principle to simulate human behavior change (on a computer, of course. I do not use human power).



I am deeply aware that I am lucky to have been born in an age when ordinary people like me can use abundant computer resources (computing power).

『「初音ミク」の映像や音声を作り出すコンピュータリソースは、私が在学していた当時の大学にあった大型計算機センターの全能力を軽く越えているでしょう。(「笑う人工知能 ~あなたは記事に踊らされている~」 より抜粋)』

The computer resources to produce the images and sounds of ‘Hatsune Miku’ would quickly exceed the total capacity of the enormous computing center at the university where I was studying. (Extract from ‘ Laughing Artificial Intelligence - You are dancing to the tune of the article )




Yesterday, my wife and I were watching a news report on the attempted assassination shooting of a former US President and current US Presidential candidate.



My wife asked me, "What is the rifle range?" and I searched my mind.


I remembered a scene from Kaoru Takamura's God's Fire where the protagonist is practicing shooting.


Me: "I think it was a thousand metres or something."

嫁さん:「今回の犯人、"しろうと"なの? (今回の暗殺未遂事件は、射程距離150メートル)」

Wife: "Is the shooter this time an 'Amature'?" (This assassination attempt has a range of 150 meters.)"

私:「そういうことになるのかな? 知らんけど」

Me: "Is that what it's supposed to be? I don't know."



I looked into rifles.


There are many different types of rifles.

■小口径ライフル : 有効射程距離: 約100メートル 最大射程距離: 約1.5キロメートル
■アサルトライフル : 有効射程距離: 約300-600メートル 最大射程距離: 約3キロメートル
■バトルライフル : 有効射程距離: 約600-800メートル 最大射程距離: 約3.5キロメートル
■狙撃ライフル:有効射程距離: 約800-1,500メートル 最大射程距離: 約4-5キロメートル
■大型狙撃ライフル: 有効射程距離: 約1,500-2,000メートル 最大射程距離: 約6キロメートル

- Small-calibre rifles: effective range: approx. 100 m. Maximum range: approx. 1.5 km.
- Assault rifles: effective range: approx. 300-600 m, maximum range: approx. 3 kilometres
- Battle rifles: effective range: approx. 600-800 m. Maximum range: approx. 3.5 km.
- Sniper rifles: effective range: approx. 800-1,500 m. Maximum range: approx. 4-5 km.
- Large sniper rifles: Effective range: approx. 1,500-2,000 m Maximum range: approx. 6 km


I am not a milliota (military geek), so I don't think it's a good thing that I am not familiar with these things.


"I think it would be helpful if you could make a story, such as Golgo 13, that mentions the difference between rifles (tanks, missiles, and other things).



When I read "Marginal Operations" earlier, I was surprised to hear that the price of one surface-to-air missile is 20 million yen. (This still seems to be the cheapest missile available).



Our home's current property value is less than two surface-to-air missiles.


I realized that weapons are incredibly costly.

戦争映画の上演中に、テロップで兵器コストの総計をリアルタイムで表示してみたらどうなるだろうか、と思いました ―― 映画が白けて、楽しめなくなること、必至です。

I wondered what would happen if, during a war film, a ticker showed the total cost of weapons in real time -- it would make the movie bland and unenjoyable, inevitable.



In Japan, the issue is 'politics and money,' whereas in the US, 'politics is money.'

「拝金主義」というと聞こえは悪いですが、米国では「"金を持っている" = "努力した or 自分の才能を活用した" = "権力があるのは当然"」という考え方が、かなり寛容に受け入れらています。

Although "usury" sounds terrible, the idea that "having money" = "working hard or using your talents" = "deserving to have power" is relatively tolerated in the USA.

米国では「"いままで努力してきたからお金を持っている" → "お金があるから権力がある" → "強力な弁護団を結成する" → "無罪を勝ち取る"」 というプロセスが、普通に受け入れられています。

In the USA, the process of "I have money because I have worked hard so far" → "I have power because I have money" → "I form a strong defense team" → "I win acquittal" is usually accepted.

「"貧乏でも真面目に生きている" → "民意と行政システムは弱者に対しても公平に機能する" → "正義が勝つ" → "無罪を勝ちとる"」という、日本人の価値観とはかなり違います。

This fact is quite different from the Japanese value system of "poor but serious" → "the will of the people and the administrative system work fairly for the weak" → "justice prevails" → "we can get the innocent."


Justice is crucially different in that it is not "something as is," that is, but "something that we have to go to get."


There is a difference between the American value system, in which "effort is only a process and the output is valuable", and the Japanese value system, in which "effort itself is also valuable".


I dare to exaggerate, but there is no doubt that this is just the trend, which is not about 'good or bad.'


In this sense, politics in the US is about appealing performances (be they achievements), as seen in the US presidential election and other elections.



The US presidential election is affecting the world. This fact often makes me uncomfortable, but it makes sense that 'the country with the money is strong.' Not "justice is strong," but "money is strong."


Yesterday, there was an assassination sniper attempt on a former US President and current US Presidential candidate.


I considered writing extensively about this, but I refrained because I thought, 'If I just sit back and wait for two weeks, I'll get the whole picture, so there's no need to rush into unfounded speculation now.'


Especially as I am a well-documented blogger, I don't want to be ridiculed later for making a wild guess.

まあ、そのような場合、後で記事を消せば良いのですが、それをしないのは、私の矜持 ―― いや、そんなカッコイイものではなく、単なる「こだわり」です。

In such a case, I could delete the article later, but I'm proud that I don't do that - no, it's not that cool; it's just an "obsession."




『「三体」というSFが凄い』という評判を聞いて、以前、図書館から借りて読んだことがあるのですが ―― さっぱり分かりませんでした。

I had heard that the science fiction book " Three Bodies " had an excellent reputation, so I borrowed it from the library and read it before - but I had no idea what it was about.


As a first principle, I am aware of the fact that my reading comprehension is weak. I am also mindful that I am a typical sample of 'the fact that the amount of reading is not proportional to reading comprehension.'


Secondly, my reading comprehension of foreign-translated books is even weaker. One of the significant factors is a critical weakness: the names of people do not enter the mind.

例えば、ヴェラ・クレイソーン(Vera Claythorne)、フィリップ・ロンバード(Philip Lombard)(クリスティの「そして誰もいなくなった」)など、名称が人物と一致せず、何度も読み直さなければなりませんでした。これは結構な苦痛です。

Names did not match people, for example, Vera Claythorne and Philip Lombard (Christie's "And Then There Were None"), and had to be re-read many times. It was "quite a pain".


And when it came to Ye Wenjie, Wang Miao, and Luo Jie in The Three Bodies, I could not fully identify the characters and could only picture them as 'they are Chinese.'


However, I could only get an image of these 'three bodies' being called 'awesome' by many people.


The author emphasizes theories based on physics and astronomy. In particular, I am ashamed to say that I knew nothing about the 'three-body problem' (the problem of predicting the motion of three celestial bodies) in physics.

文明の存続、宇宙における生命の意義、技術と倫理などの深遠な哲学的テーマが取り扱われて、数十年から数百万年に渡る時間軸で展開される壮大なスケール ―― ということは、理解できましたが、それだけです。

I could understand that profound philosophical themes such as the survival of civilization, the significance of life in the universe, technology, and ethics are dealt with on a grand scale, unfolding over decades to millions of years—but that's all.

"読んでいて、楽しくなく、むしろ苦痛" ―― 判っています。この問題は、100%私の読解力というリテラシーに依拠します。私には、作品を批判できる資格すらないのです。

"I don't enjoy reading it, it's rather painful" - I know. This problem relies 100% on my reading literacy. I am not even qualified to criticize the work.



The NetFlix original Three Bodies is now showing.


I finally have a fuller picture of this science fiction with this film adaptation.


Well, this is 'great'. I understand that this is science fiction that the world admires.


It is surprising how easy it is to understand the characters simply by identifying them through visualization.


Visualization is the most effective way for people with low reading comprehension skills to understand complex content.


So, if you are a 'Three Bodies' failure like me, why not try paying for NetFlix for a month just to watch 'Three Bodies'? The cheapest menu (with ads) is enough.

私、映像にも本当に感動しています ―― 正直、"NetFlix映画館"なるものができたら、そっちに出かけても良い、と思えるくらい、高品質なコンテンツです。

I'm also really impressed with the visuals - honestly, the content is of such high quality that if there were a "NetFlix cinema," I'd be happy to go there.


Some people also criticize this NetFlix content due to the issue of altering the original story. Still, I was lucky this time that I 'was a low-level reader who didn't understand the original story.'



The images of the Chinese Cultural Revolution that appear at the beginning of the first episode are the most faithful recreations of the 'Cultural Revolution' that I have seen and heard so much about.


I wonder if this is being broadcast (or censored) in mainland China.


I recommend that you watch it.


今調べたら、別の「三体」のコンテンツがAmazon Primeでも出ていました。

I have just checked and found that another 'three bodies' of content is also available on Amazon Prime.


In many ways, I am under-researched.





Many disgraced politicians are reluctant to resign or resign. Nevertheless, they are eventually driven into a corner, which often seems to be the pattern.



This result is quite symmetrical with working people in general. Working people are generally quicker in making decisions on withdrawal.



I am thinking: 'Can someone analyze this area?


I have always wondered, 'There are rarely such interesting sociological/psychological research subjects.'


I keep wondering why nobody does this quantitative analysis.


(If there are previous studies and you know of any papers on this, please let me know).



Even I, as an engineer, would like to find out quantitatively what routes (public criticism, internal strife) scandalous politicians go through and are eventually forced to resign, based on the magnitude of the problem and their office and authority, in a classified manner.


In general, disgraced politicians are subsequently subjected to a barrage of public scrutiny, including by the media and political opponents, their family members, and the public.


In other words, the longer you persist, the worse the situation becomes, where there is no possibility of even reinstatement.

これは非合理な行動です。この場合の最適戦略は、砲火が及ばない場所に逃げこむ こと、つまり「辞任」だと思います。

The above is irrational behavior. In this case, the optimal strategy would be to flee to a place out of reach of fire, i.e., 'resign.'


However, many politicians do not appear to opt for this optimal strategy.



One of the reasons is partly due to the nature of the political profession.


Being a politician is not enough of their effort and talent; there is also the dreaded and challenging process of being 'elected by the voters of your constituency by ballot,' which is decidedly different from ordinary working people.


Therefore, a resignation of responsibility will almost eliminate the possibility of reinstatement.


If they are competent and well-connected, some may be able to reign as dark generals (fixers), but they would have to be the head of a large faction of parliamentarians. The status of a prefectural governor is not enough.


Therefore, the resignation of a politician could be seen as synonymous with 'suicide' as a social status.


So, I inferred that those who have aspired to become politicians have lived a 'life of never losing.'


In other words, they have 'no experience of losing,' so they don't know or don't know 'how to lose' or 'when to pull out' (my hypothesis).

それゆえ、政治家は、最後の最後まで、粘って、粘って、粘り続ける ―― 針の穴に糸を通すような可能性に賭けて、最悪まで戦い続けるのではないか、と、私は考えています。

Therefore, I believe that politicians will continue to persist, persist, persist until the very end - to fight to the worst of their possibilities, like threading a needle in a hole.



I would also like to see an analysis of 'politicians who have run away from resignations.'

その勝因は何か ―― どのような発言をして、どのような活動をして、どのような演出をして、どのような謝罪をして、そして、誰に頼り、誰を見方につけたか、という、定性/定量分析結果に興味があります。

I am interested in the results of the qualitative/quantitative analysis of the winners - what they said, what activities they did, what they staged, what apologies they made, who they relied on, and who they took their viewpoints from.


もしも、誰もやらないなら、私が調べます―― ただ、今は忙しすぎてできませんが、上手くいけば、あと1~2年後には執筆活動に復帰できると思います。

If no one else will do it, I'll look into it - I'm just too busy to do it now, but hopefully, I can get back to writing in another year or two.


But this research is a bit "too good" to be used as fodder for my column.


I would very much like to encourage students currently at university to do research, present it at conferences, write papers, and obtain a degree.


I thought this research might be in sociology or psychology, but surprisingly, it might be more compatible with information-processing (data analysis) research.



Incidentally (and I don't get the evidence yet ), I have heard that 'there are a significant number of former politicians or former candidates who are on welfare in their later years.'


Conversely, the fact that we see celebrities turning into politicians indicates celebrities' hopeless lack of career opportunities. Of course, they have "name recognition," which makes them suitable for elections.


Nevertheless, politicians and entertainers are disadvantaged in terms of 'career change.'


Politicians may be able to behave as exercisers of power, but this seems like a risky career choice.



I am not a politician. I am not a journalist or a judge.


I have no great ambition to right the world's wrongs.


There is not a single millimeter of ambition to reform even the internal (system).


Instead, I now prioritize the feeling of 'hassle' about the various changes.


There is a word that neatly sums up this 'hassle.'






However, when I say 'conservative,' I am not a doctrinaire pragmatist like the Islamic fundamentalists, nor am I a nationalist.


In an absolute sense, I am not a patriot either.


Instead, I would ask, 'What on earth has this country ever done for me?' (although I appreciate that we have kept the Peace Constitution and have not started a war in our country).


When I see a right-wing car with a big sign that says 'Seven Life Reports', I'm moved to say, 'What a little brain's person (x nice person)'.


I have been and will continue to be as cooperative as possible (although we do not lead the way) regarding IT-based system reforms.


I support gender diversity responses and same-sex marriage. 'I have no disadvantage even if I support them.'


The direction is also to accept individual state control using a personal number card. Because of the resignation, ' the phase of talking about individual privacy is already over.'


On the militarisation of Japan, the perception is that 'I have got away with it'. 'The next generation should think of Japan's future, and I am throwing this issue away.

まあ、こういう人間を「保守」と呼べるのかどうかは、正直よく分かりませんが ――

Well, I honestly don't know if you can call me 'conservative' or not--


My basic philosophy is "a 'conservative' who supports a slowly changing society that does not make me feel 'cumbersome.'"




■if you say, "Let's change it!" I think 'too much trouble',


■if you say, "Is this O.K.?" I would ask back, 'Isn't this enough?'


■ For 'for young people', I think it is 'irrelevant to me'.


These minded seniors move to eliminate 'those who just criticize people without achievements' or 'those who deny all previous administrations without showing a concrete vision.'

分かっていますか? 私たちのマインドは、原則として「自分ファースト」なんですよ。

Do you understand? Our mindset is "meism," as a rule.


Only "after" I have secured my bridgehead can I care for others.


As a result, even if such 'meism' decisions make everyone unhappy, including yourself, it is 'O.K. if it makes everyone unhappy.'



The political parties that lost the Tokyo gubernatorial election have published their analysis of the causes of their defeat, but I feel that they are coming to 'strange conclusions.'

協力して貰った政党を敗因にするなんて ―― 人道的かどうかをさておいても ―― 『どうかしている』と思います。

I think it's 'crazy' - humanistic or not - to blame the party cooperating with them for your defeat.


I see the cause of the defeat as 'a lack of logic that ignores quantification'.


For example, 'I think about 40% of the current metropolitan government is doing well. I think I can evaluate them. The problem is the remaining 60%. It is (1) ..... and (2) .... The problem is...'

定量的かつ論理的に情宣をしていれば、ここまで惨敗することはなかったと思うのですが ―― あなたは、私のこの分析をどう思いますか?

I don't think she would have lost so miserably if she had made a quantitative and logical statement of her sentiments. What do you think of my analysis of the cause of her and her party's defeat?


ジェンダー(×セックス)を証明するのに、生殖機能をなくす手術を必須とすることは ―― 組(暴力団等)を抜ける為の落とし前として、『指を詰める』という『野蛮なしきたり』をやっている反社会勢力と同じ


In a case sent back following a Supreme Court ruling that 'surgery to change the gender on the family register to resemble the appearance has so far been unconstitutional,' the Hiroshima High Court noted that if surgery is always necessary, there is a suspicion of violating the Constitution.


It is customary for lower courts (district courts) to overturn decisions on cases sent back against a Supreme Court decision, so I think this decision is reasonable.

ただ、今回の判決の内容 ―― 実に興味深いのですよ。

But the content of this judgment is exciting.



Last night, I was watching the 7 o'clock NHK news that I had recorded with my wife, and there was a scene where I thought, 'What?' I turned the HDD recorder back on for 30 seconds to review.

私:「この判決内容、かなり面白い. "Not funny But interesting"という意味で」

Me: "The content of this judgment is quite interesting. I mean, 'Not funny, But interesting.'"


Wife: "What?"


Me: "This ruling says that 'requiring genital mutilation (or genital creation) as a requirement for gender reassignment is a violation of the Constitution.'"


Wife: "And?"


Me: "But on the other hand, you also accept the legitimacy of 'genital mutilation (or construction),' for example, 'to avoid disruption in public bathrooms.'"


Wife: "So you mean inconsistent?"

私:「この判決が言外に行っているのは、『性器の切除(あるいは造設)は戸籍変更には必要ない』けど、『公衆浴場やプールが、それを理由に、入場を断わることは、"ありえる"、または、"仕方がない"』と言っている、ようにも読める ―― だが、ここからのロジックが面白い」

Me: "What this judgment is saying in the words 'genital mutilation (or creation) is not necessary for changing the family register,' but we can  read as saying that 'it is "possible" or "unavoidable" for public baths and swimming pools to refuse admission on that basis.'" -- but the logic from here is interesting."


Wife: "?"


Me: "The subsequent judgment text says that 'it is reasonable to interpret this as sufficient in a state of not being particularly questionable when exposed to the eyes of others'."


Wife: "??"


Me: "This is the judiciary's 'duty of effort' on us.


Wife: "Duty of effort?"


Me: "In other words, 'We should not judge Male-female decisions on the appearance of genitalia. Let's all change our mindsets so that we judge them based on their overall appearance, including the fact that they have a feminine body due to hormone treatment'."



In other words, the Court is "advising us the people" to "shift the paradigm beyond our common method of gender determination, the 'visual identification of genitalia.'"


I talked to my wife about this afterward, and we agreed that the most significant perspective from now on will be 'that way of operating.'


The Hiroshima High Court's "recommendation to us, the people" is reasonable. It is a trend, and I think it is in the right direction.


On the other hand, however, we also believe that baths and swimming pool operators are now in deep trouble.


Of course, this is also a challenge to us, the people.


It will take time (10 years?), but we need to work hard for a paradigm shift.




I am an 'engineer unloved by money,' so my current concern is a life that can guarantee QoL up to death.


Well, I think it's a poor ambition of mine.


But even if I could get 100 or 200 million yen, I don't have anything else I want to do.


Of course, a stable retirement is attractive, but I am still convinced that I will never be able to enjoy a 'comfortable retirement.'


That much is evident from the first page of this column.


I can only imagine that some software company will probably employ me after I retire, or if I can no longer do that, I can only imagine an old age of just writing columns and essays.


At the moment, I don't really feel "death," and I can't really be scared of it, but I'm more scared to death of the day when I won't be able to type on a keyboard anymore, which is sure to come.


Aside from that.



However, if this "100 or 200 million yen" becomes "10 or 20 billion yen", it is a different story.


With this amount of money, my ambition will start.

(1) 映画「さよならジュピター」のリメイク

(1) Remake of the film Byebye Jupiter.

(2) 自宅の空き部屋への「量子コンピュータ」の設置

(2) Installation of a 'quantum computer' in a spare room in my home


These are the two options.


Concerning (1) above, I can see the money talking all over the production site and the film failing at the box office.


But that's OK.


I will spend 10 billion to make the Byebye Jupiter I want to see.


てなことを考えていたら ―― 庶民が、庶民の持ちうる金額で実現できる野望としては、『都議会選挙に立候補して、供託金300万円を没収される』というのは、費用対効果の観点からは悪くないのだろう、と思います。

I was thinking - as an ambition that ordinary people can realize with the amount of money they have, 'run for election to the Metropolitan Assembly and have the deposit of 3 million yen confiscated' is probably not a bad idea from a cost-effective point of view.


When I asked ChatGPT, 'In the Tokyo gubernatorial election, please make a Fermi estimate of how much the public expenditure (excluding private expenditure) on the election would increase if there were one more candidate,' they roughly estimated it to be 7 million yen.


It was cheaper than I thought, but 7 million yen—3 million yen = 4 million yen worth of our blood tax. So, if 40 of them used this election only for self-promotional purposes, the total amount of money they took from us, the citizens of Tokyo, is 160 million yen.


We can see that this amount is the sunk cost of a democratic electoral system.


Alternatively, we can try the lawsuit (unjust enrichment (Article 703 of the Civil Code)) against those who ran for office for self-promotion to return the 4 million yen to the metropolitan government.

ただ、それをやると、立候補者に対する圧力になり、立候補を萎縮する人が出てきたら、エラいことです。ですから、実際には、こんな訴訟を起こすことはできません ―― それゆえ、選挙制度を悪用した今回の事件に、私は腹を立てているのです。

But if we do that, if you put pressure on candidates and if people are discouraged from running for office, that's a terrible thing. So, in practice, we can't bring a case like this - that's why I'm so angry at this abuse of the electoral system.



If anyone wants to donate 10 billion yen to me, please get in touch with me.


I will run out, just for me.



I have told you for some time that to understand the Islamic worldview, it would be better to read Marginal Operations by Yuri Shibaura than to read the Koran(the Islamic holy book).

―― 仮にタリバンを武力で殲滅することができても、"勉強が嫌いな少女"を虐殺することは、絶対に不可能

で、今、自宅のトイレの中で(我が家では、私がトイレの中に棚を作って、読書室としています)、マージナル・オペレーション F2をつまみ読みしていました。

So, I'm in the bathroom at home (I made a shelf in the bathroom as a reading room), and I've just been picking up "Marginal Operations F2."

この本の中で主人公が語る、アメリカ合衆国の民主主義の態様が、非常に的を得ていて、ゾクっとしてしまいました ―― 例の人物が大統領として再選される可能性も出てきましたし。

The protagonist's description of the attitude of democracy in the United States of America was so spot-on that it made me cringe—and the possibility of that person being re-elected as president made me cringe even more.


In the book, the main character's female friend has the line 'You should throw your current job away and become my pimp as soon as possible'.

―― これって本当かな?

"Is this true?"


I suspect that this is the case.


She is not lying when she makes these statements, as she does not see her protagonist suffering under work pressure. I do not doubt it.


At the moment, the protagonist is a lone commander who continues to fight against the great powers. The hero's charm is at its best when he continues fighting.


Can she continue to love him as she did before when he became a 'pimp,' hanging around and doing nothing?


Changes in one state of affairs also change the environment around it.


しかし、そうであったとしても ――

But even if that were the case--


If a person has a mental disorder, we should stop the condition as soon as possible.


Of course, collateral damage will inevitably be caused by this.


But in the time it takes to worry about such things, mental illness can worsen and lead to suicide.


Even if it does not lead to such a worst-case scenario, it should be stopped if possible.



'I think a lover who says to me, "You should throw away your current job and become my pimp as soon as possible," is probably more valuable than any philosophy or religion.


Well, let's leave it to you to decide what happens when they become a pimp, for now.






The Tokyo gubernatorial election is over.


I guessed the top three in the correct order this time.


However, this election was not too difficult.


If we made the bet, the rate would probably be between 1.1 and 1.2.


Incidentally, there are countries where it is legal to place bets on the outcome of elections. Typical countries are the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, where bookmakers offer bets on various events, including election results.


However, the laws and regulations of each country must be complied with in operation.



Why not do the opposite, I think?

下位3位を予想する ―― これは、かなり難しいと思う。

Predicting the bottom three -- this would be not easy.


'It is tough to predict how much a candidate's claims will not strike a chord with people.


Even if they try to enhance their worst status by continuing to say or do something offensive, it is easy to sabotage their attempts.

なにしろ、今回のワースト投票数は、211票, 297票,302票です。これは組織票で簡単にひっくり返せる数です。

At any rate, the worst vote count this time is 211, 297, and 302. The result will be a number that organizational votes could easily overturn.


What's better than that, you have to understand the candidates' claims fully and calculate the 'emptiness of their claims,' 'lack of humanity', and 'absence of leadership' in your mind.


This method would also increase interest in elections, complexity over lotteries, and the winning payout considerably.


If we win the fifth worst donor and the dividend is around a billion yen, people will be desperate to watch the election.


If you want to make it even more complicated, you could do it by predicting 10th to 12th place, but this is probably too difficult, and the bet would not be viable.



It is not clear whether there is a link between this legal gambling and voter turnout, but it is at least enough to suggest that election bulletins may become as interesting as live horse racing.
